
Marketing Secrets

Welcome To Russell Brunson’s Marketing Secrets Podcast. So, the big question is this, “How are entrepreneurs like us, who didn’t cheat and take on venture capital, who are spending money from our own wallets, how do we market in a way that lets us get our products and services and things that we believe in out to the world… and yet still remain profitable?” That is the question, and this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Russell Brunson, and welcome to
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Marketing Secrets







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Jan 22, 2017

Stop being offended when people market to you and instead, do this…

On today’s episode Russell talks about clearing out his office to move to the new one and finding old courses that he learned from. He also explains why you shouldn’t be offended by other marketers marketing to you because you can learn from their process.

Here are some cool things in this episode:

  • How you can learn marketing techniques from other marketers by the kinds of marketing they do to you, so you shouldn’t be offended.
  • He also talks about taking advice and why you shouldn’t take advice from people who’s piles of cash are smaller than yours.

So listen below to find out how you can learn from other marketers techniques.


Hey everyone, this is Russell Brunson. Welcome to Marketing In Your Car. I feel bad, this is 3 podcasts, almost in a row, where I have actually been in my car. I feel like I’m a fraud or a sham or something. I don’t know. But I’m at the office right now and it’s kind of a bittersweet day. We are packing up the office. All of my books are no longer on the bookshelf. They’re in boxes. Most of my courses I threw away, or my brother Scott took them and is turning them into audiobook files so I can listen to them in my phone. And we threw away literally an entire dumpster full of CD’s and DVD’s and courses. It’s a little emotional, I’m not going to lie. But we’re going to survive.

A few minutes ago we drove over to the new office and we saw it and everything’s getting put together and it’s so exciting. We have a glass wall, which looks super cool. We have our own bathroom, which may seem lame to you guys, but it’s so exciting for us. Because this is, I’ve rented a lot of offices, this is the first we’ve actually owned, which is so exciting. So those bathrooms are actually my bathrooms. I guess they’re our bathrooms. No, I paid for it, they’re freaking my bathrooms. Just kidding.

Alright so as we’re packing stuff up, I’m putting things and I have to decide what goes in the garbage and what gets saved. So I’m throwing away things with tears in my eyes. Hoarder Russell, because I’m totally an info product hoarder, so I’m throwing away my piles of everything that’s built the foundation for our entire company. If it doesn’t matter, even though it does, we’re throwing these things away. Some of these I’m like, “Not throwing that away. That’s gotta stay.”

So I’ve got this binder here, sitting on the floor. I just looked at it. I looked at it and it made me smile for a couple of reasons. First off, it’s from Frank Kern. Frank’s stuff is always fun, I always love his stuff. It’s a binder and on the outside of the binder it says, 32,800,000 swipe file. So I grab it and opened it up and inside there is 1, 2, 3 4 booklets. There’s one booklet that says the Annihilation Method, one that says Stomper Net, one that says Pipeline Profits, one that says Serializer.

And when you open up these little booklets, guess what’s inside? The only thing inside is half a paragraph explaining what this is and then it’s the emails that he sent out during this product launch. So it’s just copy and pasted all the emails.

And I started laughing because this is part of a product that I don’t know what we spent on it, but you know it’s probably a $1000, or maybe a $2000 course. And this was a big piece, the swipe file books and swipe file from 4 campaigns that each of them made, well combined made 23.8 million dollars. But they’re the swipe files. What’s hilarious about this, if you think about it, is if you were on Frank’s or anyone’s list at the time during this thing happening. You got these emails for free. And they came in your inbox and they didn’t cost you anything and you already got them.

Yet, fast forward a year and all the sudden you say, these emails made 23.8 million dollars, and suddenly people pay you $1000 to read these emails. The same emails that were already in your inbox. In fact, they probably are in the inbox. That’s what’s so funny. So I started thinking about this because people join my list for what reason? They want to learn marketing, right. So they join my list because they want to learn marketing and they want to learn stuff, and they want to figure out how to sell their products and services better.

And they’re on there and getting the emails and then people unsubscribe and then I read the, I don’t do it often because it stresses me out and makes me whatever. So I look at it and there’s the comments that are like, “Why did you unsubscribe?” and they’re like, “Russell sends too many emails. All he does is try to sell me stuff.” “Russell always trying to get me to go to another webinar.” Or whatever. “He keeps talking about Clickfunnels.” And it makes me laugh because if I fast forward a year from now and take all those emails and put them in a binder, I could sell them to the same people for $1000. “Here’s the sequence that I sent out that made us a million bucks.” And they’re all excited because they want to buy it.

But the reality is like, you are joining my list or other marketers lists to learn how to market. Why are you getting offended about their marketing? That’s why you signed up for the first place. Yes, you can go and buy their products and you will learn from that, but I learn more from watching the process. That’s what we call, we talk about Funnel Hacking. Watch the process, what people are doing and that is worth its weight in gold.  Usually that is worth more than the product.

I can’t tell you how many hundreds of thousands of dollars of products I bought and never went through the product. Yet, in my mind completely justified the entire cost because I got to see the sales videos on each page. I saw the upsells and the downsells and I saw those things. I saw the email sequences they sent to me later. And all those things came into my head and I started learning and understanding them. And my next email sequence I’m like, “remember when Frank did this on email 3? I’m going to do that in my next email.” “Remember when So and So did this?” we start looking at those things and tweaking them based on what we’re learning.

And so I just wanted to say for you guys who are trying to learn marketing. First off, step number one, do not be offended by marketing. Because that’s the whole point. You can’t be offended by what you’re doing. Second thing, those emails or Facebook Live’s or things that are bugging you where right now you’re like, “Man, they keep doing these things…” Those might be the same case studies that next year you’re buying for $1000. So you should watch the process, watch what’s working. And if somebody’s doing something consistently, it’s probably working really well. If they do it for a little bit and stop, it probably isn’t working.

So that was my message for today as I was looking through this, I was just kind of smiling and thinking about these emails. If I search my email inbox from whenever these campaigns were, 7 or 8 years ago, I guarantee they are all in my inbox still. Yet, I paid $1000 to get the booklet of them because of the result they got.

So this is kind of two tiers. So number one is, again, don’t get upset when people are marketing to you, take that and learn from it. Add it to your swipe files, funnel hacking files, whatever you want to call it. Then number two, think about the byproduct of what you guys are doing in your business. People will pay to see what’s working for the marketing of your business.

When we had our supplement company we had the info product, all the other stuff we were doing before we created the 108 Split tests book. That book was just, here’s all of the things we were doing, here’s the case studies, the ads we ran, what worked here, what didn’t. That’s what we showed people.

I was watching the other day, one of our Facebook ads, some of you guys probably saw it. There’s a video of me promoting the 108 Split tests book and I got two pictures. I got a picture of one webinar registration page and another one. And I was like, “Which webinar registration page do you think wins? One of them out converted the other one by whatever.” And the ugly one won.

And I was reading the comments from all these people who are posting, “That was not a true split test. You split tested wrong.” And yelling at me because I didn’t split test the right way, the way that they think split testing should happen is completely wrong. Because they are like, “You have to have the exact same copy, the exact same thing and only change one thing at a time.” And I was like, “Okay, that’s true on the second or third tier of a split test. But where are you at in business right now?” Anyway, I just wanted….

In fact, I was talking about this earlier with these guys here in the office, one of my friends Matt Bacak, I remember I used to hear him speak and he the rule, he called it the piles of cash rule. He’s like, “Whenever I am looking at someone and they give me advice, I look at the size of their pile of cash and if it’s bigger than my pile of cash I take their advice. If it’s smaller, I ignore them.” I want to go back to these guys and just be like, “Okay, so you’re telling me my split test process is wrong. I just want you to look at your pile of cash real quick and if it’s bigger than mine. Cool, I’m wrong. But if it’s not maybe you should learn and instead of complaining in the comments of my Facebook ad, maybe you should be like, ‘why would Russell do that? Why would he test two completely different layouts first before he gets into headline tweaks or little tiny tweaks that we typically do on our split testing.’”

Number one is because, and I talked about this before on the podcast. When we’re doing split testing, level number on is not headline tweaks and tests, its radical shifts, so it’s one page design versus a completely different page design.  That’s the first thing I’m going. From there I figure out the right page design that’s going to have the highest conversion. Then we go deeper into the copy, the elements the images. All the other pieces we go deeper and deeper and deeper in. but it starts with two radically different looks and feel. That’s the key in my mind.

Because if I would have done, and that split test specifically, if I would have done it the way that they were suggesting, I would have picked the one that was the loser, and I would have started split testing headlines of the loser. And I don’t care how long I tried, what do they say? You can’t polish a turd. I could have kept polishing that thing forever and 15 years from now, I never would have had a winner. But instead I had two radically different things and found out, “Wow, this direction is dramatically better than that one. Now I’ve got this nice shiny diamond and now I start going in there and chiseling away and making it perfect.“

Not that the message of this podcast, was not to teach you guys split testing, but It’s teaching you don’t get offended by people marketing. Don’t leave comments about how you’re frustrated about something that you don’t understand because it’s not the way you would do it, because maybe you’re wrong. Maybe somebody else isn’t. I also wanted to drop the whole pile of cash rule because I think that it’s a good rule for everyone to live by. With that said, thank you Matt Bacak for that idea. I’m going to come back to that and start sharing that more often with people. Look at where and how you’re getting your advice from. Follow the piles of cash.

So that’s it you guys. Appreciate you all. Remember the big piles of cash. Look and take advice from those whose are bigger than yours and those who are smaller, don’t pay any attention right now, because it will save you a lot of time, frustration and headache. So there you go guys. Appreciate you all, have an amazing days and I’ll talk to you all again soon.

Jan 21, 2017

Semi-deep thoughts after writing the back cover of the Expert Secrets book.

On this episode Russell talks about how we grow in business and family life and all aspects and how the only way to continue to grow is to help others grow as well.

Here are some of the enlightening things you will hear on today’s episode:

  • Why if you are reading Russell’s book, Expert Secrets, it means you have already been through the trenches, and now you need to figure out a way to continue to grow.
  • Why if you are only learning without ever moving on from that, eventually growth will stop and you will become stagnant.
  • And how you can contribute to other people’s growth, and that will actually help you continue to grow.

So listen below to find out how to avoid becoming stagnant in life and business.


Hey everyone, this is Russell Brunson. Welcome to Marketing In Your Car. I hope you guys are doing awesome. I am so tired. I was up til 3 last night editing the book. It’s the final edit and guess what? It is finally getting really, really, really, really close. And it’s, I’m not gonna lie, I’m pretty proud of it. So I’m just excited right now. But yeah, I was up til 3:00 editing and I woke up super early today because we got Funnel Friday starting in 11 minutes. So I’m racing to the office to go, I’ll probably be late. But that’s kind of like, you’re on Russell Brunson time, you’re going to be a little late sometimes.

But anyway, it’s funny how much, I don’t think pain is the right word, but how hard it is for me to get into the book, writing, editing process. Because I think this is the final edit. So everything I leave there is going to be in print in a physical book for forever. And it’s never going to go away. So it’s like it’s so final. Steven was like, in the Dotcom Secrets book, there’s probably like 10 things I want to change. So it’s just like, you can’t, it’s final and that’s it.

So it kind of stresses me out, but what can you do? It’s been good though. I started finally going through. I got about 50 pages of the 250 pages or so finished. So I’m hoping in the next day or so, I’ll be done. And then this thing we can send off to the publisher and get the formatting done and turn it into a book. So that’s exciting. It’s funny, I was Snapchatting me procrastinating last night and showing people stuff. You know how I have my little doodle drawings, which is kind of a cool thing I think. I feel like most people think it’s cool. But someone Snapchatted back, “Those drawings are cute but there childish and unprofessional.” Or something like that. I was like, “Are you kidding me?”  People are amazing. Why would you tell someone that? I wish I could see who it was on snapchat so I could tell them off. But I’m too nice of a guy, so I won’t even though I want to.

Alright, so what I want to share with you. I was writing the back cover of the book last night. And that’s a hard thing to do too, because you’re just like, some people that’s all they’re going to read. So what do you say and how do you say it? I probably re-wrote ten times. That probably took 2 hours just to write that and get it. What’s interesting, when I did finally write it, I was kind of nervous because it’s, I don’t know, it almost goes a little deeper than….I don’t know. But I think it’s how I feel about this book, but it’s also how I feel about my mission in Clickfunnels.

I’m trying to think of which part I should tell you now. Actually, I’ll rewind. So it’s interesting, Liz Tennison who is now helping me run the Funnel Hacker community and certification program and stuff like that. She’s awesome. She came to our house and she was filming a testimonial last week and when we were filming it I was asking her story about how she became an entrepreneur. And she told a story about when she first joined Mary Kaye, and the founder of Mary Kaye before she passed away she had a chance to hear her speak. And once she heard her speak, she was talking about how Mary Kaye for her was more than just a job or a business, it was a spiritual thing. And she said, “You know, a lot of times we can’t get into people’s houses with the Bible or with God, and so this is another way we can do it. Get into their house and try to help and serve them through makeup.”

When Liz was telling me that she started to get emotional, and I started to get emotional. I was like, dang that’s such a cool thing because in a perfect world all of us, the way we serve each other is by bringing God and bringing things into people’s lives, you know it’s hard in today’s day and age. People don’t want that. People fight against their, it’s just like how else can we serve these people and get them to where they need to be? And it’s through other avenues we have to serve. So for me, and I think my entire team, we always talk about how Clickfunnels is more than a business or product. It’s a spiritual thing, we give people the ability to share their message and grow and help and serve as well. For me it’s bigger than a business, which I think I’m so passionate about it and why we’ve had so much success with it.

