
Marketing Secrets

Welcome To Russell Brunson’s Marketing Secrets Podcast. So, the big question is this, “How are entrepreneurs like us, who didn’t cheat and take on venture capital, who are spending money from our own wallets, how do we market in a way that lets us get our products and services and things that we believe in out to the world… and yet still remain profitable?” That is the question, and this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Russell Brunson, and welcome to
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Now displaying: December, 2015
Dec 28, 2015

Here are a few of the things I’m doing over the next few weeks to prepare me for the new year.

On today’s episode Russell talks about some basic rules of thumb to use to feel much better and more energized. He also lays out his new years strategy and what he’ll be focusing on each day.

Here are some awesome things in this episode:

  • Russell gives some interesting menu ideas to help you feel better and dominate the world.
  • He goes over his strategy for the new year to be able to focus on different aspects of his business.
  • And he also gives you some new ideas about different networks you can use to advertise other than Facebook.

So listen below to hear Russell’s strategy to be able to hit the new year running!


Hey everyone, good morning. This is Russell and welcome to Marketing In Your Car. All right, all right, all right. As you can probably tell, I sound a little better today than I did yesterday. I wanted to send you guys that message from my death bed, so you could ... Two reasons: One, I wanted to document it for myself, how crappy I felt. And number two, I wanted to make a point that most people are living like zombies and they don't even know it. If you just change a couple little things, you feel so much better. Especially, when you're trying to dominate and take over the world. You've got to feel good if you're going to take over the world. If not, you're kind of in trouble. The whole way around it's not good.

I wanted to give you guys some practical advice today, because some of you guys aren't going to want to change your diet and do a bunch of crazy things. Some of you guys don't want to lose weight, you just want to feel amazing all day.

Here is the basic rule of thumb, if you just want to feel amazing so you can dominate everybody. Step one, first thing in the morning, do not eat any carbs or any protein. Your day needs to begin on fats. That's it. Just fats. What that means is, if you are a coffee drinker I'd recommend googling, Bullet Proof Coffee, and learn how to make that. If you're not a coffee drinker like me, you can make a variation of that. Basically, it's high fats. What you're looking for are: butter, MCT oil, and if you are going to eat a whole food its going to be avocado. That's your morning domination.

I did a Periscope the other day called the avocado bomb, which if you missed it, go search avocado bomb on the blog or if you go to, you can see it there as well. Basically, it's an avocado, you chop it in half, you pull out the seed, you throw some salt on it, where the pit came out you fill those full of MCT oil, and you eat that. That's like an amazing breakfast. All you eat for breakfast are fats. That's rule number one.

Rule number two, is the first time you introduce proteins into your diet is around lunchtime. Lunchtime you can have tons of vegetables, lots of oil again, fats are good, and then if you want to introduce some meat; that is where you introduce it is at lunch. Still, there are no carbs. The second you have carbs, you're done. Your day's just screwed at that point. You should just go to bed, because it's pretty much over. We start introducing proteins at lunch if you want to.

Dinner time is where you have it more complete; where you have your fats, your proteins, and then you can introduce a carb at dinner. At that point, you are just going to go to bed anyways, so it doesn't matter if you feel like crap. The carbs we're introducing, though, are not going to be donuts and stuff like that. Usually, what I'm going to have is sweet potatoes or yams. If you go to Whole Foods or probably most stores, they have bagged, pre-chopped up sweet potatoes that are awesome. They taste like candy. Just taking those, basically, you're eating your chicken, your broccoli, asparagus, whatever, and then some of those. That's your dinner.

If you guys just did that alone, most of you would probably start losing weight; but you would definitely start dominating more, because you wouldn't feel tired. First time you feel tired is after dinner; but because it's yams and not donuts, it wouldn't be a bad tired. It would be like, "I feel good. This gave me the glycogen boost." I don't know. The health guys are probably making fun of me, because I don't really know what I'm talking about. I just know how I feel when I do it this way. That's it. High fat. Leading with high fat in the morning. Introducing proteins at lunch. If you want carbs, then have them at dinner. If you just follow that alone, you'll feel amazing. I feel great today.

The next day, all I did this morning was I drank some butter, and I feel great. I, almost, hate having lunch, because that's when I start introducing some of the other stuff. I just like having just this. There's my hint for those who are wondering how to quickly get out of a slump, and it's amazing. Yesterday, I was feeling like crap, so about lunchtime I had my high fat thing, and it just flipped it all around. I felt better almost instantly afterwards. It's amazing how much your body is craving, your brain needs the high fats. Avocados, MCT oil, and butter; that is the staple of your diet, if you want to feel amazing.

With that said, I'm headed to the office today. It's a couple days before New Year's, and my job is to get a bunch of stuff done so that when we hit January 1st, I can run really, really, really fast. A couple things, if you've been listening to the podcast, especially, over the last week or so; I did one sharing with you guys the business model for the year. That's our business model. We've got two core businesses. One is DotComSecrets, which is the training side of our business. Then, ClickFunnels, which is the ClickFunnels side of the business.

In both of those businesses, we have a webinar that will be happening once a week. The other cool thing I was listening to Justin and Tara over at, their podcast is the only podcast I really listen to right now. I really enjoy it, so you guys should go check theirs out if you're not listening to it yet. They were talking about compartmentalizing, and how they structure their day. For them, Thursday is content day, and things like that. I really like that a lot. In fact, I'm going to go, and today one of my goals is to figure out my week. Where I know every Thursday is sales day. All I’m doing Thursday, I'm waking up, I have nothing else on the docket, except for selling. I'm going to be doing a webinar for DotComSecrets, and the webinar for ClickFunnels and that's it. When those are done, I go home and I don't do anything else.

Thursday is sales day. That's all I'm allowed to do, and I'm going to figure out what the other days like, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday are maybe Funnel days. I hope, those are my favorite days. Friday might be content day, where I'm building out the content for the next thing. That's where I'm leaning towards. I'm going to be planning out my weekly schedule, and really start to focus on that this year, as well. I think, before, I'm kind of all over the place; where I'm doing this and I'm doing that and I'm everywhere. As opposed to, Friday is content day, therefore, what I have to do today is I've got to write three blog posts, ten emails on both companies, all the emails, record these two modules for this training, and blah, blah, blah. Whatever those things are, but it's just content day and that whole day is only allowed to build content. I'm not allowed to build on Funnels. I'm not allowed to do anything else. Then, maybe Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday are Funnel days. Really, Monday would be advertising day. Tuesday, Wednesday are Funnel days. Thursday's sales day. Friday content days. I don't know. Something like that.

See how powerful that is, if you know that going into it. Most of us, our brains go to what we enjoy the most. To me, my favorite thing is building stuff. The problem of building stuff is, in and of itself, it doesn't make you any money. Things that make you money are marketing and sales. The funnel is the thing in the middle that converts that, but I've got to be selling and I've got to be marketing. Monday might be my marketing day, where I'm sitting down with John for an hour, who does all of our ad stuff; Brent, who does our inbound stuff; Dave, who's doing our partnership stuff; and having one hour each with those guys. Just planning, brainstorming, figuring out, moving the needle forward, so that day's all focused on how to get new blood in. Tuesday, Wednesday focused on building cool stuff. Thursday sales. Friday content. I'm kind of liking that. Anyways, I'll figure it out for sure.

I recommend for you guys is figure out some kind of schedule as well. If you don't block out time for the necessities with stuff you have to do to make money; I promise you that all the stuff you want to do will creep in and drown the things that you really need to do. I know this from experience. When we were doing webinars consistently, we made way more money, and then I'm like, "Oh. Let's do automated webinars." Then, I started ... When the focus is off of sales, everything drops, so trying to make it where we really have hard focuses like that. That's my game plan, and I recommend you guys doing something similar, so when we hit January 1st, which is not far off, we can all run really, really, really quick. That is kind of what's happening over here. I hope that gives you some ideas.

What else is awesome? I don't want to leave you guys while I've got you here. So many fun things that we're think about, doing, and talking about. A couple other things that we're going to be doing this year that hopefully give you guys some ideas, as well. Everyone, I think, has become so reliant on Facebook ads. It's become the crutch for almost everyone. It scares me for my own business, for your guy's, and everybody's. This year, I recommend trying to find out new sources for you.

A couple of things we're doing; some of you know Success Magazine, we're going to be buying some ads in Success Magazine. Plus, their online stuff, we're going to be testing out a whole bunch of things there. Our dream clients are reading and subscribed there. That's one big thing we're going to be focusing on. Also, I'm excited for this. I'm not sure if you guys have ever been to, but really cool advertising platform that we haven't tested yet. I'm going to spend some time in January trying to learn that network. They've got really good customization, where we can target business owners, entrepreneurs, and things like that. You'll see if you go to; you see what it is and how it is. I haven't used it yet, so I'm not sure. I'm going to be focusing a lot more on that and those types of things, just to diversify.

We're also going to be focusing, and I'll be sharing this with the inner circle in a couple weeks when they're all up here; but focusing hard on building up conservative, Republican lists. I think over the next twelve months is going to be a chance, for those who take advantage of it, to build up million plus person email list and Facebook followings in the political arena. Just so you guys know on our side, we buy a lot of ads on political lists. If I can be the one who controls that political lists, that's even better. Right? That's one of the big focuses that we've got for this year, as well. Just some hints for some cool things that we're doing on our side. That's about it. All right guys. I've laid down some hints. Given you guys some ideas. Hopefully, gives you some fuel for today to think through some things.

Hopefully, change your diet a little bit, so you have a little more energy. A little more focus, so you can take over the world. With that said, I am pretty much at the office, you guys. I'm going to bounce. Have an amazing day. We will talk to you guys all again very, very soon. Bye.

Dec 28, 2015

Is what you eat directly affecting your daily performance?

On this special day-after-Christmas episode Russell talks about using the holiday to eat whatever he wanted all day maybe wasn’t a good idea. He also talks about why the Flu shot is a scam.

Here are 3 interesting things on today’s episode:

  • Why Russell regrets what he ate on Christmas.
  • Why Russell thinks the Flu shot is a scam and why he believes the Flu is actually caused by the garbage we put into our bodies.
  • Why changing your diet will help you take over the world.

So listen below to hear what Russell ate yesterday and why he feels like crap today.


Hey everyone, this is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing In Your Bed. That's right, I am still laying in bed right now. Hey everyone, so this is a special episode. It is the day after Christmas and I am laying in my bed, like I said. I am not going to be driving to the office today. I'm hanging out with the kids, having fun and yesterday was Christmas and it was awesome. The day before Christmas, I think I did a podcast, it was snowing and so we went and built huge snow forts, which was awesome.

Then Christmas eve, we were up super late. My family tradition, my wife and I's tradition, well it's more mine, I don't think she really likes it, my favorite Christmas show is Family Man with Nicholas Cage. We stayed up all night watching Family Man and wrapping presents, which was awesome. Went to bed at about 2:00 and then the kids have a rule that they're not allowed into our room until 7, so I think they were up at about 3:00 in the morning and they're sitting there in their rooms waiting until 7. At 7:00, they run down and wake us all up for Christmas. I only had four or five hours of sleep, so we were pretty beat.

We did Christmas and then, I thought, you know what, it's Christmas, I'm going to eat and do whatever I want. I had like 20 bowls of cereal. I had Fruity Pebbles cereal. I had Reese's Puffs cereal. I had Marshmallow Mateys cereal. I had every cereal we had, I had a bowl of that. I bought my own pint of egg nog. I drank that. Oh, so good. By the way, egg nog, I found out, for a half a cup has like 23 grams of sugar. Maybe it was 33. It was something crazy like that.

Yeah, yesterday, I was like, "You know what, screw it, I'm eating whatever I want." I ate whatever I want. What was interesting is throughout the day, I could not keep my eyes open, I couldn't keep my body awake. Collette and I both kept passing out. She would pass out on the couch after the whole opening presents and they're playing and she's passed out and I wanted to too. I was like, "Okay, I've got to stay awake," because of Norah. She could choke on half the new stuff we got. I'm watching Norah. Collette slept for two hours and then Norah fell asleep, so I laid down and boom I was gone.

Then the whole day, we were half awake, half asleep the whole day. I felt like a mummy. I felt like I was like this ... I don't know, I couldn't keep my eyes open. Then, this morning I woke up and I feel like I got hit by a train. I feel horrible and I realized, my voice sounds kind of funny right now, it had to do with the fuel I was putting in my body. I was putting in horrible food because I could barely keep my eyes open throughout the day. It is amazing, because I eat pretty clean typically. If you follow me at all, you know I eat a really high-fat diet, low carbs, things like that, and I usually feel amazing. I usually have a ton of energy and I usually just feel really, really good.

Even the fact my testosterone levels are super low and my testosterone doctor was like, "How are you standing right now?" I'm like, "What do you mean?" He's like, "This is really low, you should not feel good." I'm like, "I feel great." He was like, "That doesn't make any sense."

