
Marketing Secrets

Welcome To Russell Brunson’s Marketing Secrets Podcast. So, the big question is this, “How are entrepreneurs like us, who didn’t cheat and take on venture capital, who are spending money from our own wallets, how do we market in a way that lets us get our products and services and things that we believe in out to the world… and yet still remain profitable?” That is the question, and this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Russell Brunson, and welcome to
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Marketing Secrets







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Now displaying: October, 2017
Oct 31, 2017

Interesting thoughts I had on my drive home from Salt Lake City.

On this episode Russell relates following God’s will to following the will of the market in business. Here are some of the enlightening things you will hear in today’s episode:

  • How spending his weekend talking to a leader in his church reminded him that’s its important to align your belief’s with Gods.
  • How aligning your beliefs will God’s is similar to aligning your product ideas with the needs of the market you’re in.
  • And find out how you can align your own beliefs with that of the market you are in.

So listen here to find out how Russell is able to relate business marketing to God.


What’s up everybody? This is Russell Brunson and welcome to the Marketing Secrets podcast.

Hey everyone, I hope you guys are all having an amazing day today. Whoa, I’m juggling my phone as I get in the car. Crazy day. We are just leaving, I was about to leave the house today and I walked out and Norah was outside on the trampolines jumping.

Some of you guys heard my crazy stories. We had a big side yard that was kind of a big empty weed field. So we decided this year to go a little crazy. So we put in a football/soccer field, a volleyball court, basketball court, baseball and a track that wraps the whole thing and then 9 underground trampolines. And they got the 9 underground trampolines up this weekend while we were gone.  So we spent all night last night when we got home jumping and then this morning, I was about to leave and I could hear little giggles outside and I went outside and Norah was jumping.

It’s a little bit cold out here, but I went and jumped for the last little bit. Now I’m heading out so I’m buckling up in my car and we are ready to rock and roll. It’s funny, we were gone this week. We went and drove to Burley where my in-laws live and we dropped off our kids and from there we drove down to Salt Lake because I had a meeting that I’ll tell you guys about here in a second.

But it’s funny, on the way home we went camping and stuff like that, so I haven’t shaved in two days. So my face was all prickly, you know what I mean. I was picking up Norah yesterday and her curly hair is like Velcro on my beard. I tried for two days and I just hated it, so I just shaved it this morning. I’m like, ah, I feel so much better.

But I hate it because I’ve been watching, we’ve been studying Dollar Shave Club and Dollar Beard Club’s off-boarding process. In fact, I wrote about it in Funnel university this month. And I don’t know what it is, all the beard guys just seem cooler and part of me is like I wanna be cool like the beard guys but I just can’t. Two days and I gave up, it was horrible. So I’ll never be as cool as the beard guys. But I will give them credit, they are definitely cooler than us shaved guys. Anyway, hopefully someday I’ll become a man and be able to grow one out. That day is not today.

Anyway, so I want to share something today, and some of you might be thinking, Russell this is a marketing podcast why are you talking about God? Because he has to do with everything, it’s really important. And the lesson I learned this weekend has to do with God, but it also then relates back to you guys and your market, so I think it’s really, really important.

So I was in Utah and I had a meeting with someone who is one of the top leaders in my church, the Mormon church. And we believe in our church that there’s a prophet and his 12 apostles, similar to how when Christ was on Earth. And my meeting was with one of the twelve apostles, which was really a huge honor, and scary and exciting and all those things all wrapped into one. And I had a chance to meet with him.

So this whole week prior to leading up to it, I’ve had a lot of thoughts about just life and how things work and then obviously meeting with him and then afterwards, it was a really neat reflection in time. And there was something that came out, I mean, there was a lot of stuff I wish I could share in the context of this podcast, but it’s probably not appropriate or the right spot, so I won’t. But there was one thing that just kept ringing through my head that I wanted to share because I think it’s important and it does relate back to marketing. So there you go. Is it I alright if I relate it back to marketing, if I talk about God for a few minutes? Hopefully that’s okay.

So it’s interesting, if you look at the world, what the world tries to do is that they see, I don’t want to get political because I don’t care about politics at all, so I’m not going to get political. But I see this mostly, it’s amplified in politics, where it’s like these are the agenda items that people either believe this or believe this and they fight back and forth, who’s right and who’s wrong, and all that stuff. And it’s kind of crazy.

And it’s been interesting, in my life, and I’m not perfect in this by any stretch, this is what I aspire to be, when I look at an issue, when I look at something it shouldn’t be what do I believe. What does Russell believe on this topic? It should be, okay I believe in a God, so what does God actually believe on this topic? And then my job as a human here is not to try to convince God that, “No, no, no, you’re wrong.” Because he’s not.

So my goal is to look at what he believes on the topic and then bend my will towards that. Say, okay this is what he believes therefore this is what I believe. That’s how it should be, if you do believe in an all powerful creator who created the heavens and the earth and everything. I think we should bend our will towards him. This is what he thinks, therefore this is what I think, on any topic.

I think that’s important as we’re trying to set up our belief’s. What we’re for and what we’re against. It should be less of, this is my opinion, this is what I think is right, this is what I studied, what I read. It should be like, what does God actually think and then sit back and pray and find out what he believes and then be like cool. I will align my will with yours. I will align with that because that’s what you believe.

So I was thinking about that, again, something I probably wouldn’t normally share inside the podcast, but I started thinking about this from the business standpoint too because there’s always correlations between all things. And it’s funny because a lot of the entrepreneurs that I work with, it’s interesting what they do. They have an idea, “This is a product I want to create. It’s the greatest thing in the world. It’s going to change mankind. I want to charge this price for it, this is how I want to deliver it.” And they have all these things that they want to do because it’s their idea. It’s their baby.

And they go out there and they put it on the market and the market crushes it and it’s like, that idea sucks. Or that price point is not right. Or whatever it is, the market goes and does it’s thing. And the market in this situation is kind of like God. The market doesn’t care who you are, not that God, God does care. But the market doesn’t care who you are. The market doesn’t care how good your ideas are.

The market is what it is. If you put your thing out there and it will tell you, that idea sucked. Or that idea is amazing. Or whatever the thing in between there is. And our job as entrepreneurs, is not to try to convince the market that our idea is the best, our job is to find out what does the market actually want and then align our will with that.

And when you do that, that’s when things explode. That’s why when we test funnels, we’ll test and be like, oh the market said no. And we try again and we test and tweak the messaging and the pricing, we keep moving things around until we figure out what does the market actually want? How much do they want to spend for this? What’s the price point? What do they actually want? Do they even want this product?  A lot of my ideas they didn’t want. As great of an idea as I thought they were, the market did not care about it. And the market is the only thing that actually matters.

So I always tell people, it drives me crazy people in my coaching programs, Facebook groups, and everything will come in and be like, “What’s your opinion on this?” and I’m like, “Dude, don’t take my opinion on it. I don’t even trust my opinion on my own stuff. I let the market decide. I create the thing the best I know how to do, based on what I have seen the market respond to in the past. I make the thing and then I send some traffic to it and I let the market vote. And I don’t let the market vote through quizzes or surveys or things like that. Where they’re like, ‘Oh yeah, I would buy that.’ The only thing that I care about is people that actually pull their wallets out of their pocket and swipe their credit card. That is how the market votes. They don’t vote with their mouth, they vote with their credit card.”

Yes, I do, for those of you watching, I do have a Clickfunnels sticker on my wallet because it is what fills my wallet full of the stuff that we need to buy.

Anyway, so that’s how it works. So for you guys, as entrepreneurs, it’s important for you to not get so caught up on your ideas and what you believe. It is important for you to figure out what the market actually wants. What they actually believe. They believe this is worth this amount of money, they believe that this is what they want to buy. You figure out what the market actually wants, and you do that you become rich. If you fight against that, you struggle. I’ve seen people go years, maybe decades and never have success because they are trying to jam their belief’s down the market’s throat. And the market doesn’t care about you, all the market wants is what it wants. So you gotta figure out what it wants and then you align your will with that. And that’s it.

So as I was thinking about that this weekend with God and our responsibility to not so much try to dictate what we believe and try to shove it down his throat. But to figure out what he believes and align our will him. It’s the same thing with the market. And when you understand that, that’s when business becomes a lot easier.

It comes back to Expert Secrets 101, like page 3 or whatever, find a hot market, ask them what they want, and then give it to them. It does not say, find a hot market, decide what you think would be awesome to create and then jam it down their throats. That is a hard business to run. Okay, it’s the opposite way. Find a hot market, ask what they want, and then give it to them. That’s it and the market will tell you. The market will tell you if you’re right. The market will tell you if you’re wrong. If you’re wrong, don’t be mad about it. Just change your approach, change the pricing, change the hook, change the angle, change the product, change the service. Create what it wants and then everything will take place that you need it to.

Okay, there you go, is that okay that we reel religion into this thing? Because even if you guys don’t believe in God, it doesn’t mean he’s not there. That’s what’s interesting. I have people, friends that are like, “I don’t believe in God, you shouldn’t talk about it.” I’m like, “Whether you believe in him or not, he’s still there.” That’s the interesting thing.

People are like, “I don’t believe this will sell.” Whether you believe it or not, it doesn’t really matter, it’s what the market believes. So let’s go find out what the truth is, and let’s align our belief’s with that. That’s in all aspects of life. So there you go.

That’s preacher Brunson preaching on. Hope you guys don’t mind. Anyway, regardless, I hope you got something out of that one and hopefully you guys understand that’s how the world works, how the market works. And when you understand that, and you align your will toward it, that’s how you grow a company. Find a hot market, ask what they want, and give it to them. Alright guys, I’m at the office, I gotta go. See you all soon. Bye everybody.

Oct 27, 2017

Russell’s rant about what’s keeping people from success.

On this episode Russell rants about the difference between daycare, college and coaching and why to be successful you need coaching. But to be a champion you have to put in the extra work because coaches can only take you so far. Here are some interesting things in this episode:

  • Why you need to listen to your coaches to be successful, otherwise you might as well go to daycare or college.
  • And why putting in extra work after the coaching is what will make you a champion.

Listen here to find out why you need to move on from daycare, and college and jump into coaching and then put in even more effort to become a champion.


What’s up everybody? This is Russell Brunson and this is an emergency impromptu podcast with angry Steven behind me. So I have to do this right now. The Software Secrets webinar is starting in less than an hour and I should be doing slides, but something just made me angry so I wanted to jump on. And you’re kind of angry too.

Steven: It actually kind of pisses me off. It’s a recurring thing.

Russell: Alright so, this is a coaching call for everybody, and owe, we’re going to queue the Marketing Secrets intro and then we’ll come back to what we’ve gotta do.

Alright welcome back, so now that we’re still angry, hopefully the intro got you pumped, I want to talk to you guys about the difference between coaching, college, and a daycare. This is very important for you to understand because some of you guys for some reason think that we run a daycare here and we don’t.

So right here actually, if you’re watching the video version, if you look out the window here, this is our office, Clickfunnels right there, there’s the daycare. So it’s right next store. There’s a little playground right there, you guys can see it. That’s the daycare.

Steven: And they cry and they scream and they’re whiny.

Russell: So the daycare, it’s really cool. The way it works is you show up there and then someone takes care of you the entire day. Like when you’re hungry, they give you food. When you’re thirsty they give you water. When you poop yourself, they wipe your butt. It’s really, really nice. It’s like what? $50 a month, $100? I don’t know how much it is. But that’s a daycare , that’s how daycare’s work.

So that’s one option of how you can get better at life, you can go to a daycare. Option number two, you go to school. Now, the thing about school is it costs a bunch of money. They don’t care about you at all. You show up and then you do your assignments or you don’t, they don’t really care and they give you an A, B, C, D or F. or if you’re in England I also found out they have an E. We don’t E’s in America, but apparently in England there’s E’s. But A, B, C, D, or F and then as long as you get a C, they don’t, C’s good enough and you get a degree. In fact, my motto in college was C’s get degrees. That’s how I passed school. As long as I got a C I could wrestle. So I literally had a 2.1 GPA, I had complete C’s all the way through, except for I got a B in, I think it was something….It was like semester one of year one. So it was a long time ago, I don’t even remember what it was.

But I got C’s, I got a degree and yay! I got a degree, whooo. And I leave with a piece of paper that’s completely useless. So we got daycare, we got school and then the third option now, is coaching. So how does coaching work? I’m a wrestler and every single day I show up to wrestling practice, my coach was there. My coach was really good. He knew what he was doing. And I show up and all the other wrestlers would show up and we’d sit and watch the coach and he’d teach us moves and we’re like, “Oh, cool. That’s a good move.” And guess what?

Some of the kids would watch the coach and they’d try the move and they didn’t do it right and they just sat there on their butts and did nothing. And then guess what? They sucked at wrestling. And the coach didn’t give them a B, or a C, or an A and it didn’t matter because they were going to put them out on the mat and they were going to get the crap kicked out of them in front of everybody. That was the reality. You don’t get an A, B or C, it’s like okay you’re about to go fight someone. This is your preparation, if you want to just crap it away, congratulations, you did that. And you’re going to get beat up in front of everybody.

Then there are people like me, I listen to coaches, I watch, I train, I ask them questions, I keep doing it, I train, I practice. When he would leave my dad would come over, my dad’s out there. When he would leave, then we’d go out to the house eat dinner and my friends would come to my house and we had a wrestling mat on my back porch, we’d wrestle on the back porch and guess what?

I became a state champ, I became an all American, I got a college scholarship, because I did more. My dad used to always tell me, “ A coach can take somebody to this level. And a coach has got a whole bunch of people he’s coaching. That entire wrestling room is all there and everyone’s getting there and the coach can get everybody to this level right here. The difference between someone who’s going to be a coach, and someone’s who’s going to be a champion, is after the coach gets you here, it’s that extra effort. That’s what makes you a champion.”

So what’s cool about marketing and sales, first off, we’re not a daycare. I’m not going to wipe your butt. I don’t freaking care if you succeed or not. That’s not on top of me. Number two, this is not college, I’m not going to be like “Congratulations, here’s a C you can go get a degree.” Because guess what? You’ve gotta go out there on your webinar or with your pride, and you gotta step out there in front of everybody and you’re getting the crap kicked out of you and if you’re getting a C, you’re going to get destroyed. I’m not giving out C’s. It’s not a college, or university. I actually care about your success.

So what we’re going to go is we’re going to have a coaching program, but we run the coaching program just like wrestling. We’re coaching a whole bunch of people the best that we know how. We know what works, but guess what? Everyone sitting in the room is hearing the exact same thing. And the difference between a champion and someone who is average is who’s going to take that extra effort. Who’s going to ask the coach other questions? Who’s going to follow up? Who’s going to practice? Who’s going to get better? Who’s going to do stuff on their own? Who’s going to go home at night, after they eat dinner, for the third practice of the day because they want to be a winner?

Those are the people who win and those are the people we coach. So right now you’re in a coaching program. So any of you guys who are in our coaching program, this is specifically towards one person who I’m yelling at, but this is an important lesson for everyone. First off, we’re not a daycare. If you want someone to wipe your butt, it’s like $100 across the street from Clickfunnels. Across, it’s not even the street, it’s like over the fence right there. They will wipe your butt and you’ll feel really good, because you gotta clean butt.

Number two, you can go to college. Boise State’s like, I don’t know, 4 or 5 miles down the road. They’ll give you C’s and you’ll feel really good. You can put it on your wall and be like, “I got a degree.” And you’re so awesome, but you’re going to go out in the real world and get the crap kicked out of you.

Or number three, you can become a champion. Show up every single day, work your butt off, work hard, and then go out and do the extra effort you need to do to be successful. The last two nights in a row, guess how late I was here at the freaking office working on my slides? 2:00 both nights in a row. “But Russell, you’re super successful, why are you still working hard?” Because champions go the extra effort.