So anyway, the reason I told you that is because I was writing this book, I was realizing that some of you are going to read this book, Expert Secrets, they’re typically not at the beginning of their journey. Most of them, and I’m going to most of them, most of us, most of you, all of us, the time that you pick up this journey is not you’re doing nothing else and then like, “I want to wake up an expert.” It’s usually because some experience happened in your life that made you want more, so because of that you started reading and studying and learning.

And then after you learn things, you got excited, so you’re experimenting and tried it. Some things worked and some things didn’t work, and then You’re making up your own experiment. And it could be any avenue of life. Some of you guys, it was in fitness, some of you guys it was in relationships. Some of you guys it was in wealth, money, finances, or marketing. All of us have different things, but there’s something that happened. Some experience that made you go deep on the topic. And what happens is that we’ll typically go through a period of our life which is extreme growth. We’re learning, we’re learning and we become better and better at this thing and you’re growing.

When I started wrestling, I started getting excited by it and started geeking out and learning and growing. It was this phase of my life where I went through extreme growth, but then there comes this point where you can’t grow by learning anymore. You just keep learning and learning and eventually, me learning more marketing tactics is not going to, I’m not growing anymore. You start to plateau. And when you hit that plateau point, I don’ think there’s any way you can grow by continuing to grow, it’s impossible.

The only way to continue to grow is to transition from this growth into contribution. How do we share this growth with other people? And as you start helping them and sharing with them and you see them grow, That’s how you start to grow again. Your growth becomes dependent upon the growth that other people have. Does that make sense?

So it’s this interesting transition point. You know the back of the book said basically, you pick up this book, you’re probably half way through your journey. You’ve probably gone through that and you’re growing and you’re stuck, and the only way to really progress is to help people become like you, to get to the spot you’re in right now.” I just think that it’s fascinating. I look at other things around me that that’s true in. An industry that I joke about a lot, but it’s serious is network marketing. You can make money but you plateau quickly, and the only way you can really grow is by helping those around you grow. That’s how you get this leverage and growth and make insane amounts of money that some people do in network marketing.

If you think about your kids, half of your life is this growth phase where you’re selfish and you’re, most of us go through this phase of life and we’re kind of selfish and it’s all about us, then you find a spouse and then it’s all about you guys together. And then you get married hopefully, then you have kids and suddenly when you have your first kid, it transitions to, okay you’ve gone through this testing ground, the only way for you to progress now is to help these little people progress. And that’s how you start to grow. That’s how you become the next level of who you are supposed to become.

Business for me is like that. It’s like having kids, it’s like it gives you the ability then to continue to grow. And from the spiritual standpoint, well I don’t know how deep I should get into these kind of conversations through a marketing podcast, but in a spiritual sense I think that’s how God grows. It’s through the perfection in us as children becoming more and growing and serving each other and it’s just such a cool cycle when you look at it from that standpoint.

Anyway, without getting emotional or too much probably further than I’m supposed to on something like this, I just thought I’d share that with you guys because I think that what you and what I and what all of us are doing matters. And it matters a lot. Because it gives you the ability to affect other people’s lives. So this mission you’ve been on to grow and develop, the only way for you to continue that progress is by the transition where now you are becoming an expert. You’re helping other people, you’re serving them and bringing them up to your level. And when you do that, that’s where true fulfillment and happiness is. So I think it’s pretty cool.

So there’s my message for today. With that said, I’m going to be late for Funnel Friday. It’s starting in 2 minutes and I’m probably 5 minutes out. But that’s what happens when you pull all nighters trying to change the world. Anyway you guys, with that said, I appreciate you all. Thank you so much for listening. If you enjoyed this podcast or any other Marketing In Your Car podcast, please go to iTunes and rate and review, that’d be sweet. Share it with people. Right now we’ve got a contest that’s happening for any of the MP3 players you give away at, we’re giving a $20 bounty. So you get $20 for every free MP3 player you’re giving away. But it only lasts for the next 10 days or so. If you want to participate in that, go to and tell the world about this podcast and we’ll pay you for it, so it’s kind of fun. Alright you guys, thanks so much for everything and we’ll talk to you guys soon.

Jan 20, 2017

Some dude snapchatted me and check out what happened next…

On today’s episode Russell talks about how having proof of the results you give people will help you gain more sells. He also talks about a new event that will be launching a practice run with inner circle members in two weeks.

Here are some interesting things on today’s episode:

  • Find out how a single Facebook post ended up bringing about a 43 person wait list to be in Russell’s Inner Circle group.
  • Find out what kind of event Russell is launching in two weeks.
  • And figure out how you can use proof to bring more people into your business.

So listen below to find out how proof is power.


Hey everyone, this is Russell Brunson, I think I’m going to change the name of our podcast to Marketing During Snow days. We just had Snow day number 6. I’m at the house in the snow and yes, I’m praying that the snow melts so our kids can go to school. Plus we’re supposed to have three trucks bringing all the stuff for the new Clickfunnels office today, and they all got stuck in the snow. So we’ve been delayed another day in getting our office finished and moved in which makes me want to cry a lot.

Some cool stuff, though, while we’re hanging out. Steven came over. He’s been reading the Expert Secrets book. He’s the first person to actually read the final, the almost final draft. I’m curious your thoughts so far.

Steven: it’s pretty much going to change everyone’s life again. You know how the first book changed your life. Get ready to change it again. You were seeing in color, it’s actually going to be more vibrant.

Russell: We’re going to color.

Steve: it’s really good though. This is fantastic. I sit next to Russell and I hear him say this stuff and now I’m actually reading it like, oh my gosh. Oh my gosh! I’m not going to sleep tonight.

Russell: I’m so excited. This book has got twice as many pictures or more. And yes, we’re working right now. So we’re launching a new event called the Funnel Hackathon event, or FHAT for short. Our FHAT event. We’re going to be doing a test run, is it two weeks? Or three weeks? In two weeks for some of our inner circle members and it’s going to be amazing. It’s basically going to be a three day workshop style, where everything in the Expert Secrets and Dotcom Secrets books, we plug in and actually build it with you live.

Kind of a good example, most people, this is how I kind of learned as well. I’ll go through and read a book or course and I’ll immerse and go through all this stuff, and I learn so much of it and I’m like, “I gotta go implement it. Oh wait, I gotta get back to the real world.” And then you never do. It’s interesting, I was talking to Brandon and Kaylin, who are inner circle members who are crushing it. And what he’s said, the way he did it, which was different. I was like, it’s different but I think it’s right. He said that they sat down with the book and the audio and everything. We listened to part and paused it. And then we stopped and figured out that piece. Then we push play again. Listen to it, stop, paused it and figured out that piece. What we did, after we were done with the book and training, we had our attractive character built out, we had our soap opera sequence, all the pieces were done.

Most people don’t do it that way. Most people learn it and try to go back and implement. They forgot stuff, or don’t have time now, all sorts of things. We wanted to make an experience where people leave their environment. Actually we wanted to make it even cooler, we wanted to make this a pilgrimage. The Muslims do a pilgrimage to Mecca once in their life. They go and do their thing.

When I was wrestling in high school, we used to do a pilgrimage, called it the pilgrimage to Iowa, because Dan Gable, the greatest wrestler in our sport ran wrestling camps in Iowa. So our whole high school career, everyone saved up money through a pilgrimage to Iowa so that I could be coached by Dan Gable. My junior year in high school I finally made. I saved up my money and went. We went to practice with the Iowa guys. We met Dan Gable, shook his hand. I was like, “I just shook Dan Gable’s hand. There’s no way I can’t win.” It’s done, it’s over.

So I want to make this a pilgrimage, people come to Boise to get their funnel done. We keep talking about how you’re one funnel away from whatever it is for you. We want that to be, “you’re one funnel away, come to Boise and we’ll build that out.” In this event. So we’re doing our first FHAT event for the inner circle members in two weeks. So Steven is working on the workbook right now for that. And then that’s kind of the initial game plan. And then if it goes well, as we think it will, we’ll start doing those more often here in Boise and have people come back. So that’s what we’re working on today, which is fun.

So anyway, hopefully all of you guys will want to come do your pilgrimage to Boise, because it will be amazing. With that said, I wanted to share with you guys something amazing. It’s been interesting, over the last month or so, we’ve been reworking some of our offers. Our certification program, for one. We launched it at the first funnel hacking live event. We brought a group through and then we closed it for an entire year. At the second Funnel Hacking Live event we reopened it up, brought in another group of people and then a couple of months later we opened it up, we’ve had people coming in more consistently. If you haven’t gone through the certification program, I don’t care if you’re a business owner or if you are someone looking for a new business opportunity, you should come through it. If you go to you can see info about the certification program.

But as it’s been another year and we’re trying to rebuild the webinar and change things, we’re looking and all these success stories of people who have come through in the last year. We’re looking at all those things and we’re like, “Man, we could literally just have a webinar, here’s 50 people that have made their money back, plus more. Or have doubled their money or 3x’d their money. Or have built huge careers on the back of this now, because we have so much proof that this process works. It just works like magic.

So we’re like, “What if we just, instead of trying to sell this and work really hard at it, what if we just did a proof webinar.” Like, “Hey, if you’re thinking about getting certified, here’s 50 people who have done it. Here are their stories.” And that was the webinar, how interesting. It reminded me of rewind back in the day. John Reese, he launched the first internet marketing product, which made a million dollars in a day. It was called Traffic Secrets. He did the big launch, in fact, if you go to, they have this thing called the wayback machine. You can type in into there. And then look at, I think it was in 2005, 2004, whenever the initial launch was. You’ll see this sales letter. It’s this big, huge long form sales letter with testimonials, it was amazing.

Then after the initial launch they shut it down and a year later they rrelaunched it. And when the relaunch happened the sales letter was completely different.  All it was, was a big headline that said, “Proof.” And then it was 150 pages of testimonials of everybody who had success with the program. That’s all it was, then order button at the bottom. Then they relaunch it and made as much, if not more money the second time. It was like, “Here’s proof of the thing you heard about, actually is legit.

So anyway, I was thinking about that. What’s kind of cool is we tested this and it wasn’t on purpose. We didn’t mean to do this on purpose but, dang it worked really, really good.

So I’m going to share with you. So some of you guys know Dan Henrie, who is in the Clickfunnels group. He read the Dotom Secrets book. And then he did a perfect webinar. He just, how long ago was that? Do you remember?

Steven: Um, I think it was 5 or 6 months.

Russell: Yeah, 5 or 6 months ago. So he launched the perfect webinar and he just passed it, or is about to pass it?

Steven: Just passed a million.

Russell: So he just passed the million dollar mark. And this a guy who prior didn’t have any of those things happening. So reads a book, does a perfect webinar, makes a million bucks and it’s awesome. So we’ve been teasing him relentlessly. “Hey you should join the inner circle.” And the inner circle, a lot of you guys know, it’s usually full. There’s 100 spots, so for the most part we don’t advertize it at all anymore because it’s always full. People re-up year after year, which is really cool and kind of a testament of how good of a program it is. But every once in a while we get someone who doesn’t re-up for whatever reason. Sometimes it’s….whatever. Everyone’s got a reason. Some people feel like, they’re good now. Some people just don’t re-up because, honestly I  have no idea. I can’t fathom why people wouldn’t. But there’s some people who don’t.

So usually it hover around anywhere from probably 95, 93, members that are in there. So we always have a couple of spots that are there. So we don’t do any active promoting, but people just kind of trickle in. They hear about it on the podcast and they apply and if there’s room we let them in. If not we say, “sorry.” And put them on a waiting list. Every once in a while we’ll open up a waiting list. For the most part, we don’t advertize anymore, it’s just there.

So right now, I don’t know how many spots we had left, I would say probably a handful, 5 or 6 spots were still left. I was like, “Do we turn ads back on to promote?” or whatever, I was thinking about it. Then Dan Snapchatted me and he was like, it was a picture of his Stripe account for the day and he made $25,380, something like that. He said something like, “Finally decided to join the inner circle and take the plunge, I’ll just use today’s earnings from my webinar to cover it.” Or something like that, it was really cool.

So I took a screen shot of it on Snapchat and posted in our Facebook group and just said, it had his picture from Snapchat and it said, “Step one, get the perfect webinar script for $4.99. Step number two, get Clickfunnels. Step number three, join Russell’s inner circle.” And it had a link to, which is where people apply. So I posted that to our Facebook group and that’s it. And what’s insane is can you guys guess, before I tell you the number, I want you to guess how many applications that we’ve got in the last, what is today? Thursday. So it’s been 2 ½ days. So in the last 2 ½ days, guess how many inner circle applications have come in from that one post? I just laugh because it’s so hilarious. What’s your guess? I don’t want to tell you yet, I want you to guess.

Okay, on the count of three, you’re going to say your number out loud. 1, 2, 3 blah. What did you say? Did you guess 5, did you guess 10, did you guess 20, 25, did you guess 30? Well if you guessed 30 you are way too low. We ended up from that one post in our Facebook group, with 43 new applications for inner circle, which is insane. Because we literally, I think we’ve got 3 or 4 spots, I don’t know the exact number. But 3 or 4 spots are open before our next set of meetings.

Isn’t that crazy? And it wasn’t me selling anything, it was just proof. Boom, here’s proof. So for you guys, I want you to start thinking more and more about that. Most of us are amazing at getting results for the people we serve, but we’re horrible at getting, capturing the stories of that. It doesn’t have to be this huge thing. It can be just capturing it. A good example is in December we launched our Funnel Immersion Fire Sale, Some of you guys may remember that. We sold a ton of them.