Because of my diet, I feel really, really good all time. Yesterday, after eating probably what most people eat normally, I felt like garbage. I couldn't even keep my eyes open. I literally, the whole day, felt like I was in this foggy haze where I couldn't even keep my eyes open. It was horrible. Today I'm going to start eating normal again. I'm really excited just to feel the difference again.

It's interesting, the fuel you put in your body, how big of an effect it has, I was thinking, I don't think most people in the world, and maybe you at this point, and this is why I'm sharing this, if you're eating cereal for breakfast and stuff, it's destroying your performance. I can tell you now, after seeing the way that most Americans eat, it's bad. I couldn't keep my eyes open. How do you function? How do you expect to come in and dominate whatever you do if you feel like that? It has 100% to do with the fuel you're eating.

You know, it's interesting, I was just like that my whole life. I never knew it, because I know it had a bad effect on me because you're always in that state, you assume that's what you're supposed to feel like, right? I was always in that state and then first when I started thinking about it differently is when I went to a Tony Robbins event and I still remember one of the interesting things he talked about was, he talked about the flu, and showed the science behind a flu shot and how basically the whole thing is pretty much a big scam.

All it is is a way for these guys to make billions and billions and billions of dollars but how there's no actual proof that any of it really works. Then they started showing the proof of what is shown that the truth is, is Halloween comes around, we eat a whole crap ton of candy and then Thanksgiving comes, we eat a whole bunch of horrible food and then Christmas comes, then New Year comes, and it's like a month and a half, two months of just horrible eating. By about January, so our body is so broken down that we start getting the flu. It shows its direct correlation to the holiday eating patterns and flu viruses and how that's how that goes, interesting.

That year, I remember we went down to my parents' house for Thanksgiving dinner, or for maybe it was Christmas, I can't remember. Yes, it was Thanksgiving. On the drive down, we all got sick. My wife got sick. My daughter got sick. They nicknamed that Thanksgiving "Tsunami Collette" because my wife started it, she got sick first, and by the time we were done, everyone in the whole entire house, all my cousins and everyone had gotten sick.

I was thinking about it. That was the first time I started thinking, "Man, it's because of all this crap we're eating," and that's what Tony said. Now I try to, especially during the holidays, I'm very conscious of what I eat. Last week, we did a juice fast the whole week before Christmas. I'm like, "I want to protect myself from feeling the way I feel right this second." Yesterday, I thought, you know what, who cares, I'm just going to go and live it up for a day. It's just crazy interesting, and I believe in what Tony said, you know, that year we all got the flu and that year, it was weird because that year we actually had flu shots.

Then every year since then, we have never had flu shots, so I think we're pretty anti-flu shots now and we've never been sick during a holiday since. It's really, really weird the correlation of what we're eating and how we're feeling and how we're getting sick and the flus and all these things, has 100% to do with the fuel we're putting our bodies. Just wanted to record this for myself and for everyone else, to document why as I'm laying here in bed, how I'm feeling. I feel ... My nose is stuffed, my brain's all foggy. I feel like, ugh, I don't even want to move. It all is from yesterday's carb binge. It was horrible. It was amazing, it tasted good. I'm not going to lie. Yeah, it was really, really bad.

If you're not feeling like you're in a spot every morning when you wake up where you just want to dominate the world and take over everything, and you feel like just ugh all the time, or if you don't feel great all the time, you just feel normal, normal is not a good thing. I think what I felt yesterday is what normal people feel like every day. It scares me. I feel so bad for everybody now. If you want to feel amazing, it's time to shift your diet and think differently about how you're eating. Yeah, that's my message for today.

I am going to eat really, really good today and see how quick it can counteract. Our bodies are amazing how fast they can respond to things. I'm going to go eat some good stuff, flip it around and see if a day of amazing eating will counteract a day of crap eating.

All right guys, so that's it. Getting out of bed now. Going to go conquer the day. I will talk to you guys all again soon. Bye everybody.

Dec 28, 2015

Something cool I discovered while buying Marshmallow Mateys for my kids…

On this episode Russell talks about a new idea he had about opt-in’s and why it’s super easy. He then walks you through the steps you need to take to do it too.

Here are 3 cool things you’ll hear in today’s episode:

  • Why Russell only buys sugary cereal for Christmas.
  • Why not every business is cookie cutter and you should use different tools to build your list.
  • And see how you can start your own Almond milk making business

So listen below as Russell walks you through his list building strategy.


Hey everyone, this is Russell Brunson. I'm out in the snow the day before Christmas, and we're about to lay down some Marketing In Your Car.

All right everyone, we've been hoping, we've been praying, we've been wishing, we've been dreaming of a white Christmas and sure enough, Christmas is tomorrow and today we woke up and it is snowing. We are having an official white Christmas. We didn't think we were going to get it, but we got it. I'm excited.

I'm actually driving to the store because one of our family traditions for Christmas is, Santa brings every single kid their own box of sugar cereal. We usually eat super healthy all year round, but on Christmas day, we don't. That's a tradition we've had since I was a little kid. We use to do it when we were little kids, we would each get our own boxes. Santa would ask what we wanted for Christmas, it wasn't never I want a pony or a bike. It was I want Marshmallow Mateys, or I want Lucky Charms. Eventually it morphed into everyone ...

At first, the first few years it was all over the place cereals. Some people getting Cocoa Krispies, some getting Fruity Pebbles. It was all over the place. Eventually we all found out that the best is Lucky Charms. That became the staple. Then we found out that if you go to the generic brand, the Malt-O-Meal or whatever, you can get the big old bags of Marshmallow Mateys which are basically like Lucky Charms only it's in a huge bag at half the price. You're getting twice the cereal and Santa Claus is basically hooking you up for a lot longer. We’d each, by then… the last 10 years of my childhood, we'd each get our own bag of Marshmallow Mateys. The huge old bags, right?

What we would do Christmas morning is, we would get a big old salad bowl out, fill the whole salad bowl full of Marshmallow Mateys. Then we eat out all the oats and not eat the marshmallows. If you ate a marshmallow you lost. We would eat the whole oats, and it's like an hour long process. By the time it was done, you got a big ole salad bowl full of milk and marshmallows, and it's pretty dang amazing. Then we eat those down, and that's Christmas.

Christmas isn't Christmas without cereal. I'm going to get cereal right now for myself and my kids, and yes, Santa Claus is bringing me my very own bag of Marshmallow Mateys and I'm not going to share with the kids. It's going to be awesome.

Anyway, I wanted to share with you, because I was thinking as I was driving here, I don't know if it's the same for you guys, but my brain feels like it's this track where it's always moving forward and looping things and ideas are coming in and out and every once and a while one's exciting. I had one while I was driving. I wasn't planning on doing a podcast, all of a sudden, this was like, "Oh crap, this is a good idea!" I'm going to share with you guys, and I'm going to be doing it.

It's been interesting, a lot of people that I work with are trying to create lead magnets and all this crap. I feel bad because if you remember a year ago or a few years ago, Ryan Dice and Perry Belcher came out with this whole "This is what a funnel is. You have to have a lead magnet, then a tripwire, then a core offer, then return maximizer," and all this stuff, right? Which is kind of true but kind of annoying because now everyone that I talk to is like, "Oh, this is my lead magnet. This is my core return maximizer offer," and all these things, and it kind of drives me crazy because I don't know. I hate when people act like business is 100% cookie cutter because it's not. Everything's a little different.

People are like, "Russell, how come you don't have your ... Why aren’t you driving traffic to a lead magnet? Why are you driving directly to your free book offer?" I'm like, "Because my free book offer gets three times conversion opt-ins as do any kind of lead magnet." Someone else, one of our coaching clients last week, they had this really cool funnel that some people built for them and their lead magnet was boring. It was costing them $18 to get an opt-in. Then, their tripwire was not that cool. Their core offer ... This is all based on their philosophy ... was awesome. I was like, "Dude, get rid of all the other crap and sell the core offer. That's what people want. Why would you hide your sexiest thing, the thing that's going to get people to actually respond to your ads? Make that the offer." He's like, "But I thought I had to have a lead magnet and a tripwire," and all this crap.

Anyway, so there's my little rant for the day. You don't. You've got to find the coolest thing that's going to get people to respond and that's what you lead with. Always. Sorry, that rant wasn't supposed to come up either, but there it is.

Anyway, with that said, for me, I lead with my sexiest thing, so free book offers, webinars, things like that. After awhile, if you've been promoting something for a long, long, long, long time, it starts getting what we call ad fatigue, where the more and more people have seen it, it gets more expensive, so you have to change the ad, change the landing page, all sorts of the things, or what I like to do now is start putting in bridge pages, which are basically a squeeze page. A page to get somebody interested and get their email address and then we can follow-up with them and sell them the main things we want to sell again.

The problem is it's kind of a pain to go and create all these op- in pages and lead magnets and all that jazz, right? I was thinking. This is what spurred this whole podcast. I was driving here and I was thinking about a blog post that Steven did. Steven is our blogger over at ClickFunnels. He was on an episode of Marketing  In Your Car. He's from Australia, he's awesome. He wrote this one, it was 14 Tools for Funnel Hacking. Something awesome like that. It was a blog post. I was like, "Crap, dude, that should be an opt-in page." "Hey, who wants the 14 best tools for funnel hacking? Opt-in here." They give me their name and email address. I redirect them to the blog. Now I've got them on my email list. I can sell them Click Funnels, I can sell them whatever else I want, right?

I was thinking how easy is that? I don't even have to create this content. I can go to Youtube, find the videos in my market that get the most views and that video can be the opt-in. I'm like, "Hey, free video at Robert Kiyosaki, telling you why" blah blah blah blah blah, whatever. People opt-in. I send them the Youtube video of Robert Kiyosaki talking about whatever, and then boom, now I've got them on a list and I can start selling them my stuff.

Isn't that easy? One of my big a-ha's I learned from Neil Patel when he came out here to Boise is that ... I used to think he was writing blog posts based on keywords or whatever, and he's like, "No, I go to, I search my keyword, I find out what articles are already being shared and I write another article almost identical to those." I was like, "Oh, that makes a lot of sense."

Just go to, find the articles in your market that have been shared 100,000 times and have 18,000,000 reads, and that might be something that people in your market are interested in, so why not just make this landing page offering them that blog post for your email address. Use the same title that they're already using because it's proven to work, and boom, now you've got these new lead magnets. I hope you guys got that because it's pretty powerful. I'm going to be busting out a crap-ton of landing pages here that aren't going to take hardly any time at all, and all they'll do is opt you in, redirect you to that landing page and then you'll be added to my list and I'm going to sell you cool stuff that you need and want.

This works in other markets, too. Let's just say you're a brand new beginner. You've got nothing, right? Let's say you're like, "Hey, I want to be in the ..." What's a cool market? You want to be in the almond milk making business and I say that because this morning I made almond milk, which is awesome. I've never made almond milk before but I did it and it was one of the coolest things ever.

I don't think there's really a market for that, but let's just pretend like there was because there should be because it's amazing. It tasted way better than regular almond milk and it's not going to kill you because there's some ingredient in regular almond milk you buy at the store that will kill you all. Just FYI, learn how to make your own. It's really fun. You have to buy a $6 sprouted seed bag or nut bag or something. That sounds horrible. Anyway, that's the only thing you need is that and almonds. Anyway, it's pretty awesome. For a $6 investment, you can make your own almond milk.

All right. Back on track, Russell. Sorry, my ADD brain is flying. The snow is not helping. The thought of Marshmallow Mateys is keeping it going. All right, so sorry you guys. I'm sorry I'm putting you through this.

Back to focus. We decide we want to go into the almond milking market. We want to sell the crap out of people who want to learn how to milk almonds. First thing we want to do is go to and we search almond milk and we find out that there's this blog post that they say has been shared 150,000 times about how to make your own almond milk. People are going nuts about almond milk. I go to and I find four more products about how to make almond milk, almond cake, almond flour, almond blah blah blah and I'm excited. Then, I go to Click Funnels, I set up a really quick landing page that's called Almond Milking Secrets and then I'll have a little thing underneath it from Meet the Parents. It'll have that little clip where what's-his-name is like, "I can milk anything with nipples," and then the other dude's like, "Well, can you milk me, Focker?" I'll have that clip underneath the thing so it'll be funny and will make it go more viral. I'll have an opt-in.

Then, boom, I'll go to Facebook. I'll target almond milking people, and they see this landing page saying, "Hey, here's my almond milking secret." There's this funny video from Meet the Parents. They opt in, boom, I redirect them to the exact blog post article that already has a billion views because you know that's what people want. I've got a follow-up sequence now where I start selling them almond milking products, almond making flour, almond making whatever else.

Now I'm in the almond business overnight. Now people are buying. Now I can ask them what they want and I can make my own product. Boom, now I've got a huge business.