I could have gone home. I could’ve not done this. I could’ve just slept. And we got people who are like, “Oh Russell, I worked really hard. I was up til like 8 last night.” Dude, you guys aren’t even there yet. You shouldn’t be going to bed until at least 2 or 3 or 4 in the morning til you freaking get this thing figured out. If you want to be a champion, the coaches can get you to this level. My coaching, Steven’s coaching, what we are doing, we will get you to this level but that’s the level everyone’s at. And guess what? If you’re at that level that everyone’s at you’re not going to be successful.

Champions go the extra effort. Champions do a practice afterwards. Champions go home and do another practice. Champions are thinking about it, dreaming about it, working on it, trying to perfect the art so they can become a champion. If you want to be successful in business you’ve got to do that because this is not something where we’re going to give you a C and now you’re going to make money. It doesn’t work that way. You’re going to go out there into the real world, into the marketplace, the marketplace is going to kick the crap out of you if you haven’t been prepared.

If you show up and you’re like, “Hey marketplace, I did my first webinar and nobody showed up.” It’s because your stuff’s boring because you just did the baseline and you quit. “I did the webinar, 5 people showed up and nobody bought.” First off, it’s because you did the baseline. If you want to be a champion you have to put in the extra effort from here to here. That is the extra effort you have to be to be a champ.

So to recap today. Number one if you want your butt wiped, go sign up for the daycare, it’s really cheap. And they’ll wipe your butt and it’ll feel so good. Number two, if you want to feel good about yourself, feel happy, and like kumbaya and all that crap, go to school, they’ll give you a degree. C’s get degrees, but they will not make you any money. And number three, if you want to be coached, be coachable. Come to the coaching program, listen to what they say and then do it. Don’t complain, “I can’t figure out….” Dude, there’s a thing called Google. There’s an answer to everything, you have to go that extra effort. You have to freaking do it. And you have to do it and you have to do it and you have to do it and you’re going to get beat up a lot during this practice period of time, but guess what?

If you do that and get beat up, that’s how when you step out on the real mat against really good people, that’s how you win and we’re creating winners here and that’s what we want.

So if you’re wondering, man this stuff doesn’t work for me….actually for those who are watching the video, I’m going to show you this stuff works really good. I’m going to show you, come down the hall. This is how well it works. For those champions, those who take the extra effort there, from here to here, we have them immortalized on our wall. There’s a lot of them. All of these guys here, the Two Comma Club award. All these people, these are the champions. They didn’t just go through the coaching program and stop, “Steven wasn’t as clear on how to do…”

They freaking Googled it and they asked other questions. They asked the community, and they worked hard, and they tried, and they tested, and they figured things out, and they were rewarded with a gold platinum record here, with two commas. There’s tons of them, boom.

I was showing Instagram last night, if you guys haven’t seen this yet. This month alone, the first guy came in….we filled this wall completely up, and right now if you look at this there’s 15 new one’s that came in.

Steven: It’s like 4 or 5 a week.

Russell: 15 that came in this month so far, but check this out. I came in last night and look at this, we have a whole other stack. Another 11 more. 11 +15 is 26. So we had 26 people join the Two Comma Club in the last 30 days. So what does that mean for you guys. One millionaire a day’s being made, so if you aren’t hitting it, you’re just stopping right here. You’re not doing that last little bit from there to there that is important to do. So there you go.

Steven: You gotta understand that Russell and I don’t hold the key to your success. That’s not at all how this works. It’s funny to watch different people who come in and do different coaching and stuff. It’s always easy to see, that extra little bit, that’s what keeps going. If you’re looking for external things to motivate you, it’s the wrong question already. No one needs to motivate you to do your thing. No one cares about your thing as much as you do. So you gotta be the one who’s all fiery and out there doing the thing, being a pioneer to some extent for your own success with it. Because honestly, you’re the only one who’s going to care enough to do it.

So Russell shows the framework, we’ll show how to do it, we’ll help you do things along the way as you get stuck, or whatever it is, but it’s totally up to you. You’re success, everything is gonna be riding on your back.

Russell: 100% If you don’t really want success, you just want someone to wipe your butt, go to daycare. If you don’t want success, you just want to feel good and get a degree on the wall, go to freaking college. If you want to make money, change your life, be successful, get a coach. If it’s not me, get someone else. Get a coach, freaking do everything they say, and then stop and do more. That’s it. Champions…..My dad used to tell me this all the time, “Coach only takes you to this level. Champions are made right there.”

Alright, it ran over. I gotta get back to slides. Alright you guys, appreciate you all. Thanks so much. I know I’m preaching to the choir for a lot of you guys, but for the other ones, if that stung a little bit, I’m talking to you. So thanks you guys, talk to you soon. Bye.

Oct 26, 2017

How we’re creating systems so that everyone can focus on their unique abilities.

On this episode Russell talks about being worth $100,000 a day in his business, but not being worth anything as an assistant wrestling coaching. He goes on to say why it’s important to focus on unique abilities. Here are some of the amazing things in today’s episode:

  • Why Russell had to tell an old friend that he couldn’t come visit unless he paid him $100,000 a day.
  • How Russell ended up being an assistant wrestling coach for free.
  • And why focusing on our own and our team members unique abilities is a good way to grow your company.

So listen here to find out why Russell charges $100,000 a day for business consulting, but is an assistant wrestling coach for free.


What’s up everybody, this is Russell Brunson. Welcome to Marketing Secrets podcast. I hope you guys have an amazing day today because I’ve got something cool to share with you. Alright everybody, I’m heading back into the office. It’s been a couple, the last two weeks have been a lot.

Some of you guys, if you’ve been watching, last week I re-wrote the webinar from the ground up and it did really well. Over a million dollars in sales in the first week, which is cool. But the coolest thing, now that asset is done and created it will be placed in different places, including the home page of Clickfunnels. And it should, next year generate a lot. Anywhere from 10 – 20 million bucks.

So it’s like, you do the work once and it pays you forever. And now I’m writing a webinar this week for our new program called Software Secrets, which is a brand new thing. It’s always, the last webinar I wrote from scratch, but the offer was similar to what I’ve done in the past. So this one, this is a brand new offer, brand new everything.

And my kids started wrestling, and I don’t know if I told you guys this already, but the first day of wrestling practice happened and I didn’t know about it. I don’t know, we just got the dates messed up. So my kids went and that night I came home and I was all excited to see them, “How was wrestling?” and they’re all in tears, “We hate wrestling. We never want to go back.” And I was like, “What? No.”  So I had to call the coach and a few minutes later I called to be an assistant wrestling coach. So now everyday at 3:00, I love it, I get to go to wrestling practice with my kids.

The only problem is that this week was planned to be the Software Secrets launch week, so I was going to have a whole week to build out the webinar. The problem is that now from 3 til 6 every night I’m at wrestling. So it cuts out, plus like drive times and everything else, it cuts out about 4 ½-5 hours every day. So I really needed to get this webinar, so I’ve been late nights. I was up at the office until 2 last night. I’m going to probably be there til 2 or 3 tonight and then do the webinar tomorrow morning live.

But I think conservatively, it’s an amazing offer. It’s really insane. I would be shocked if we don’t do a million dollars during the launch week, or this week, the webinar week, you know. And then that will go on and next year it could do, who knows, anywhere from 5-10 million bucks. So you do the work once and it pays you for the next 5 years, which is cool. That’s what I love about webinars. All that effort you put into it. So it’s worth putting in the effort.

It’s funny, as I’ve been doing this and thinking about it, I had an old friend from about 15 years ago call me and to start off, just kind of catching up and then, and I respect him for this, but as a good sales person does, he wanted to sell me something, and he’s like, “yeah, I could fly out to Boise and spend a day or two with you guys and show you all the stuff that we have.” And all this stuff right, and I was just like, how do you tell your friends this.

Awkwardly I’m sitting there and I’m like, “Hey man,” I was so uncomfortable, because how do you tell your friend, someone who’s known you when you were just a punk kid? “I don’t know how to tell you this nicely, but just so you know, right now I bill out, if you were to come in for a day of consulting I bill out an 8 hour day at $100,000. So for you to come out for 2 or 3 days, the opportunity cost for me, its 2 or 3 hundred thousand dollars. So it’s really hard for me to just block out that time. I feel like such a jerk telling you that. But if you want to come out and we hang out as friends or something, I would love to see you again as friends, that’s super cool. To take 2 or 3 business days, the opportunity cost is not little.”

He was like, “What? Are you serious?” I’m like, “yeah.” It’s kind of awkward right. But that’s what we charge. You know, I saw someone the other day posting in our Facebook group like, “How come the guru’s don’t just charge $150 an hour so they can help everyone?” and it’s like, gall I wish I could. I wish there were more hours in the day. That’d be awesome. But I was like, literally I’m spending 3 days to create this webinar that will make me a million dollars in the first week. And anywhere from 5 to 10 million dollars extra, maybe more. Who knows?

So I’m spending 3 days, 3 days of focus time. And in my pocket goes 8 plus figures. $100,000 a day is actually super cheap discounted rate. You know what I mean? So I was trying to explain that, I was like, I don’t know how to say it nicely. I was like, even if you did want to pay me $100,000 a day, the first opening is probably 5 or 6 months away. My calendar is insanely booked. Anyway, so that’s kind of, that was this awkward moment. “I’m so sorry man, I just, I don’t want you to think I’m a jerk or anything, but that’s why I can’t just have you come out for 2 or 3 days to sell me something. I just can’t, I wish I could.”

So that was, there’s step one. And then so now I’m at wrestling practice with my kids and I’m sitting there and I’m spending 3 or 4 hours a day, every day, at wrestling practice, which again, I love. It’s so cool. I remember when I was this age, going to practice and my dad coming and watching and working out with me. It’s just cool. It’s been a really unique time with the twins, just such a cool thing to be able to spend time with them. Like I said, they haven’t liked wrestling, so I’m in there trying to make sure they’re liking it. I’m in there wrestling most of the time I’m drilling with them, I’m helping them and just making sure they have a good experience just so that they keep doing it. And for the next two or three years in the beginning programs, that they like it.

If they like, I just don’t want them to get hurt, or beat up, so I’m just there to make sure that they like it and teach them some moves so they start beating kids. Because if you start beating kids, then it gets fun. So I’m just like, trying to get them through this initial pain of the beginning. And I’m sitting there, I’m an assistant coach, I’m not getting paid anything obviously. And I was just like, it’s so interesting, in this area of my life, like in business, my time is worth $100,000 a day. But in wrestling my time is not worth anything. I’m not getting paid for the 3 to 4 hours a day that I’m spending, which is, I don’t want to get paid for it.

But I had this realization, over here I’m insanely valuable monetarily. Over here, I’m not. Best case scenario, if I was, even the best wrestling coaches in the world maybe, maybe clear 6 figures, probably not. Most of them probably $50-60 grand max. And these are like the best, these are the dudes like the Michael Jordan’s of the world, of the wrestling world. So it’s like, let’s just say I was at that level and I was getting paid that, I’d still be making $20 an hour, $30 an hour maybe. So for three hours it’s worth $60, $80, maybe $100 for my time. Whereas that time spent over here is worth $20 grand an hour. You’re looking at $20, 40, 60 grand for that same time, just where am I focusing at.

And as I was thinking through it I was like, that’s so fascinating how valuable I am here and not so much here. So I started thinking about us as entrepreneurs where how often do we spend our time, we have a unique ability that’s worth $100 grand a day right. To our company and to us and the people we’re serving right. But then, we go and start doing these $8 an hour jobs because it’s gotta be done, so I should be the one doing it. But you’re not worth that much there. It’s so expensive to have you spending time on $8, 10, 20 an hour jobs if you’re making $20,000 an hour doing your unique ability.

It’s been interesting, I’ve been working with Jeff Woods, from The One Thing, on building things out. One of the big things I’m focusing on, thinking through is we’re trying to re-systemize our business because it’s kind of to the point where we need to re-set and re-do all those things. And as I’m thinking through it I’m just like, I want to create the systems and my goal in these systems is to create the system so that it forces me, and forces everybody on my team to only do their unique ability. Because each of us has a unique ability where we’re worth $100,000 a day, and then we have things we’re good at where we’re worth $20 an hour.

It’s like, if I can get everyone focusing on their unique abilities where they’re worth $100 grand a day versus their non unique abilities where they’re worth $100 a day, man how much faster can we grow and can we scale and all those type of things? So that’s been my thought process.

So right now, we’re in the re-systemization of our company from now until the end of the year. After the Software Secrets launch I’m going to take, you guys will see me take a little bit of my foot off the gas, so I can recoup, restructure, get systems in place and then in January we’re going to go crazy, so it’s going to be fun.

But that’s why, I’m trying to figure out how to get everyone focusing on their unique ability and not focusing on the $100 a day jobs that they can do, and they are doing, but how do we get it so we’re all focusing on unique abilities? So for you guys who are thinking about it, what’s your unique ability? Think through that and then figure out, okay now that I know that, what are the people on my teams unique abilities and how do I create a structure where everyone is focusing 100% of their time on unique abilities? When you do that, you’ll start growing.

Dan Sullivan, at, if you guys go there he, I just bought every book on his website last week. It showed up in a huge box. Because I’m about to immerse in some Dan Sullivan, so I don’t just buy one book, I buy all of them because I love immersion. But in one of his books, it’s about unique ability, it has like a work book and everything. I haven’t read it yet, but I know it’s awesome, so check it out.

You guys, there is Garrett, and there is Scott. Those are our partner’s for Software Secrets, Lindsay, they’ve been up here for the last 2 days camping overnight with me getting everything ready for the launch tomorrow. So if you guys are watching the video you just saw Garrett, Scott and Lindsay. If not, you just saw me point in the air and didn’t see anything, if you’re just listening. So anyway, I’m going to jump in and we’re going to get this thing launched. I got 5 ½ hours before wrestling practice. After wrestling practice I’m going to come back and probably spend another 51/2 hours, so about 10 hours to get this webinar done before my body will shut down. Wish me luck.

And then tomorrow will be a million dollar day and then we’ll have an asset that’ll pay us for the rest of our lives. So this is my unique ability. So that’s what I spend my time doing. Spending my time managing, $100 a day job. Spending my time writing webinars, $100 grand a day job. So I’m focusing on my unique ability today, which will be good. So that’s all I got. Alright everybody, appreciate you all, talk to you guys soon. Bye.

Oct 25, 2017

I use this in every webinar, every Facebook live, every sales letter, and pretty much every time I sell anything, and I’m going to give it to you for free!

On this episode Russell talks about a closing technique he learned from the first copywriter he ever paid, that he has been using ever since. Here are some of the awesome things you will hear in today’s episode:

  • Who Russell first heard use this technique and what’s cool about it.
  • Listen as Russell go into character to show how he does the sales pitch.
  • And find out why it doesn’t have to be all or nothing when people buy from a webinar.

So listen here to find out what technique Russell has been using for years to close.


What’s up everybody, this is Russell Brunson. Welcome to the Marketing Secrets podcast. So excited to be here with you guys today. And today you guys are learn one of my top closing techniques that I use in webinars, and sales letters, and sales videos, and Facebook lives and over and over and over again. And I might even use it in other aspects of my life as well.

Alright everybody, I hope you guys are excited today. I’m heading over to my son Aiden’s school, he’s 7 years old and today I am the mystery reader. So what happens is in about 15 minutes from now I’m supposed to sneak up to his door and I knock on the door and they open the door and I get to come in and read a book to them. And he doesn’t know it’s happening, but they’ve been giving clues out about who I was all week long. So every Friday they do this and so it’s kind of fun, so today’s my day and I’m so excited. I got my book, got some Dr. Seuss with me.

He was cute, he was like, “Dad, if you are the mystery reader today, you should bring treats.” I’m like, “Oh, what kind of treats do you want?” and he’s like, “It’d be cool to make those oranges.” Those little oranges, whatever those little mini ones are called, and they’re peeled and you put a little celery thing on top of it, so it’s like a little pumpkin. So my wife spent all day today peeling little mini oranges and putting those things in. Oh man, he’s so cute we have to do what he asks. Just kidding, kind of.