In our Facebook group everyone started commenting, “This is amazing. This is the greatest thing in the world.” People were like, “Shut up and take my money.” Everyone commenting about how good it was, so anyway, we ended up closing it down and what we did is made, we turned that into an upsell for one of our products. And it’s a $300 product, so normally for a $300 product I have to have a really good video to convince people to buy it. But we didn’t have time for that, so all I did was, we had a video of me like, “ hey, if you want this other course, it’s really cool. You should get it. It’s $300” then underneath the video we just had screenshots of other people’s Facebook things talking about how amazing it is. And right now that upsell is converting probably about 2 to 3 times higher than I thought it was going to for a $300 offer, which is insane.

Again, it’s just proof, tons and tons of proof. What I would say for you guys is start gathering proof. That’s the key. That is the key to this game. Gathering proof, gathering testimonials. People say something nice on Facebook, snap, screen shot it. Somebody Snapchats you nice things, screen shot it. Somebody does something amazing, pay for them to fly to you and capture it on video.

If yo look at how we sell the inner circle, initially I went and served and worked for Drew Canoli for free, gave him a huge result, built him a funnel which by the way, I just found out that funnel’s done over 25 million dollars since I hung out with him, isn’t that crazy? I should charge more for the inner circle, it’s insane.

But 25 million bucks he’s made with that funnel so far, and it’s still cranking. All he did was made a video and talked about the result we gave him and that video is what launched inner circle. A little while later someone named Liz Benney saw a good looking picture of Drew Canoli, applied for inner circle, came in and we gave her a good result. And when she came to Boise, we captured that result, posted that video online and that video has continued to fill inner circle.  But it’s all come down to proof.

It’s funny, if you look at Liz’s testimony, go to and look at Liz’s testimonial. She never once talks about how money she made, no income claims, no nothing, just her talking about her experience with working with me. That’s it. And that has filled our inner circle and you can do the math. It’s $25 grand to join the inner circle, times 100 people. It’s a good program and it’s built off of proof. So become fanatical at getting results for people and then in return capture those results. Not only are they going to be okay with that, most of the time they are excited by that. It’s you talking about how great they did, and us as human beings, we happen to like that.

Remember a couple of episodes ago we talked about significance. We all like it, even if we hate it. It’s there, so don’t…..get people their significance. If they’re doing good stuff, they want to tell their story and most people would love to have you share it, so capture it in whatever format you can because that’s the future of sales. Someone asked me on a podcast interview a little while ago, “What’s the future of internet marketing as you see it.” I was like, “I think the future is a lot less selling and a lot more us showing results of people we got.” Because that’s believable.

People inherently believe Facebook posts, so those look good. People inherently believe videos that are emotionally connected. Those things are belief because they’re real. So focusing on that.

Anyway, that’s what I got, I gotta get back to the book because I have to finish this book this week or else it won’t be published in time for the launch date of April 18th. So I’m hustling. Hopefully this gave you guys some value. Go capture some proof and if you want to get in inner circle, there’s 43 people online, but if you hurry maybe you’ll be a better fit than one of the other people. So go to if you’re ready for that. That’s it you guys. Appreciate you all, have an amazing day and we’ll talk to you all again soon.

Jan 19, 2017

Reflections on what happened today when Clickfunnels when down for a little bit.

On this episode Russell talks about a situation that happened with Clickfunnels shutting down for a few hours. He talks about how he and his team handled the problem and were able to get things up and running in a short amount of time.

Here are some of the cool things you will hear in this episode:

  • Find out what caused Clickfunnels to go down today and how Russell and his team handled angry customers.
  • Hear why a similar experience from a year and a half ago helped prepare the Clickfunnels team to solve this problem.
  • And find out the 3 core things that should help you if your business ever experiences a disaster like this.

So listen below to find out why Clickfunnels went down, but was able to recover in a relatively short amount of time.


Hey everyone, this is Russell, I hope you guys are doing awesome today. Today’s Marketing In Your Car is actually happening in my office for a couple of reasons.

First off, I was getting ready this morning. I was planning on waking up at 5 to start working on the book. I got the last edits on the book going, I have to get it done by the end of the month if we’re going to get it published in time for our launch date of April 18th. But then I had only slept a couple hours that night, so I just every 9 minutes for 2 hours kept pushing snooze. Then finally it was 7:00 I’m like, “Oh crap, the kids gotta get up.” So my wife and I got up and started working on the kids, get everything ready and then check my phone to find out that Clickfunnels was down.

Some of you guys probably had the same sinking feeling in your chest this morning when you saw that, as I did. So I just wanted to kind of walk through what’s going on in my head. Because one, so you guys know, but more importantly because there are times when there’s going to be disasters and problems and issues with you business. And I’m just going to go through what I did and what our team did. Hopefully it’ll help some of you guys when disaster hits for you.

One good thing I have on my side, is I’ve got the most amazing development team on planet Earth. So by the time I’d noticed they’d already known and they were on it and working on it. What’s funny is the last time we had an issue, I’m pretty sure, I’m positive I did a podcast about this when I was in London. It was over a year and like 3 or 4 months ago. Almost a year and a half was the last time we had any issues.

It’s funny, because at the time Clickfunnels had been built on a database company called Clear DB was the name of it. And we were kind of outgrown them and we knew that and we were trying to move over to the other servers and we were trying to move and they wouldn’t let us, they basically had handcuffed us saying, “No, we don’t want you to move your data and if you do it’s going to have to go this other way and you’re going to have down time for 3 or 4 days.” Whatever.

So as we were getting closer and closer to what became the first day our servers crashed, things started working less and less and more issues and more hiccups. It was just their company couldn’t handle what we were putting through to them. And at that time we had about 10 thousand members so we wanted to shift over but couldn’t and couldn’t.

I was actually speaking at an event in London with my family, so I was in a plane flying to London, when I landed in London I figured out how to get international phone, which is not as easy as you’d think. Look at my phone and basically get there and realize Clickfunnels is down. Messaging my team and they’re freaking out, everyone’s freaking out and it was just like, “huh.”

We didn’t know the issue, but basically, luckily on my team Ryan Montgomery and Todd Dickerson kind of called an audible, “Hey look, we can either wait for Clear DB to rebuild or we’ve got to rebuild this whole structure over on Amazon, where we want to move things.” So they made the decision to start rebuilding. So they jumped into it and rebuilt, basically the whole database structure of Clickfunnels over here in Amazon. And then started restoring entire Clickfunnels database from an old backup. Not old backup, backup that had been, I think we back up every 20 minutes or 30 minutes or 10 minutes, whatever it is, and restored it from backup.

Ended up, I think we were down for 12 hours, which was insane. People were ready to kill me. Luckily I was in London, no one could find me. But it was tough. Luckily because our developers had the foresight to rebuild instead of waiting, it ended up taking 3 weeks to restore our servers. So we would have been down for 3 weeks if it hadn’t been for amazing people. I remember when I got there, Facebook was blowing up, my messages. Everything was blowing up and people were angry and I was like, “What do I do?”

I didn’t know what to do. I’d never been in this situation before when literally 10’s of thousands of people’s lives and livelihood depended on us and what we were doing. It was a scary, scary situation. At first I was like, well maybe I’ll make a video and kind of try to calm the storm. Make them feel good. But I was like, you know what? No. I’m pissed, they’re pissed. This is not a good situation, this is not acceptable for us, it’s not acceptable for our upstream providers. So instead in the hotel room I had my kids go in the bathroom and try to be quiet and I recorded, this is pre Facebook Live, so I recorded a video with my phone and I didn’t clean it up or polish it. I said, “Look, this is what’s happening.” And I was pissed and people felt it. And I posted that in our Facebook group.

And what came from that was amazing. We had hundreds of people come and comment on our site. Basically like, “Look, we’re here for you.” And they fought hard for us and our guys luckily got things up within 12 hours. We were back stable. And what was interesting was because of that we learned a bunch of things. And because of that we were able to move to a new server which was awesome. Things became more stable and then we spent the next 5 or 6 months just working on stability, which if you remember there wasn’t a lot of new features that came out in that time because we were focusing on building this back end structure making sure that never happened again.

And it didn’t for a year and 4 months. And then today it happened again. So the first thing is like, what in the world? Was it our infrastructure? We thought we had built things in a way, looking at server recourses, we had the ability to probably give out ten times where we’re at right now and still be fine. As of today, so this is a year and a half later, we’re at 30 thousand members right now. So we have 3 times as many people using the system, 3 times as many people’s lives are affected when we go down. So we go down and we’re looking on, from a server standpoint we were fine. We weren’t taxing the servers more than we should be, so we tried to figure that out and dig deeper.

Finally we figured out it was Amazon’s….something to do with them. They were the issue. So it was like this really weird thing where we were helpless. We can’t do anything, they have to fix it on their side. And their service isn’t typically the best, we actually just upgraded from the, I don’t know the $1000 a month service plan to $15000 a month service plan. So now we’ve got direct lines to all the backend developers. So we were able to upgrade that for the future. But we were kind of stuck. We don’t know what to do. What do you do?

So while we’re waiting for them to fix it, our guys were like, “Okay well let’s rebuild.” And they start going to work and it was just so cool to watch them in crisis mode. They didn’t sit there and do nothing. They said, “Okay, alright. What are our options? How many contingency plans do we have?” And they went and executed the first one and I watched as they tried and failed. Try the next one, failed. Try the next one, failed. And it kept going and going and finally they figured out something to get it live again. And this time we were down for 4 hours, which is the longest we’ve been down since the other one.

But they got it up and working again before the Amazon team was able to figure out the issues on their side. Now we’re communicating with them and they’re fixing the stuff on their side. And this time is kindo f the same thing. What do I do? I have all this fear. We’ve got 40 thousand people in our Facebook group, its our only means of communication I have with our audience. People in the Facebook group were like, “Why didn’t you email us.” I’m like, “We use Clickfunnels as well. We can’t log into our email. We’re in the same problem you are. We have page, we’ve got the Facebook group and most people on the Facebook group are like, that’s the only channel we have to communicate.”

So we decided to quickly do a Facebook live and let people know this was happening and be very aware. Again not trying to sugar coat things. In fact people messaged me, “Are you pissed or are you sick? I can’t tell.” I’m like, “A little bit of both right now, to be completely honest.” But we did that and then an hour later when we had more updates, we did another Facebook Live for updates. Then an hour later we were back live and kind of shared that as well. What’s interesting as you watch people that are, the message, the overwhelming thought was the fact that people appreciated our communications.

It was interesting, I remember about 6 months ago Lead Pages went down for about 18 or 19 hours if I remember right. We were watching their server logs and they were down for almost a full day. And they did the opposite. They went radio silent and didn’t say anything to anybody. Didn’t message, didn’t talk about it. It was the opposite and I know a lot of people left Lead Pages that day because of that. And I’m sure, unfortunately we’re going to lose people from Clickfunnels. But I had other people message me in the forum that said, “Hey I haven’t joined Clickfunnels yet, but after seeing your communication throughout the day, I’m now joining. “ So I think we’ll gain a lot of people as well.

It’s just one of those things. It’s kind of, for a lot of us, for me, it’s my first time being a real CEO and trying to figure out these things and I think what I’ve found from this experience is a couple of things. First one is over communication is key. People are okay if there’s problems happening as long as they know about them and you validate it. Number two I think that my initial response when people would complain on Facebook is I want to be very defensive.

I had people who were like, “Hey, Clickfunnels is down. I lost hundreds of dollars. Do I get a free month. I want you to pay that money back.” The defensive Russell, wrestler Russell wants to fight everybody he sees. You know what? Dude, the second you start paying me, right now you’re paying $97 a month to use our entire platform. The same thing that in the past was costing me 20 to 30 thousand dollars a month to run on our own. For a $100 you’re paying for that. As soon as you’re willing to give me 25% of all the money you make from us, then I’m willing to give you back money when we’re down for an hour or two.”

I just, in fact, I even started commenting multiple times that. And then I’m like no, I can’t. That’s not the right response. I think us as a team we all wanted to get defensive because we’re doing our best. It’s not even our fault. It’s Amazon’s fault. Amazon’s not refunding my money, I guarantee that. In fact, we’re spending more to be able to actually get answers from them. It’s so frustrating and multiple times I wanted to do that, so I messaged my team, everyone on support. “People are upset, and they have every right to be. I’m upset, they’re upset and we cannot be defensive. That’s going to cause, that’s just the wrong thing. It doesn’t help anybody. We have to have empathy. Empathy’s the only thing that’s right in this situation.”

So when people on Facebook complain and send me, mouthing off, by default I want to say, I tried to go to everybody and say, “Look, that sucks. I’m so sorry. It’s not okay. We’re not okay with it. You shouldn’t be okay with it. We apologize. We’re sorry.” And try to bring empathy to the situation as opposed to where we naturally go. I think that was a big part of it. Communication, I think empathy is big.

And I think the third thing is understanding. A lot of the things I talk to you guys about in the last year or so and what the new book is about is really when you build a culture of people where it’s more than just…..the best way to explain it in one of our masterminds is a dude who’s super cool named Noah. Noah in one of the things said, “Because I’ve bought into you, Russell and I’ve bought into Clickfunnels, I see all your competitors pop out. I see them in my Facebook feed, I see the emails. I look at them for less than a second, just long enough to laugh, then I close it down. Because I bought into you.”