You see how that works? That's for the almond market. Imagine if we did that in a market that was actually making some money. It’d be pretty cool, right? Anyway, I hope that helps because this is a strategy you should use no matter what. If you don't have a business yet, this is how you could start a business very, very quickly. If you do have a business, go out there and find all the viral, crazy articles in your market. Blog posts, Youtube videos and things like that, and just ask for name and email address. Share those with people and boom, you're in.

There you go, guys. That's what I've got for today. Hope that helped. I'm jumping in to go and get my cereal and I will talk to you guys all again maybe tomorrow. Who knows? If not, we'll talk to you guys soon. Thanks everybody. Bye!

Dec 23, 2015

WARNING: Ignore this advice at your own peril!

On today’s episode Russell talks about THE one key to keeping money flowing in your business. He also tells you exactly how to do it and how to make it grow.

Here are some cool things to listen for in this episode:

  • Russell walks you through the steps on how to start a weekly webinar to get money flowing.
  • He then walks you through how to keep that money flowing and grow your list.
  • And why Russell will do a LIVE webinar every Thursday from now until the end of time.

So listen below to hear how to keep money flowing in your business.


Hey everyone, this is Russell. Tonight it is cold outside, but we're still about to do a Marketing In Your Car.  Hey everyone, I hope things are going amazing for you. Heading home from the office today, and just keep getting more and more excited about how simple and stupid my plan is for next year. The angle's always world domination, and the strategy's changed so many times, but look at the people in our coaching group that have made the most amount of money, the things that have made me the most amount of money. It's all had to do with one core focus. It comes down to this. If you’re taking notes, write it down right now. If you're in a car, pull over so you can focus a 100% because this is the key. Okay, and I talked about his on my periscope, the one that I told you guys about yesterday that we did 150k sales on it. The key is having a live event every Thursday, and the one singular goal of your entire company is to get at least a thousand people a week onto that webinar.

That's it. It's kind of like the whole 'apple a day keeps the doctor away'. A thousands registrants a week for your webinar keeps money flowing. We were doing the math on that. Let's just say, and I don’t have the numbers in front of me cause I'm driving, as you guys know, but say you have a thousand people a week to register. This is all sources, so Facebook, solo ads, email ads, Twitter, social media. Everything you're doing is all pushing towards this one event that's happening ever single week. You're just focusing on that. Okay, and so you're doing that. You have a thousand people to register. From that, you get thirty percent show up rate, right? That drops to three hundred who show up, and then your call to action ... Let's say you follow the perfect webinar script, if you don't follow it, you get like 1% closure. You follow the perfect webinar script, you're at 10% close rate. That means of the 330 people give you a thousand dollars from that webinar, so you just made 30,000 dollars.

The math on that, let's say you should be averaging between 3 and 5 dollars per webinar registrant. Let's just say we spent 5 dollars per registrant, and we've got thousands. You pay 5 grand, and you make 30, okay. Now, what is that? If I was talking to my kids right now I'd say, "Son, you call that arbitrage, okay." I put in 5,000 dollars on Monday through Thursday. Thursday night, I get 30,000 dollars back, boom. I didn't just get that because a couple other things are going to happen.

Second off, from Thursday night to Friday, Saturday, Sunday, we're going to be focusing on our replay sequence, okay. Now, there are a lot of different things you can do in a replay sequence. You can just send out the replay. You can send out urgency and scarcity we talked about a couple days ago. You can do a whole bunch of cool things, but if you do it right, you should be able to double your sales from the replay sequence, okay. Because think about it, you had 1,000 register, only 300 showed up. Only 10 percent of those people bought. You only had thirty people out of a thousand. That means you have a whole crap ton of other people haven't bought yet, and so you're job is to follow up with those people and get them to buy. Give them some urgency, some scarcity, do some cool things, maybe do a periscope, rant close Saturday night trying to get them to buy, whatever it is. You're pushing these people to take action and to give you money and to close.

If you do it right, you should double your sales. That means that 30,000 now turned into 60,000. You have 5,000 dollars in, 60,000 dollars back out. You have more than 10X your money that week, which is pretty good, right? You're like sweet this is a good business. I put 5 grand in on Monday, I get 60,000 back out by Sunday at midnight. You do that every single week.

Let's say that was all you did. I don't have a calculator here, and I'm not smart enough to do the math while I'm driving, but if you do that, 60 grand times 52 weeks, what's that end up being? Whatever, 3 million bucks or something, right? Your cost, 5 grand times 52 weeks, you're at 250 grand. You put in a quarter of a million bucks, you made 3 million, or whatever that is. That's a great business. That's more than most people will do ever. That's really, really exciting right there.

That's the first step in this. The second thing to think about is every single week, you're adding a thousand people to your list. Okay, so by the end of the year, you have 52,000 people on your email list. These aren't normal people. People who have gone through your webinar registration funnel, seen your indoctrination series, they've been on your webinar, they've been indoctrinated, they've learned from you, they've seen you pitch. Those people will love and respect you a lot more because of that process that you went through with them. Now you've got a better quality person.

If you screw this up, if you don't treat your list very well, you should be averaging at least a dollar per name, per month on your email list which means by the end of a year, you should be averaging an additional 52,000 in sales just from other exterior, I know there's a different word for that, but other things you sell that list. If you do it correctly, and you follow the whole DotComSecrets modeling, you do a value ladder, and you have upsales, and you have high ticket things, and you have other webinars and things like that, you should make a lot more than that. You should make five, or six million bucks off of that list to be a hundred percent honest.

All that came from one solitary focus. One thing, the apple a day, it came from every Thursday we do a webinar, Monday through Thursday we fill that webinar, Friday through Sunday we close deals. And that is the fuel. That's the business. I just today, right before I left the office, I went on Thursdays, for me I do mine at noon, from noon until 2 o'clock, I put on recurring, and said every Thursday from now until the end of time I'm doing a webinar. Some people say, "Well do I do a new webinar every single week?" No, it's the exact same webinar. “Well Russell, shouldn't I do it automated?” No, you shouldn't, maybe someday, but right now you're going to do it live.

I've done my Funnel Hacks webinar at least thirty, maybe forty times live, and I'm going to do it live every Thursday next year that I am in the office. I will automate it the days I'm not there, but I'm going to do it live.

A couple reasons why. Why would you do it live? It's the same pitch Russell, it's probably word for word, and it is at this point. This is the reason why: On Thursdays when I’m doing a live webinar, guess what happens? Everyone is focused on this live webinar. Support staff’s ready, we've got people answering chat, tech guys are watching everything making sure that everything's working. We've got everyone’s focus and attention on this one event that's happening. Guess what happens when you focus on something? It's really weird. Whatever you focus on will grow. If you focus on how many leads a day you get, that will grow. If you focus how many webinar registrations you get each week, that'll grow. If you focus how much money you want, it'll grow. If you focus how much weight you want to lose, it'll grow, or you'll lose. Whatever it is on that side.

There's this weird thing that whatever we focus on grows, so hey, let's focus on that, and it'll grow, and get better. We focus, everyone focuses. Thursday, this is sales day. This is the day we all focus on selling, okay. Monday through Thursday is marketing, Thursday is sales, and the rest of it is follow up. If you do that, you guys, that's the prescription for an amazing business next year.

I was talking to Liz Benny, and I told her, I said, “Liz, I've seen you when you were running the webinar model consistently, you have the right numbers. Everything was working”. I told her, I was like, “I think that you can do 5 or 6 or 7 million dollars”, I have a hundred percent faith she can do it. I know she can, and she knows she can, and she's going to. Guess what she's doing? She's coming back to the same model, going back to basics, all of us. I'm doing it, my entire Inner Circle's doing it, I'm going to be sending this podcast to everyone and forcing them to listen to it because this is the basics. Again, if my son was trying it, I'd say “Son, that is the basics”. That's what we're focusing on, and if we all do that collectively, we'll change the world in our own little ways.

That's what I'm doing, I hope you guys follow suit. I'm excited, and I hope you're excited, and it's going to be a lot of fun. I want to warn you, there's going to be some ups and downs. Sometimes Facebook's going to kick you off. Sometimes other ad networks won't work anymore. Sometimes you get crap leads. Sometimes your JV partners will screw you over. Sometimes no one will show up to your webinar. Sometimes the close rate won't work. Sometimes GoToWebinar will drop you, or webinar jam, or things are going to happen, and it's going to be frustrating and annoying and lame and hard, and you're going to be discouraged.

Every time you get discouraged, I want you to think about the apple a day, and think about, I've got to come back. This is the focus, and every single week I'm going to get better, I'm going to get better, I'm going to get better. Maybe the first week I'm going to get ten people to register. Next week I get thirty. Next week I get fifty, and if I make that my focus, whatever we focus on, what happens? It grows. We're going to start focusing on that, and what's going to happen in the next 12 months is your business and your life will be transformed. It can't not be, and the lives of the people you're serving will be transformed.

You say, Russell, this is cool, but I can't afford to buy Facebook ads right now. I don't care if you can't buy Facebook ads, go spam Facebook, okay. There's a lot of ways to get traffic for free. Go out there and do it. Write blog posts, promote them, go talk to people, do joint ventures. There's other ways to do it, and if your excuse is that I can't do it because my Facebook account got shut down. I can't do it because I don't know any JV partners. I can't do it because, fill in whatever excuse you want, that's all those things are excuses. There's a lot of people with a lot of good excuses out there, but the ones who don't have excuses, and just think, how can I figure this out? They focus on it. It's weird. What happens when you focus again? You get things done. It starts to grow. Start focusing on, what else can I do? I'm broke, I can't buy Facebook ads, what else can I do?

I just saw my man Ryan from Hardcore Closer just been watching. He joined Inner Circle a while ago. I've been watching him. Just been crazy impressed with him, all the stuff he's doing, and just grateful he joined because I have a chance to see this glimpse of what he's doing and it's just been amazing. I'm watching him do these blog posts, and he's getting hundreds of thousands of millions people reading these blog posts, and it's just ... He focuses on that and it grows. I saw him post the other day how his goal of the first of the year is to get 100 thousand visitors a month, and I think now he's getting 100 thousand visitors a week, or something crazy like that. It's what you focus on grows, and he's doing that through free traffic, and he started making money, and then he started spending his money on Facebook to boost those posts, and that's the model. That's how it all works.

Anyway, I hope that all makes perfect sense to you. I hope that gets you excited. I hope that it inspires you because that's the model, my friends. That's what we're focusing on here. That's how we're going to take our company from 8 figures to 9 figures and beyond. That's how you should be taking it from 6 to 7, from 7 to 8, from 5 to 6, from 0 to 5. It's the model. It's what works. It's what's working today, and there's nothing else you should be focusing on, I don't think.

There you go. You've got it on a silver platter now, on a napkin, you have it in front of you. You just gotta pick it up and run with it, and if you do then I only want you to send me 10 percent of what you make. I'm just joking. All I want you to do is serve other people. Help other people, get your message out there, and hopefully you'll tell people about Click Funnels along the way because we love it, and it keeps getting better every single day. Thanks everybody. I'm almost home. I'm going to bounce, and have an amazing night, or day whenever you're listening to this, and I'll talk to you guys all again soon. Bye everybody.

Dec 21, 2015

How I structured my 25 minute periscope to close $150,000 in sales and win my own cryo-chamber.

On this episode Russell shares his experience with using The Perfect Webinar Script on Periscope and Facebook Mentions, and made almost $200K.

Here are a couple of cool things in today’s episode:

  • Why Russell decided to use The Perfect Webinar Script and Periscope to promote a product and ended up making nearly $200,000.
  • And how it also helped Russell win a Cryosauna

So listen below to hear how Russell used The Perfect Webinar Script and Periscope to make an insane amount of money.


Hey, everyone. This is Russell Brunson, and welcome to a rainy Marketing in Your Car. Hey, everyone, I hope you're doing awesome. I'm actually pretty happy right now that my voice is mostly here. I teach a Sunday school class, and yesterday I couldn't even ... I kept trying to talk and my voice is like peeking out. It sounded like I was a 15-year-old teenage boy with my voice cracking all the time, so today it's doing alright. I've been up for a few hours. I already had lifting and wrestling practice, which was awesome and amazing. Now, I'm heading to the office for a little bit. But this week, it’s our Christmas week, so I can't work too hard because I've got to play with my kids too, but I do have some big things that we've got to get out of the way and get done.

I wanted to share with you guys kind of a unique win that happened this weekend that was ... It was kind of unexpected. I hope that everyone starts funnel hacking this and copying this because it was really, really cool. As you guys know, and as I've been preaching for the last few months now, my thoughts on Periscope, and Facebook mentions, and all those kinds of platforms, right? We've been trying to slowly and organically grow our audience, and make it bigger and better each time. It's been pretty cool. Last week, Mike Filsaime was launching EverWebinar, which is an automated webinar platform.

It's kind of this weird thing. We didn't want to promote it because we have our own automated webinar platform, but he's also our number one affiliate, and his software is really, really good. It was kind of this thing finally we decided last minute, "Yeah, we're going to help promote this, but we've got to do it in a way that's different and cool and help people understand." Yes, ClickFunnels has automated webinar software, but this is kind of like if you want to take that concept deep. This software does a lot more then what we offer, to be honest. That's kind of what the promotion was.