Anyway, so I’m heading there right now and I had a few minutes I wanted to jump on and just share with you guys because as you may or may not know, I re-wrote a new podcast recently. I did it first live last week after less than a day of writing and there were tons of mistakes and errors, yet it still was our highest grossing webinar of all time. So it worked good. I spent the last week re-writing it and tweaking it, I spent probably another twelve hours or so re-working on slides and getting them just so. And then did a webinar yesterday and did awesome again, so it was fun.

And in that webinar, as I do in most webinars, I did a really cool closing technique that I love, so I want to share with you guys because I think it’s useful. So the first time I ever heard this, there was a copywriter, not was, there is a copywriter, he’s the first copywriter I ever spent money on. I gave him $8000 for a sales letter back in the day for a product I never launched, that was dumb. Yeah, I never even used it. It was called, a product I was creating called, Ezine Topia. Because everyone used to call newsletters list, like email lists back then e-zines. So I was like Ezine Topia, and it was going to be this email auto-responder that didn’t use email, it would be desk top notifications, and back then that was the buzz and I thought it was going to be the next, I thought it was going be Clickfunnels. It wasn’t, just in case you’re wondering. I failed.

But in theory it was cool and I spent a lot of money. Anyway, Ezine Topia, Johan Mock wrote the copy for it, and I used to love reading his copy. And one of the closes he used one time I saw, it was really cool. It was towards the end and it said something at the very end of the sales letter like, “Whether you buy this product or not doesn’t matter to me, I’m still going to be out eating steak and dining at fine restaurants whether you buy this or not. Because this is not about me, this is about you. This is something that will change your life. It’s not going to change my life whether or not you buy, so I don’t really care. But this will change your life.”

And I remember hearing that and I was like, oh that’s so cool. So I started incorporating that in a lot of places. In my webinars, I started using it in Facebook Live, start using it just all over the place. So if you notice when I’m selling something I do it almost every time now and it’s one of my favorite techniques when I get to the end. Because at the end, people aren’t buying are like, “Oh, it’s $2,000 or $10,000 or whatever the price is. Russell is just greedy, he wants money.” Or all these things. And so I just want to state to them, I want them to know, and it’s true, it doesn’t…..

Anyway, this is how I say it, I’m going to go into character, and I’m going to pitch it as if I’m pitching it right now. So yesterday I was selling a $2,000 course where you Clickfunnels, plus Funnel Scripts, plus Traffic Secrets, plus Funnel Hacking 101 and 201. It’s an insane offer, right. I honestly think anyone who doesn’t buy it is insane.

So basically I’d go say something like this, “So before we wrap up today I just want to say something right now because I know a lot of you guys are thinking this. But this investment, this $2,000, it is not about me. Whether you make this investment or not, it will have zero impact on the quality of my life. I’m not going to eat anything different tonight for dinner, I’m not going to change the way I dress, what I drive. It literally means zero to me, I couldn’t care less. But the difference is that this purchase, this investment, this could mean everything for you. I’m not going to notice whether you buy or not. It won’t change the quality of my life at all, but if you buy it’s going to change the quality of your life. I need you guys to understand that. This is not about me, this is about you. That’s why I created this, because I want to help and I want to serve you. So that’s what you guys need to understand, that’s how this works.”

I do it a little cooler when I’m live because I’m actually live and the stuff flows better, but conceptually that’s basically what it is. I want them to understand this investment, like if they spend $2,000 or even $25,000 doesn’t change my life at all. I don’t really care. I hope they do because extra money is always nice in the bank, but it literally won’t change, I’m doing well, I’m fine. It’s not going to change anything. I’m still going to go on my daily, the way that Johan Vox said it, I’m still going to go on my daily life. I’m going to be eating steak and sushi and hitting all my financial goals with absolute certainty, so it doesn’t matter to me if you do it or not, I could care less. But it should matter to you because it literally could change your life forever, I want you guys to understand that.

This is not about me, it’s not about if Russell’s going to make some money, or if Russell is going to whatever. This is about you. This about you making a commitment and having the blueprint, the vehicle, the things you need to actually succeed with that commitment.  So this is about you, not me. So put it back on them and it helps a lot.

I use it a lot and I hope that’s a tool and a technique you guys can use as well. And it’s putting the responsibility back on their shoulders. Because when people aren’t buying they’re always trying to figure it out. Different ways to take the responsibility off and one of the ones they use is, “This is just Russell trying to get rich.” No, Russell’s already rich, he doesn’t care. The $2,000 you give him, he’s not going to see any of it. Half of it will go to an affiliate, half of it will go to support staff, half of it will go to building software, it literally does nothing for me. This is about you, not about me.

And that’s the commitment that I want them to understand and I want them to make. Because when they understand that, it’s like, “Wow, this really is about me. I gotta do this.” If I don’t buy it’s not going to make that mean old Russell salesman any different. It’s a personal decision, something that’s going to affect them.

Anyway, I hope that helps. One other thing I wanted to share with you guys that I thought was interesting today. So we did the webinar, the price is double now, the offer is like 10 times better, but the price is double. And it’s interesting because the conversion, I normally close about 15% and it was closer to 10%, so we made more net money when all was said and done, but what’s interesting, the more I think about it, if you create a product where it’s not all or nothing on the webinar. So I try to sell that but usually on the webinar you don’t buy the package I offer you, you still can buy Clickfunnels, right. So that becomes a two to three hour indoctrination of how powerful it is and why they should use it and why they need it and stuff like that. And I think that that is the key.

So I’m just throwing it out there for you guys to think through. If you’re doing webinars and they’re not buying, it’s not an all or nothing. Again, if you have a software program it’s easy because it’s like, you’re selling a higher version of software, they can use the software. Maybe it’s a membership site you’re trying to sell a year access, but they can still get the membership site, then it’s not all or nothing. Then it’s just like, even if they don’t buy it, they still now are moving closer towards you and more likely to invest in the other stuff you got. Don’t think it’s all or nothing. It’s not all buying or not buying, it’s indoctrination, it’s building relationships, building cultures and all that kind of stuff too.

Alright, well I’m at school, I’m going to bounce. Thanks everybody. I hope you had a good time and remember this closing technique will work for you and it’s awesome. So there you go. Thanks everybody. Bye.

Oct 24, 2017

The second super power that you need to add that’s, unfortunately, invisible to the entrepreneurial eye.

On this episode Russell talks about being able to set long term goals to help you focus today and stop chasing all the shiny things that you see along the way. Here are some interesting things you will hear in this episode:

  • Why you should stop being distracted by shiny things by focusing on the one thing that you want to do.
  • Why being entrepreneurial is like having a super power and how being able to set goals and follow them is a second super power.
  • And how setting a someday goal will help you reverse engineer your 5 year, 1 year, 1 month, 1 week, and today goals.

So listen here to find out how to add another super power to your entrepreneurship.


What’s up everybody? This is Russell Brunson and welcome to the Marketing Secrets podcast. Today we’re going to be talking about being an entrepreneur and sometimes it might not be good.

Alright everybody, so as you know, I love entrepreneurs. I am an entrepreneur; I’m obsessed with entrepreneurs. My entire goal in life is to help entrepreneurs change more people’s lives because I think that we are the only types of people that can. Because we’re the only types that are crazy enough to risk everything we have, our money, our time, our energy, our talents, the pursuit of creating something amazing that will change other people’s lives.

Some people think entrepreneurs are greedy, all they care about is money and I don’t believe that’s true. I believe some are, yeah, there’s definitely some that are. But I think that a lot of people, the entrepreneurial spark starts because of money, because of the desire for that, but I think for most of us, and you’ll find that out if you’re still in the path, as soon as you start making money it starts becoming stupid. You actually don’t care about it all because it’s really not that cool. So there you go, for those of you guys, I hate to ruin the surprise for you, but when you get there, nobody actually cares about money. It’s just the thing that you desire at first until you get it, and then you’re like, huh, that was actually not nearly as cool as I thought it was going to be.

But the cool thing is in the interim as you start doing that, you start serving people and you start seeing their lives change and you’re like, “Holy crap, that was actually awesome.” So that’s kind of the thing.

Like I said, I love entrepreneurs because they’re the people who care enough to risk life and limb, everything they got, all their time, energy, money, talents with the hope they can actually help other people. So first off, I love you guys. I’m going to stay there. Second off, I also realized that while we have super powers, kind of like the X-men. It’s funny because a lot of people talk about how entrepreneurs have ADD and it’s like this bad thing. And while I agree that most entrepreneurs have ADD and things like that, those things they are not disabilities, they’re super powers.

I remember watching the movie the X-men the first time, one of the multiple one’s in that franchise. I remember watching it and there’s these people, the X-men who they think can fly and they can disappear and do all these amazing things, but the mortal humans are like, “We need to get rid of their super powers.” And they’re trying to get rid of these super powers. And it’s just like, even some of the X-men are embarrassed of their super powers and are trying to get rid of them.

And it’s just like, you don’t understand, those super powers are what makes you amazing. Don’t get rid of those things. So I feel that way, a lot of times entrepreneurs are the people like, “I’m trying to get my kids not to have such ADD or quit fidgeting.” All these things. And it’s just like, dude, that’s why they’re great. Don’t stifle those things.

So I’m saying those things in caveat because I also understand there are some things that us entrepreneurs are not good at, especially me. Some of you guys know, if you listen to the podcast, I recently hired a consultant, Jeff Woods from The One Thing. It’s funny because when I first read that book, I kind of hated it. Because I was like, “I don’t want to focus on one thing.” And now it’s interesting as I progress in my career and my life, I realize more and more how important that, the focus on the one thing actually is. In fact, it’s essential to everything. I look at my entrepreneurs and most of them that join my inner circle. They come in 50,000 ideas and my entire focus for the year number one is to get them to kill all their babies, AKA their little businesses and focus on one.

It was just hard, it was hard for me. But I couldn’t go, I couldn’t break the 2 or 3 million dollar a year mark until I killed all my babies and focused on one. And as soon as we did, we went up from 2 or 3 million dollars a year to 70 or 80 million dollars a year, within, not a very long period of time. It’s crazy. Crazy. Within a couple of years.

So that’s one thing that I’ve learned. Entrepreneurs, we have these tendencies that cause greatness, but also tendencies that cause tend to kill us. One of them is we have a thousand businesses, we have all these babies we love and things like that. But during my consulting call this week with Jeff, from the One Thing, it was interesting, he kept telling me, “You gotta stop acting so entrepreneurial.” I’m like, “But you don’t understand. That’s my super..I’m a super entrepreneur.” And he’s like, “I know but entrepreneurship got you here. But to get to the next level, you have to start running and understanding and thinking like a business owner.”

And he keeps trying to get me to figure out what’s my goal someday. What’s this goal I’m out here for? And it’s tough because I started going through this exercise and I talked about it a couple of podcasts ago. It was weird because I realized that all my someday goals, I accomplished like 18 months ago. How weird is that? And as I’m going through this exercise, I told him “I’m really frustrated. I feel like I have perfect clarity and vision with what’s going to happen over the next 6 months, a year, maybe 18 months. After that it’s like a dark cliff.” And I remember as I told him that he kind of laughed. He was like, “Let me show you something.” Because it was a voice call, so he flipped his camera on Skype and said, “Let me draw a little picture for you.”

And so for those of you guys who are listening, I’m going to try to describe the picture, and for those watching, I’m going to try painting it with my finger. I’m in my car right now. But he said, “Look at this. This is a timeline right? So it starts at the left and you have this timeline. This is when you’re born, and this is when you wrestled, and this is when you started your business, and this is when Clickfunnels launched, and this is when Clickfunnels took off, and here you are today. This is the timeline. So we judge our time based on these landmarks that happen throughout time. Most entrepreneurs, we’re visionaries so then we look at the future we see all these possibilities.”

So if you look at this graph I’m drawing from the left to the right, it’s very linear and then it hits modern time and from here it shotguns out. So going up there’s one thing and then there’s another one. There’s like ten things shooting out from this. Almost like, it looks like a broom almost. It’s like a stick with a timeline and then it breaks off into this broom with all these possiblitites, all these things fanning out that I could go. And he says, “The problem with that, we see all these shiny objects, so we chase those things. Entrepreneurs become great when they’re able to focus on one thing. But what most entrepreneurs do moving forward, they get stuck because they can see forward 6 months. In 6 months there’s like 4 or 5 things that they could hit. These 4 or 5 shiny objects. And you go like a year and there’s more. The further out you go the harder it is to see and about 18 months it gets so….that fan of things going outward from where you are today, gets so wide it gets really hard to start seeing things. That’s why entrepreneurs are really good at seeing about 6 months to a year from now and knowing the steps to take and they’re running and doing all those kind of things, but you go past that and it’s kind of a black hole.”

“What we do with The One Thing and focus on is figuring out like a laser, instead of…..” I wish I could draw a picture so you could see it better, for those who are listening. But instead of having this thing fanning out where you’re trying to hit all these shiny object what they do is start with the someday goal. Where do you want to be someday? And getting crystal clear on that. Someday I want to be, and this is like in the future as far out as you can think. Where do you want to be, what do you want life to look like?

So I’ve spent the last 3 ½, 4 weeks trying to figure that out, which has been really, really hard. So just so you know, it’s not an easy thing. So you figure out, here’s the someday goal and from there it’s like, okay now we gotta reverse engineer timeline backwards of all the milestones we have to hit to be able to get to that one thing. So we reverse engineer. So okay, 5 years, where do I need to be in 5 years from now to be one track to hit my someday goal? And then, now I crystallized my 5 year goal. Now what do I gotta be in a year from now? And then where do I gotta be this month? This week? Today?

And then we focus on just the one thing that we’re going to accomplish that going to achieve that next landmine, not landmine. Landmines explode. The next landmark, and the next one and next one and next one. Man, it’s been a fascinating exercise. The business ones are harder to explain, but I’m going to show you really quick, one for my personal life. One of my thoughts in this exercise, what will it mean for me to be successful as a father? So I’m like, okay for me to be successful as a father, and obviously my belief’s may be different from yours. But for me, I’ve got three boys. I want my 3 boys to go on missions and I want all my 5 kids to get married in the temple. For me, that would be ultimate success as a father. So I’m looking at someday goals, is that.

So essentially it’s like, okay where do you gotta be in 5 years from now for you to be able to accomplish that? In 5 years from now, my boys who are 11 ½ almost 12, they’ll be 17. They’re a year away from preparing for their mission. At that point, where do I have to be 5 years from now, if they’re going to go on a mission by the time they’re 18? I’m like, oh my gosh, they’ve got to be able to….all these things. That’s only 5 years from now, which is crazy. Then I’m like okay, from there, 1 year from now where do you gotta be to be on track for your 5 year goal? 1 year from now they’ve gotta do…I don’t have my kids doing…. All the sudden it shifted my whole perspective. Based on that, what are you going to do a month from now, a week from now, and today? What’s the one thing I need to do with my kids today to be able to hit that goal 5 years from now? I’m like, oh my gosh, I’m not doing anything related to that.

I found the same thing in business as I looked at my someday goal, my 5 year goal, my 1 year, my week, my month, and today, I looked at my to-do list, there wasn’t a single thing on my to-do list that got me moving towards my someday goal. I was like, how fascinating is that? I have all these shiny objects, as entrepreneurs do, they’re good, they’re creating revenue and doing stuff, but none of them lead me to my someday goal. It makes me start rethinking everything, it’s so fascinating.

So what I want you guys to do, because we’re all entrepreneurs, and I don’t think about this naturally, none of us do. It’s all the different type than us. But Jeff keeps telling me, “you need to stop acting entrepreneurial. Stop acting entrepreneurial. Figure these things out. Reverse engineer, then you can go get them really, really easily. But right now, you have no focus, you’re accomplishing things, you’re making revenue but you’re never going to hit your goal because you don’t have one. You don’t have a target.” And it’s been interesting for me.