And I think that reason why the community is doing okay through something like this and why we’re able to recover from something like this is because we’re not just a product, we try to become more than that. We’ve tried to become a community, tried to build a family, tried to not just give you guys the tool, but the training and the platform and everything else that ties into that. It’s because of that, again on the same side I’ve talked about before, when we were building Clickfunnels, I didn’t want everyone to say, “That’s Russell’s company.” I want them to say, “This is our company.” It works both ways. When we have down time I don’t want people, I want people saying, “We have down time, this is something we’re all struggling with.” And we look at it more as a community as opposed to us, not us versus them, but you know, here’s the service provider and here’s us.

I think for all of us, the more you can focus on that. You’ve heard me talk about that a lot in this podcast, but you’ll hear me talk about it more when the book comes out. Because that’s what the whole first section is all about. How are we building a following of people that are part of something bigger that you’re creating as opposed to someone who’s buying your product. And I think that those are the 3 things I kind of learned and more reaffirmed of today as we went through this mini disaster.

So hopefully, I hope to see you guys because it may not be today, might not be tomorrow or a year from now, or maybe it will never happen. But if and when it does happen, those are some of the tools that have helped us to survive now 2 disasters in the 2 and a half years we’ve been live. Hopefully if any more come in the future it will help us to wave the, survive the storm as well.

But I just wanted to thank you guys all for being listeners of the podcast and I want to thank you guys for being members of Clickfunnels. If you’re not using Clickfunnels yet, hopefully this is just one more reason for you guys to come try it out. Because we really do care. We’re here for you and we’re not leaving. We’re not going anywhere. So if you’re not a member yet, go to, get your free 2 week trial, test us out and see what everyone is talking about.

This week Eli said we passed 30 thousand active members, which is a huge milestone for us and our goal is to get 100 thousand by the end of this year. And obviously the only way we’re going to do that on our side is to become better. Become a better infrastructure, become better people, become better teachers, become better marketers, become better at the fulfillment side, become better at on-boarding and I think that this was a really good chance for me and for my team to look at that. Look at what happened and make some really good choices based on that and some decisions and build it stronger and better so that it keeps getting better for you guys every single day.

The one big difference I would say between our platform and anything else that I’ve ever seen in our industry is just because of the success we’ve had so far, we’re able to put a lot of time, energy, money back into the infrastructure and make it better and better and better. So that’s why hopefully you feel safe and comfortable building your business and your platform here with Clickfunnels.

So with that said, I hope that helps you guys. I hope that in your time of trial, as the leader, the entrepreneur, the CEO or whatever it is your role is, that some of these lessons will help you and give you that foundation you need so that you can wave the storms. And that’s about it. With that said, someone’s ringing my doorbell, I’m going to check out who it is. Appreciate you all for listening. Talk to you all soon.

Jan 17, 2017

Highlights from my keynote speech at Affiliate Summit.

On today’s episode Russell talks about going to the Affiliate Summit and trying to get 150 affiliates excited about Clickfunnels. He explains what he told them, and tells you how to be a part of his affiliate bootcamp program.

Here are some of the cool things you should listen for in this episode.

  • Find out why Russell had a booth at the Affiliate Summit, even though he hates booth events.
  • Learn some tips and tricks Russell has that will help you be successful as an affiliate.
  • And find out how you can follow sign up as Clickfunnels super affiliate to make a ton of money and be able to retire in 100 days.

So listen below to find out what is all about.


Hey everyone, this is Russell. Welcome back to Marketing In Your Car. I just got out of the airport, back to Boise Idaho, sitting in my car and it is so cold, I am dying. It’s literally, I think zero degrees, maybe negative one or two right night. I have a light jacket on so if I’m chattering during this episode, that’s why. I’m driving back to the office, then back home and I just wanted to talk to you guys for a little bit.

So I was at Affiliate Summit yesterday, which some of you guys were there. Which is kind of fun, I met some of you guys there. Affiliate Summit is a really strange event. It’s an event, it’s not even an event, I don’t even know. The events I go to, that we put on, Funnel Hacking Live, for those of you coming to Funnel Hacking Live, it’s like a rock concert. Tons of energy and emotion and it’s a really, really fun thing.

Here it’s like, a whole bunch of people have booths, we had a booth. Then there’s probably like 500 other booths. Then people come and pay to walk around the booths. Then they have little break out rooms of 100 people at a time, and you can go to the break out room to hear the little speakers. So I don’t normally speak much, but Affiliate Summit was a big deal because a long time ago I went to it and I was like, “This is so cool, these guys are affiliates who are making money.” I thought it was really cool so I wanted to, I thought it would be cool to speak at. I didn’t realize what exactly that meant until we got here.

I was like, oh wow so there’s 6 thousand people at the event, but the biggest room they have holds about 150 people. They’re like, “Yep.” And people have to pay extra to come to your session. I’m like, this is the stupidest business model I’ve ever heard of. Anyway, whatever.

So the first day we walked around the booth and I walk by and this little guy comes and grabs me, and I’m like, “Hey, how’s it going?” and I recognized him, you know that feeling when you’re like I know you somehow, but I don’t know how I know you and it’s kind of awkward. I’m trying to not awkwardly look down to your nametag to read your name because then you know that I forgot who you were. So I’m just like, “hey!” We were talking, and after a while I realized who he is. He was the media buyer we used for Neuracel, he’s the one who took Neuracel and blew it up over.

I was like, “oh man, how’s it going?” and he’s like, “I left that company, I went over here to this other company. Dude, I gotta thank you for introducing me to Trey.” I’m like, “What do you mean?” and he’s like, “Trey Lewellen.” and I’m like, “Yeah?” and he’s like, “When you introduced him to us, he had this really weird flashlight offer that no one thought was going to work and I tried to blow him off four or five times, but finally he was so persistent. He prepaid all this stuff, so I had an affiliate run his offer and dude, you probably don’t know this, it was the biggest affiliate offer in the history of affiliate marketing. That offer did over $10 million in the first 90 days. There’s never been an offer that big.”

I was like, “Dude, that is insane. It’s interesting, I didn’t get a piece of any of that, I introduced you. I could introduce you to a lot more people, but man if you don’t, I got nothing out of that.” I’m just kidding, I was joking with him. But it’s kind of true. At least you should have sent me a Christmas present or something, I don’t know.

Anyway, that was kind of cool. He looked at me and said, “Dude, Russell, do you understand what you guys have done with Clickfunnels?” “What do you mean?” “You’ve changed marketing forever. You’ve changed affiliate marketing. You’ve changed everything.” I’m like, “What do you mean?” He’s like, “Pre Clickfunnels, I had maybe 5 or 6 guys come to me that had an offer that we could run. Now I’ve got 16 year old kids with offers that are converting and they’re making millions of bucks. That never happened. You’ve literally given everybody the ability, everybody equal playing ground, everybody can be in this business.”

And I was just like, dang. That was two cool compliments in one thing. I was like, “You don’t have to pay me any percentage of that 10 million bucks now, because that was awesome.” So that was kind of cool, I wanted to share with you guys.

Then we had our Clickfunnels booth that was really, really cool. We’re not a big booth company yet. I hate booths, this is why. Every other type of marketing on planet earth, we are very big on. If we can’t see the ROI, the immediate return on investment, track able, then we don’t do it. Booths you can’t. It’s like, okay we have this booth. But it’s like, all our competitors are at these shows and if we’re not there, they’re talking trash about us, we assume. So we gotta kind of be there, it’s frustrating.

So we had the booth, it was awesome. Bunch of my favorite people were there working the booth, it was pretty cool. Then I had a chance to speak, the topic they gave me was affiliate funnels. I had 18 minutes to speak. I think they’re trying to be ted talks except they’re not. So I had 18 minutes to speak on this thing, so everyone comes into the room initially. The speaker right before me, I was sitting in the room because I wanted to see what was going to happen, and there were literally two people sitting in the room. I was like, are you kidding me? No one’s going to be coming to hear me, this is so awkward.

Because people had to pay extra. You pay to go to the booths, and pay extra to hear to a speaker. Anyway, I’m like, no one’s going to come. So my whole team is trying, I’m like tell everyone. Try to get people to come to my thing. Because I don’t want to be the only talking to myself, that’s really awkward. But luckily, they went and got some people. We ended up with probably close to 100 people in the room. They said it was the biggest audience of any of the breakout sessions, so that was kind of cool, I guess. Of 5 or 6 thousand supposed attendees, we got 100 to sit in a room for 18 minutes.

So then I get in this room and it’s set up so weird. There’s this stage, but there’s a pole, there’s all these chairs, it was so stuffy and corporatey. Ugh. I hate this corporatey, crappy stuff. So I start my slides up and jump down off the stage and come out in the front. I’m like, “I’m not standing behind there guys. We’re hanging out down here.” And I started it and give my whole presentation, and it was funny because I was trying to get this audience to be excited about life and the fact that we’re in the greatest time in the history of the world. I’m like, “You guys are affiliate marketers. Do you realize what that means? You can and should be making millions of dollars. And you don’t have to go to college, and you don’t have to have annoying bosses and all the crap that comes. You guys are living the dream.”

And they’re all just sitting there like, “Blah.” So unexcited. So I spent the 18 minutes trying to get them to smile. I’m telling jokes trying to get fun and exciting. I hate when people’s energy is that low and it’s hard to get them to, I don’t think it’s the people. I think it’s the environment. The whole event is so corporatey and it just kind of ruins it. I was telling people, “you come to one of our events and it’s a lot closer to a rock concert than it is this, at all.” I hated school, so we’re not doing school. We are doing something that’s actually conducive to learning and emotional, I want people crying in our audience. We have that. I want transformations, and that doesn’t happen with school.

I don’t know about you but, I cried at school but it wasn’t because I had a life changing moment, it was because I wanted to kill myself because all the crap they taught was useless. So that’s my…where this whole thing happened. So I’m trying to think with these guys. There’s two slides and I showed my first slide. I was like, “I have kind of a unique angle.” At an affiliate summit, just so you know, there’s the vendors who have products or there’s the networks, the affiliate networks, where they’re selling a bunch of products. And then there’s the other side, which are the actual affiliates. So I knew there were two audiences.

So I was like, “How many of you guys are affiliates, how many of you guys are networks, how many are both?” It was kind of split down the middle. I was like, “I come from a unique perspective, because first off, I’m a really successful affiliate. This is a Ferrari I won in an affiliate contest.” I showed them the Ferrari I won, “But I’m also a really successful vendor, network. In fact, that same Ferrari I gave away two years later. I won a Ferrari as an affiliate and I’ve given away that Ferrari to an affiliate. So I’ve been on both sides of this game. So I have a kind of unique perspective.” And I wanted to show them, this is how simple this business could be.

So this is the moral for this for you guys. Those of you guys who are listening and who want to be affiliates. I talked about simple affiliate funnels and I said basically, this is the process. The first thing is you got to find a hot offer. Find what people are already buying. So let’s just say, for you it could be whatever. Something you’re excited and passionate about because potentially you’re going to be writing about it and hopefully someday if you are a good affiliate and make money there, you’re probably going to set up camp there and build an actual business and create your own products and services. But you have to figure out, find a hot offer. So boom, people are buying this thing, maybe it’s weight loss supplements or maybe it’s info product on dating or whatever it is you’re passionate about.

You find the hot offer that peope are already buying and that’s kind of the first step. And then let’s say they have a video sales letter. They got some way they’re selling it, I want to watch that video and try to figure out what’s the one most interesting curiosity based thing in this sales process. So I’m watching it trying to figure out. So I watch the whole video. Maybe in the video they talk about, the example I showed was the diabetic, way to end diabetic pain. So I watched the video and in there they’re talking about this shake they make that diabetics can drink in the morning and make it so their hands don’t tingle.

I’m like, boom. That’s the one thing, intriguing and interesting. So I took that one thing in the video, pulled it out and made a headline. “Discover the weird shake you can drink in the morning that will kill diabetes nerve pain for the first four hours of the day.” Something like that. So for diabetics that saw it would be like, “That’s kind of cool.” So I turned that headline, the unique thing I pulled out of the video, make it a headline and put it on a squeeze page. “If you want to know this one weird shake I make, give me your email address.” So that’s the funnel’s one page.

So then I go and advertize on Facebook or whatever. “Hey diabetics, here’s one weird shake that you can….” And they see the ad and click on it, go to my landing page, see the headline, put their email address in. And after they put the email address in, guess what happens. It redirects them to the affiliate offer, they ten watch the video that gives them that one cool thing. And if I set it up right in Clickfunnels, it attracts my affiliate links, when they buy it, I get paid from the product. It’s so simple. Yet, we all try to over complicate affiliate marketing. So the one other thing that kind of, I guess it’s the layer of complexity, but it shouldn’t be. A lot of times, you’re not going to be profitable up front, because you’re an affiliate. So an affiliate, you’re making half the money.

That means the other half, the vendors getting, so unless their offer is really converting high, which sometimes they do, you may not break even immediately. You might spend a dollar on Facebook ads and make 50 cents. So what you gotta do next is then that person gave you their email address, now you build an email sequence. So maybe the first three email in the email sequence are like, “Hey, did you watch the video about the cool shake? Watch it here.” And your second one is like, “Here’s a testimonial of some dude who took the magic shake and their feet don’t hurt anymore. Watch the video.” Keep pushing back, two or three emails, pushing back to that original video.

And every email in that sequence will some to come back and actually watch the video and increase your conversions. And it’ll increase how much money you make off of that, off of each person you got to come through. Then after two or three emails you transition to a secondary product. One thing I do if I’m going as an affiliate in a new market, I’m not going to just find one hot offer. I’m going to find 4 or 5 that complement each other. So we have the supplement, an info product, coaching program, an ecommerce physical product, whatever. I find 5 or 6 different things that that client would want. And then in this email sequence I’m introducing different products.