We started the promotion, and made a really good bonus offer, and it didn't sell very well. I think we sold like 30 the first day, and it was like 10 the second day, and then like 1 or 2 after that. I was like "Huh. Well, that sucks." We tried to help him out, and I was just like, "Ah, it's not really working." I think the biggest problem they had was they're selling automated webinar software, but they didn't do a webinar to sell it, which I thought was kind of strange. I thought, "I'm just going to do my own webinar," because I think that's a better way to do it.

Last Saturday, so a little over a week ago, I started scripting out a webinar. I had it on paper, but I actually didn't get to the slides. Last week ended up being crazy, all these things I was trying to get done, so I never had time to do the webinar. It comes to Thursday, and Mike's like, "Hey, you're in the lead, but these other dudes are catching up to you. And you should promote it again." I was like "Oh crap. I was going to do a webinar, but I didn't." I was just like, "I don't think anyone else is going to buy it based on how I was doing it." Then I had this epiphany. It was like angels from heaven were singing and they said, "Why don't you do the Perfect Webinar live on Periscope and Facebook Mentions? That way you don't have to create PowerPoint slides." I was like "Sweet!" Because I know the pitch, I know what I wanted to put in there.

I was like, "I don't think people are going to spend 90 minutes on Periscope, but maybe I can do a condensed version." So I got out my white board, I wrote out the one thing, wrote out the 3 secrets. I have these cool white boards that slide over, so I slide it over, and the second white board I built out the stack. I had the stack, and then I got these white pieces of paper to kind of cover up the stack, and I covered it up. That was all my prep. I opened up Periscope, opened up Facebook Mentions, and I started talking, and I did a 25 minute version live of the Perfect Webinar. It was awesome. I did it in front of the white board, and I slide it over, and I showed the stack. I pulled the papers off each one and did the whole thing exactly the way I show everyone.

I scripted it out to go over the 3 core belief patterns, and I followed it to a T. We did that. What's crazy is I used the one ... I'm using terminology from the Perfect Webinar script, so if you don't have it yet, go to and go get it. It's 5 bucks. I used the one thing as the title in my Periscope and my Facebook Mention, which worked really good. We got a lot of people on. I did the whole pitch. I think we had 3,000 people live between Periscope and Facebook Mentions who saw me do the 25 minute pitch, which was crazy. How often do you get 3,000 people live on a webinar? Let alone with the click of a button, with no advanced notice. I did that, and then as soon as it was done, John, on my team started promoting the Facebook version because it was on Facebook. He started blowing it up. Within 3 days, I think, we had 30,000 people had seen that video, which was crazy. The crazier thing is that from that we sold 160 copies the next day of Ever Webinar and the day after that we sold 78 more copies. It was crazy.

We became the number one selling affiliate. My affiliate commissions jumped to well over $100,000, and I won a $50,000 prize. That's not counting re-bills and stuff like that. When all said and done we made $200,000 off of 1 Periscope, Facebook Mentions where I just used the perfect webinar. It was amazing. I hope you guys listen to that, and I hope you take it to heart because it gives you the ability just to test, really quick, a webinar offer and see if it's going to work. I wish I would have done that before I created some other webinars that didn't work. It would have saved me a lot of time.

My guess is you will see me over the next upcoming months, once or twice a month probably, doing a micro Perfect Webinar pitch on Periscope and Facebook Mentions. Because if you can make that much money, that quick, why not just do it, and why not do it every once in a while? That's kind of what happened. It was kind of fun. If you haven't seen it yet, if you go to, that's where we store them all. If you go to, they'll be listed there too. I think the title is something like "How to Make an Extra Seven Figures Next Year Using this Webinar Model," or "How to Make at Least Seven Figures Next Year Using this Proven Webinar Model," or something like that. If you search for that, you can see the video, and just see me do the pitch, and all that kind of stuff.

This is the best part. For those of you guys who know anything about bio-hacking, or doing weird stuff to try to increase your awesomeness. One of the coolest bio-hacking things you can do is a cryo therapy unit. Tony Robins has one in his house, Dave Asprey has one in his house, and then usually most people have to go and travel to go find one. There's one dude in Boise that's got one in his clinic. I've always wanted one, and I've been begging my wife, and she keeps telling me, "No because it's ridiculous. It's way more money then you should spend on something stupid like that." I don't really have an ideal spot in our house. Well, I kind of do, but anyway ...  The affiliate prize was $50,000 towards the BMW of your choice. I don't really want a BMW, but I do want a cryo unit, which happens to be exactly $50,000.

I emailed Filsaime and I'm like, "Hey, man. If I win can you buy me a cryo chamber, or whatever you call them, instead of a BMW?" He said, "Yes." I actually won a cryo unit from doing the Perfect Webinar on a thing, which is freaking amazing. Now, I've just got to convince my wife that I need to remodel one of our bathrooms and turn it into a cryo chamber, so that's the next challenge. If I can close that deal I will have one in my house.

Anyway, I'm kind of excited as you can tell. My voice, as you can hear, is starting to fall away. If you guys made it to the end of this I apologize my voice is going, but I hope that gives you an idea. Don't forget, you guys, there's a lot of ways you can pitch. This whole game is about building audiences and then figuring out how to convert those people. I feel like we stumbled upon something really cool with growing our audiences like we've been doing, and then using this as a mechanism to convert those people into sales. Pretty exciting. Hope you guys get some value from this, and I hope you guys try it. If try it let me know. Post the video on Facebook afterwards and tag me, and I'll check it out. I want to see it. We have to think of a cool name. Should we call it the Perfect Periscope, or the Perfect Blab, or the Perfect ... I don't know. We'll figure out a cool name for it for anyone else who does it.

Anyway, there you go you guys. I hope you guys can use that. If you're ever in Boise and you want to come my cryo chamber, if I have it, you're welcome to come. I'm just joking. My wife probably wouldn't want you to come to my house. Not because it's you, just because it's those weird people on the internet. You know what I mean. Anyway, I'm going to stop before I get in any trouble. I appreciate you guys. Have an amazing day and we'll talk to you guys all again soon. Bye!

Dec 17, 2015

Check out this case study of what happened when we applied these two simple words.

On today’s episode Russell talks about the two magic words that made Russell more money than anything else. He also shares why those two words are so powerful.

Here are some cool things to listen for in this episode:

  • Learn what two words have helped Russell in his business and how he is trying to figure out how to use it in more aspects of his life.
  • Why Russell stopped selling Ignite and now is only focusing on Inner Circle
  • And how Russell used those two magic words to sell spots in the Inner Circle.

So listen below to hear how Russell used urgency and scarcity to make a ton of money.


Hey, good morning everybody. This is Russell Brunson, and welcome to Marketing In Your Car, everyone. Today is the day I'm going to talk about two of my favorite words. These two words have made me more money, than I think, pretty much anything in the history of my life. If you could learn these two words, it's done, that's all you need.

Well, that's not true. You've got to have a good offer, good product, good reputation, good brand, all the things you got to do it right. If you have all those and you want to turn that into money, the two magic words are, you ready for it? Number one is "urgency," and number two is "scarcity." That's it. If you can have those two things, along with an amazing offer in front of the right audience, it's game over.

Here's the back story. Last January, so a year ago, it's not quite January yet but almost, Vince Palko from, super cool dude, he's the inventor of the hand sketched doodle video. Anyway, he messaged me, "Hey man, what are your goals for next year?" I'm like, "Why?" He said, "I'll make you a cool gift." I wrote down about a handful of goals and sent them over to him and he ended up sketching this amazing… it's awesome, it's just the coolest thing, it’s like this huge picture with all my goals drawn out in cartoon format and this really progression between, it was amazing.

He does that if you go to and message him, "Hey Vince, here's a million bucks please draw my visions so they can become true," and he'll do it. He did that and sent it to me and I got it blown up and I put it on my wall and it's just been there. I didn't even think about it at the time but it's a year ago, my goal was only work close with 100 entrepreneurs in my Inner Circle, that's what I said.

At the time back then I think we only had 25 people in the Inner Circle, and it's $25,000.00 a piece and to get a 100 I think that would be pretty awesome, but it was outside my reality, but it was a goal I put up there. Then fast forward over the last 12 months we have our Ignite program at $12,000.00 and our Inner Circle at $25,000.00. We've be selling both of those and it's been doing well. Obviously a lot of people are going to the Ignite program. I think we sold 180 or so people into Ignite and Inner Circle kept growing as well. It’s been interesting, as Inner Circle has been moving forward it's exponentially been growing, I think that's the right word, where it keeps getting bigger faster. I think that we do a really good job with that. I'm really proud of it. Then people find out and then more people find out and it's just kind of growing organically really quickly.

About a month ago I was looking at it. Inner Circle has grown actually faster than the Ignite program which is interesting because it's more than twice as much money. The people in the Inner Circle are honestly my dream clients. Most of them have some amazing things happening. They just need some directional things, or feedback or bounce back ideas and just cool stuff like that where it's awesome.

I had this idea and I was actually looking at my sketch with Vince and I saw it said, "Work closely with 100 people." I think right now I'm working close with the 50 or 60 that are Inner Circle and then a little bit further distance with Ignite and then everything we're doing. I was like, "What if we just shut down everything except for the Inner Circle and just focus on getting 100 people in there and I just really close with those 100 people, and if someone leaves and a spot opens we can refill but just actually close it down. Say there's a 100 spots and when they're gone, they're gone and just kind of do that."

It took a little while to get all the pieces in place so that we wouldn't drop any balls and we can continue to service all the people who had bought Ignite up to this point. A few weeks ago we stopped selling Ignite, no more selling Ignite. We're servicing those who are in but we are not selling anymore. Let's just focus on Inner Circle. If we're going to get 100 people, then how's it going to work? There are some mastermind groups where they have 100 people in it's like stupid, it's like going to a seminar. I didn't want that. Our groups can facilitate about 35, 35 is kind of high, even 32-33 is about perfect in a group. I'm basically going to have to have 3 group, if we do 3 groups of 33.3, so somebody is going to be chopped into thirds, I'm just kidding. If we do that it will work, so we went and we actually booked all the hotel rooms for the year, and everything is kind of finalized.

I'm like, okay cool, now we need to get, I think at that time we're about 65 or 70 people in the Inner Circle so we need to get 25 more people. All the guys on my team are like, “you realize it took us almost a whole year to fill up 2 groups and a lot of work.” I was like, "I think we can fill up the last group though in December." They're like, "That's not possible, December is the worst month for sales and all these kind of things." I was, "Yeah, I think we can."

On Monday I sent out an email that basically said, "This is how many spots are left, we are only having 100 people in when they're gone, they're gone." I used those 2 magic words. I used "urgency" and I used "scarcity." They were true urgency and true scarcity. What's happened since then has been insane, it's been literally insane. We've had almost 200 applications. I've only got 2 guys who are doing the phone calls, they can't even keep up with it. After you apply, if you've gone though my high ticket training, you know the big focus is after someone applies, try to get them to inbound call you. We've had I think like 30 people leave voice messages from inbound calls like begging us to call them back as quick as we can. Our guys are as fast as they can calling people and making sure they're qualified because we have a high standard in the group. If they are, then signing then up.

It's crazy, it's like every hour yesterday I get a message, boom Russell, so and so just joined Inner Circle, boom Russell so and so just joined Inner Circle, just going boom, boom, boom, boom and it looks like we're probably going to sell out all the last, and I can't remember it was like 22 or 23 spots as of Monday. I think now we're down to like 17 or 16, I don't know, but I think we're going to sell them out before the end of the year which is crazy. That should have taken almost a year to fill up but instead we did a couple of days because of 2 magic words, "urgency" and "scarcity."

I look at webinars we do and the different between webinar that does good and a webinar that does amazing is 2 magic words, "urgency" and "scarcity." The better your urgency and the better your scarcity on your pitch the better it's going to do. We used to do a webinar on Thursday, and we do replays Friday, Saturday and then we kind of end it and then Monday we'd start the process over again. A little while ago we started adding in urgency and scarcity on the last day, saying, "Hey the replay really is coming down tonight, so go and watch it," and then like 6 hours before we pull it down say, "Okay 6 hours and then we're pulling it down." What's interesting is that last 6 hour call, I'd send 2 emails on Sunday, one Sunday morning and then one Sunday 6 hours before we pull it down. What's crazy is that 6 hour warning email where I'm applying urgency and scarcity typically makes as much money as the live webinar does which is crazy, just nuts, it doesn't make any sense.

Anyway, I'm smiling today just thinking about how can I apply urgency and scarcity in more spots in all aspect of my life. How can I apply that to get my kids to do stuff and get things done. How can apply to force myself to get things done. How can I to get my employees to do things, my team and other things like that. Those 2 things are amazing. Try to figure out ... Oops excuse me, I just honked the horn, I hope the person in front of me is not upset. Anyway, trying to figure out how do we create cool bonus structures or cool promotional things with affiliates, how can we do that.