For me, I’ve been really spending, honestly almost a month now, what’s my someday goal for my business? And I’m trying to make sure, all my core people on my management team, my company, my cofounders, my partners do they have the same someday goal as I do? Because if my someday goal is to do this, and theirs is this, the direction we go is completely different. We were thinking, just yesterday, or Monday we had a meeting with my partners and I was talking about this, and I wanted them all to say their someday goal and they’re all like, “well we just want the same someday goal as you.” I’m like, “No, think  about it. If it’s different….my goal is this, yours is this, this goal may require us selling Clickfunnels, but this goal requires us not selling CLickfunnels and if we have different someday we’re running towards and yours requires selling Clickfunnels in 3 years and mine requires us never selling it, or selling it 30 years from now, everything we’re doing is going to be completely different. We gotta be on the same page with our someday goals or else we’re all screwed.”

So that’s what we’re going through now, having all of them kind of figure those things out. And then next it’s going to be fun, start doing some of the people inside my team, “What’s your someday goal? Where are you trying to get to?” and then reverse engineer things from there. It’s just interesting. I’m doing it with my business, in my personal life, with my health, with spirituality, all the different things in my life because it’s interesting, as soon as you know where you’re trying to get to, you start looking at the to-do lists you have right now. It’s interesting how none of your to-dos actually advance you towards your someday goal. All it’s doing is killing all these shiny objects that you have sprouting out from where you are right now.

So he says our life should be similar to the timeline prior, where you’ve got, I’ve got I was born, I started wrestling, I launched our first company, we launched Clickfunnels, Clickfunnels took off, and here we are today, and this should be like, “okay, then we did this” We should be able to see that timeline moving forward in the future as clear as we can see it going backwards. As soon as you can see it as clear going forward as you can going backwards, that’s when you stop acting entrepreneurially, which I hate saying that. But you start acting with intention. And it’s like, these are the steps to get to that.

It’s so simple when you look at it now, but I’ve never thought of it that way. I’ve never looked at it that way. And it’s funny because I’ve always felt like I’ve been a visionary, I know where I’m going, I know the steps. And it’s true, I know the steps for 6 months, maybe a year from now, but past then it’s invisible to me. And now that I’m doing this it’s like, holy cow, I’ve got this clarity of this is what I gotta do this year, in five years, all these landmarks to get to that end goal.

Anyway, it’s been a fascinating exercise for me. Like I said, it’s been a month and I’m still trying to, I keep re-tweaking my someday goal and re-tweaking my teams. But I think it’s worth doing. Again, in your personal life, your business, all these different things, that way you’re acting out of intention and you know where you’re going as opposed to just being entrepreneurial and killing and hunting the stuff. There’s nothing wrong with that, that’s what makes us great, the reality is none of you guys would have gotten to the point you are now if you weren’t acting entrepreneurial. Because most people, they plan so much and they don’t do anything. The whole ready, fire, aim thing. I believe in that.

It’s like, okay, here are twenty objects, I’m just going to run and throw a bunch of crap against the wall and see what sticks. There’s that part of the processing that we needed to do to find what’s going to be ours. But after you know that and you’re on the path and you know those things, now it’s like okay now let’s start acting intentionally and really get to what we want.

You know when I was wrestling, it was easy. I was like, “I want to be a state champ.” That was so clear in my mind. That’s all I cared about, thought about. You know, 8 drinks lefts, that’s all I did. I wanted to be a state champ. And then I hit it and then I was like, “I want to be an all American.” And then I hit it and it just became really, really easy. And I think it’s, again for me, as we started this exercise, all the goals I had in business had been accomplished 18 months ago. And for the last 18 months, I think that’s probably why this year was crazy for me, I did a lot of stuff. We launched two books, Expert Secrets and the Funnel Hacker Cookbook. We did 5 events. It’s been crazy and it’s because I don’t think I had a focus, so we were just trying to do more.

While that can be good, it’s very entrepreneurial, it can wear you out and can make your life suffer because you don’t  know where you’re going so you’re filling all the void with stuff, to-do’s, tasks, ideas, projects, books, holy crap, you see my list. While these things sometimes fill you up, it doesn’t get you towards your goal necessarily. Not that they’re bad, they may have still been landmarks that I needed to do to get there, but I probably would have acted a little differently.

In fact, it’s funny I was doing this one thing, I can’t ruin the secrets, but this next project that I was going to try to get done this year, I’m like, it’s not, my ego wants it done this year, but there’s no purpose. So we set a date for next August to do it. I’m like, “What? That’s almost a year away, I’ve never had that much….” But strategically planning it out, that’s when it fit, that’s when it actually made sense. That’s what got me towards the next goal. It’s been fascinating.

I wish I could show you all the aha’s I’ve had personally with my own business, but it would take forever. Hopefully you’ve had one or two for yourself and as you do the exercise, I promise you guys, it’s fascinating.

So there you go, I hope that helps. Quit acting entrepreneurial, not 100% though, we need you. We need you to be a little crazy, that’s what creates the change and the stuff. I don’t want to take that super power away from you, okay. That’s your X-men super ability, but understand that maybe you can fly right now, but think if you had laser eyes too, now you got two super powers. So maybe it’s not stopping acting entrepreneurial, it’s getting your second super power.

Yes, yes, that’s what it’s called. Oh, this is the second super power, that’s way better. Keep being entrepreneurial, we adding a second super power. I’m titling this podcast that. There you go guys, appreciate you all. If you enjoyed this episode or it helped you at all, please share it. If you’re in iTunes I just found out that there’s a little button that you click and there’s a thing to share an episode, it gives you a link. Take that link, it direct links to this episode and you can go share it with your friends, family members, anybody else who’s an entrepreneur, anyone on your team, in fact, your team, your partner, your employees, so all you guys can focus and figure out where you’re going. Thanks you guys, appreciate you all, and we’ll talk to you soon. Bye.

Oct 20, 2017

Here’s a behind the scene’s glimpse of the chaos that ensued in the 24 hour webinar.

On today’s episode Russell goes over what happened when he planned and executed a new webinar in under 24 hours. He recounts what went wrong, what went well, and how it did overall. Here are some cool things to listen for in this episode:

  • What things went wrong during the webinar, such as software freezing, and slides not being completed in time.
  • Why a guy that actually pays Russell for coaching has no business critiquing the webinar.
  • And why you need to just do it if you are planning on launching a webinar. What are you waiting for?

So listen here to find out how Russell’s webinar went and hear what he’s changing when he redoes it later this week.


What’s up everybody? This is Russell Brunson and welcome to the Marketing Secrets podcast.

Alright everybody, I hope you guys are doing awesome today. I am actually in the car. Don’t worry I’m safe. Don’t yell at me, “Russell you’re going to die.” I got my phone mounted so we’re safe. I’m just going to be talking, I’m not even going to look at the camera unless I stop. Then I’ll look at the camera.

But I’m excited for today, in fact, I’m heading to a doctor’s appointment. Hopefully I can find that. I’m a little late, but that’s kind of typical for me. Anyway,  a lot of fun stuff happening now, and I just wanted to share some stuff because hopefully it will help some of you guys because I’m sure all of you guys are going through some stuff right now as well.

So a couple of things. Yesterday I saw, it’s funny, somebody posted in one of our groups a message about, critiquing the webinar I did last week. So some context on the webinar, this webinar that we had the idea on Tuesday. I had to write brand new slides from scratch on Tuesday. I had all day Wednesday and half a day Thursday. So I had a day and a half to do all the slides, it ended up being like a hundred and sixty slides. I made a registration page, we had to promote it. All this stuff in under a 48 hour period of time. A lot of stuff.

I can’t remember if I told you guys much about it. But when all was said and done, we launched it and we had an 81 1/2 % opt in rate after over 10,000 opt in’s, which is insane, highest converting one I’ve ever had. Number two is we are selling a similar offer, but we are kind of changing it some, to our old funnel hacks. We are changing it, increased the price, we changed the training a little bit. So it’s a similar offer, but it’s different. So I have a lot of stuff going against me. Most of the people on our list have heard me do the webinar selling them the main thing probably, I don’t know a hundred different times.

So I needed and wanted to make a new version. So this I did this whole new thing that showed a bunch of stats and analytics and it was just a really cool thing. So we did the whole thing and put it together, I literally as I ended up with over 10,000 people registered and I’m cranking out slides all the way up to the point where the webinar starts, I think it was 3 eastern, or 3 mountain time it started. I probably had 75% of my slides done at that point. So I didn’t have time to finish, I probably needed another 3 or 4 hours to actually get it done, but I ran out of time. So literally as the clock hit 3 I am copying and pasting all my slides from my old presentation to my new one because I have no time to actually finish it, which is crazy.

So then we start the webinar and we start going, and I never used….we never had a webinar that had that many people register. So we used Zoom instead of Go to Webinar, which I was nervous about because I always used Go to Webinar, it’s like good old faithful. But we decided to try Zoom because Zoom has the capacity to do I think 3 or 5 thousand people live, plus you can stream into Facebook. So you can do Facebook Live or Youtube live and things like that. So I was like, let’s try it. I know it’s scary to try something huge, especially something that you have this many people registered for, but I was like, we keep talking about trying it but we’re scared it’s not going to work at scale but the only way to find out if it works at scale is if you just do it. So we’re like, alright let’s just do it. If worst case scenario we’ll lose millions of dollars.

So we do it, and I start Zoom and at first it’s all frozen up. It’s not processing very well at all. And finally I’m able to get on and people can hear me but I can’t see questions and every time I try to just hover over the thing, there’s just a spinning circle, but people could hear me. So I was like, alright. And we’d already clicked record and it was already streaming to Facebook, so I’m like, I just gotta go.

So I started the presentation, and there’s like 30 people in my office. Not 30, I’m exaggerating, there’s probably 8 people in the office who are trying to get things setup and working and they’re talking and I’m trying to be like, “Don’t talk, I’m doing the webinar now. I’m stressing out.” And the slides aren’t done and in my head I’m all mad about that. I haven’t had a chance to even go through the slides yet, I have no idea if the transitions are working.

All the stress of the moment is just insane. So I start kind of going and man, I totally am fumbling as I start because I’m kind of overwhelmed because the slides aren’t working. I’m overwhelmed just because of the stress of it all. The first probably 15 minutes and I’m just fumbling and I can’t get my rhythm. You know how that feels to get the rhythm. It took me probably 15-20 minutes before I finally started getting the rhythm. But then even with that, because it was a new webinar, I didn’t know super well where it was going. I kind of remembered because I had just created it. But I hadn’t really done it before, so I don’t really know where I’m going, I’m trying to do it all right.

Anyway, I do my best in the confines….some reason I have this weird thing where I set these crazy confines for myself. So we had probably a day and a half total time to…no actually excuse me… was the night before, I started on slides at 4pm and the webinar was the next day at 3. So I had 24 hours total, but I had to sleep in the middle there. So I think we were up all that night until like 2 working on slides. So it was less than a 24 hour period of time to do all 160 slides for a new presentation I’d never done before and then give it live in front of all these people.

We ended up having about 3500 people on live and I think we had 11,000 that watched it on Facebook, but that kind of ebbs and flows. I think we had on average about 4 or 500 people on Facebook. So it was crazy.

So I do the webinar, do the presentation, do the pitch and again it’s the first time doing the pitch, there’s all sorts of confusion and questions and things coming up that I didn’t even have time to plan for because I was going to pitch it this way, but I was using slides from my old presentation. It doesn’t even make any sense. But then the powerful thing I did, the night before when I was planning to do this, I messaged like 20 different people in my inner circle that were just people who were killing it in Clickfunnels in different markets and different industries. I was like, “Hey, could you guys jump on tomorrow for like an hour and just tell your Clickfunnels story?” and they were like, “Oh sure.” And amazingly they all show up.

So I get on the webinar and I’m trying to do the interviews but my computer is frozen, the zoom on my computer is frozen up, so I can’t actually interview anyone. We have all these amazing people who took an hour out of their life to be here and I can’t even communicate with them. It took us like 10 minutes to figure out…On my computer we couldn’t do it, so we had to switch the presenter to Mark’s computer, on our team. So then we were on his computer, and then we’re…so crazy.

So then I got it work, so I’m doing the Q&A through his, but then people can’t see the screen, so I’m trying to do call to action’s throughout, and no one can see the countdown clock and it was just kind of like, it was all sorts of messed up. So many problems, so many issues.

But we’re doing the live Q&A and that part, it went for an hour, but it was really good. People’s Q&A’s were so good. I’m praying, please let the Zoom recording stuff work because we want, I need to use these recordings somwehre else. Please, I want to use them again. And luckily the recordings came out. So we do the webinar, it finally ends, it’s like 3 ½ hours from start time to this point. I haven’t slept literally more than a few hours in the last 24 hours. I’m tired, I’m worn out. It was like a thousand degrees in my office because everyone was in there.

It’s just done, I’m soaking wet from sweating, and I was like ugh. We finally end the whole thing and we couldn’t figure out how to actually end it. I’m like, “Don’t talk guys.” Because Zoom’s frozen on my computer, we can’t even end the event. And it was just crazy. Finally we figured out to take it off and end the event, and it was done and wasn’t streaming on Facebook anymore, and then everyone starts cheering and clapping. I was like, “Did we sell any? Because I have no idea.” Who knows.

So finally, we get done and we look at the sales and it was crazy. The highest grossing webinar I’ve ever done to date. I’ve done a couple of webinars in my decade and a half in this game now. So it was really, really good. And obviously there were things that I need to fix and want to fix and change and all that kind of stuff. So I sent emails basically telling everyone, “Hey, the webinar replay crashed,” which is kind of true. I do have a backup but I don’t want to show it to everyone. I want to go actually finish the slides and all that kind of stuff.

So this week, actually in two days, we’re going to redo it again live for all these people, hopefully I’ll have my act together, and you know, it will probably not convert as well because I’m all polished now. But I want it cleaned up and get all the things in the right order, the right place and do the presentation right.

So we’re doing it again Thursday. But it was the highest opt in we’ve ever had, highest grossing webinar I’ve ever had. So many amazing things. We’re super proud of ourselves and all sorts of stuff. Then yesterday, I’m about to leave the office and I login to Facebook just to check out what people are posting on the book of faces. And some dude in one of our coaching programs, he posted this long post about my webinar was fugly and how he watched it and how sick to his stomach he got and I broke my own rules and how it wasn’t truly a blue ocean, it was a proven offer. And then he had a 30 minute video critiquing everything.

And in the video he’s like, “To quote Russell, he said this, yet he blah, blah, blah. And CLickfunnels, we know it’s good, but it’s not great.” And just totally, for 30 minutes…This is somebody who paid me to coach them to teach them how to do webinars. So I want to put the context, he’s in a coaching group specifically dedicated to teaching people how to do a webinar. Now in this comment he also said, “I tried to join your inner circle, but I couldn’t afford the 25 thousand.” So he’s someone who’s paying me good money to learn to do webinars, doesn’t have enough money in his bank account to pay for my coaching program, so instead what he decides to do is spend how many hours of his life critiquing my webinar and telling me why it was the ugliest webinar he’s ever seen, and all the things I did wrong, how I broke my own rules, on and on and on, and all these kinds of things.

And I read this, I didn’t watch the whole video because I was so just annoyed. I was just dumbfounded. I’m just staring like, I don’t even know how to respond. Should I be angry? Should I be happy? Should I be grateful? Should I be…all these emotions. So I go through the whole range of emotions from pissed, I’m going to flat out kill him, to thank you maybe, or no…all these things in between. And all that kept ringing through my head was the quote from Theodore Roosevelt, and I’m driving right now, or else I would read it for you.

But it says something like this, “It’s not the critic who counts. It’s not the man in the arena who points out how the doer of good deeds has messed up, it’s the man who’s in the arena who’s face is marred with dust and sweat and blood and tears, who maybe he fails but at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his position will never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory, nor defeat.”