“Okay, you tried the supplements, you saw the video about the weird shakes. Hopefully you bought that info product, because it will help you a lot. But the next thing is there’s these really cool supplements over here that have been known to lower nerve pain, you should buy these.” I have two or three emails talking about the nerve pain supplements. Then from there. transition to “If you’re still suffering from nerve pain you may need ‘blah’” and I find 5 or 6 different products to serve them and I build email sequences that sell each of those products.

When I was showing everybody the thing, the cool thing is when somebody comes in, and hopefully you guys are able to visualize this. If not, I have a way for you guys to kind of see this in action here in a second. If you’re getting lost, that’s okay I’ll show you where to go to see this. Hopefully you’re seeing this. You pay a dollar in Facebook ads, they come in and opt in. Somewhere in the sequence on day one, on average I make 30 cents per offer, day two I’m up to 45 cents. Day three I’m up to 60. Day 5 I’m up to 80 cents. Day 7 I averaged 90 cents. And by day 8 is my breakeven point. That’s where I’ve made my dollar back. So what’s cool is you gotta figure out, where’s your breakeven point?

We’ll look at that and say, on average in this funnel we’re spending a dollar on ads on Facebook or Youtube, or wherever you’re buying your ads from. But by day 8 I’ve made my buck back, it’s breakeven. Then guess what happens after day 8? Day 9 and beyond? Day 9 is magic because anything you make from day 9 and beyond is pure profit in your pocket. And that’s the magic in affiliate marketing.

It’s like building, it’s like an ATM machine. I want to create some money. I put a dollar in advertising in, I get two dollars back out. Sometimes it doesn’t always happen immediately, at point of sale. It might happen over 3 days, or 7 days or 10 days, but find out what’s your breakeven point. Now I know, hey I’m going to put a dollar in on Monday, by Friday I’ll have my dollar back and then everything I make Saturday, Sunday, Monday and the rest of my life, pure profit. That’s affiliate funnels. That’s what I showed those guys. Pretty cool right?

So for those of you guys who may have gotten lost in the explanation, it’s easier when I have a whiteboard because I can draw pictures, and circles and arrows. Those of you guys who have been with me for a while know that that’s what I like doing. There’s that. If you want to see me kind of sketch this out, I did a video that kind of explains this. You can see it for free if you just go to Oh I almost got hit by a Sherman Williams paint truck. I survived. No worries, you guys.

Alright, if you go to, there’s a video that talks about how to become a Clickfunnels super affiliate, and I walk through how to basically sell, because if you get 100 people to sign up for Clickfunnels, your commission on that is $4000 a month recurring, and it’s a car payment. So the whole video is how you’re going to retire as a Clickfunnels affiliate within the next 100 days. How to sell, basically get one person a day to sign up for Clickfunnels for 100 days, at that point you got a $4000 a month residual check from us, and you’ve got a car, which is amazing.

So will show you that process. So when you opt in for free the next page is a video from me where I kind of explain this, I just talked about. I talked about creating the squeeze, talking about opting in, talking about that sequence that’s happening, what your breakeven points are. It’ll kind of map the whole thing out for you. If you need, even if you don’t need more details, you should still go through that. In fact, if you have an affiliate program, or you want to run an affiliate program, you should go funnel hack that. That funnels been building our affiliate program really well for us. It’s at

Yeah, that’s just kind of another way if you want to look at this a bit deeper. So that’s the magic guys. That’s what I shared this weekend, the affiliate bootcamp. If you guys are, if you listen to this right away, you will find this video. If you listen to it 5 years from now it will be hard. But I did Facebook Live it, so if you go to my Facebook page, which is there is a video, we Facebook Lived the presentation, so you can see it there too if you want. See me trying to get these tired, non-excited affiliates as excited as humanly possible by walking them through this process.

But yeah, it was pretty fun. Anyway, I’m back home. I’m almost to the office, I’m going to get a couple of things done and head home, see my wife and kids and get back to the real world. So appreciate you guys all, thanks so much for listening. If you’re enjoying Marketing In Your Car, please go to iTunes and subscribe, share, comment, all that fun stuff. And if you do that, I’d really appreciate it. So thanks everybody, and we’ll talk to you all again soon. Bye.

Jan 16, 2017

The thing that’s probably keeping you from actually getting what you want.

On this episode Russell talks about the first time he met Tony Robins and what he learned about himself when driving in a car with him. He talks about the importance of not being driven by significance.

Here are some of the interesting things in this episode:

  • Find out how Russell felt meeting Tony Robins for the first time.
  • Hear how Tony helped Russell realize what drives him, and why it needed to change.
  • And Find out why being driven by significance will lead to a miserable life, and why you should strive to be driven by love and connection instead.

So listen below to find out how Russell has changed his perspective since meeting Tony Robins.


Good morning everybody, welcome to Marketing In Your Car. It is so cold here. Insanely cold. All of the ice, or the snow is now shards of glass and it’s crazy. That was the noise, if you’re wondering why. I was driving over the shards of glass in my car.

Alright, so today I have a very special message and this one’s important for everybody including me. Alright so I’ll tell the background of this story. A lot of you guys know I talk about Tony Robins a lot. He’s coming to Funnel Hacking Live, I’ve been a big Tony fan for forever, as long as I can remember. And the first time I met him was a really cool story.

So I went to UPW, actually let me step back. What happened is I was at my house one day working when all the sudden my phone rang, I picked it up and it was somebody on Tony’s team saying, “Hey, Tony Robins want to meet you. Can he meet you today?” and I was like, “Is he in Boise?” He’s like, “No, he’s in Salt Lake, can you come over. He wants to meet you.” I was like, “I’m in Boise.” And he’s like, “Oh, I thought you lived in Salt lake, that won’t work then. He’s going to be in Tron the next week doing UPW. Can you come and be his guest and then he’ll have a chance to meet you there.” I was like alright, how cool is that, yes.

So I booked my everything to go to UPW the next week, and I’d never been to a Tony event, I didn’t know what it was. I assumed it was like a marketing event. So I showed up with my backpack and laptop and I was going to sit in the back and take notes. And I get there and people are jumping and dancing. If you’ve ever been to a Tony event it’s closer to a rock concert than a seminar. Anyway, I was not expecting that. By the end of day one you walk on fire, day two I had shin splints, I lost my voice completely. That’s how crazy it is. So if you haven’t gone yet, you should really, really go.

At the event, first thing he teaches this really cool concept called the six human needs and I don’t have time to go through all of them right now, but I need to touch on it, because it’s important for the next part of it. So basically the six human needs, there’s four human needs of the body. There’s certainty, humans want to be certain. And then there’s variety, you want things to be crazy. Those are two needs that kind of conflict with each other, but they’re both there. And then there’s significance, we want to feel great about ourselves. And then there’s love and connection. I think I’ve done a podcast in the past about this, but I could go on for, I could teach a two day seminar just on that because it’s so cool. And then there’s the needs of the spirit, which are growth and contribution which is a whole other….anyway, we could go deep but I want you to understand that there’s those four.

So significance, love and connection, certainty and variety. Those are the four that we have to get met in our life. And there’s one for you. Just so you guys know, there’s one that’s your driving force in life. You’re either significance driven, certainty driven, variety driven, or you are love and connection driven, and it’s interesting.

So I’m going to leave that there. I wish I could go deeper, but I can’t in this podcast, because I won’t make it to the office, it’ll be a long call. So anyway, so I’m at UPW, he teaches this stuff, I’m fascinated by it and then the next day I’m supposed to meet him. So day two of the event, Tony’s not facilitating it, there’s somebody else facilitating it. So I started getting text messages from Tony’s assistant. “Hey Tony wants to meet with you in an hour.” I’m like, “Alright.” Then I get a text like 45 minutes later, “It’s going to be two hours from now.”

Anyway, throughout the whole day, I think our meeting was supposed to be at 10 in the morning, I was getting texts every 30 minutes for 10 hours. They kept pushing and pushing and pushing and finally I get a text, “Okay, Tony is ready to meet you. Here is the address.” This is pre-uber and I’m like, “Okay.” So I jump in a taxi and give them the address and they’re like, “This is like 45 minutes away.” I’m like, are you serious, is Tony not in the hotel?

So I get in the car and we’re driving and I’m hoping we’re going to the right place. This is going to be really embarrassing if I’m….So the taxi driver takes me to this hotel, drops me off, I text him, “Okay, I’m here.” And then this guy texts back, his name is Jay Garrity, and Jay would, just to kind of put it in perspective, so you feel my nervousness of this situation, Jay used to be the right hand man for I’m blanking on his name right now, for Mitt Romney when he was doing the first political campaign, the first time he ran for president. He was Romney’s right hand man, and then Tony hired him after that. In fact, most of Tony’s team at the time were old Romney advisors, which is kind of interesting.

So we get to the hotel, Jay Garrity comes down from the elevator, very professional, the opposite of me. He’s like “Mr. Robins is not ready to meet you yet, so sit in the lobby and wait.” So I’m like okay. So we’re sitting in the lobby waiting and it’s almost like secret service, that’s what it felt like. Jay kept looking at his phone, looking at his phone. Not ready, not ready. Probably sat there for another 45 minutes. Then all the sudden he’s like, ‘Okay, Mr. Robins is ready to meet you.”

We stand up and I was like, “Ahh.” Super intense and crazy. We jump in the elevator, go up to the floor, start walking down this hall really fast. We get to this room, the door’s open, there’s two security guards on both sides inside the room. I’m like, what in the world. We walk through the security guards and all the sudden Tony, this giant of a man, walks in and says, “Russell, welcome!” and gives me a huge hug. I’m like, “What.” Super crazy.

Then he has me come sit down and he’s made me dinner, you know someone made me dinner. And at the time he was pure vegetarian, so its like this dinner that was the most amazing thing in the world and it was pure vegetarian. I was like, “I could be a vegetarian if I had someone to cook this way.” It was amazing. Then he took out his recorder, clicked record on it, set it on the table, opened up a journal and started drilling me for an hour, asked me question after question after question. It was insane, I’ve never been more nervous in my whole life.

Drills me for an hour, we’re done. We finish eating, we talk for a little bit and then he’s like, “I gotta go back to the event.” So we go down and jump in this big suburban. Someone’s driving. Tony and I sit in the back and talk and it was interesting while we were talking, he was talking about a deal he was thinking about doing with someone in our market. I won’t say his name because most of you guys would know who this person is. He was like, “I don’t think I’m going to do the deal because he’s very significance driven.” I was like, “Huh, interesting.”

And then after he said that, I started thinking, at first I’m like, oh man that sucks for that guy. And then I’m like, wait, what drives me? Am I significance driven? Tony can see into my soul. I’m freaking out, what does he see about me? What’s driving me? I was so paranoid and panicky, it was crazy.

Then we got to the event. Tony’s like, ‘I gotta go, call ya later.” Jumps out of the car, goes into the hotel, and I’m standing in the front lobby like, “Huh.” That was the most intense three hours of my life. It was just crazy. But that thing he said, “Very significance driven.” So I started thinking, what does that mean? Basically it comes back to the four human needs. One of those is the driver for you that drives most of the decisions in your life. But this person he said it was significance.

I was like, apparently that’s bad. If Tony didn’t want to work with this guy because he’s significance driven. I was kind of confused at first. Then a couple months later I went to Date with Destiny. If you go to Date with Destiny, it’s a six day event that Tony has, it’s amazing. It’s like UPW times ten. In fact, I feel bad for people who go to UPW and only get to walk on water because you’re missing the depth of what Tony actually has to offer.

So I go to this next event, and the events there’s so much stuff he covers. But if you look at the one, the biggest things you work with at the event. He helps you identify the six human needs, which one is currently the driving force. And for most people it’s either significance, or certainty. I wish we could get into a couple hour talk on this, because it would make more sense, but he also said, the quality of your life is 100% dependent on your ability to, how do I say it right? It’s 100% tied to the need, your driving need.

So if your driving need is significance, that’s going to make you miserable. Whereas your driving need is love and connection, the opposite, then you’re going to have a great life. Same thing with the opposite, if your driving need is certainty, while it’s important, it’s a need we have, if that’s the driving force in your life, you always have to be certain about everything, you’re going to be miserable.

So it was basically helping you identify what is your driving need. Then learning how to shift that to the other thing. If you’re significance driven, learn, teaching how to be love and connection driven. If you are certainty driven, shifting it to variety. Because the quality of your life is going to be completely dependent upon your ability to have variety and love and connection. That’s what gives you a good quality of life, not the other two.

But most people, it’s these other things that drive them. And that’s what’s interesting. I was listening to that and for me, I’m and I think, most entrepreneurs, I’m definitely heavily driven by significance. In fact, now that I’m so aware of it, I hate it. In fact, in the world I work in, most, not most, but the majority of the people that I work with, the reason why they are in the guru business or whatever is because they are significance driven. And that’s why I always hear people, you get to know who these people are, and you don’t actually like them because they’re driven by this thing, no one knows, they don’t know what the cause is, but it’s because they’re driven by significance.

I’ve been doing a deal with a person who are trying to, someone who I highly respected and that’s why I’ve done this deal, I’ve never met a human being on planet earth that’s more significance driven than this person. And it’s completely ruined the deal, it’s ruined the relationship so much so, this is someone that I idolized. This is someone that if you would’ve told me 5 years ago that I would have a chance to talk to them, I wouldn’t have believed it. And now I’m avoiding their texts, phone calls. One of the most annoying human beings on earth because the significance is such a driving, the only thing this person can see is significance. Everything is tied to his personal significance and it’s destroying him.