I remember when we did the DotComSecrets Book launch, I think in the first week we were paying out 40 percent commission to the whole Funnel and the second week we transitioned to $20 per book and then we had a countdown. Then at, whatever day it was, Thursday at midnight when we closed the contest down it went back to 40 percent commission. We had this big urgency and scarcity, every book you give away for the next 24 hours, 12 hours, 3 hours you'd be getting 20 bucks as opposed to the other thing and people went crazy.

Anyway, those are my 2 favorite words. I'm not a tattoo guy but if I was I'd tattoo those to my forehead or my arm or I don't know maybe I'd get one of those sweet, I don't know what it's called, barb wire chains around my bicep that would say, "urgency and scarcity" weaved into the barb wire, that would be pretty sweet, right? No, just kidding. Anyway. I'm such a dork. All right guys, well, I better stop before I embarrass myself anymore but think through those 2 words, urgency and scarcity. Figure out how you can apply them to all aspect of your business and your life because they are magic. It's amazing. You can move mountains if you've got urgency and scarcity. Without them people just aren't inspired to take action.

In fact, last night there was a dude who applied for the Inner Circle about a year ago and he's what we call, this is probably politically incorrect term, but we call him a stroker, somebody who comes in, they call, they ask a lot of questions, they listen to the whole thing and they're trying to see how the process works and trying to get information and they're not really buyers. We call them strokers for whatever reason. This guy, a year ago stroked us and went through the whole process which at the end of it it was kind of annoying because is was like eh. I knew he had the money, I knew he wanted to be in it, but it was just like he didn't have whatever else to push him over the edge.

Apparently he applied on Monday and then again on Tuesday and on Wednesday because last night I was going to bed, and on Skype there was like 10 messages from him, all in caps, "Russell I'm trying to get in Inner Circle, no one's calling back, Russell let me in, I need to get in before it's ..." like freaking out, I was like, "This dude a year ago went through the process and didn't get involved for whatever reason has been sitting for a year, but now that we've got some urgency and scarcity in place, now not only is he reapplying, he is flipping out, Skyping me trying to get in. Those are good signs? There you go, you've urgency and scarcity. Have some fun with them. Actually that's your Christmas gift from me for this year, so Merry Christmas. Urgency and scarcity from Russell. Hope you love them. All right guys, I'm out of here. We'll talk to you guys soon. Goodbye and have an amazing day.

Dec 16, 2015

How to become more by increasing what you expect from yourself each day.

On today’s episode Russell tells a story about a guy from some Tony Robbins’ events and why he expected more from himself and how that made his story is so inspiring. He also talks about how wresting helped Russell expect more form himself.

Here are 3 cool things to listen for in this episode:

  • People expect a lot of you, but what do you expect from yourself?
  • Why the more you expect out of yourself, the more successful you will be.
  • Why letting yourself off the hook is not always a good idea.

So listen below to find out why you should expect more out of yourself in order to be successful.


Hey everyone, this is Russell Brunson and welcome to a snowy marketing in your car. All right, all right, so we've got snow out here in Boise Idaho and it's beautiful. It's supposed to snow for the next three days, so I'm hoping we just get dumped on because it would be really fun to take a day or two off with the kids and just do snowball fights, and snow forts, and all of that fun stuff. Cross your fingers that we get dumped on for a little bit here. I just wanted to jump in real quick because I just listened to a podcast and someone said something and it sparked something and I wanted to jump in here. It has to do with what you expect from yourself. We have all sorts of people in our lives that have expectations on us, right? Our wives expect us to do things, our kids, our co-workers, our employees, our parents, our friends, our brothers and sisters, everyone expects things out of us, right? That's one thing.

I'm curious, what do you expect out of yourself? We were at a Tony Robins event and if you've ever been to UPW there's this little, not little. There's this guy, he's a little shorter, but like a stocky, bald dude, who's always on Toby Robins security, and at every UPW. If you ever go you'll see him, he's usually one of front guys in the front. He's always standing there flexing, making sure nobody gets to Tony. Anyway, the last day when Tony sells Business Mastery, usually this guy will get up and tell the story, and how basically when he was growing up ... I can't remember how bad his life was but he went to a Tony Robins event, it changed him. He started just going to every Tony Robins event and just trying to just be there all the time, and be around it, and talked about how it changed his life from being this homeless kid to being a multi millionaire, and all of these things, it was just a really inspiring story.

Afterwards we pulled him aside and we were just talking to him, me and four or five of our friends, we were just talking to him and the dude was like oh, so motivational, I just wanted to hire him just to come yell at me once a week. He was talking, and one thing he said that was interesting is we asked like, "What made the difference. Why do you come and work for Tony for free five times a year, and why do you do all of this stuff?" He said, "Where I grew up from nobody expected much from me, so I didn't do much. When I came here," he's like, "Everybody expected a lot out of me." He's like, "The reason why I'm so successful now, I expect more out of myself than anyone can imagine." I remember thinking about that like, that's the driving force. What do you expect out of yourself? You think about why we get depressed in life, or why we have issues, or whatever it might be, I think it's usually because we expect something out of ourselves and we don't do it.

I look at the things in my life that I really struggle with and that cause me pain, and almost all of them are associated with this is what I expect from myself, and this is what I'm doing. It's like when you were a kid and your dad is ... you do something really, really bad and you're expecting him to beat you and you're preparing for a whooping, and then he comes in and he just looks at you and shakes his head and says, "I expected a lot more out of you," and walks away. You're like, "Oh, daggers in the heart. That was way worse, why didn't you just beat me? I could have handled that." I think that's a big thing, and I'm curious for you right now, and everyone listening is in different parts of their life, different times, different seasons, and different parts of their business as well. I'm curious, what do you expect out of yourself?

People always ask, "Russell how do you get so much stuff done? How do you blah, blah, blah," all of these things. I don't feel like I do that much but I feel like I expect a lot out of myself, because of that I don't sleep in, in the morning, I don't go to bed early at night, when I'm at the office I don't goof off, I'm not surfing Facebook and if it's not making me money, if I'm not helping someone, I expect so much out of myself that I don't, I just keep working, I keep moving forward because I expect it out of myself. I look at one of my favorite coaching clients from the last year and a half is Liz Benny, you guys have heard me talk a lot about her. People ask me, "What was different about Liz? How come she was able to grow so fast?"

The reality, if you listen to the Voxer messages she sends me, I don't know anyone that expects more out of themselves than her. She is always on herself, which is part ... I'm like man, you're doing awesome, lighten up on yourself. That's why she's so successful, she expects so much out of herself. She always says, "The Liz Benny that I am is not this, I am here, I need to be here, I need to get there. I expect so much out of myself." I think that sometimes we just let ourselves off the hook. If you're struggling, it might be because you're letting yourself off the hook. I don't know, it might not be, there's life circumstances, there's things. Even when I expect a lot of myself we still had issues and headaches, things that come up so I get that, that's a real thing. If you're not progressing, and not progressing your own life, your clients lives in the way that you want, I wonder if that's the issue. I wonder if you're not expecting as much, enough out of yourself.

I'm just going to put it out there, and I may be wrong, I don't know. If someone was to ask me now thinking back on it like, "Russell why are you having so much success?" There's a million external forces that have made it, there's so many. My partners, my employees, and my friends, people that have made this happen, right? Internally for me it's because I expect so much out of myself, that's it. I woke up this morning excited to get to work because I expect so much, and I want to do so much, I want to help, and serve, and change, and I can't do that without it.

Anyway I just kind of wanted to throw that out there today, again I was listening to a podcast and that just popped into my head, and thought I would share it and hopefully you get some value out of it. Yeah, it's interesting, I think the same thing was true when I was a wrestler. My Junior year I was the state champ, and the next year there was a national tournament, you had to be a Senior and a state champ to go to so I was like, "Okay, I'm going to go," and I expected that I would be an all American. That was what I expected out of myself. My Senior year the state tournament I lost to this punk kid who's not very good in just a really bad match. I ended up taking third place in state that year, my Senior year. I won it my Junior year and third my Senior year and I was destroyed, it ruined my self image. Everything that I was disappeared that day and I was so mad, but I expected so much out of myself and I was like, "No, I'm an all American. I know that already, that's not something that's up for debate just because I lost this match."

I was so mad and I remember we had two months before the national tournament and as like Russell right now is not an all American but I am one, I know that, that's what I expect from myself, and that's what I need to get. For the next two months we went crazy, I was working out on average ... I remember one time when Dan Gable, when he's training for the Olympics was working out for seven hours a day, that was the standard I set for myself. I need to work out at least seven hours a day, so I'd lift, I'd go to my high school workout, then I'd try to find another high school close to me that had guys that were also training for the national tournament. I'd travel there, so I had to do two to three wrestling practices a day.

During that time, that two month period of time, I went from being a good wrestler to being a great wrestler, I went to national tournament and because I had won the state tournament my Junior year I qualified, but I was probably one of the only dudes in the room who didn't win the state tournament that year. Came in, and because I expected so much out of myself over that two month period of time I came in and in a tournament that I think prior I would have done alright in, I don't think I would have placed in it, you walk in and the bracket has eighty six state champs in it. I came in and I beat almost everyone, I beat a two time state champ, I beat a three time state champ, I beat all of these people and I actually made it to the finals. The finals I lost by two points from a kid from New York.

I made the national finals, I took second place in the country, I became an all American, and it wasn't something I was surprised about, I expected that out of myself, but I wasn't there at the state tournament. It took that loss and that setback, which we all have in life, it took that kick in the nuts, whatever you want to call it, that took me back, for me to really step up and say, "Look, this is what I expect from myself and I need to achieve it all costs." I did in that situation, anyway, I hope that helps. I know that again everyone's in different times in life, you may have just lost your state tournament, figuratively speaking, or you may be on the two month process where you're trying to become who you know you need to become, and maybe you just placed, and maybe you became an all American and now you're kind of figuring out the next step.

Wherever you're at, the more you expect from yourself the more you're going to achieve. Yeah, that's it for today, hope that helps. All right I'm at the office, it's snowing, and actually I have to go to head shots today so I'm just grabbing my juice, we're on the juice fast still, and I'm headed in, headed back to get my head shots then I got a webinar today. That's my plan, appreciate you guys, have an amazing day, and we'll talk soon.

Dec 15, 2015

It looks like my email yesterday struck a chord with a few of you…

On this episode Russell talks about his juicing diet that he and his team are doing for one of his Inner Circle members. He also talks about why he has decided to shut down his Ignite Program.

Here are a few things to listen for in today’s episode:

  • Russell explains why he is shutting down his Ignite program.
  • Why he is only focusing on his Inner Circle program and how many people he is letting join.
  • And how you can sign up to be a part of the Inner Circle and why you should.

So listen below to find out how you can be a part of Russell’s Inner Circle.


Hey, everybody. This is Russell Brunson, and welcome to "Marketing in Your Car." All right, everybody. Hope you're having an amazing day today. I'm heading in to the office and we have sun shining. It's beautiful. I think it's still cold, but the sun's up, so it makes you feel like you're ... Makes you feel better, so that's exciting.

Anyway, I'm really excited for today. We actually started a company-wide juice fast yesterday, so one of our ... We have a new person named G from over in London. When I was in London I met her, and then she joined the Inner Circle, and she's working on a juice cleanse product and a bunch of stuff like that.

I was like, "Basically, we needed some results," and she's like, "Well, I've got a lot of people I’ve done it for, but I don't have any videos." I'm like, "All right. I'm going to drop everything on this side. I'm going to get my entire company to do it, and we're going to become your testimonials." It's kind of cool. Everyone, this week, is on a week-long juice fast and documenting the process and creating cool video content for her, for her new upcoming launch, which will be fun.

Just one of the fun things we do for our Inner Circle members that's cool. Anyway, day one was actually really fun. It was interesting. I do weird stuff all the time, as you guys know if you've listened to this podcast for any amount of time. I'm drinking and eating and trying all sorts of weird stuff. I actually really enjoy juicing.

When I juice, typically it's hardcore. I don't put any fruits or berries or those wussy things that make them taste good. I just go straight for the hardcore. I'm using cucumber, fennel, celery, and some lime for some taste and that's what I drink. Most people think it's disgusting but I love it. It's glowing green, so you drink it ... I feel like I'm drinking ooze from Ninja Turtles. I feel my whole body just, boom, exploding with alkalinity and power and energy.

Yeah, it doesn't taste that good. It doesn't taste bad, and in fact I like it a lot. I've become very accustomed to that, so I like it. If I give that to the average person the first time, they'd just be like ... It's like it's a kick in the face or something. Is someone honking at me? I don't even know. Anyway, that's what we're ... I feel like someone's honking at me but I can't figure out who. I like pretty strange stuff. My taste buds are acquired to weirdness because of it.