And that’s my paraphrase of it, Roosevelt said it way cooler than me, but you get the gist. So in my response, I just copied that and I pasted it and I said, “Hey man, here you go.” And I posted it and then I left one other comment and I’m sure that it was missed by him and probably most people, but what I said was, “If I just watched somebody do a million dollars in an hour, the last thing I would do is critique them on what they could do better. What I would do is zip my lips and I would take notes.”

I look back on the decade that I went through trying to learn this craft and this business. I was speaking at events every single weekend and I was doing my presentation. I was watching other speakers. And I watched some speakers that were horrible, but I watched their presentation and how they do it and be like, “Wow, notice how they did that cool thing, that was awesome.” And I would take that piece and add it back to my thing. I’d notice something and like, “Whoa, that was cool.” And I would….. I never once looked at someone’s presentation in a critical route to try to figure out the things they did wrong so I could coach them through how to do it better. That was never, that thought never crossed my mind in a billion, infinity years.

The only thought that crossed my mind is “What is this person doing that I can use? The way they did that, the way they made that transition, the way they closed.” There were people who sucked, who did not do any good, I still was watching and paying attention and figure out what were the nuggets for me? I think….I can’t remember the comment exactly, but it was something to the point of next someone does a million dollars…..I said “message me the next time you do a million dollars in an hour and let me know, because I want to watch that webinar and I’m going to take notes and not give you feed back.” Because that’s the thing.

So I just wanted to kind of put that out there because I think a lot of times we get too smart for our own good and we’re trying to critique people and that’s not your job, that’s not your role. If I…in all honesty, if I wanted your opinion I would have paid you for it, but I haven’t. Therefore don’t give me your opinion, listen. You paid me, and maybe I didn’t do it perfect. Maybe I did the entire webinar in less than 24 hours, maybe there was a billion things happening at the time. And in spite of all those things, it was the highest grossing webinar of all time for us.

So it’s like, I know there were things wrong. I’m fully aware, that’s why I’m redoing it this week. I didn’t even have a chance to finish my slides, the last 40 slides I copied and pasted from a different presentation, because I ran out of time. Yes, I can critique myself too, but until someone’s paying you for your advice, don’t give them your advice. Sit back and listen.

I’ve done a couple of podcasts on this recently. You as a student should be, you pick your mentors, so pick your mentor and then stop, listen, and then do what they say. Don’t be like, “well you actually said this.” Dude, that’s not your role. Stop, listen. And I say that at the same time that I want to always be coachable. And I feel like I’m a very coachable person. I have multiple coaches working with me in different aspects of my life, but the difference is that I paid those people for their advice because they are at a level beyond me of that thing that I want to learn how to do.

So I would never sign up for John Carlton’s copywriting course and when I was in there critique his sales letters and tell him how to do it better, in a billion years. I would say, dude, I’m paying you, and maybe there’s things I might do different and might do better, but I am listening because I paid you. I am paying attention, trying to find the pieces of gold that I can then apply back to my thing.

So I hope for everybody else who was watching that, you know it was an imperfect thing and hopefully first off, that was inspirational for you to see, wow Russell screwed up a lot and then still made a bunch of money. Maybe there’s something here. And second off, I hope you learn that you’re watching…I did an episode probably a year ago about watching the magician’s hand. I’m trying to, in my books and my podcast and these places, I’m trying to show, I don’t hold things back. I hope you see that. I’m like, here’s everything, and I give it to you so you see it all. But then when I’m doing the thing, watch, pay attention and listen. Watch the magician’s hands at work and see what they’re trying to do and try to understand it. Don’t try to critique. That’s not going to help you or them. Watch and learn.

And that’s all, that’s my message for today. Hope that helps. I hope you guys enjoyed this story. It was a lot of fun. I’m excited to do the webinar again on Thursday, and hopefully I don’t screw it up by fixing it. Anyway, that’s it. I’m going to let you guys go. Appreciate you all. I hope you have an amazing day. Go out there and change the world. Like I said, if I can do a webinar in 24 hours, I’ll give you guys at least 48 because I’ve done it a few times, you’ve got 48 hours to get your webinar done and launched.

We’ve got a bunch of people who have gone through our Two Comma Club coaching, which is all about getting their webinar up and launched and live and some people have gone through the training, we’ve done three cycles of it now. They’ve gone through three cycles of it and still haven’t launched their webinar. It’s like, just do it. Russell what if the webinar software crashes? Yeah, mine could have crashed too, I just did it. What happens if it doesn’t close right? Then just do it, who cares. Just do it again if it doesn’t close. Just do it. Just go out there and just do it. I’m going to go you guys. Appreciate you all, thanks for listening and I’ll talk to you guys soon.

Oct 10, 2017

One of the traits of all the truly successful people in the world.

On this episode Russell talks about why he has a new coach and how he let himself and that coach down last week by not keeping a commitment. Here are some awesome things to listen for on this episode:

  • Why Russell is so coachable, and how that usually leads to success.
  • Why all people who make and keep commitments are successful.
  • And why Russell failed on one commitment last week and is going to try even harder this week to keep all of his commitments and be successful.

So listen here if you want to know how to be coachable and be able to succeed.


What’s up everybody? This is Russell Brunson, welcome back to the Marketing Secrets podcast. I hope you guys are ready for some fun.

Alright everyone, I just dropped something off at my kids school because yes, once again, they forgot something. They sound kind of like their dad.

Anyway, I just want to jump on today because I, if you’ve been listening you know that I recently hired another coach in my life. I try to have at least one, if not multiple coaches at any given time to coach me through different stuff. Because I’ve found that, in fact I was telling my kids this last night. I said, if you want to be successful at whatever it is, pick the thing you want to be successful at first, it could be school, basketball, trombone, whatever it is and then number two is find a coach to actually coach you through it.

So that is what I told them last night when I put them to bed. And I told them I practice what I preach. I figure out stuff that I want to be better at in my life and then I go find a coach to coach me through the whole process and hold me accountable. A little while ago I was listening to a podcast from Ryan Moran and Jeff Woods talking about the one thing and loved it. So I called Jeff and hired him and he’s my coach through things. So I had my second coaching call today and I wanted to post this, make this video to walk you guys how to be coachable.

Because it’s shocking to me how uncoachable most people are. In fact, I did a Periscope about this 2 years ago or something like that. It’s funny because I remember when I was wrestling I started doing Freestyle and Greco and that kind of happens during the off season. I had this coach named Greg Williams, who is now the coach at UVU, he would go and teach me stuff and I remember between matches he’d pull me aside, he’s like, “Hey, you need to level change better, you gotta lower your whatever….” And just walk me through what I needed to do and then I’d walk back out and I’d just do the thing he told me.

And I remember because he told me afterwards, after I’d been in the program for a year or so, he said, “You’re one of the most coachable athletes that I’ve ever had. You’re not the most talented, but one of the most coachable.” I was like, “I don’t even…what does that mean, coachable?” he’s like, “Most people I tell them what to do and they listen, nod their head and then they don’t do it. With you, I tell you what to do and with the next match you go and do that thing. That’s not normal. Most people don’t do that. You’re really, really coachable.” I was like, “Huh, I assumed everyone just did that. If they have a coach that they believe in why wouldn’t they just listen to what they say and then do it.”

In fact, I had a podcast a couple of weeks ago talking about pick a mentor, listen and then do. Same thing. I look at, It was funny, Dan Henry, if you know Dan, he’s one of our inner circle members who bought the Dotcom Secrets book, read the chapter on Perfect Webinar, did a Perfect Webinar and within 5 months made a million bucks. So he went into the Clickfunnels group this weekend, he’s like, “Hey guys, Russell taught the Perfect Webinar, I did it and made a million bucks. Why aren’t you guys all just doing that?” He was very confused. Dan’s very coachable.

Then there’s like, as of this morning, 170 comments from people and it was basically 170 excuses of why people hadn’t done it yet. “Well I’m still working on my slides. Well, I’m not really a pitch person. Well, I can’t figure out my offer.” Just thing after thing. And he’s like, “Dude, just freaking do it. You’ve got the best coach in the world telling you….” And it was funny, because even one guy who was a coach was like, “Well I’ve coached my people and it doesn’t work for everyone.” Dan’s comment was like, “Well you must not be a very good coach then.” Which was awesome.

But again, the point of this is being coachable is just doing what the coach says. It’s been fun because I’ve had one coach for the last year that I’m working with on one aspect of my life and she’s been awesome. I’m not perfect at doing what she says, but I think I’m pretty good at doing that. And I assumed that I was with most people, but Jeff’s been coaching me and it’s funny because this was our second coaching call this morning and one of the things he wanted me to do, I didn’t have time to do it. And instead of letting me off the hook, “Oh, it’s okay. You can do it next week.” He was like, I wish you could hear it, it was in the first 30 seconds of the thing. He was like, something like, “What happened?” and I was like, “Oh, I’m actually doing it this week because Todd’s flying in today from Atlanta. Todd’s my partner in Clickfunnels and we’re doing a lot of planning and stuff like that.” And he’s like, “How do you think your planning would have been better if you would have actually finished this?” And I was like, “Oh crap. Probably better.”

Anyway, so it helped put my feet to the fire and then at the end of the call he was basically like, “Okay, next week these are the things you have to have done by…when are you going to have these done?” I was like, “Friday.”  He’s like, “That’s not specific enough for me.” “Friday at 4:30 my time.” He’s like, “Cool, if you don’t get them done what happens?” I was like, “You’re going to punish me maybe?”  he was like, “If you don’t have it done by Friday at 4:30 we’re cancelling the call for next Monday.” I was like, “Oh crap.” He’s holding my feet to the fire. So many things I could walk you through from a coaching standpoint what I’m enjoying about being coached by him.

But it was just making me make sure I do it. And I think one of the problems a lot of us have is we let ourselves off the hook. In fact, I did it and again, I’m a very, very coachable person. Even with that, this week I let myself off the hook. I don’t need to finish part of it because of this, yet I had committed to getting that part done. It’s just interesting. It’s funny because throughout the week I was proud. We kind of picked out the one thing I was going to focus on for the week. And from that, I had found the roll I was looking for, I found the person doing the interview process, going through the whole thing, and I was impressed by how fast I was moving, yet I hadn’t followed through on all my commitments. I had done most of them but not all of them. And it was just like crap, I gotta remember that. I gotta make and keep commitments.

People that succeed in life, there’s one really strange commonality between all of them, they’re good at not just making commitments, everyone can make commitments, “I’m going to do this. I’m going to lose weight. I’m going to make money. I’m going to blah, blah, blah.” Everyone’s good at making commitments, but people who are successful are good at making and keeping commitments. I failed at one of my commitments for this week and it sucks. It’s frustrated me because I know better than that, I’m someone who makes and keeps commitments and I didn’t on one thing. I did on most of them, but I didn’t keep this one.

So for those of you guys who want to be coachable and want to have success, understand that the big commonality is that successful people are making and keeping commitments. So again, find a coach or whatever it is and then make a commitment and keep that commitment and just do it. And don’t give it all excuses.

Alex Hermosi at the last inner circle meeting said that every sales call you’re on someone’s getting sold. Either you’re selling them on the product or service that they need, or they’re selling you on an excuse of why of they can’t get it. And it’s just like, dang, it’s so interesting. You’re either buying the excuse or they’re buying the product. And it’s the same thing for us. I just look at that thread of 170+ people, they each have their excuse of why they hadn’t done it yet. And Dan was like, “Dude, I did it and within 5 months was a millionaire. Why don’t you guys just do it.” And they’re selling themselves on excuses as opposed to just making a commitment and then keeping a commitment.

So that is my message for today. Make and keep commitments. All successful people do, they’re good at making them and good at keeping them. I failed this week. I made a bunch of commitments and I kept almost all of them but I did not keep all of them. So this week, I’m going to be better. I’m going to make and keep commitments to myself, to my coaches, and to the people that I love and care about, and that I work with and work for and that I serve, and all that kind of stuff.

So that’s my goal and game plan, make and keep commitments this week.  I’m going to be very specific, going to write down all the commitments I make, I’m going to make sure that I keep each and every one of them and that is the path of success.

So there you go guys. I hope that helps. Make and keep commitments, write them down and make sure you do them and don’t let yourself off the hook, otherwise you’ll just keep making excuses and again, if you’re buying that success then you didn’t buy the thing you actually gotta do. So that’s all I got you guys. I’m heading in for the day. It’s going to be a fun week, I get to work all week. Todd’s in town, we’re going to plan, we’re going to plot, we’re going to scheme, we’re going to make Clickfunnels even better if that’s possible for all of you guys and try to figure out how to serve you guys better at a higher level. So I appreciate you all, thanks for listening and we’ll see you guys on the next episode of the Marketing Secrets podcast.

Oct 9, 2017

It happened the day you took personal responsibility for a problem that wasn’t your own.

On this episode Russell talks about how every entrepreneur is someone who found a problem and took responsibility for it. Here are some of the enlightening things in this episode:

  • Why entrepreneurs are different than the rest of the world when it comes to seeing a problem.
  • Who some of Russell’s inner circle members are that are a great example of taking responsibility of a problem and fixing it.
  • And why when entrepreneurs take responsibility for a problem, it changes the world.

So listen here to find out how to be an entrepreneur by taking responsibility for a problem that you didn’t create but want to fix.


What’s up everybody, this is Russell. Welcome to a late night episode of Marketing Secrets.

Hey everyone, I’m about to head to bed but I listened to a podcast this week from Ryan Moran, from and he’s got the Freedom Fast Lane show podcast, which is pretty awesome. I love it a lot and he goes deep into the ecommerce side and also business investing and other things that I don’t typically focus on, which has been fun for me to kind of listen to him and world. But he said something in one of his presentations, it was a stage event somewhere,  I don’t even know, a few episodes back. And I don’t remember how he said or what he said but it sparked a thought in my mind.

So I’m probably going to slaughter how he said it. He said it probably much better than me, but the concept was so cool. What he basically said is the difference between entrepreneurs and the rest of the world, yes we are different folk if you haven’t noticed. But what he said was interesting, he said, entrepreneurs are the people who see a problem and then take responsibility for it. Isn’t that weird?

I think about the world we live in today. The problem is most people don’t responsibility for anything. Even though they do things that are really bad or wrong or whatever, they won’t take responsibility. They want to blame it on their mom, or their brother, or their sister, or whoever. The world is all about blaming someone else for all the issues that it has. What makes us entrepreneurs weird is we see a problem and instead of blaming somebody else, we look at it and say, “I’m going to take responsibility for that problem, I’m going to figure out an answer.”

And when I heard that I was just like, oh my gosh, that is so interesting. Because most people don’t do that. Most people don’t see an issue, a problem and then be like, “I’m going to take responsibility for that.” I was thinking about this with Clickfunnels for example. For a decade we tried to build funnels and it was frustrating. And yeah, we could have blamed everybody else, I’m sure we did. Everyone else did that, it’s the tech designers, the developers, programming is hard, all the things. It wasn’t for us until we said, you know what it does suck and I’m going to take responsibility for it, this is my issue now. And then we figure out a way to solve it. And that’s when everything changed.

That’s so fascinating. For you, as an entrepreneur, or someone who wants to be an entrepreneur, I think if we all make conscious decision of what we are doing is consciously saying, “That problem right there, I’m taking on myself, I’m taking responsibility for that.” Instead of doing what most of us do, what’s our human nature. “Oh it’s them. Oh it’s her.” I didn’t fix anything because of this, because of this. We just want to pass the blame, pass the buck so often, but that’s what makes us weird.  That’s what makes us different. It makes entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs.

We see those problems, we see those issues and we take a personal responsibility for it. I was thinking about this as I was looking at the Inner circle meetings over the last couple of weeks. I could go through all 100 of my entrepreneurs and share this, but just a couple of them off my head.