I looked at this business, the people around him and he’s destroyed everything because he’s so significance driven. As a person he’s still brilliant, but a miserable life. I can’t imagine it. And I have this struggle because it’s a constant thing for me, and I’m sure for a lot of us. Significance drives us, we feel that. That’s why we’re entrepreneurs, why we’re out there. Why we want to be onstage and write books. But I, because I’m aware, I try to check that all the time because I hate that. That’s the thing I actually hate about myself. I hate that I’m significance driven.

When people give me good compliments, I thrive off that. I love that. But then when I, after I feel that, it bugs me because I’m like, “No.” I love that, but I can’t and shouldn’t be significance driven. IT’s not a good quality of life. I need to be driven by love and connection, by variety, these other things that actually increase the quality of your life. Because connection, even if it’s not about “Look about how great I am.” It makes you feel good, but it doesn’t help anything else. Love and connection is where you’re using your tools, your gifts in a more meaningful way.

So I don’t know. For you guys, I just wanted to share some of that in a ten minute message, I wish I could go so much deeper. But start thinking about that stuff. What drives you? If your personal significance is the driving force for you, I’d recommend stepping back from that. And it’s always going to be there, but being aware of it, like, “Man, I am just doing this for significance to make me feel better?” and if that’s the main reason you’re doing something, it’s the wrong reason. If the reason is that you really care about people and you’re trying to give them something, you have this love and connection towards them, it’s just a better way to live. I think people will see it and notice it.

I hope people notice that for me. I, despite the fact that it’s a constant thing that’s there in front of me all the time, I’m constantly trying to check it and put it in the back and default to the love and connection, these other things because I know what’s important and what actually helps other people, not just your own ego. Ego is the enemy. I haven’t read the book yet, but I bought it and I bought the audible. There’s a book called Ego is the Enemy, I’m excited to read it because I think that’s what holds most of us back from true love and connection. From happiness, growth, from all the other things we want. I feel like, our ego and significance we’re craving is what holds us back from that.

And if we are aware of that at least we can do something about it. I wasn’t aware of it. I look at my career the first 5 or 6 years of my business, prior to meeting Tony, I was not aware of it and it drove me, and it drove me, and it hurt my marriage, it hurt my family life, it hurt my relationship with friends. There were a lot of issues and again, I’m so far from perfect. I still do things because of significance, and I hate it. But I’m aware of it now, and I try to not make decisions based on that. I try to make decisions based on love and connection. How will this help others as opposed to how does this put me on a pedestal?

And it’s been good, it’s been really good. The relationships that have come from it, because of that. I think our ability to affect change in people’s lives have been tenfold. And the interesting thing, this is the craziest thing about it. As I have tried to push away significance and focus on love and connection, I have become more relevant and it’s weird.

I’ve gotten significance by not going after it. It’s weird. This person I’m dealing with, this person, despite the fact that they’re brilliant, they’re no longer relevant in our market, which is insane based on who they are, what they’ve accomplished and done, there’s no relevancy. They’ve been driving and chasing after significance for so long, they’ve completely just destroyed all their relationships. Their market knows that it’s all about them. They’ve destroyed what they sought after. They have lost all significance, because they’ve been seeking after it. It’s so weird. Whereas if you don’t, you seek love and connection, you seek that change in other people, you seek that, you will get the significance you are trying to get as a byproduct of it. It’s so fascinating.

So I hope that helps somebody out there. It’s definitely helping me in being more aware of it as I’m watching it unfolding before me. If you want those things, that’s kind of the work around. Hope that helps you guys. I’m at the office working, I will talk to you all again soon. Bye everybody.

Jan 13, 2017

A trick that my kids use to dominate the world.

On this episode Russell talks about his kids using “Yolo” to do things they otherwise wouldn’t do and how we can use that same mantra in our businesses to get rid of self doubt.

Here are some fun things in this episode:

  • Russell talks about his kids’ motivation to get out of the hot tub and run through feet of snow being just one word, “Yolo.”
  • Why Russell thinks that when you have inspiration you should use the phrase mantra to motivate you before the self doubt sets in.
  • And you’ll get to hear in their own words, what Russell’s kids’ think Yolo means to them.

So listen below to hear how Russell’s kids taught him about not letting self doubt ruin inspiration.


Hey everyone, this is Russell Brunson, welcome back to Marketing In Your Car. Today I am actually sitting in my kitchen. The kitchen that all the wood is completely warped from our flood. All my wife and kids are out in the hot tub except for Norah who decided she didn’t want to hot tub. So we are standing here and I’m supposed to be feeding her dinner because she’s hungry, but instead she’s eating a popsicle. That is called good parenting, because it’s the only way to get her to stop crying. So yes, I should teach a parenting course someday. If your kids are crying, just give them a popsicle. Oh man, some days it’s really hard to be a parent. But those days you just give them a popsicle and it becomes easy again. Just kidding.

Parenting advice aside, because nobody wants that right now. But I do want to talk about something really super cool. Because we’re in the hot tub, it’s been snowing, Boise has been Boise Snowpocolypse, or whatever you want to call it. The last week we’ve had 3 or 4 feet of snow and then it rained another foot and everything was soaked, and my house was flooding. Oh and today we were filming a testimonial video in my front room and I walked on the carpet and the carpet is soaking wet and I looked at the wall and there’s water seeping behind the paint of our wall. Anyway, it’s a total disaster nightmare. Not gonna lie.

But the one nice thing is that the Hot tub is good no matter what. So we’re out in the hot tub in the snow, and we’ve pretty much hot tubbed everyday. Man, we had 5 snow days in a row, almost 10 days in a row between Christmas break and this and everything, we’ve been hot tubbing a lot. And it’s fun because the hot tub is surrounded by tons and tons and tons of snow. So the first day you hot tub everyone’s like, “Oooh it’s so cold.” And they’ll touch the snow a little bit and try little things. Take little snow balls and throw them at each other and then dive back into the water. Now it’s insane because they do these things, and this is kind of the point of today’s message.

So I was there yesterday with the kids and they’re jumping up and screaming and running around our house, which is a pretty long distance in the snow. First they were doing one lap, then two, then three. Now they’re doing four laps around the house and then they dive back into the water. And then they’re doing snow angels, front and back and then back in the water. And they’re running across the yard, onto the trampoline, doing snow angels on the trampoline and jumping and run back and dive in.

All these crazy things. Stuff that’s super painful and super crazy, and they keep doing them over and over again. And what’s interesting and this is the point, before they go, every single time, they’re like, “Hey, let’s do it.“ and they’re all like, “But it’s so cold.” And then Dallin, I think Dallin who started this, he’s the one, he always says, “Yolo.” And he jumps up and takes off.

So it’s like everyone’s freezing. No one wants to get in the cold snow, but then Dallin goes “Yolo.” jumps up, steps in the snow and sprints probably I don’t know 500 yards in the snow in around our house a bunch of times and then dives back in. I was like, “What are you, when you’re yelling, what are you yelling out?” he said, “Yolo.” I was like, “What does yolo mean?” “You only live once.” And then he goes, “Yolo.” And jumps up and takes off and runs out in the snow again.

I was kind of laughing, actually he said, “You only live once so spend it or live it stupidly.” I don’t know what it was, and then he takes off. So all the kids, every time they’re about to do something crazy that they normally wouldn’t do, they look at that challenge, run across the snow, do a snow angel, a front snow angel and back, three somersaults in the snow and run back and dive in. They sit there and you know when you want to do something cool, there’s that moment of like, “Huh, I can’t do that.” And the second that moment comes to them, they yell out “Yolo” and boom, they just go.

And I was like, how cool is that? This is way harder, what they’re doing, than what we’re trying to do in business every day. Yet, we come up with plan and this idea and this obstacle and we’re like, “Okay, here’s what we’re going to do.” And all the sudden your brain starts talking to you and your brains like, “You can’t do that. You’re Russell Brunson, you barely graduated high school. You’re super awkward, when you talk people won’t know why you came to talk to people.” All these things start flooding into your mind.

What happens to most of us is we sit there like, “Man, you’re right. I am just Russell Brunson. I’m really not that good. I barely graduated from school. Yeah when I get in a group and I talk one on one with people I have no idea. I feel awkward, I don’t know what to say most of the time.” And all these thoughts keep flooding your head and if you listen to them long enough, you start believing them and you have so much fear and anxiety when there are things there, you just don’t take that action.

And I think what’s interesting, is that they’re flooding their mind with, as soon as those things start coming up, “Yolo.” Boom, they just take off and they go. I think for all of us, if we start doing that think how powerful that would be. If just every time something comes to us, like an idea, when we have that idea, that inspiration, and I think those inspirations aren’t just from our brain. I wish that I was that smart, but I don’t think it is. I think it’s coming from on high. I think that you can call it whatever you want, for me it’s my Heavenly Father. I think we are inspirations we get from him. “Hey you should try this thing. Hey you should take this leap of faith. Hey you should go talk to this person. Hey you should create this. Hey you should test…..” Whatever those things are.

Those are gifts that we’re getting and it’s like, okay go do it and all the fear and self doubt comes in and stops it most of the time. If we start becoming like my insane kids are, and the second you have the idea and you know it’s right, because you know it pretty quick. Should I do this, yes I should. Oh but… soon as that, right before that but comes off, yell out at the top of your lungs, if you’re in a spot where you can, if not say it in your head as loud as you can, “Yolo.” Y O L O, you only live once. “Yolo.” And just go, just run, just sprint, don’t even think because once that inspirations coming to you, it’s there and if you believe like I do, it was given to you from a higher power, whatever that might be for you, then you’re hesitation to that is, and I believe in an adversary. There’s God and there’s the opposite side of that, there’s Satan or whatever you want to call it, that tries to take things from us.

So as soon as you have this inspiration, “This is what I need to do.” The adversary is going to come and start self doubt and try to keep you from doing that thing that could change your life and change other people’s lives. So I think one of the most powerful things we can do is yell out, “Yolo.” The second we get inspiration and start running, just sprint.

Ellie just walked in, I’m going to ask her. Hey Ellie, what does Yolo mean to you guys when you say “Yolo” and start running in the snow?

Ellie: I don’t know.

Russell: You don’t know? What does it stand for?

Ellie: I can’t remember.

Russell: You don’t….

Ellie: Wait….you only live once or something like that.

Russell: You only live once. Then tell us some of the crazy stuff you guys are doing after you yell Yolo.

Ellie:  we were walking in the snow.

Russell: She’s being all shy now. Let me ask Bowen. Bowen just came in. Hey Bowen, what does Yolo mean to you?

Bowen: You only live once.

Russell:  So what are the things you do when you yell Yolo, what do you do?

Bowen: Dallin says spend it, you only have one life so spend it stupidly. He actually told me what it says and I’m like, oh that makes sense. (kind of inaudible, this is a guess.)

Russell: Then what do you do, you say Yolo, then what kind of crazy things do you do?

Bowen: Jump in the snow, ankles hurt to death.

Ellie: It’s fun.

Russell: It’s fun? How many times did you run around the house?

Bowen: 5 times.

Russell: 5 times.

Ellie: When our cousins were here I went two times around the house.

Russell: Does Yolo help you to not freak out when it gets cold? What does it help you do?

Bowen: It kills you.

Russell: Oh it kills you. So Yolo is the challenge. There it is from the mouths of kids. So that’s what I want to recommend, start thinking about that, think Yolo. When you get that inspiration that you know what’s right, before the self doubt, the adversary, whatever it is that you think, whatever it is, I don’t care. But things start popping into your head about why you can’t or shouldn’t or you’re probably not worthy to do it. Whatever those things pop up, just shout Yolo at the top of your lungs and start running. That’s the key.

And it hurts right? Did you hear that. Tell them, it hurts right.

Kids: I get tons of scratches. It was before the acid rains….

Russell: it was before the acid rains. But was it worth it?

Kids: running around the house before was softer.

Russell: Before the snow hardened it was more worth it?

Kid: Yeah.

Russell: Ellie says it was worth it though, right? You only live once, you might as well do it. Otherwise, think if you didn’t do it, would you regret it?

Kid: Yeah

Russell: You would regret it?

Kid: I’d still be running around the house if the snow wasn’t that hard. I mean, it would be a lot more fun.

Russell: Would you regret it if you yelled Yolo and sat in the hot tub, would you regret it?

Kid: yeah, because I’d be burning to death.

Russell: Because the hot tub’s too hot. Plus your life would be boring. Would your life be boring if you did nothing and just sat there the whole time?

Kid: inaudible.

Russell: Alright, they’re being goofy now. Alright, so Yolo, you guys. That is the message for today. Tattoo it on your forehead, on your hand, on your t-shirt. No tattoos though. Temporary tattoos?

Kid: yeah.

Russell: K you can do temporary tattoos. Anyway…

Ellie: Or permanent marker.

Russell: or Ellie says permanent marker, not permanent marker. Just a marker you can do it with. I don’t know if you heard Ellie, if you take a shower it will wash off. Anyway, the key though is, when the self doubt comes, after the inspiration comes and the self doubt comes, Yolo. Run, get out of the hot tub and start running before your brain can talk you out of it. Because it will if you’re not careful. So Yolo. Appreciate you guys. Have a great day and we’ll talk to you soon.

Jan 11, 2017

A quick glimpse behind the scenes of what I'm really doing to build and launch my funnels.

On this episode Russell talks about being the contractor of your business and finding awesome people to do the work you need to get done. He also talks about failing and why you should expect to fail many times before you find something that works.