Most of them aren't, so we have this place called Tree City here in Boise and so I paid for a week of juicing, so they're going in and we grab ... Basically they give you six bottles of juice you drink all day. There's one that's called the Vitarrific, which is pure greens and ginger and really strong, which I think is awesome, but most everyone in the office is gagging on it and trying to keep it down. It's pretty funny. Then there's a coconut one, there's one called CAB, which is carrot, apple, beet, which is really good. There's coconut, there's almond milk. Anyway, it's really, really good.

Yesterday was fun. I was drinking them thinking it was like drinking candy and most of these guys are dry heaving. They're in the bathroom every five minutes. It was awesome. Anyway, I love putting my team through crazy stuff like that when I can. That's what we're doing over here.

Yesterday I sent out something that got a lot more attention than I thought. A lot of you guys know for the last two or three years we've been running two coaching programs, our Ignite program and also our Inner Circle program. As they've grown way bigger than I ever had initially thought or hoped ... Initially we thought we were going to get maybe fifty people in Ignite and twenty-five in Inner Circle, but it's grown to the point where we've got almost two hundred in Ignite and Inner Circle now we're about seventy, which is crazy.

The other thing I'm looking at is how much time it's taking from me, and it's just been really hard as it keeps on growing. My thought was, "Do we keep growing it? Do I shift focus from other things to just keep expanding this, or do we change it and shrink it?" With ClickFunnels growing as amazingly as it has, it doesn't make sense for me to keep adding more things on that side.

We actually, yesterday, announced that we're shutting down our Ignite program. Everyone who's in, we're going to continue to fulfill over the next twelve months of their contract. We're just not allowing anybody new into the Ignite program. That's happened on that side, which means those hundred and eighty people, there's nowhere else for them to go now.

On the Inner Circle side, again, we're at seventy-something people. I thought, "You know what? I think realistically I could run three groups." I really enjoy running those groups. It's the coolest entrepreneurs. People get such big results. Everyone who's in those groups are doers who are having success. We basically got two and almost two and a half groups filled up.

I sent an e-mail yesterday saying when the third group's filled, it's done. I'm locking the doors, and the only way we'll ever let people into the Inner Circle again is if someone drops out. As you guys probably know, it's not a cheap program. It's twenty-five grand a year. What's cool is that most of our people, after the year's up, have been re-signing up, which just makes me feel awesome, obviously.

I've been trying my best to serve everyone at the best level I can and it just means a lot to me when people do come back. That's what's been happening. Yesterday I sent an e-mail saying I think it's seventy-four are filled, so that means there's twenty-six spots left. Within an hour we had over a hundred applications, which was awesome. Randy and Derek on my side are going like crazy today, trying to get back to everyone and get in touch with them. I'm pretty sure those spots are going to sell out really, really quick.

If you're listening to this, listening today and you're interested, this is the last shot. Every year I join a Mastermind group. You need to be in one. Ideally you should be in mine if you can. I hate to be ... Obviously I'm biased, but I've been in probably eight or nine different groups and ours is by far the best, for a couple reasons.

First off, the facilitator's pretty sweet. I know him, he's a good guy. Second off, just the quality people we have has been amazing. It's such a huge honor for me that that is the group we've put together. It gives you guys, if you're in there, the ability to be surrounded with just amazing, amazing people.

Other masterminds that I've been in, usually I come in and I'm the smartest dude in the room, which I hate that, because it's just ... I feel like I'm the one facilitating the whole time, where this time, in our groups, I honestly feel ... There's times I sit back and I'm like, "I can't believe I'm getting paid to be part of this, just to be in this room. I'm learning so much from everybody else." It's just a huge honor for me.

If you're going to be in one ... Again, everyone should be in at least one a year, otherwise you're crazy. If you want to be in ours, now's the time to get in there. All you have to do is go to Yep, I changed it over to, so that when people ask ... I was always telling them this long URL before. Now, if you're interested, go to and you can apply there. I would apply in ... There's a phone number on the thank you page. If you're serious, call that number, because they got insane amounts of apps.

If you're listening to this six months or a year down the road, I would still go through the process, even if we're sold out. I might guess that each month, one or two spots will open up for people who have ... Their year's up and for whatever reason they don't renew. The only way to get in is to be on that waiting list. That'd be the other thing, if you're later on down the road. That's what's happening.

It's interesting. I look at my business, my life. I really... The only thing that I want to be doing is obviously ClickFunnels, I want to focus eighty percent of my time there. I want to work really close with a hundred entrepreneurs, which is the Inner Circle. Then I want to be working on my own little things. That's what I'm doing now and it's pretty exciting. Anyway, I'm definitely, definitely excited for it. I'm excited to meet the last twenty-six people who enter into the Inner Circle. Our first meeting's coming up in January and it'll just be fun to get to know a new group of people.

Yeah, so I'm excited. We have a couple other really cool announcements coming up. I can tell you guys because it's official now. I can't remember if I told you guys yet or not, but we've got the signed contract, we've paid the down payment. For Funnel Hacking LIVE Event, Marcus Lemonis from "The Profit" is coming to speak, which is so exciting. That's pretty cool. We'll have more info on that hopefully next week or so. That's just something I'm fired up about, as you can tell. Yeah, it's pretty exciting.

With that said, I don't have too much more for you guys. I just wanted to let you know that that's what's happening with my coaching stuff. People were freaking out, like, "Are you really retiring?" I'm like, "Well, kind of. Not retiring, but retiring from Ignite program, and Inner Circle we're just locking it down. A hundred people will be in at a time, and that's it."

One of the other Masterminds I joined was supposed to be a small group, and it ended up getting a hundred people. Instead of breaking it up and doing the actual work, they just bundled everyone into one big group. I was at a Mastermind meeting with a hundred people, and I'm like, "You can't, in two days, effectively work a hundred people in a group." Our sweet spot's about thirty-five people, so that's basically how we have it broken up.

There's three different groups. We meet thirty-five at a time, and we can actually get some work done and do some cool things in that kind of a format. That's how we run ours. What else, what else? I think that's it, you guys. I'm almost at the office. If you haven't applied yet, go apply. If you're already in the Inner Circle, then you're in. Congratulations. You've locked it in. Don't let your spot slip away to somebody else.

Anyway, that's about it for today, you guys. Have an amazing day. I'm excited to go try to take over the world in my little way. Hopefully you're doing the same thing as well, and we will talk again soon. Bye.

Dec 11, 2015

A short lesson Russell learned from his time at spam school…

On this episode Russell explains why he dabbled in being a spammer and how it went. He also talks about why he no longer makes decisions based on SEO stuff.

Here are 3 fun things to listen for in this episode:

  • Why Russell used to feel like he was running away from the cops all the time, and it made it hard to sleep at night.
  • How much money Russell paid to go to Spam School, and why it was valuable even though spamming ultimately wasn’t for him.
  • Why Russell says instead of hiring a person over a long period of time to teach you things, you should hire the person who is best at it and suck all the information from them in a really short period of time.

So listen below to find out why Russell used to be a spammer, but why he isn’t any more.


Hey, everyone, this is Russell Brunson, and welcome to another episode of Marketing In Your Car. Hey Everyone, so today is a cold, rainy day in Boise, Idaho. It's Friday so I got a couple big things trying to get done, and then I'm going to go see ... I'm really excited for this, Rand Fishkin, the CEO and the founder of SEOMoz is actually going to be coming to Boise and speaking which will be cool for a couple reasons. First off, last ... how many years ago? Five or six years ago, maybe longer, I spoke at ClickBank Exchange and Rand was speaking as well which was cool. I felt bad because I had the big stage and then Rand had this little, tiny room. I went in there, and that dude is brilliant, so smart, it was awesome to listen to him and loved it back then. Just been a big fan of their stuff for a long time. I'm excited to go hear him speak, and I'm not sure if he's speaking about SEO stuff or other things, but regardless, it'll be fun to go and get some cool stuff from him.

It's interesting ... He has a different philosophy on business than mine. I remember a little while ago, reading this huge article he wrote about how they raised all this crazy amounts of money, and all these things, that for me seem ludicrous, some of the worst business decisions in the world yet they're having success. There's different paths and different things. It'll be fun, I'm excited to hear what he's got to say and see what's going down in the SEO world nowadays because it's been a long time since I focused on it. I used to geek-out big time. For a while we had twenty, thirty people all in Peru doing SEO stuff for us and it was awesome. We were getting ranked for all these really difficult terms and it was amazing. We were very, very aggressive and so it was awesome because you could get really cool things to happen fast ... But then the problem was when Google got smarter than us then we started losing everything.

It was this thing where I always felt like I was chasing my own tail. We would go and we would be running, it felt like we were running away from the cops all the time. It felt like, we used to call it ... I'm not going to brag about this, but a little while ago, a few years back, we dabbled a little bit in spamming and trying to learn that game. It's the same kind of thing, it was hard to sleep at night because it felt like… we used to call it the “smash and grab”, where it felt like you were walking in, smashing a window, grabbing a TV and running down the road while the cops are chasing you. That's what it always felt like with SEO and with spam. We got away with it for a little bit, but eventually they always catch you, you can't always get away with it. I hated it, a little while ago, we quit the spamming thing really, really fast.

More so, I wanted to understand the psychology of it so I hired this dude, I was like, "How much would you charge me to teach me how to spam?" He's like, "Twenty-five grand," I'm like, "Done." I recorded all the sessions, and I remember I called it 'Spam School'. It was like eight calls or something like that. I'm like, "Okay, I got Spam School today," it was awesome. We got up and running, we had to buy all these servers, and these tunneling servers, and all this intense stuff. I know the process now, and I'm sure it's evolved since we kind of played with it, but back then we were totally geeking out on it and within two weeks of starting the process, I realized I hated it and so we stopped. I'm not a spammer, I was someone who was intrigued spam and dabble, but we gave up pretty quick after those feelings. In SEO we tried a lot longer, probably two or three years. We focused, we built it up, and we'd get these rankings for amazing words and the traffic started flowing, flowing, flowing, gone.

I remember we kept making all these huge business decisions based on SEO, and I remember one day, coming to the office and being fed up, and slamming my hand down and said, "We will never, from this point forward in this company, ever make a business decision based on SEO. Anything that happens from SEO is like a nice gift, but it will not ever be our focus again." That's been my philosophy for the last three years, and so it'll be fun though to hear what's happening. I think, if you guys have been listening, we hired Neil Patel a little while ago and flew him out for a day. Paid him twenty-five grand for a day, and learning from other people and I think there's going to be a time I'll get back into more and more SEO, just because mostly I think the SEO and social. There used to be a big divide between the two business models, but now that line is blurred or maybe even gone. That's why I'm excited, I'm hoping he's going to talk about that today because that's kind of my understanding and kind of the results we're starting to see from it, is that it's a blend of social and SEO.

I think if it's not happening now, logically, the only thing that makes sense for SEO is no longer to base stuff on linking because we can spam linking. The only thing it's smart to base it off of is social interaction because that's harder to fake. Anyway, I'm excited for that. I hope you guys got something out of that, and hopefully the only thing you got out wasn't that Russell's a spammer. In fact, the lesson I hope you got out of that, and this is really, really important, is... this is key, and I hope you guys all get this, is that you can learn a lot from someone in a really short, finite period of time. I remember a couple times I hired some employees because they were amazing, on paper, and they'd done these amazing things so we hire them, pay them a ton of money and salary, and all these things. What was interesting is they come, in the first thirty to sixty days, they would have all these amazing things that would transform things, and after that they were kind of useless. They use up their bag of tricks and they were gone.

I feel like everyone's got that. I've got that. For some reason, they come in… I've got my bag of tricks and things I know how to do to grow a company really, really quickly, but then after that, I don't have as many things. I think my skill set's a little deeper than most people, but for most consultants, they've got a one-trick-pony. They got that thing, and so we learned a while ago, instead of hiring employees who are really good at something, hire the dude who's the best, but for a short period of time. Have him come and teach you because you'll get ninety percent of the value out of him immediately. That's kind of my philosophy, it's like Neil Patel or I'm like, "Hey, we're going to start blogging. Who's the best blogging dude?" Boom, Neil Patel, twenty-five K, sucked everything we need out of him, now we've got a game plan to go run with. Things like that, it's finding out who's the best and then just buying an hour or a day, or whatever the time.

Last night I was hanging out with one of my buddies, BJ Wright, and we were talking about a site called, and if you haven't ever heard that site, you should, it's awesome. It's all these dudes and ladies who are amazing, who you can buy time with them per minute. He was talking about this app he was going to build, and he was like, "Hey, this is the dude that launched," what was it? That mafia game on Facebook, and the dude's like two bucks a minute to call, and he's like, "If you invest a hundred bucks you get thirty minutes of this dude's time. You can pick his brain on whatever you want." It's just interesting. So, I think my Christmas gift to myself this year is going to be… I'm going to look at the three or four things I'm really focused on in my business.