Pamela Weibold for example, she was a doctor and she started seeing all of her friends who were doctors committing suicide. Person after person after person. And she could have sat there and blamed this, blamed that, but instead she stopped and said, “I’m going to take personal responsibility for this issue and I’m going to save doctors lives.” And she’s gone out there and done that. She’s created a platform. She’s one of the most amazing people I’ve ever seen. She’s literally spent every penny she’s ever made to go and save doctors lives. She’s like, “I can live on 20 grand a year, I’m good. Every penny I make goes back into helping save doctors from committing suicide.”

Because she took that as her own personal responsibility. That’s not her responsibility, it’s not her fault. Yet, she looked at it and said, this is my responsibility. That day she became an entrepreneur.

You think about another one, Annie Grace, who is so cool. She’s someone who her whole life drank socially. It got to a point where she kept drinking and drinking and she couldn’t break away from it. And she started looking around and it wasn’t just her, it was other people and she went on this mission and started saying….and again, drinking is not her responsibility. People struggling and trying to give up alcohol addiction, that’s not her responsibility, she’s got better things to do with her life.

But she looked at it and said, “This problem, I’m going to take responsibility for it.” And she’s gone out and changed thousands of people’s lives. Thousands of people she has helped break away from this addiction that’s robbing them of their freedom, their happiness. She took that personal. She didn’t have to, she didn’t need to but she decided to and that day she became an entrepreneur.

I could go through person after person after person after person, the day that they looked at this thing, this problem that wasn’t even supposed to be their own, but they saw it. And whatever it was, I don’t know if tuition, if it’s God, if it’s a spark, if it’s your brain. Whatever it is, you see it and there’s that spark saying, “That one’s mine. That is the problem I’m going to fix and I’m going to take personal responsibility. It may not be my fault, but I am the one who’s going to fix this and change it.”

And that’s what makes you different as an entrepreneur, and it’s fascinating and exciting. And if you wondered, how do I become an entrepreneur, how do I do that? It’s time to start looking at that and saying, “Instead of pushing responsibility on different places, different things, different people, different whatever, look at a problem and take on that responsibility yourself. And that’s the game plan, that’s how it works.

Anyway, I heard that three or four days ago and it’s been ringing through my head over and over. I keep thinking about person after person after person in my inner circle, and entrepreneurs I work with, and inner circle members, and Two Comma Club members, and I look at the people around me who are serving and doing stuff. Every single time I could link back to, that is the problem they took personal responsibility for. They didn’t have to, they didn’t need to, but they did. And that’s the magic.

So I hope that helps you guys. I hope that rings through your head and makes you start looking and being more aware of the stuff around you that’s happening and trying to figure out what it is that you’re going to take personal responsibility for. Because when you do that, that’s the day you’ll become an entrepreneur, and that’s the day you will literally change the world.

Thanks you guys, so much for everything. Thanks for your support, thanks for your effort. Thanks for your contribution to the world. We love you guys, we appreciate you guys, we enjoy serving you guys. And we’re so grateful that you listen to this podcast. If you like this podcast and learn anything from it, please go to iTunes and subscribe and share it with another entrepreneur who could help. Thanks so much you guys. Talk to you soon.

Oct 6, 2017

The power of vulnerability, acting with urgency, and a whole lot more…

On this episode Russell gives some of the awesome highlights from the latest set of Inner Circle mastermind meetings. Here are some interesting things to listen for in this episode:

  • How everyone in the Inner Circle group has been able to grow together making $30-50 grand a month last round to making $100-200 grand this round.
  • Why it’s important to celebrate other’s success in order for them to celebrate yours.
  • And what makes being vulnerable so powerful with your audience.

So listen here to hear these and many other highlights from the inner circle mastermind meetings.


What’s up everybody, this is Russell Brunson. Welcome back to Marketing Secrets. This is the day after the mastermind and I’ve got a whole bunch of secrets to share with you guys.

Alright everyone, inner circle mastermind just ended. We have been going, basically I’ve had 8 days of inner circle mastermind meetings with a week break. So group one came Monday, Tuesday. It was a group of 25 entrepreneurs. Then Wednesday, Thursday. Then a week off. Then Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. So 4 groups of 100, 4 groups of 25 equals 100 entrepreneurs, they’re my inner circle. It’s a cool group because its interesting watching how everybody within this group, year after year, everyone keeps growing together.

People first came in a while ago and everyone was trying to get their businesses launched and now it’s getting to the point where they’re doing, last set of meetings everyone was doing 30-50 grand a month. Now at this set of meetings everyone’s doing 100-200 grand a month. Everyone together as a group keeps leveling up. We’ve had a couple of members breaking the million dollars a month mark and now everyone else, that’s what they’re gunning for. It’s just so inspiring and so cool to watch what’s happening.

The businesses and industries are so different. We have everyone from, I’m trying to find the book right now. Dr. Wiebold, Pamela Wiebold who is helping doctors who commit suicide, helping to not commit suicide and literally saving lives, to people teaching business to people teaching dentists, everything in between. So many just amazing people. In fact, I’ve got from this meeting, those who are watching the video, these are my two notebooks, one got completely filled up and one got half filled up. That’s a lot for one set of meetings. Anyway, it’s amazing.

Obviously I can’t share everything, because it would take 8 days. But there were so many cool things. So I’m just going to kind of share a couple things as I’m flipping through here. Maybe over the next few weeks I’ll share other cool thoughts and ideas. So as I’m flipping through my pages, just some things I jotted down that were so, so powerful.

One of them was from Alison Prince, she was talking about through her course that she celebrates the people in her community. She said when she wins they celebrate me, because I celebrate them. I thought, how cool is that? As you’re finding more success, you’ll probably notice this, people around you, you think everybody would be happy for you, but instead it’s usually the opposite where they’re not happy and there’s this weird thing under where you’re like, “you should be happy for me. I’m having success.”

But when you’re depressed, everyone’s like “Oh me too.” And everyone loves you, but when you have success usually people aren’t happy and it’s weird. So it’s kind of cool within your community as you celebrate their success, they celebrate yours. So it gives you a spot to be able to talk about your wins and get people to celebrate with you. So that’s kind of fun.

What else? So many cool things. One thing from Alex and Layla, they were talking about in their ads, that they actually say what they’re really feeling. Most of us who write ads, we’re trying to be all postured like, “number one top secret blah, blah, blah.” And it was cool, what they talked about in their ads. They literally in their ads say, “Hey I feel like a cheesy person writing an ad, but I need to get this message out to you. I’m not going to….You’re probably thinking this right now and I want to make sure that you…..” Just kind of breaking down those barriers in the ad. Because it’s an ad and people know it’s an ad, so instead of being an ad, actually having fun with it. If you saw what their acquisition costs were, it works really, really good.

Another cooll thing, a lot of times we talk about in our company, setting KPI’s, Key Performance Indicators and things like that, but one thing that Alex Charfen said, “if you look at a sports team, there’s two things they all have. If you ask a football team, ‘what are your goals?’ ‘My goal is to win the superbowl and be in the Hall of Fame.’ There’s a superbowl goal, which is like their goal. Then there’s the legacy goal, which is the Hall of Fame.”

So it’s cool, we talked about for a company what is your superbowl goal? And what’s your Hall of Fame goal? And also within your organization, with working with you team members, what’s their superbowl, what’s a win for your company? Do they know what it is? I don’t think my team knows. I haven’t really sketched, “This is our goal. This is how we get to the superbowl.” It hasn’t ever been defined, this is the thing, this is how we get in the hall of fame. And I think now that that’s a thing in my head, I’m so excited to figure out what’s our company’s superbowl goal and what’s our hall of fame goal? When you have those it becomes more clear, more tangible.

David Derricks awesome, talking about a bunch of stuff. One thing is he just wrote a new book called the Dream 100, which is a big concept none of us ever…I talk about it all the time and nobody ever does it. And my quote at the top says this is the foundation for our entire company. If you’re not doing Dream 100 yet, it’s time to start. Go back and listen to any of my stuff on Dream 100 but it’s how we figured out what our market was, what our blue ocean was. How we figured out where our customers…..everything we’ve done was based on the Dream 100 concept. There’s so many good things here. I don’t even know where to…

Oh this is a good one. So Brian Bowman, such a stud. He had a really cool, emotional presentation. He talked about how he was working hard and moving forward and getting things done. And he had a coach who was one of Garret White’s coaches, one of the Warrior Week coaches. He asked, “What’s your target?” and he’s like, “This is what I’m going for.” And then he asked him, “Are you operating with a sense of urgency?” And Brian, while he’d been working hard and hustling and all these kinds of things, he’s like, “Am I operating with a sense of urgency?” And I don’t have permission to tell his story behind what and how, but as soon as he had that thought in his mind, everything shifted for him.

He went and instead of moving things toward a goal he was like, “I need to operate with a sense of urgency.” And I think how many times for us we’re like, “Yeah, we’re moving forward, moving towards things. I’m going to launch my product someday. I’m going to write my book. I’m blah, blah, blah.” Whatever our thing is, but it’s like that’s good, but are you operating with a sense of urgency? Is this doing…when is this….this needs to be urgent. If it’s not urgent, you’re never going to do it. So are you operating with a sense of urgency? That was just so powerful. How many times do we not do that? How many times are we just kind of wandering, doing our thing, and it’s not urgent. Because of that days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months, months turn into years and sometimes we never get it accomplished.

I think one of the big reasons we’ve had so much success with Clickfunnels is because we do operate with a sense of urgency. I’m always stressing out, which maybe is to my downfall, it’s what makes me tired all the time. I just think it’s interesting, operating with a sense of urgency, having that as a thing we are thinking through all the time. So many good things.

What else, what else? Natalie Hodson talking about the power of vulnerability. How vulnerability is the ultimate human connector. So many of us, we try to be postured and perfect and that’s why, because we’re trying to get connection, we think people want to see us perfect and instead it actually pushes people away. How vulnerability is the big secret. It was interesting, Natalie just joined the inner circle. But she came to our FHAT event in February, five or 6 months ago and she was telling this story. She was creating, she’s in the weight loss, fitness market, and she was working out live on Live streaming or Facebook Live or whatever, she did a work out. She’s a mom, she has two kids and during her workout she wet herself, on camera, live in front of the entire world and how embarrassing it was.

And obviously that’s an embarrassing thing and most people would never talk about that again, they would leave the video, they would run away from it. But instead she realized that, “If I’m struggling with this, I bet other people probably are too. Maybe I can help them.” And she found a business partner or a content person, who that’s what they specialize in. Helping women to strengthen their pelvic floor so they don’t have those issues. And she created a $37 dollar book teaching the process and she put it out there and on a sales page she’s got pictures of her on a live stream with peed pants in front of the entire world. And she talked about this problem that she has and she knows all these other women have.

Anyway, from February until now she sold 50,000 copies of a $37 book. So over a million dollars in sales. And think about how many women’s lives she’s been able to affect because she didn’t posture herself and come off perfect all the time, because she was willing to be vulnerable. It’s just such a powerful thing. I look at the times in my life when I’ve gotten real connection with my audience, it’s not when I’ve been sharing the highlight reel, like we like to do. I think what’s good to do is sometimes to touch on the high reel. “Hey, I’m awesome. Just want to make sure you know this, but let me tell you the truth.” And then break it down. And that has been a theme.

In fact, the third inner circle group, I think I’ve never seen so many tears in a mastermind group in my life. The girls were crying, the men were crying, everybody was crying. But because people actually got vulnerable and shared and that’s been a big theme throughout the inner circle. You go to other masterminds and people are sharing the highlight reel and bragging about stuff, where with us everyone has to share, “Here’s what we’re doing awesome, but let me get vulnerable and share with you what’s actually happening.” And then we work at that level. It’s different and interesting and causes real actual change.

Anyway, it was amazing. I wish I could take all of you guys along on these journeys. But a lot of our inner circle members are going to be speaking at Funnel Hacking Live. The sales page for Funnel Hacking Live will be going live next week, it’s at and you’ll have a chance to hear Natalie talk about the power of vulnerability, a lot of these other people I pick are speakers for the most part, inner circle members. So I have a chance to see them present here in my office a couple of times a year. I get to know them intimately, I understand their business, I understand where it fits with what I want to share with our audience. So a lot of them will be speaking at this.

So if you don’t have tickets yet, when we go live next week, get them. We pre-sold out over a thousand tickets, I think we have another, I don’t know how many left. Not a lot. So if you want to be there, you know you need to be there and you do, now is the time., get on the waiting list and then wait. My guess is probably Tuesday it will go live. So by the time you hear this, it may be live. But make the effort to be there. It’ll be worth it, I promise you, it will change your life forever. It’s going to be a lot of fun.

So yeah, that’s basically the best spot to get the actual highlights, at Funnel Hacking Live. Anyway, with that said, appreciate you. Thanks so much for listening in today to the podcast, and we’ll talk to you guys again soon. Bye.

Oct 5, 2017

A really cool lesson I learned from my new coach and how it applies to your funnel.

On today’s episode Russell talks about how his new coach has helped him figure out his someday goal and the steps he should be taking to achieve it. Here are some interesting things you’ll hear in this episode:

  • Why Russell needed to figure out a new someday goal, and how to take steps to achieve it.
  • Why achieving everyday goals with his someday goal in mind will help him get there.
  • And how having an end in mind will help you reverse engineer your funnels to meet your end goal.

So listen here to learn the steps to achieving your someday goals.


Hey what’s up everybody, this is Russell Brunson. Welcome to Marketing Secrets.

Hey everyone, hope you guys are all having an amazing day. I’m home from 2 days of inner circle mastermind meetings, which have been insanely cool. All the groups are so amazing, but this one was emotional. I think everybody in the group cried at least once or twice or something. It was crazy. So amazing. It’s an honor to be part of it and hang out with awesome entrepreneurs like that who are literally changing the world in so many different markets and industries. I wish I could just tell you guys all the stories from everyone.

But it was amazing and we got the last group, group 4 coming the next two days. So it’s been fun, stressful, exciting all wrapped up into one amazing thing. Also it’s been fun, I mentioned a little while ago how I hired a new coach, and it’s been really, really good. He’s one of the main guys over at The One Thing, his name is Jeff. It’s interesting because I read The One Thing book a while ago and I remember, I think when I read it I didn’t like it. I think at the time we had just launched 12 companies in a year. And I was bitter against it, but everyone kept recommending it to me. That book and the Essentials came out at similar times and everyone was like, “you gotta read them.” So I read them both and I was just like, “They want me to focus on one thing. I hate that idea.”

So I kind of didn’t like the books. And fast forward to last week, I just kind of got back into it in the last week. I went and listened to a bunch of podcasts from The One Thing, I started re-reading the book, I got the main dude coaching me Monday mornings and it’s really, really cool. What’s interesting is, since he started coaching me, I’ve had this big epiphany, big aha, big realization inside, and then as I’ve been coaching the inner circle the last two days, I’m watching the people who are leveling up really, really quickly and there’s a consistent theme behind all the people who are growing fast versus who…..everyone’s growing, but the ones who are really quick.

It’s interesting thing, it’s funny, the thing that I got in my coaching session was, it came back to Steven R. Covey, 7 Habits of Highly Effective people, which I read back in high school. It was start with the end in mind. It’s been interesting, as I’ve been going through the coaching stuff. Man the first, it feels like it’s been like a month because I move pretty quick on stuff. But the first exercise he had me do was figure out, what is your someday goal? Where do you want to be someday? So it’s not like 5 years from now, or 10 years, like in the future, where is it you really want to go?

It’s been interesting as I’ve kind of done this exercise, I can walk you guys through what it is, but it’s morphed, 3 or 4 times to radically different things and I one of the big aha’s I realized when I went through this exercise is that literally my someday goal, I achieved it like 18 months ago. So the last 18 months I’ve been wandering without really a focus or a goal other than just more, which is interesting.