Here are some of the informative things you will hear in today's episode:

  • How Russell realized that his role in his company is similar to that of the contractor building his new office.
  • Why on average it takes 12 failures before millionaires are successful and it's not based on luck.
  • And what the concept "You're just one funnel away" really means.

So listen below to find out why finding good people and failing is actually really important in building a successful business.


Hey everyone, this is Russell Brunson. Welcome back to Marketing In Your Car. Sorry, I just get excited. Anyway, it’s crazy here. We’ve had 5 snow days in a row, but today the kids finally, finally got to go back to school, which is nice. But everything is soaking wet. It’s been raining and flooding. Our house flooded. We have a lot of damage. So that’s kind of a nightmare.

But the good news is we just went to the new office and it’s getting close to done. We’re about two weeks away from moving into it, which is the most exciting thing in the world. And as we’re sitting here in the office, and I thought about it last night. Last night I finished, I finished! What? I finished the Expert Secrets book. At least this round of it. This is the most painful round of edits thought. It took a lot of time. I have one more round of edits after this, but it’ll go away faster.

So I’m pretty much, for all intents and purposes done with the Expert Secrets book, I’m so proud of it. The crazy thing is it’s almost, its within like 100 words of the Dotcom Secrets book, which is weird. That was not planned, but it’s kind of cool too.

So when I got done with that it was 1 in the morning, so I started looking at all the cool projects we have. We use Trello, some of you guys know. James Friel got us set up on Trello, so I was thinking of the projects. So I sat down and I’m like, “Who are all the people involved in getting this project done? What are all the talks?” So I sat down last night and just busted out a whole bunch of Trello cards. Assigning people, getting them doing what they’re supposed to be doing. All the pieces. Then it was done and I went to bed and passed out and it was awesome.

Anyway, I was thinking about that versus how some of you are running your business and I want to just liken this also to the new office. I’m in a new office and the contractor dude is there, and he’s kind of showing us everything and what’s interesting as I look at this, is that the contractor didn’t actually do anything really. If you think about it, right? He was sitting there and he got paid by me, I think, I don’t know how much contractors take, 10, 20, 30% or whatever, they get paid a bunch of money.

So we pay him and he’s like, “Cool.” So then he goes and is like, “Alright, we need a designer.” And hires a designer. And he’s like “Oh, we need someone to do this part.” And he hires someone. And all the contractor’s really good at doing is just knowing what are all the pieces that need to go into launching, or to completing and building, and then hopefully he’s put in time to find really good sub-contractors to do each of those pieces. And that’s it. And he gets paid the lion’s share of the project. And all he’s doing is he’s just figured out what are all the pieces that go into building an office, or house or whatever the project is. And then who are all the people I need to hire to do those pieces.

I was thinking about that, for me with our funnels and stuff, that’s all it is. Because I’ve done it so many times, I’ve done this now I think I’m on my thirteenth year or so of this business. Some people are funny, “How come all the things you do are successful.” The reason why is because I built up a really good team of people over the last 12 years. I look at myself almost like the contractor in my business. I know all the pieces that go into us successfully launching something. I don’t have to rethink that, I just know it. It’s second nature now because I’ve done it so many times.

There was a time and a season of my life where we were literally launching something at least once a month and if that once a month thing would fail, we would do one every single week until one didn’t fail because that’s how we had to pay payroll. It was a nightmare, but we launched things all the time. Because of that, I know the process. I know that to get something launched here all the things. I know everything inside of my head. And because I’ve been doing it so long, every single time I’m finding, initially it was me doing everything. But then I realized I’m not very good at design, so I hired a designer. Then I realized this and I hired…..I probably hired a hundred designers in the last 12 years. Now I know 3 or 4 that I really liked and I now I just work with those 3 or 4 people.

I probably hired a hundred website builders. I hired a hundred programmers, probably a thousand programmers. I’ve done all these things over the years, and from that I’ve got my hands full of 4 or 5 favorites. So when I know I have a project done, I know Rob’s going to do this, so and so’s going to do this, boom, boom, boom. I task the whole thing out and everyone starts working on it. And what’s cool for me, as the contractor, this isn’t true in all cases, but in the building, the people can’t frame the building until the person is finished doing the foundation. There’s things that have to go in order.

With what we do in our business, most people can do their thing independent of everyone else. The video guy can do videos independent of everyone else. The designers can do that. The copywriters, everyone do the thing indepently. The goal is getting everyone to start on all the pieces as soon as humanly possible. Everyone is doing the pieces and they start coming in and then the last step, which for me as a person is my favorite part, so I do it now. But I could have outsourced the part. For me it’s like, here’s all the pieces now, these are all the things I needed to get this funnel done, now I just need to plug them all in. Because of Clickfunnels, I just plug them in. And obviously I work with Steven Larsen on my team.

We plug all the pieces in and it’s ready to launch. But if you look at all the projects I have, what’s interesting is I’ve got the next probably 10 funnels completely done. Front end project is done, everything is done. I just have to, all the assets are sitting in Trello boards finished just waiting for me to say, “Okay, I’m ready to launch this one.” Then I login, spend a day and plug all the pieces in and boom it’s ready to go.

In fact, yesterday we were working on the Funnel University Newsletter, if you’re not a member of Funnel University yet, by the way, you’re insane. Go to Anyway, we were…. I got a……are you kidding me? Road closure. Dangit. There’s some huge pot holes up here. Okay, so now I’m on a road closure and I’m going through a neighborhood and I have no idea. Dang, I’m really bad at these kind of things. I’m so bad at directions. I’m just going to follow the headlights in front of me and pray they’re going the same direction I’m going.

Anyway, where did I leave off? So yesterday we were doing January’s Funnel University Newsletter and in the newsletter I was showing the Marketing In Your Car funnel, which we reacently launched and you have all seen. The strategy behind it, the marketing in your car funnel was a couple of reasons. One was to get you guys all indoctrinated listening to every single day. That was number one, number two is to get more subscribers. Number three, this was actually our core reason, is I’m trying to get people to join Funnel University. You probably saw that in the upsell sequence.

Yesterday in the newsletter I was showing how basically if you look at probably the next dozen funnels we roll out, they will be new, cool front ends to help build our cult-ture and get people excited about Clickfunnels. So different swag things, different cool things, but then the upsell sequence is all pushing, the upsell sequence is identical, it does not change. So I literally in 40 minutes, and I record the whole process, all the Funnel U. Members will be able to see it inside the new forum we’re setting up for you guys. I took the Marketing In Your Car funnel and cloned it.

I already had the video done, I already had the graphics. Everything was already done weeks ago, months ago actually. I just drag and drop, boom, boom, in 40 minutes the new funnel is ready to launch and it was done. It came because I knew, whatever, 6 months ago, that I wanted to do a project called Funnel Graffiti. I knew, in fact, it’s been almost a year, because we gave out funnel Graffiti at the last Funnel Hacking Live event, so it’s been a year. So then we filmed the video this summer.

But I tasked all this stuff out a long time ago, so it’s all sitting there done and as soon as I’m ready to launch it, it was done. So it took 45 minutes to launch this funnel because I had all these things done. So that’s the powers, if all of us as marketers start looking more at our business as we’re contractors as opposed to the actual sub-contractor working, and you can sub-contract out to yourself, especially the stuff you like to do, I’m guessing if you’re like me, you like building stuff in Clickfunnels, so sub-contract that out to you or a certified partner or whatever. But look at yourself more as a contractor, and become a master at understanding what are all the pieces that go into launching a funnel.

And the funny thing is that the only way to know all the pieces that go into launching a funnel, is by launching a funnel. In fact, I try to get this through people’s minds all the time. Because everyone thinks their first funnel is going to be a winner, right. So they create this funnel and go through all the pain and heartache and headache that go through making your first funnel. And there’s a lot. You have to figure out how to write copy, to edit pages, and images and videos and orders and products. There’s so much crap that goes into your first one and then it’s horrible.

And most of the time your first one will fail, you will not make any money. In fact, most of the time you will lose money. It’ll be a bucket of money with a hole in the bottom and the cash will be pouring out of it. But you have to be okay with that because the only way for you to learn every single step in the process, for you, is to do it once.

Always tell people that the first funnel, you’re going to spend so much time and effort, and it might fail. In fact, you’re probably going to fail but you gotta be okay with that. Because it’s not about you launching this funnel and making a bunch of money, its about you as a new contractor, a new funnel builder learning a new process, all the pieces that go into that. Because after you do it once you’re like, “Dang, well now I know I need this and this. I hired these people, this guy sucked and this one was awesome. I’m not going to hire him again, I’m going to hire a new person.” And you keep doing that over and over again and eventually after you launch three, four, five, ten, twenty, thirty funnels, whatever that is, you will have your dream team of people that are working with you. You will know exactly who to go to every single time.

And if you fast forward six months to a year from now, you’re going to be in the same situation I am. I don’t fail anymore because I know our team. I know what our market wants. I know who is going to do each piece of it, so I can quickly create something and just have it work really, really quickly. For you guys that’s the goal.

I had two interviews yesterday from people that were asking about the whole “You’re just one funnel away” concept, that’s the theme of this year’s Funnel Hacking Live event. And I wanted, during those interviews I explained, “Look, you’re just one funnel away, you don’t know which funnel that is. I wish I could show you guys the landscape of failed funnels that I’ve had in my 12 years in this business.” I’ve got more failed funnels that I could show you, than I guarantee most of you guys have ever even dreamt of attempting. But because of that, that’s how I built my team. How I figured out what didn’t work. I’ve mastered the process. All the pieces that go in there like the back of my hand. I don’t have to think anymore, it just happens.

So today, excuse me, last night I was like, “here’s the project, here are all the pieces.” I tasked them all out and now everyone’s working on them. I’m not sure when we’ll launch that project, but I do know that the second I’m ready for it, all the pieces will be there and I don’t have to think about it at that point. I’m digging my well before I’m thirsty. I’m getting all the things in place.

So think about that you guys. Again, this whole concept, “You’re one funnel away” Is so powerful. You don’t know which funnel it’s gonna be. You’ve gotta keep building, walking, trying, failing, moving forward. A really cool, I might have shared this with you guys before so forgive me if I have, but it’s worth repeating. Probably almost ten years ago now, maybe even more, I got this Jay Abraham course and I was listening to it. And one of the speakers was Brian Tracey. I had never heard Brian Tracey speak before and he was on stage, and it was just, I loved what he was saying.

I remember what he talked about; he said that one day he was watching this TV show with a bunch of millionaires. It was like a news talk show or whatever. There’s like twelve millionaires on stage and they were interviewing them and asking a bunch of questions. And the host asks a question, “How many times did you guys have to fail on average before you had success?” and they didn’t know off the top of their heads, so they cut to commercial. During the commercial break they did all the math and figured it out. They came back, and this panel of people, they said that they figured on average, they’d each failed about 12 times before they had success.

Brian Tracey said something interesting, he said, “Do you think that they just tried something and failed, tried something and failed. And on average the 12th time they got lucky and it finally worked? Or do you think that the first time they did it, they didn’t have the resources or the connections, or people, or idea or whatever, but they did it and it failed. The second one, they did it and it failed. The third, they did it and it failed. Each time they failed they learned something. And they figured something out and literally by the 12th time, they had failed every way possible.” By the 12th time they knew how this process worked and there was no way they can fail at that point.

It’s like Thomas Edison, he said when he, every time he failed the light bulb, he was like I figured out a new way to not build a light bulb. He had a thousand ways he tried and didn’t work, but he didn’t look at those as failures. That way didn’t work, that way didn’t work. Cool, this way it worked. We gotta look at things that way as well, you guys. So many of us are getting into this like, ”I want a million dollar webinar.” And I’m like, dude that’s awesome, but you gotta put in the work man. Let me tell you how many decades of effort. I guess just one. But I mean, for me to be able to do what I do now, we can do a webinar and make half a million bucks, it didn’t just come magically. It came on the back of ten years of failing and failing and trying and failing and building a team, and learning and growing and learning and growing and coming to that.

Obviously, we’ve tried to give you guys a lot of short cuts. Perfect Webinar is a short cut. Clickfunnels is a short cut. Honestly, Facebook’s a short cut. Facebook’s the greatest gift to marketers right now, in the world. And I don’t think it will be here forever, but it’s here now and it’s amazing. All these short cuts, so hopefully you guys don’t have to spend ten years, but do know you are going to have to spend some time. And do know you are going to fail, but if you keep it in your mind that you’re just one funnel away….I don’t know if that funnel is today, tomorrow, a month from now, six months from now, but if you have that in your mind knowing with absolute certainty that one of these funnels is going to be the one, it’s going to be the freedom maker for you. You have absolute certainty of it, you keep building, moving forward, pushing, I promise you will hit that. But you have to have absolute certainty that it’s going to happen.

One of the interviews yesterday, someone asked me, “What was the “why” behind what got you into this thing and why you push yourself so hard?” I said, “When I got started, I was watching these people online who were having success. Back then in was Armand Morin, Alex Mandossian, Marlin Sanders, my mentors. Mark Joyner. All I know is I looked at these guys and I believed them. I believed that what they were doing was making them money and because I saw them doing it, I had 100% absolute certainty that it worked and that I could make it work. I didn’t know how, but I was positive that I could and it would. Because of that I didn’t stop. Because I had perfect that it was going to work, so I just started running and running and running.”

 I think a lot of problems that some of us have is that we don’t have faith. “I think this can work. I think this can work for me.” And because of that you try and dabble and try and dabble and doing quite go all in, but if you know with absolute certainty that there’s no way this is going to fail, it’s going to take you a bunch of times, but you know that’s it’s gonna work. It’ll push you through the hard nights, the failures, the funnel flops. But it’ll be worth it. I promise you guys it’s worth it. It’s not only worth it for you and your family, because the money that comes from it is amazing, but it’s worth it for the people you are serving with the products and service you are creating.