Obviously we're a SAS company, so that's one. We're doing growth hacking and stuff like that, so three or four things that I'm focusing on and then go to and find the best one or two people in each of those categories and buy thirty minutes, an hour of their time and just get all their info. Get it all in a condensed, quick, fast period of time, and that's how you can press decades into days, days into minutes, and it's really, really cool.

That's how I learn, people always ask me, "Russell, how do you learn now?" It's honestly getting harder and harder. The more you progress in this or any business, the harder it is to get new things. It gets harder. The way that I'm progressing myself, my knowledge base, outside of funnel hacking the crap out of everyone I can because I love watching what they do, even worse than what they say, but number two is that. I hope that is a value to you guys. Give yourself a Christmas present, go to and find someone you want to learn from and buy an hour, and just suck their brain and I think you'll get addicted to it. You'll find that, again, it's way better than reading a book, just hire the author and be like, "Hey, just tell me what I should do. Based on all this stuff you got, like, what would you do in this situation?" You can get there a lot quicker.

I hope that helps, that's what I'm going to be doing a lot more of, this upcoming year. It's pretty amazing how inexpensive you can get some of these people's advice and ideas which is cool. That's what I got for you guys today. Hopefully you got some good out of it besides Russell used to be a spammer, other than that, I appreciate you guys. Oh man, this is going to be transcribed, so I better be careful what I say. **Note: Russell is not a spammer.

If you want to see the transcripts of this show, or any of our shows, go to and I think I got an outro thing, we added this cool little music outro now. I think the music outro after this is also going to push you there, so go there, check it out, and if you're not part of the Marketing Quickies Show, go to, install the periscope app on your phone and we can be hanging out live every single day. I do quick, five to ten minute periscopes once a day, sharing marketing quickies and they are awesome so if you are not on that yet, go to and come hang out with us there as well. That's it for today guys, appreciate you all, and we will talk soon. Bye!

Dec 10, 2015

If this doesn’t get you excited, then nothing will.

On today’s episode Russell talks about how to convert cold traffic and put your offer in a way that’s understandable to the masses. He also mentions survey funnels and why they are a perfect cold traffic offer.

Here are a couple cool things in this episode you”ll want to hear:

  • How to convert cold traffic to warm traffic and be able to see to them.
  • And how to go on Facebook and meet people where they are at, and build your own email list.

So listen below to hear how to warm up a cold audience and convert them to sell to them.


Hey everyone, this is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing in Your Car.

Hey guys and gals, we probably call this a 'quickie in the car' if you're blending the Marketing Quickies show and the Marketing in Your Car show. By the way for those who are wondering we decided to keep it 2 separate things, so we've got Marketing in Your Car happening like this and Marketing Quickies. If you're not listening to Marketing Quickies show, please go to and subscribe. It's our daily periscope show. People love it and it's fun and we'd love to have you involved in it as well. Other than that, everything else is staying the same.

We are ... I'm actually heading home real quick to go to wife .... go to wife ... go to lunch with my wife because that's what we can do, whatever we want to do, right? That's why we do what we do, so I'm going to go do that. On the drive home I just wanted to hopefully drop some bombs for you guys so this is what I call 'cool crap' and I'm really, really, really, really excited about this. This is the reason why.

We've been playing with some concepts over the last little bit. In fact, we did an event for our Ignite and Inner Circle members called 'Funnel Catcher', some of you guys were there. It was going into this concept deep, right? It was going into ... let's say you're selling a product, right? You're hot market ... your own list buys it easy because it’s like they love you. Then you go back to your warm market and people who may not necessarily know you but you know what they're interested in and so we target them on Facebook. We know, okay I'm going to target Tony Robbins fans because they may like me because they're interested in similar things or whatever that is. That's where warm traffic is.

The big secret sauce is how you get to cold traffic because Facebook runs out of ... Facebook is like having a Ferrari on a dead-end road. You go really, really fast and then you run out of space because the interest groups dry up fast. How do you get to the point where you can sell to the cold hard masses? If you can do that, it opens up your business infinitely wide. That's been my big focus over the last couple of months. How do we do that? What are the different ways and techniques and tools and things we can do to go to the cold hard masses and ... some cool stuff's happening.

We started implementing some stuff and that's why we did the 'Funnel Catcher' event to show, here guys, here's what we're doing, this is the direction we're going, this is where you guys should be running with if you want to go and convert the cold traffic. The biggest thing with cold traffic is you've got to meet people where they're at. Using email and funnels things like that to warm them up to where you need them to be, right?

A good example if you have an offer that's going to work in cold traffic is going to the ... woah, excuse me that was a big sneeze. You guys got this live, I apologize. With cold traffic, imagine going to the food court at your mall and standing there and yelling at the top of your lungs, "Who here wants to learn how to build a funnel?", no one is going to raise their hands. That means my offer is a warm traffic offer. Now ideally, I still want to sell Quick Funnels, that's funnel-building software but no one understands that so if I go to cold traffic and I'm like, "Who wants funnel building software?", no one is going to give us money, right? But if I go to the food court and I stand up and say, "Who here wants a free money-making website?", everyone at the food court wants that. Everyone is going to raise their hand. That's why you have to think about cold traffic. If you went to the food court at the mall and yelled out what you're selling, how many people raise their hand? If it's less than 10%, your offer will not work for cold traffic. If it's above 10%, you've got something that ... you've at least got something to start working with.

You've got to figure out, how can you change the messaging and the wording of what you're selling to get cold traffic to raise their hand? Let's say it's a free money-making website, they come in with that. Now that I've got their name and email address and we can start warming through the process. Here's what a website is and here's a free website but it's actually what we call a funnel and this is why a funnel is important. Now we can educate them and warm them up and get them interested in what we want. That's the goal of funnel catcher, was we figure out where they're at and we speak to them at that language they understand and then after we get them, then we can indoctrinate them through emails, videos, funnels, whatever, to get them to believe and desire and want what we actually want to sell. There's the overarching, long, really cool concept for you right there.

Let me step back. A couple of the things we were doing like quiz pages and survey pages and a bunch of stuff like that. I've been out there trying to figure out ways ... we've got a bunch of them going, they're doing well. I stumbled on this guy. He's one of the main guys who built all of the email lists for big companies like NewsMax and a bunch of those type of sites. He doesn't work there anymore, now he does this kind of on his own. He builds out these survey funnels for people. I had him show me a bunch of these funnels, they're so cool. I've seen tons of these. One of them ... I'm sure you guys have probably seen before it's like the big banner ads all over like, 'Should we impeach Obama?' How many of you guys have seen that, right? I've seen that all over the place. You click on that and there's a little survey that if you think you should impeach Obama or not. So if you were to walk through the food court like, "Who here wants to impeach Obama?" It's going to piss off half the audience and get the other half really, really excited. It divides and conquers, that's exactly what you need to do. But you're going to get a response from everyone in the food court and they're all going to want to tell you their opinion. A perfect cold traffic offer.

Anyway, from that one little campaign, 'do you want to impeach Obama?', they built an email list of over 2 million people and made insane amounts of money because now they have a political newsletter, they can sell ads to survival people and biz-op people, everybody else. Or they can sell their own products and services or a variation of both. That was one example. Then they showed me probably 20 or 30 other quizzes like that that they've done and they're amazing.

I just wanted to give that to you guys as a hint. That's the path we are going down is trying to create cold traffic offers that we know that we can take. I don't know if I would do a political one because those kind of people aren't going to necessarily turn into business opportunity people. We did something similar on Facebook. We did a 'Donald Trump for President' fan page which got 150,000 followers for a couple thousand dollars. Now we're leveraging that because Donald Trump is a business-person in entrepreneurship and leveraging that to get people into our other programs, which is working really good right now.

Those are the kinds of concepts. Meet people at cold traffic where they're at, talk about something that they're going to be passionate about, get them now into your sequences and the goal at that point is to convert them, warm them up and convert them into what it is that you're selling.

Hope that gives you guys some hints. You will start seeing more and more of these things coming out from me in the near future. If this works with this dude and we build 1 or 2 of these for ourselves and it works, maybe we'll refer them out to everyone else but I don't want to ... I want to test it before I do. Conceptually, it works and I hope you guys start thinking along those lines, that's what we're thinking as well and it's a lot of fun.

One more bomb of gold I'll drop on you guys. This is a trick that we've been doing. One of our guys who was at 'Funnel Catcher' just crushed it with it. He got 13 thousand opt-ins for 30 cents apiece off Facebook doing this exact same model. I won't tell you the market he did it in but I'll tell you the market we're doing it in so you can get an idea of the concept. Same kind of thing, right? You go on Facebook, we meet people where they're at. The campaign that we ran is…Dave Asprey, the Bulletproof executive guy, he’s got a huge following, we went and bought $1,000 worth of bulletproof stuff and then did a contest saying, "We're going to give away $1,000 of bulletproof stuff for free, just put your email in to qualify." Guess what happened? We started getting everybody from Bulletproof's audience to give us their email address and got really, really cheap leads. We did drawing, sent someone $1,000 worth of these products and started marketing to those people, different products and services that we needed to.

Hope that gets you guys excited, if not you're on the wrong podcast. This is the crap that I care about, it's so much fun. I'm out of here guys, I'm going to go hang out with my wife. Appreciate you guys all listening in, I hope you have an amazing day and we'll talk soon.

Dec 10, 2015

I would share his exact quote, but he dropped 3 F-bombs…

On this special late night episode Russell talks about some cool things that happened to him today including helping Ryan at Hardcore Closer who did his first webinar and made his entire investment back. He also mentions the book he’s writing called The Three Funnels.

Here are 3 other cool things to listen for in this episode:

  • What things helped Russell have a good and exciting day.
  • How Rich Schefren helped Russell with webinars and basically saved his business and life.
  • And how Russell has been able to repay Rich for the things he has done.

So listen below to hear why Russell had such an amazing day.


Hey everyone, this is Russell Brunson and welcome to a Late Night Marketing Your Car. Hey guys and gals, and everybody else hanging out with us today, hope you're having an amazing time. It's been a little while since I've been doing podcasts and Marketing In Your Car because things have been so crazy busy. I'm stuck in traffic right now heading home, which my house is like 5 minutes from my office, but the traffic is still here so I thought we should hang out and just talk about some cool stuff. Because I really had a good day today for a couple of different reasons, and I just through it would be fun to talk about it with you guys. Hope you don't mind.

One exciting thing is Ryan over at Hardcore Closer, he joined our inner circle program a little while ago. Which as you know, is not a small investment. He paid $25,000 to get in, and he was nervous, and all these things. I kind of showed him the business model I thought he should be doing. He went and executed on it, and he's just a doer, he ran with it and did his first webinar today. I got a Vox, and I would show it to all you guys or let you listen to it because it was really exciting, but he dropped the f-word 4 times in about 3 seconds, so I'm not going to forward it because I don't want to hurt anyone's ears.

He basically said, "Russell, I did my first webinar." He said, "$20,000. I made my money back in the very first effin webinar. I effin love you." Something, something, something. It was awesome. That makes your day when some dude invests $25,000 and within in 2 weeks before the first meeting even happens, he get his money back. Now he's got 364 days now of coaching for free, and we're just going to keep growing it and blowing it up. I'm super proud and excited. That was fun to hear. It was awesome. That was cool.

What else? What else? Oh, so I've been writing this new front end book. Not a book. I'm calling it a book, but it's not. Maybe it's a report, or a manifesto, or somewhere in between. I'm trying to relaunch our continuity program and I wanted to make a really good offering. I want something really unique and exciting, and so I'm writing this book called The Three Funnels. I think I might have mention this to you guys before, but basically in our business three funnels make about 85 to 90% of all of our income. Instead of teaching all the flashy flare, let's talk about the fundamentals, and that's what this book was about. Here's the fundamentals. I didn't go into to amazing details. It's really exciting all the cool stuff I pulled out, like here's our funnels, here's our stats on every single page. Here's what you should be looking at. Here's this. Here's that.

Anyway from our three core funnels, which are Tripwire, Webinar, and High Ticket Funnel. I'm really proud of that, and I finished it today. It's been this project that's been annoying me. You know how you have the projects that in your mind there's so much pain associated with it and you don't want to do them? That's how this has been. There was so much pain. I have all these other things I need to get done, but this one I had to get done because it has to be done, and then I have Brittanie, who does the all the design and publishing, she needs it, and then we got to get it printed, and then shipped all within like the next week and a half, two weeks. It's like I had to get it done, so the last like three days I've been locked down, and I finished it today. I know you guys probably felt that where you finished a book or finished something, and it's just like relief, just gone. It's over and you can now move on to other stuff. That was exciting.