So he’s had me keep focusing, what’s your someday goal? Begin with the end in mind. What are we trying to get to? So I figured out initially, here’s my someday goal, and someday goal can be about your business, you personally, your relationships, your spirituality, whatever you’re trying to figure out for yourself. Then he came back and said, “Okay, what do you have to had accomplished within 5 years to keep you on track for your someday goal?” So I was like, “Okay well, to have that I need to have this in place, these things need to be in place in the next 5 years.” And he came back and said, “Okay, what do you need within a year to be able to hit your 5 year goal? And what do you need by the end of this year to hit your one year goal? And what do you need by the end of this week to hit your yearend goal? Or your month goal?”

So as you do this it’s interesting because you start getting more and more clear on all the steps. It was funny because it was like, as I did that, as I identified, had the end in mind, I started going back forward and I got to the things I needed to do. I looked at my to-do list and none of the things on my to-do list actually got me any closer to my someday goal.

All the sudden I realized that I’m doing all these to-do’s that are good, they make me feel good, I check off the box, but none of them are actually moving me towards what I’m really wanting. I was like, well what’s the one thing I need to do today that’s going to help me hit my goal for the end of this week, which will hit my goal for the end of the month, blah blah, blah, all the way to the thing. And as I started asking those questions it blew my mind what the one thing was that I needed to focus on. It was not by any stretch what I thought it was going to be, what I assumed was the most important thing.

And after this exercise he wanted me to come back and refine it and change things. So I kept getting….my someday goal changed three or four times and I started realizing as I was looking at that, it took me a while to figure it out. In fact, I still don’t know if I have it completely figured out.

But the message I want to share with you guys is just that. Beginning with the end in mind. Again, the inner circle members having the most success is because they have a very clear end in mind. What is it they are trying to accomplish? And from there it’s easy to reverse engineer the funnels and make that happen. People who are struggling, they’re building funnels to be able to sell a product or a service, not with the end in mind. Does that make sense? It’s a little intricacy, but it’s interesting.

I’ve had this really cool experience over the last two days, to kind of reflect I’m listening to all my entrepreneurs talk and teach and share what they’re doing and really start thinking more and more, what is the end? I need to know really clearly for my business, I need to begin with the end in mind. Or is my goal to get people in Clickfunnels? Is my goal to get people in Two Comma Club Coaching? Is my goal to get people into Inner Circle?  What is the actual end goal?

As soon as you identify it, that becomes the end goal and it becomes easy to see, well if that’s it, here are the funnels I need to reverse engineer to get people so that they will come up into that thing. For example, Dean Holland, he’s been in my inner circle for 3 years now. He basically over the last few months shut his entire company down and rebuilt it from the ground up but this time with a definite, very clear end in mind. This is where I’m trying to go. Because of that built out the funnels very simply in order, he launched and in the first 28 days built up $106,000 recurring income. Just because he began with an end in mind.

So I think most of us, including me. I’m guilty of this as well, that’s been my big thing for the last 2 days, what’s the end goal. From a business standpoint, from a life standpoint, but also the customer journey, the value ladder. I talk a lot about in the Dotcom Secrets book, this value ladder, taking somebody through. But I would say even my value ladder isn’t completely clearly defined. It’s morphed and changed so much and I’m really coming back now and figuring that out.

Dana Derricks when he was doing his presentation he was talking about his big aha. He said that us as creators want to keep creating and creating and creating. He said because of that, “If I look at my value ladder it kind of goes up a little and then it splits off in three different places. Some of those go up and some don’t and it gets really mushy really quick.” He realized he had to clearly define the value ladder. We’re going from here to here to here. So now he’s beginning with the end in mind. And what he said was interesting. It’s was funny because it’s something that I, a recurring thought I’ve had in my mind as well. Okay, I can’t keep creating new stuff that just spurts off my value ladder and shifts people all over the place.

If I need to get my creative juices out there and just create something, the things I create need to be on the front end of the value ladder. They should only be free plus shipping or they should only be low ticket things to get somebody in, but the back of the value ladder should never shift, never change. That should be just a thing that’s there. And man, I just resonate with that. I was like, okay I obviously have my value ladder, I’ve got things in place, but I need to really specify this is the path, the process, the order and then just focus on the front end stuff. So it’s exciting.

I’m working on something so cool, I wish I could show you guys. You will see it soon. I’m probably about thirty days away from rolling it out. It’s not a big product launch or anything, it’s a subtle, but I’m calling it an ascension funnel that is almost like a video game to send people through our value ladder. And to be able to accomplish, or get people to the end in mind, get them to that spot. So I’m crafting, we’ve got the design of it done and we’ve got the pieces and I’m figuring out the path. So you will see, you’ll probably start getting emails and you’ll, you may not be aware of it, so please watch. Watch what I’m doing. If you see an email and you click on it and there’s a cartoon thing, then you know that it’s being executed. I’m going to be sharing it at Funnel Hacking Live though, probably. As long as it works good, which I’m pretty sure it will.

Nobody talks about ascension funnels because no one’s really executed one that I’ve seen successfully for almost 5 1/2 , 6 years. And the one I saw was just because I had intimate behind the scenes access to the person’s business who was doing it. Anyway, I’m going to be mastering it, perfecting it and then we’ll be showing it at Funnel Hacking Live. So if you haven’t got your tickets yet, go to The event sales page will be going live next week, but by the time you hear this, it’ll probably be live or close to live. We’ve already pre-sold 1200 tickets, so we don’t have a ton left, so if you want to come to the event…and I know you do. I would go to ASAP and get your tickets.

So that’s the game plan. The last thing I wanted to kind of say is, again so many of us start our business like, here’s a product and we start building funnels based on that product. There’s nothing wrong with that. That’s how most people do it. It’s how I’ve done it a lot of times. Because of that, I think we get lost in the weeds of where we’re trying to go and often times we never get there because we don’t know where we’re going. And again, as I’ve been working with my coach on this, which has been really fun. It’s been cool because I’m clearly defining my someday goal, clearly defining the end and then from there I can reverse engineer all the pieces I need to make that happen.

I think the same thing is true with funnels. It’s just begin with the end in mind. What’s the top of the value ladder? Where do you really want to take people? Figure that out and then reverse engineer, to do that here are the funnels I need. You got a path and a process. Anyway, it’s exciting. I love it. I love this game. I love my entrepreneurs. I love the inner circle. I love all of you guys. I love Clickfunnels. I’m having the time of my life. And hopefully, also I’m helping. I’m doing my best.

It’s funny, I was reading, somebody I care about wrote a really cool post about what we do. And I was reading it and in the comments 3 or 4 people who were like, “I just don’t like Russell. I can’t connect with him. I don’t like his energy. I don’t like…” Whatever. It just kills me. It’s tough because I’m always trying to give and serve and do whatever I can and I hate when I don’t connect with everybody. But that’s okay as well. Hopefully my message gets to you and you’re able to take whatever it is you share out to people. And people connect with you, people I would never connect with. Hopefully you can connect with them and change them. So that’s one of my goals. Hopefully I connect with you and if I do, that’s the key. Take your energy, get out there, share your message with other people and change the world the way you can.

Because unfortunately not everyone is always going to like me. And that’s the same for you. Not everyone’s going to like you. But the people who do, they’ll hear your voice and they’ll come to you and you’ll be able to help them and serve them and it’ll make the quality of their life so much better, which in return will make the quality of your life so much better. So that’s all I got tonight you guys. Appreciate you all, I’m going to go to bed and get ready for inner circle tomorrow and that’s about it. See you guys soon. Bye.

Oct 4, 2017

Listen in on this unique conversation after a late night mastermind outside the Clickfunnels headquarters.

On this episode Russell talks about contrast with Dave and Steven. Here are some interesting things to listen for in today’s episode:

  • Why having contrast creates desire in customers.
  • And what kinds of things about contrast Russell, Dave and Steven learned from the Chatbooks viral video.

So listen here to find out why contrast in your marketing is so important.


What’s up everybody? This is Russell, I’m here with Dave and Steven, what’s up guys? Welcome to the Marketing Secrets podcast, we got a special edition happening right now.

Okay, so we just got done. We had a little Boise Mastermind group, they meet every month around different places, and we never had a chance to go. But we actually hosted it here in the Clickfunnels offices tonight. So we put the kids to bed and come here and we’re here for 4 hours or so, talking about tons of stuff.

So we just had a really cool conversation while Dave went back in to go to the bathroom and he missed it.

Dave: It’s Alex Charfen’s fault.

Russell: Alex did this podcast about the number one supplement for entrepreneurs and it ends up being water and then…

Dave: 3 gallons later.

Russell: It’s really convincing, you guys should listen to it. We’re all obsessed, have you listened to it yet?

Steven: Well I know enough that I’m just drinking a lot of water.

Russell: It kind of freaked us out so we’re drinking insane amounts of water. It’s like bathroom breaks every 30 seconds. Dave’s like, “I gotta go to the bathroom.” And then he missed this huge conversation. So I gotta retell it and I might as well retell it right now with you guys because it was actually really interesting.

So what we’re talking about…I got a black face, let me come here in the light. Let there be light. Alright so what we’re talking about. So those who are listening you have no idea what’s happening, but those watching the video, we’re in front of the Clickfunnels offices at nighttime, we’re under the streetlight.

So I was listening to a podcast that Ryan Deiss did on the perpetual traffic talking about the Chatbooks viral video and he basically played it, paused it, talked about the before state and the after state of the woman in that video. Which you guys have seen the video obviously. If you havne’t seen the video go to and click on the Chatbooks video. Probably the best, I would say probably their best viral video, it’s really, really good.

But he’s talking about the before state and the after state and how good that video did. Here’s where she was at before, here’s where you’ll be after the product. Before, after, before, after.  We started talking about how the big secret to copy and sales is contrast. I was telling them ten years ago I went to a course with Matt Furey, he talked about contrast. He said contrast is the key to everything.

Because you have the contrast of where they’re at and where they want to go and then your message in the middle there is what creates the desire for them to go from this to this. He talked about an email that’s like, in the course I was studying with Matt Furey it was email marketing, he was like, “Every good email has tons of contrast. Light and dark, happy, sad, fat, skinny, rich, poor. The contrast is what makes it interesting and then it’s what creates the desire to go from the before state to the after state.

That’s the whole key, the contrast. A lot of people never think about that, but as you’re writing the emails, think about the contrast. The before state, again the way Ryan Diess explained it, the before state and after state, which was brilliant. In fact, I had never watched the Chatbooks video through that lens before, but if you watch it through that lens of the before state and the after state you see it over and over again. You see that she’s in the tub at first and she’s the smiling mom in the bathtub, so it’s like, this is a nice thing. Then she stands up and she’s fully clothed and the kids in the tub with her and she’s like, “I fell in while timing him holding his breath.” There’s the before and it keeps transitioning back and forth.

So in any of your communication, whether you’re doing storytelling, or writing emails, or sales letters, or videos, whatever, the contrast is the key. So with the contrast you’re thinking about that, if you told a story about how fit you are, nobody cares, there’s no contrast. It’s like, “I was fat, I was sick, I was unhealthy, I was whatever.” You tell that first and then you tell the contrast to the other thing and the contrast is what creates the desire for somebody to change, which is what they need to have to give you money and that kind of stuff.

So the contrast is a secret, in the before state and the after state, that’s the magic. We gotta rewrite the Expert Secrets book, stop the presses. Let’s add in this thing. So yeah, we just kind of had that epiphany as we were talking. So there you go. Contrast, add it in everything you do to create the before states and the after states. And it’s really fascinating. So watch that. Watch it in the viral videos, watch it in email. As you’re watching good marketers, try to notice the contrast. Because the better the contrast, the more desire is created. So watch how they do it, watch how I do it, watch how other people do it, that’s the secret.

There you go guys, marketing secret number whatever we’re on, hope you guys like that. With that said, it’s time for us to go home and go to bed. So bye everybody.

Oct 3, 2017

The fastest way to succeed in anything in life.

On today’s episode Russell talks about finding a coach and actually doing what they say. Here are some of the awesome things to listen for today:

  • Why Russell hired a new coach, and why having a coach is important to him.
  • Why Russell’s wrestling coach said he was one of the most coachable people ever.
  • And why you need to find someone you trust, listen to what they say, do it, and then you’ll have success.

So listen here to find out how to find success by finding a mentor or coach you can trust.


What’s up everybody, this is Russell Brunson. Welcome back to the Marketing Secrets podcast.

Hey everyone, I’m really excited, I know I’m always excited, but today I’m especially excited because yesterday I hired a new coach. If you’ve been listening to the podcast for 5 years like you should have been, I’ve talked about this before in the past. But I’m a big, big, big, big believer in coaching. When I was wrestling I always had a coach, I usually had 3 or 4 coaches. I had a freestyle coach, Greco coach, nutrition coach, strength training coach. But sometimes we get in business and we’re like, “Oh we’re so smart, we don’t need coaches.” And no, you’re wrong.

In fact, it’s kind of funny because a lot of people I know who are really successful in this business for a long time who no longer are, they’re like the last people to go and get coaching. It blows my mind, because they think they know how to do it all. I’m kind of at the top of my game right now, I don’t know, maybe it’ll go higher, but I definitely think I’m 9 ½ minutes into my 10 minutes of fame, what it is 15 minutes of fame, 14 ½ minutes in.

So who knows when this whole thing will go down, but for me I’m at the peak of where I’ve ever wanted or dreamt of being. I’m still trying to find coaches to coach me in different areas of my life and different aspects and different things. I’ve had health coaches, business coaches, all sorts of stuff. Yesterday, actually two days ago I was listening to a podcast, actually the Freedom Fast Lane podcast by Ryan Moran, and he was doing a call with this dude, and the guy coached him through this thing on the podcast. I was like, that was insane. I said out loud that I want that guy to do that thing for me every Monday morning to keep me focused on what I’m doing.

And I’m not going to tell you his name, not because I wouldn’t share, but because I don’t want all you guys trying to hire him, because that’s not his core business. But anyway, the next day I messaged Ryan I was like, “Dude, I need this guys info.” And he’s like, “Oh.” And then I messaged 50 other ways and finally Dave got a hold of him and two hours later I was on a call with him. During this call he literally did a laser coaching thing with me and I was like, “This is so awesome. I want this every week.” And it’s kind of funny, this isn’t his full time gig, doing coaching like that. He’s like, “Well, where do you want to go?” I’m like, “I want to write you a big check for money and then you do this every Monday morning for me.” And he’s like, “Okay.” So I did, I wrote him a check. And now next Monday I have my first actual thing and it’s so exciting.

I’ve had different coaches in my life. I have a coach every Tuesday morning I meet with more on like, it’s Tara Williams, who is an energy coach, but it kind of goes in different directions, from spiritual to physical to mental to business to relationships, all over the place. So that’s one that touches on different areas of my life, but this is very specific on focus and intent and I’m so excited. I’m excited for that.

I wish you guys could see how I was jumping around, crazy. I was so excited to give someone money to be able to coach me. Because it gets hard, the different levels you get to, it’s harder to find a coach who’s there, who can take you through a different aspect, so it’s just exciting for me. I’m so excited. In fact, that’s why as a coach, I obviously coach a lot of entrepreneurs, I don’t want my students or friends, whatever you want to call them. I want to keep progressing myself so that they keep having something to tap into, if that makes sense.

I’ve had a lot of coaches throughout the years, that I came in and really quickly we met and then surpassed and I’m like, I can’t get stuff out of it. I don’t want my people ever feeling that way. That’s why I’m always pushing myself, pushing myself, pushing myself just so that I’m always as sharp as possible so I can keep serving and giving and coaching.

But anyway, I’m just excited and what’s interesting, and this is the point of the podcast, not that you guys care that I hired a coach. But more so it’s because at the last Inner Circle meeting last week, we had 4 days of Inner Circle and I got 4 days next week too, I’m so excited. But what’s interesting, I watched a pattern. It was such an interesting pattern.

First off, people in the inner circle are people who, they hear what I say, they do it and then they succeed. It’s really interesting. They hear what I say, they do it, and then they have success. Hear, do succeed. Hear, do, succeed. When I was wrestling, I remember one of my coaches telling me, “You’re one of the most coachable people I’ve ever had.” I said, “What do you mean?” “Well you hear what I say and then you go and do it. I literally between matches will show you your level was too high. You need to lower your levels, be moving more. Next match you’re doing that. Most people I tell them that over and over and it takes weeks or months or years to even attempt it. I tell you something and you just do it.” And I’m like, “Yeah, isn’t that how it should work?” You hear someone you trust, that you hired, that you are paying to be a coach, someone who is your coach, you hear them, you then do that thing, and you make money. Or you hear that thing, do it and then wrestle better. That’s the process.

So the key first off, you gotta tap into somebody that you trust. Someone who you know is not going to lead you astray, someone who knows more than you do. So when you hear them, you’re not second guessing should I do that, should I not? You gotta pick the mentor that you have 100% faith and trust in. It could be me, someone else, I don’t care, just pick somebody where you’re like, I have absolute faith in that person’s opinion. Therefore I will do whatever they say. I will hear and then I will do and then I’ll have success.

But what’s interesting is during this whole inner circle, again, I’m watching and most of these people, that’s who they are. They hear, they do, they succeed. That’s why there are able to afford 25 grand to come hang out with us a couple of times a year. That’s why they’re having success. But as I was watching, not all of them, but probably 60% of our inner circle members are also coaches in different markets, different industries, things like that. And what’s interesting is almost all of them said “I’ve got these students and they just hear what I say and do it and they have success. But I’ve got all these other ones who don’t.” And I was like, it’s so fascinating to me that people that have success what do they do. They heard, they did, they had success. The one’s who didn’t, they heard, they questioned, they thought about it, they flip flopped, they over analyzed, they studied something else, they did this, they….they get stuck in this thing in the middle that they don’t really hear.

And it’s just so fascinating for me. Yesterday when I heard, two days ago when I heard that podcast and the second I heard it I was like, “I heard it, now I’m going to go do so I can be successful.” How am I going to do it? I know I’m going to forget or it’s going to be hard so I’m going to pay someone so I can do it. So I heard, did, boom now I guarantee you guys will see in the next 6 months, the changes in my company and hopefully in me personally because of this coaching.

Again, I could have heard the podcast and thought about it and tried things, but no I heard it, I’m going to go do it and then I’m going to be successful. So if anything you get from this, there is a pattern of people who are successful in all areas of life. The pattern is number one, they find the mentor, the person, the coach, whatever they believe to get them where they are, and then they put on blinders. They hear, they do, they succeed. Hear, do, succeed. Hear, do, succeed. That’s it.

And if you’re not successful, something happened. Number one you picked the wrong mentor, so you picked someone you’re not really trusting or they have bad advice, bad strategy whatever. So if that’s the case, pick somebody that has the right strategy that you trust. That’s number one, so you do it. Number two, you have to listen to them. Now listening, I said this to one of my friends one time. There’s two types of listeners in the world, those who listen and those who wait to be heard. And a lot of you guys are hearing stuff, but you’re waiting to be…..You’re trying to inject this thing in the middle, and I don’t want you guys being the people who are waiting to be heard. You are hiring a coach so you can listen.

So stop, get the right person with the right strategy, pay them whatever it takes, then listen. Listen. Even if you think you know a better way, you read a blog post or a book or someone who has a different…it doesn’t matter. There’s a million ways to skin a cat. Pick a strategy from a person and then listen to what they say, and then whatever they say, do it. That’s it, just do it. And then what will happen? You will have success. Listen, do, succeed. Listen, do, succeed. It’s a pretty simple strategy. It’s somewhere between the listening and the succeeding we get caught up trying to think or over analyze or whatever it is.

In fact, it’s interesting, people that are really good at school typically, the reason I think they don’t succeed in this kind of world is because they listen and they analyze and think….it’s good to think for yourself, but you’re hiring someone who already thought through these things for you. Like this dude yesterday, I don’t know, I’m guessing he was surprised at how he said something and I’m like, “Okay, I’m doing it. Done.” I listen, I heard, I did. I’m not like, “Well, my company is bigger than yours and I did this…” or whatever. No, I listen, I do, I succeed. I trusted him enough to give him money, therefore I’m trusting his strategy with 100% certainty that this is the way. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have picked him, I wouldn’t have paid him, I wouldn’t have whatever. I chose that person, therefore I will listen with 100%, I have 100% certainty that everything he says is going to be truth, therefore I will listen, I will do and I will succeed.

So this message is mostly for those of you guys who are struggling. My guess is that somewhere between this little chain that you’re missing. You picked the wrong person to tap into a strategy. But if you’re listening to this, you’re listening to me, so obviously you picked the right thing. So you got the right strategy to listen, do, and succeed. Boom, that’s it.

I look at Brandon and Kaelin, literally Brandon and Kaelin come to every event, they’re at everything we do. They listen to every podcast, they’re probably listening to this right now smiling and saying, “Russell keeps dropping our name again.” They listen to everything. They picked somebody they trusted, they listen, and they do. I will literally be onstage at an event talking about a concept and I get off stage, and Brandon’s like, “hey that thing you just said, I just launched it.” I’m like, “What?” He’s like, “yeah, While you were talking I did it.” He’s listening, he did it, he’ll succeed. That’s why their company is going…..

Everyone else in the room is sitting there listening, listening, taking notes, thinking about how cool it would be, and then they hang out in networking and they’re talking and….No, Brandon is there listening, doing and that’s why they’re so successful.

So for you, look at that chain, there’s four elements. Pick the right mentor with the strategy and have absolute certainty in what they say, listen to what they’re saying, again listen, not waiting to be heard. Listen, then do it. Whatever they say, don’t even… Just do it. Just jump off the cliff. I trusted this person, therefore I will jump off the cliff if they tell me to. Just do it. And then get success. That’s it. That’s it, it is really that easy. So easy. It’s insanely easy. I don’t know why we keep complicating this. So don’t complicate it.

If you do this thing and don’t have success, there’s somewhere in here, either you didn’t hear it right, or you didn’t do it right, or you picked the wrong strategy. If you get the right strategy up front, you listen and you do, then you’ll have success. It’s inevitable. You can’t not succeed.

So there you go guys, I hope that helps. It should help you, but it should also help the people you’re coaching. It should help, so many ways. Understand that guys, that’s the key. That’s all I got guys. I’m heading into the office today. It’s Wednesday, I got a lot more fun stuff to do today, I’m excited. Appreciate yo all for listening and subscribing to the podcast. If you’re not subscribed yet, go to and subscribe or I guess there’s a link to the iTunes, that might be easier. And then please rate, review, let us know, share this, if you got any benefit from this. Appreciate you all, thanks so much for everything and I will talk you all again soon. Bye everybody.

Oct 2, 2017

All the little things you’re not doing to get more traffic now.

On this episode Russel talks about the big theme in the company right now, which is going from ten million dollars a year to a hundred million. He talks about what they are doing to be able to build a blueprint to help others do what they have done. Here are some cool things in this episode:

  • Hear why Russell is obsessed with writing books right now in order to leave a legacy.
  • Find out which book will come after Expert Secrets in the series and what it will focus on.
  • And find out what is happening next with the Marketing Secrets podcast.

Listen to all this and more, and don’t forget to get your tickets for Funnel Hacking Live before they are gone.


What’s up everybody? This is Russell Brunson. Welcome to the Marketing Secrets podcast, formerly known as Marketing In Your Car. Right now we are back in the car, so I feel a little nostalgic. Going to a dentist appointment today, starting in 6 minutes. It’s probably a 10 minute drive and traffic is literally stopped. My wife told me not to take Chinden and I did anyway, it’s my own fault. Should have listened. Anyway, that’s what’s going on today.

Alright everybody, so I hope everyone out there is having an awesome time. It’s been really fun this week. If you listen along as we go, two weeks ago we had a FHAT event, and then the viral video event, which went awesome. Then last week I had 4 days of Inner Circle meetings and a one day consult, so last week I didn’t even get to do any of my own work. And yesterday was the first day I got to get back and actually do my own thing, which was awesome and exciting and amazing and I’m so grateful for it.

So it was fun to kind of get back to work. And it’s been interesting, as I’ve been talking to Inner Circle a lot, I keep telling people phases of this. It’s going 0 to a million, a million to ten, ten to 100, and if you listen to me talking about this, it’s going to be a big theme at Funnel Hacking Live this year. By the way, tickets for that are going on sale this week. So they’ll be at, we should have some ticket sales. We pre-sold over a thousand tickets already, so we don’t have a lot of tickets left, but those are going on sale this week. By the time you’re listening to this, it might be live. So if you want to go to Funnel Hacking Live, go to

Anyway, so that’s been the big theme in my Inner Circle, a big them in my company, everything like that. Yesterday was the first time I had a chance to really focus on the traffic part of it, which is fun because going from 0 to a million is all about figuring out your what and your how. What are you selling and how are you selling it? The sun is bright in my eyes, sorry. And after you figure that out, you know you figured it out because you go from 0 to a million dollars over night as soon as you figure that out. So figuring out the what and the how is the first phase.

After you figure that out, the second phase is scaling that. So it’s coming down to building out the infrastructure. Actually let me step back. 0 to a million is everything we talk about in Expert Secrets, finding out what you’re selling, who you are, what you message is, finding your voice, etc, etc. And number two is when you go from a million to ten, it’s all about basically the Dotcom Secrets principles, building out a value ladder, front ends, back ends, maximizing the journey and the process and all that kind of stuff.

So that’s the second phase. The third phase is going from ten to a hundred million, and that’s where we’re at right now. Some of you may or may not know, I bought from John Reese, and that’s going to be, I don’t know if it’s the next book, but it’s the next book in the series. It’s going to be all about that part, how to scale the traffic, so going from ten to a hundred million.

So what’s fun is that yesterday was the first time we had a chance to sit down in a room all day and plan and map it and really build out that process. What’s interesting, as I look at our business, to this point. We’ve done well this year, it doesn’t matter. It’s grown really, really well. We’re doing some pretty good things, but what’s been interesting, if you look at how we’ve done things up to this point, the focus is all on the funnel. So we build the funnel and when that funnel’s done we go and drive traffic, we go and buy ads and do those kind of things like that.

Whereas  this new phase, the sun is so bright in my eyes….The new phase we’re going into, which is scaling beyond, it’s all about getting more people into the front of the funnel. Because after you get people in front of the funnel, the structure, all the Dotcom Secrets, front end, back end funnels, value ladder, all that stuff’s already built out. You don’t need to keep adding stuff there. Now it’s just about dumping more fuel into the fire. So that’s the kind of phase we’re in now, which is an exciting, fun phase.

So what’s interesting, we were mapping this thing out. I wish I could show you guys all the pre funnel stuff. Most people are like, here’s my funnel, what’s the ad I’m going to buy? The process we’re working on and we’re building out internally is there’s four phases that happen before you ever get to the ad. There’s the research phase. There’s a whole bunch of research we’re going into, keywords, headlines, articles, who are we trying to be. Funnel hacking deep, so that’s the research phase.

From there we have a bunch of stuff, deliverables, based on that, here’s the 30 or 60 or 90 headlines we need to create videos for. Here’s the 15000 word article we need to create. Here’s the title and keywords we’re focusing on. And then here’s…’s going through all that stuff, the deliverables. Then after that, we have to produce all that stuff. So the third phase is going and, if it’s me, it’s doing a billion videos…. I got off the busy street…..doing a billion videos, writing the content, all this stuff is the production phase.

And then when the production phase is over, then it goes to the asset phase, which is like each video turns into 5 thumbnail, or 5 quote cards. A YouTube video, Facebook video, all the actual assets that need to be created. And then from there it’s handed to the promotional team, which is phase 5 and the promotional team takes all this stuff and uses it to promote the funnel.

So it’s crazy, so exciting. It honestly blows my mind that we built our company as far as we have, based on literally us building a really good funnel and turning on ads and that’s it. We’re missing…. again it comes back to the tip of the iceberg. We’re doing the tip, but we’re missing the rest. So now we’re coming back and doing the rest of it.

And I really think, outside of there’s a lot of infrastructure and people and other things we need in place as we’re growing from…to a hundred million and beyond. So we’re working on those kind of things. But what’s interesting, from the traffic side, that’s what we’re building out now. Building out the systems and it’s exciting.

It is a process starting right now, it started yesterday and it will culminate probably in the next 18 months in a book called Traffic Secrets, so it’ll be showing you guys behind the scenes of what it ended up becoming. Oh crap, I gotta beat this light…..So that is kind of what….sorry you guys see how good of a driver I am. I always get messages after this, “Russell, you shouldn’t be driving while you’re talking.” I’m like, I got my hands. I’m good.

Anyway, so that’s the exciting thing, as we’re kind of building this out. As I’ve kind of perfected the model, proven it, we’ll use it to go from 70-80 million to 700 million, then we’ll have a good blueprint to show everyone, this is Traffic Secrets, this is the foundation behind it, which is kind of cool. Anyway, that’s kind of what’s happening over here. And it’s exciting and fun. The only place we really talk about this publicly, some of you guys are in our Fill Your Funnel course, that’s where we’re really going deep into this and kind of mapping out the strategy and this process and this plan. But we’re trying to figure it out, all internally on our side.

So as we keep getting it better, we’ll be publishing it there, until we got it all perfected and it becomes a book. But I want you guys thinking more about that. Think more about all the front end stuff that you do to get traffic into your funnels. Most of its just, you spend all this time and effort getting the funnel right and then we turn on ads and that’s it. There’s so much more that goes into it before.

Anyway, that’s kind of what’s happening here. So a couple of other exciting developments. One thing is, if you’ve been listening to the Marketing In Your Car podcast for any amount of time, or Marketing Secrets for a long time before that, I have somebody, a secret spy right now, going through the past episodes….is this the right road I’m supposed to go on? I think it is…. Categorizing all of it, we’re going to be turning this crazy podcast, we’re going to take out all the crap and the fluff, the ones that were just me rambling incoherently, and finding all the best and putting them into chronological order, not chronological, the right order, and actually making a book called Marketing Secrets.

If you can’t tell, I’m kind of obsessed recently with making books. We’ve got the Expert Secrets book, which took two years of my life, the cookbook, which was The Funnel Hacker Cookbook. If you haven’t got that, go to or, it’s actually easier to remember, And in fact right now, I think it’s $10 plus shipping or something like that, to get a 350 page, spiral bound cookbook, which is insane.

But I’m really into the whole book thing. I think books create legacy more than anything else. And at this point in my career it feels like that’s what I’m getting drawn to, stuff that’s legacy as opposed to promotional stuff. So you may see a couple more books coming out in the next few years, and hopefully they turn out good. I’ve tried to write two really good books, I think the first two turned out good, I’m proud of them. So hopefully you guys will like the other ones.

But this is one will be a fun book that will be kind of like an ongoing series called Marketing Secrets, where every three years I can publish a new book, it’s like okay here are the next 400 marketing secrets that came out of me driving in my car back and forth. Here’s idea after idea after idea.

You know the first two books, Dotcom Secrets and Expert Secrets have been very much process based. So it’s like, you have to go through step one, step two, step three, step four, kind of like that. Where Marketing Secrets the goal would be more like, flip it open and just grab it like, “What’s secret 27? Oh cool, urgency and Scarcity. I could use that here. Here is marketing secret 292…” Anyway, that’s kind of the game plan with that book, so it’ll be fun. So that will probably be the next book and then I got this other cool….so many cool things.

So anyway, that’s all I got you guys. I’m almost at the dentist. So I’m going to go hang out with him. Appreciate you all for listening, subscribing. If you’re not subscribed yet go to iTunes and subscribe. I think last time I checked we’re number 3 or 4 top business podcast in the world, so thank you for that, hopefully we can keep it ranked up high. But yeah, come listen, subscribe and hang out with us and we’ll keep giving you the goods. Alright guys, appreciate you all, talk to you soon. Bye.