Also, one of my friends, Rich Schefren, some of you guys may know him, he actually helped me out a lot a couple years ago. If you are a Marketing In Your Car fan, you know all of my ups and downs. I'm pretty honest with you guys. We had built up this big company, 100 employees, and then the whole thing crashed around me. I think one of the earlier podcasts I told that story, and maybe I'll tell it again someday for the newbies. Anyway, it was a horrible experience and a lot of pain and suffering on my side, and fear, and everything. I didn't know what I was going to do when I grew up, and I still had people working for me I was trying to support, and all these things. I'm trying to figure out, "What should I do?"

At the time I was like, "Who's really having success right now in this new economy and with the things that changed and all the new things?" I was looking around and one of the people that was crushing it right then in that moment was Rich Schefren and he was doing it through automated webinars. I didn't have one yet. I didn't even know how to do one. I called him and I was like, "Hey man, can I fly out and just pick your brain for a day?" He said, "Yes." I'm so grateful for that. I flew out there and he gave me a day of his time for free and it was awesome.

I went back afterwards, we launched a webinar that literally saved my business, probably saved my life in some ways. Paid off all of our debts, paid off the tax, the government, and a whole bunch of other just scary things, and it was awesome. I always feel like I've owed him for that. The initial deal was if we promote his webinar he'd do that, and we did do that. I felt more than that because it was big for me. One of the few people at that time who really helped me make a big shift that I needed, and so I'm just always grateful for him.

Anyway, he's been kind of going through a shift in his business and business models trying to figure out ... He's got kind of this new stuff he wants to sell and trying to figure out the right process to sell them, and he's been struggling. I saw him in London actually, and he spoke, and he didn't sell very well. I feel like some of the things that I've learned over the last few years, especially through the Perfect Webinar ... For those of you who have gone through the Perfect Webinar training, I felt like I knew, and I might be wrong, but I felt like I knew what was wrong with is presentation, and his pitch, and his offer, and stuff like that.

We spent an hour on the phone today and really pulled as much as I could out of his brain and I figured ... Because Rich's stuff is always amazing. He's so smart it doesn't make sense to average humans sometimes, right? That's the hard part. It's trying to figure out how do we make this simple so that everyone wants to buy it because the stuff's amazing. The fulfillment always amazing stuff, but it's like the selling, so he went through and walked and talked through everything. I asked a bunch of questions and I pulled out what I think was right, and we restructured the offer, the webinar, the pitch, and I'm really proud of it. I sent it all to him. I recorded a bunch of videos showing how I'd pitch it and I hope that it's something that's going to benefit him. It felt good to be able to kind of return the favor.

You know when you have someone that does something big for you and you don't know how to repay that favor? Because it's kind of like, how do you repay that? Right? I'm just happy that I got to be part of that today. Hopefully it will help. If not, that's fine, but I felt like some of the gifts that God's given me in the last few years I was able to kind of repay him and that felt good. All these good things are happening today, which is awesome.

Then we just booked, I think, our final speaker for the Funnel Hacking event. He's got to sign the contract and then I can announce that too, but we got some amazing, amazing, crazy keynote speakers coming. Just all sorts of fun, awesome stuff's happening. As you can probably tell I'm excited. I'm excited because cool stuff we're doing, cool stuff our students are doing, cool things we're doing with our partners, and just everything's good.

I'm having a good day, and I'm heading home, and it's going to be awesome. Hope you guys are all having a good time. Sometimes on this show we share my ups and my downs, and everything. I just wanted to share with you guys an up because I'm happy and I hope that you guys are as well. If you're not, I was looking at the things that made me happy today. One was obviously the book, which was the me project. Which kind of is, but it's also something I'm trying to create to serve. The other two were all things we’re doing for other people, and so ... Anyway, if you're struggling, you're not happy or whatever, I think I heard Tony Robbins say this, but start serving someone else around you and you can't help but make things better.

Anyway, that's it guys. I'm almost home. I'm go inside see my kids, have a good time. I appreciate you all listening and caring enough to tune into the podcast. Make sure you guys are coming to Funnel Hacking Live. It's going to be amazing. We're about to announce all the lineup and I know tickets will sell fast, so do not delay. With that said, we love you guys. We appreciate you guys, and we are excited to keep serving you. Like I said before, you are an audience worth serving and just grateful to be in a spot and have an opportunity to be where I'm at to help you guys. Thanks again, and we'll talk soon.

Dec 7, 2015

My feelings after spending 10 hours yesterday with my 9 year old, doing homework.

On today’s episode Russell talks about why he hates school and struggled there.He also rants about why he’s frustrated with the school system that his own kids are in and why he thinks a lot of it is just busy work.

Here are some frustrating things Russell talks about in this episode:

  • Why Russell thinks that kids shouldn’t have homework.
  • Why he is frustrated by his twin boys’ different 4th grade teachers doing things different and overloading one of them with homework.
  • And why Russell thinks you should be tested on how the real world works, instead of just memorizing the right answer.

So listen below to hear why Russell is frustrated with the school system his kids are in.


Good morning everybody. Welcome to a very, very, very rainy Marketing in Your Car. All right everybody hope you are doing amazing. I think we have a lot of new Marketing in Your Car followers and listeners. We just started promoting it. We just got set up It's got all back episodes, links to them, transcripts, and a bunch of other cool stuff. So if you want to get on the e-mail list, to get notifications when new podcasts come out, and just see a cool thing go to Other than that, I’m excited to have you guys here today. Today is going to be a rant day. I hope you guys are okay. Today I wanted to rant a little bit about a thing that we like to call school. I don't know about you guys but school for me was really, really, really difficult. I think it is for most entrepreneurs. I'm guessing that if you're listening to this you probably fall in that same camp and you have struggled like I did, like most entrepreneurs do.

I never really understood why until recently. This guy named Alex, he wrote a book called Entrepreneur Personality Type. There's only 500 of them in circulation. Anyway he did a talk at a Genius Network ... and he’s actually speaking at our next Funnel Hacking Live. So if you're not coming, go to and get registered for our seminar. He's going to be speaking about the entrepreneurial personality type. When he explained it the first time I got chills like 20 times. I was like, that's me. I finally understand myself. It made me understand why I hate school and why I struggle with it, and all sorts of stuff like that. This recently I had a reason to even hate it more. So, as you guys know, we went to London a couple weeks ago and took my family out of school for a week, and it was awesome.

Before we go we ask the teachers like, "Hey, give us some homework so we can make sure the kids don't fall behind." Right? So one kid basically gets no homework, one gets a couple things, and one the teachers like, "I haven't done my plans yet so we don't have any homework for you." So like all right. So we go on the trip, and out there we're like we're in London, we're seeing these amazing things, go into history they say the Buckingham Palace, they saw the Tower of London, they saw all these amazing things. On top of that my kids just recently read Willy Wonka, or Charlie's Chocolate Factory or whatever it's actually called.

So we saw the Willy Wonka play, which was amazing. Just all these cool things, right? So we come back from that. We get to school and this is just ... It drives me crazy. We have twins so they're in the same grade but different teachers, right? One teacher's like, "Oh cool, you got tons of culture and history. You're good. You don't have to worry about any homework." Then my other twin the teacher who didn't have of her assignments done now gave him every single paper they'd done in school. Plus every homework assignment for that entire time. They were insane. We sat there for the last two weeks every single night, we spent about two to three hours with him trying to this stupid homework. He's a fourth grader, right? Then like Sunday we spent probably eight or nine, maybe even ten hours with him just trying to get his homework done.

Like dozens, like everything that you would do in school she gave him for homework. It doesn't make any sense they'd do that. Then the funniest thing is that they had a whole homework assignment on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We had read the book, we seen both the movies, and we just saw the play live in London within the last 30 days, right? So we're going through trying to answer these questions and I don't even know the answers to these things. Like it's ridiculous. It's like reading comprehension but it's asking a fourth grader all these questions that have nothing to do with anything.

If I'm getting stumped on these questions at this point in my life, for fourth grade homework assignment on a play ... On a book .... On a play we just barely saw, it's just ridiculous, right? It goes on and on and on. It's just like this mass amount of work for them to do just to keep them busy. Like I almost think it's like parents and teachers don't want ... Like their kids are so crazy busy doing all these cool things like learning, and studying, and reading, and running, and playing, and having fun, and developing themselves as humans. They don't like that because it's like chaos and it's not structured like they want it to be. So they give us all this insane amounts of homework to like structure your kids so that they're not bugging you. It drives me crazy. They go to school at 8 in the morning, they're home about 4. Then they had like two hours ... Hour ... Two hours of homework every night as well. The entire day is taken up with school work. Which none of it has any point. You know what I mean?

I remember in college writing papers and then the papers are done and then you threw them away. Like there's no purpose and no point to any of it. It's just all just manual, menial work that doesn't actually help you in any way whatsoever. It just drives me crazy. So I just wanted to go on a rant today with you guys. I'm sure most of you guys can empathize with me. If I was a teacher and my kids were going to London for a week, I'd think, "Man, this is such a great experience. What I want to you do is I want you to write a report about the cool cultural things you saw, and then what you learned at the Willy Wonka play." Something like that that's actually is going to be so much more useful than like here's a bunch of math problems that don't mean anything. See if you can solve them. Oh, and then here's a bunch of questions on that book that are so hard that don't make ... That aren't even like logically ... Things you have to go back and reread the book like 16 times to be able to find these random, obscure things you want to bring out in a quiz, and on and on and on.

I only know that because I had to reread Willy Wonka like 20 times yesterday trying to find all these little remote answers. Just ridiculous. Anway I just think that it's crazy. I think it's out of control. I think that our kids are stuck in a school system most the day anyway and the last thing they need is to come home and do homework. I think what they do when they get home they need to get home and get away from that, and relax, and have fun, and play, and grow and, be kids, and be creative, and stop trying to recite answers, and look up things, and figure out math problems. They do that all day at school. If they're not doing it at school there's an issue with the teacher I think.

There's kind of my rant. Yeah. I'm sure some of you guys I probably deeply offended with that. For me it's just ridiculous. It makes me ... We're not going to for a lot of reasons, I see a lot value in the homeschooling because of that. Where you can actually have your kids study things that matter and create assignment and things that help them grow as opposed to just like, "Oh, here's a book. You read it all. Now you've finished reading, go back and reread to find the answers that I wanted to pull out to try to stump you." It's just ridiculous. It's not how we learn in the real world, right? I think like the math ... Even math ... It's funny because they spend all this time trying to teach us how to do math. Which I understand it's good to know the basics. Since I've been out of college I've never done math once. There's these things called calculators we use. I almost think like they should have the kids focus 50% of assignments on learning on how to use a calculator. That's the real world we live in today, right?

I remember one of my friends is right now in college. He's writing like a thesis statement or something like that. He's got to write this thing. I was like well you should just hire someone to write it for you. Hire a ghost writer, you do the research, tell them what to write, and have them write it. He's like, "No, that's cheating." I'm like, "Are you kidding me? That's cheating?" Guess how it works in the real world, guess what happened when I wrote my book? I did the research, 10 years of hard work, and then I found a writer to help me write it. That's how the real world works. Okay? There's not ... I bet one out of ten books on the New York Times Best Seller List were actually written by the actual authors. There's people that help you with that. That's how the real world works. So why aren't we tested on how the real world works?

It drove me crazy in one of my programming classes, I couldn't figure out answers so I'd hire people in India and Romania to help me figure out the answers, and I'd get the problems right. My teachers would get upset saying, "You're cheating." I'm like, "How am I cheating?" In the real world, guess what I do when I can figure out an answer? I hire someone who gives me the answer! That's such a more valuable skill than spending six weeks trying to figure out an answer. In fact I would fire one of my employees if they had spent six weeks trying to figure out an answer instead of just asking somebody who might actually know. That's a skill that is transferable. That's what school systems should be based on. Is who here can actually find the answers to questions? Not who knows all the answers to every single question. Who can memorize things and regurgitate them? Who can find these things? Who can open Google and find the answer?

That should be what tests are because the real world is. If we're not ... If the real wor- Great. I'm in the intersection and my car just died. Darn stick shifts. Sorry I'm not used to driving a stick shift while I'm ranting. It's hard to do two things at once. That's just how I feel so anyway. I have a lot of sympathy for my little kids who are going through this right now. Part of me just like, "Why are they even have to do this? Like they shouldn't even worry about turning it in." I'm trying to be a good parent and help them understand the value in it. It's hard. So I just needed to rant to you guys who get me because I am helping my kids. I'm making sure they get homework assignments done. I'm not talking bad about their teachers. I'm trying to help them in that way.

The reality is I just don't think that that the world works that way anymore. So for me, I'm just saying that I do not like school. If you guys agree with me, please share this podcast. If you go to you'll find a link to it. You can grab and share it with your friends and family, other people who may or may not agree with me, I love to get feedback. Go comment on the blog. Let me know if you disagree. It'd be awesome to have a fun conversation there. Anyway I'm at the office. It's rainy. So I'm going to jump out of here and go get warm. I'll talk to you guys soon. Have an amazing day. Don't let your kids go to school. Just kidding. They should go to school but just for the social reasons. Don't let them stress out too much about homework. All right. I'm out of here. Talk soon.