You will touch their lives in a way that doesn’t make sense to you now, but when you see it and you see the fruits of that, it’s pretty amazing. So I want to leave that with you guys today. I hope that helps. I’m at the office now. I’m going from the new amazing office to the old crappy office. In the old crappy office two more weeks or so, then we’re out of here.

Appreciate you all, thanks so much for listening. If you enjoyed this podcast, or any of them, please go to iTunes and rate and review us, I’d appreciate that. Please become an affiliate for Marketing In Your Car, free MP3 player, let people know about it because that’d be cool. Thanks you guys. Appreciate you all, have an awesome day. Bye everybody.

Jan 10, 2017

Some cool stuff I learned during day #1 of Snowpocalypse.

On this episode Russell talks about how he is preparing for the predicted upcoming Snowpocalypse in Boise. He also tells some of the things he has learned while driving around and listening to marketing courses.

Here are some fun things you will hear in today's episode:

  • Why Russell had to get up early to prepare for a crazy storm coming to Boise, and hear some of the interesting things he bought.
  • What courses he listened to while he drove around preparing for the storm.
  • And what he learned by listening to those courses along with some things he learned from his own experience.

So listen below to find out how Russell is preparing for severe weather in Boise, but still learning about marketing at the same time.


Hey everyone, this is Russell again, hope you guys are doing awesome. It is Snowpocalypse here in Boise, so they told us last night. At 1:30 I got an email from Brent, on my team. It was a video from Vin Crosby, the local news dude, it was a ten minute long thing talking about why the next 5 to 7 days is going to be insane. He talked about basically getting a foot of snow that should be starting in about 15 minutes from right now. Then after the snow comes, the next day it’s supposed to rain ice, so it’s going to rain like an inch of worth of water that will instantly turn to ice. Which he said will probably break tons of trees and power lines, which means we got no power, which means basically there’s a good shot there’ll be no power for the next 4 or 5 days. I’m like, “What?”

That was at 1:30 in the morning last night. So I’m like, crap I’m probably the last person to know about this. I don’t watch the news. So I was going to go race to the store last night, but then I woke up my wife and she’s like, “Everything is closed right now.” So we set my alarm for 6am this morning. The alarm goes off, I jump into the car and head on this journey to save my family from snowpocalypse, which is really fun.

I first went to Walmart because they opened earliest. Got tons, like 5 pallets of water and toilet paper, those kind of necessities. Then I went to Fred Meyer and bought food and, it’s funny, Brent was there. I bumped into Brent. It was so funny. I’m like, “Hey, what are you doing? How funny that you’re here.”  He had these two space heaters. I’m like, “Oh I’ve got 5 space heaters in my house.” And he’s like, “But you plug them in, right?” I’m like, “Oh crap, yes.” And he’s like, “Well these are ones that run on propane, you need to get one of those.” So I got a propane thing. That was at Walmart. So Walmart was out of propane, so that’s why I went to Fred Meyer.

At Fred Meyer I bought 20 canisters of propane. Each propane thing will keep the heater going for 3 to 6 hours. So I got enough to keep me warm in a tiny room warm for 5 days if we need it. And then we got food and stuff so that was awesome. Then Brent was like, “I went over here and I got a generator.” I was like, “Oh!” So I run over here to get a generator, they were all sold out. So I went to another place, they were sold out. But then luckily Dave found generators not sold out.

And then I went to Dicks Sporting Goods, trying to find a generator, but instead I bought a whole bunch of stuff for the wrestling room. So the wrestling room is all prepped out as well. They canceled church tomorrow, which if you know anything about Mormon’s, we don’t cancel church. So something crazy is about to happen. So we’re all ready for it. The kids are all excited, they’re getting their little tents sent up and everything, and likely nothing is really going to happen. But if it does, we’re prepared.

So I’ve been Snapchatting my whole preppers journey. But while I was doing this whole thing, it’s been probably 4 or 5 hours that I’ve been on the road going back and forth from my house to the store, from my house to the store, I’ve been listening to a whole bunch of cool stuff. In fact, I’ve gone through about a day and a half of the 5 thousand dollar seminar while I was here. While I’ve been doing this.

It’s amazing you can learn so much. So what I want to share with you guys today, is some internet marketing math. Some numbers for you all. This is a little different than, I’ve done math episodes in the past but here’s some key metrics for you guys to look at. Maybe we’ll call it the KPI episode. So here’s some KPI’s-Key Performance Indicators for your business. Hopefully these will help.

Some of these I’ve had in my business for a long time, some of these I picked up today, which were kind of cool. So we’ll start at the very beginning. The first thing is you should know that on average you will make about $1 per name for each person on your list. Honestly, it should be higher than that, but that should be the baseline. You should make at least that if you are emailing your list and actually communicating with them. So that means if you have a thousand people on your list you should be making at least $1000 a month. Ten thousand people on your list, 10 grand a month. Thirty thousand people on your list, 30 grand a month and so on and so forth.

The first time I ever heard that, I set a goal. I said, “Crap, I want a hundred thousand people on my list.” And that became my focus. And sure enough, just like I was told and I heard, my income stayed very similar to that for a long time. And by the time I passed a hundred thousand people on my list, I was making a hundred grand a month. So for you guys that are setting goals, make that the first goal. Goal number one is that.

Again, $1 per month, per name is on the lower end of the spectrum. Right now I look at our company and we are almost $8 per name on our list. We got a big list. So yes, that’s on the low end. Just to kind of have the metric to shoot towards. So there’s number one.

Number two metric is, and this is kind of cool, I learned today. On the continuity program, so if you have someone one a print newsletter or a membership site or whatever it is, there was this test they were talking about. They said that for the test on average, for every dollar someone spends with you for continuity, they will spend $3 more with you throughout the year. So if they’re paying $40 a month, they’re going to average, whatever that is. So every dollar in continuity, they’re going to spend $3 more with you. So that’s kind of cool.

Dan Kennedy used to tell me that for thousand people you have in a continuity program, it’s an extra million dollars in revenue you will make that year. And I started looking, after that I launched a print newsletter and sure enough, just like he said, for every thousand people I had on my continuity program, we were making a million dollars a year in revenue. It didn’t come directly from the continuity program, but it came from, because they’re members of your continuity they will start buying other things. So they will buy, who knows, coaching programs, upsells, other products, things like that. Because they are getting it, they will spend three times as much money with you when they’re a continuity member than they will when they are not.

So that’s the second thing. If I were looking at your business I would be looking at how many subscribers do I have? How many people are on continuity right now paying me monthly? So that’s the next metric. And then the third one I want to share with you that’s kind of cool. Matt Furey is on this course I’m listening to from probably ten years ago, so it’s older. One thing he said that was awesome, he said, “You should try to get at least 500 people to buy from you a month.” Obviously first off you have to try to get one person to buy from you. But after you got customers, it’s happening; people need to make at least 500 transactions a month with you.

I started thinking about that, it goes back to the RFMS thing that we talked about 2 or 3 episodes ago. Recency, Frequency, things like that. But if you think about that, you need to be getting your customers buying at least 500 purchases, need to be happening per month. Obviously for me, we’re way past that. But it’s still a good metric, a good number to look at.

So there’s some new metrics for you guys. Hope that helps a little bit. Because for me, when I look at things, it’s funny whatever we measure grows. If you look at sports, without changing anything else, your lifting routine, your eating, anything, as soon as you start measuring stuff, it grows. It’s like a magic trick. So those are the three things you can start measuring. First off, how many people are on my list. That should be something you look at daily. When I first started doing this I was like man, I wanted a big list. So I start looking, I’m like oh I’m adding twenty people a day. I started looking and I started growing 20 to 30. 30 to 50, 50 to 100, 100 to 200, 200 to 500, 500 to 1000. You already know, we’re trying to get 1000 people a day on our list. That metric grew because we looked at it. So looking at subscribers.

Number two looking at your continuity members. I don’t know about you guys but we’re obsessed with Clickfunnels. Looking at our metrics on that. And Funnel University, the same thing, I got a goal, we are just shy of 30 thousand active members in Clickfunnels, as of today and our goal is 100 thousand by the end of next year. So we’ve got to look at that number a lot, because we have to add a lot of people to get that number. But it’s definitely attainable, we can get it.

In Funnel University, our goal is to have 10 thousand members in Funnel University, but I gotta look at that number and consistently have it in front of me. So my CPA’s gotta email me that every single day so I know what’s the number. Because if I’m looking at it, then it’s gonna grow.

Then the third metric for you guys to look at is frequency of purchasing. Trying to get, make sure there’s at least 500 transactions a month going through your merchant account. If not, you need to be doing fire sales, you need to be doing cool things, you need to be doing free plus shipping, whatever it is to get your people to buy more consistently. So that should be another metric.

So there you go, there’s three metrics for you. A dollar per name per month. A thousand people paying continuity is worth a million dollars a year to you. And you need to be getting 500 transactions a month coming into your merchant account. And if you do those things, you’ll have a very healthy business. So there’s three cool numbers to look at and measure. I hope that helps. I’m home, I’m going to unload firewood I bought today and all the other toys and food and if I don’t survive the snowpocalypse, tell my parents and everyone else who’s not here in Boise that I love them. We will talk to you guys all again soon. Thanks everybody.

Jan 9, 2017

The process of going from hot to warm to cold traffic.

On today's episode Russell talks about re-launching the Marketing In Your Car podcast and how that is going. He also talks about building a Dream 100 list and how that helps you grab big piles of cash before trying to market to a cold audience.

Here are some cool things in this episode:

  • The exciting new things happening with the Marketing In Your Car podcast.
  • Why Russell tells people in his Inner Circle to grab the piles of cash in front of them before doing extra work to market to a cold audience.
  • Find out what is happening with and how you'll be able to watch him go from 0 to a million of his books sold.
  • And how you can watch the each process by subscribing to the podcast, following Russell's blog, and by watching Funnel Hacker TV.

So listen below to hear Russell's thoughts on the podcast, and his Dream 100 list.


Hey everyone, this is Russell Brunson. Welcome to a freezing cold Marketing In Your Car. Boise has been covered in feet of snow, not foot, feet. Many feet of snow. Everything has been frozen. We’ve had three snow days in a row, back to back to back. But I had to get to the office today because we were doing a webinar, and I don’t trust my home internet connection as much as the office. Plus I miss everybody, I wanted to see them all again. I’ve been working from home the last few days.

I still haven’t finished the book, it’s killing me. But we did get launched the Marketing In Your Car free MP3 player. So if you haven’t got yours yet go to I’m guessing though if you’re listening right now, you’re probably on. We had to do a couple of things, I think I told you. Our old RSS feed, I totally screwed up on so we retired that podcast. So it’s, that one’s kind of paused. It says archived image there. And then if you come to the new one, that’s the one you’re listening to right now. And we’re all hanging out and having fun over here.

And what’s been fun, by kind of restarting the thing and launching the free MP3 player, we were able to do a new launch around it, which is fun. So we’ve got over a thousand people in the first 24 hours have gotten a free MP3 player. So hopefully a thousand of you guys are listening to this, or more, that are new. And hopefully we’ll keep growing. I just appreciate all of you guys sharing and all the good feedback for the podcast. Makes me happy.

In fact, today was really, really cool. One of my friends, he’s the Clickfunnels member and someone I met, I think at the first Funnel Hacking event, anyway, his name is Travis Cody. He sent me, I got this box in the mail today and I opened it up and there’s a video playing on the screen of this box, talking and it’s Travis talking. And then I looked down and inside of the box there’s these two huge books, and I pull them out and a lot of you guys know I’m Mormon, so there’s a Book of Mormon. It looks like a special font on it, different color and everything. And it looks like two Book of Mormons, but it’s the Book of Brunson. I’m like, what? I open it up and it’s all of my podcasts put in this book. It was the coolest gift I’ve ever gotten.

I don’t know, he says he’s got an idea, so maybe we’re going to start selling these as an actual product, but it was super cool. So I got the Book of Brunson now. So if I start quoting scripture, I’m like, “The Book of Brunson, Chapter 2, Verse 16.” You’ll know what I’m talking about. It’s all coming from this podcast. It was a super cool gift from him. So thank you Travis if you’re listening. Appreciate that, it was really fun. It’s just been fun re-getting excited about this podcast. I’ve been doing it for so long now and at first, I don’t think anyone listened for a long time. But I was doing it because I thought it was fun.

And the cool thing is that, because of the way I set up the RSS feed, I had no way to check if people are actually listening. Which is actually helpful because then I didn’t know if anyone was listening, so I didn’t assume people were listening. Now,  a few years later, I know we’ve got a lot of listeners. Now that we’re moving things over I’ll actually be able to see how many people are listening and downloads and all that kind of stuff. So that will be kind of fun. But regardless, it’s something I enjoy and it’s been hugely beneficial for me, just to get out my thoughts and ideas and what I’m thinking.

And you guys have obviously have been a huge sounding board for me as we’ve gone from near bankruptcy when I started this podcast, to where we’re at today. And I just appreciate you guys listening and sharing and commenting. So if you guys are listening, please I love for you to come and comment on the new feed because we switched over, obviously there were zero stars, I think we’re like 35 or 40 stars now, so that’s good. But the more you guys can come and comment, let me know. Right now, especially for the next week or two, I’m really intently reading comments. So feel free to drop a comment. I’m sure I’ll read it, which will be kind of fun.

With that said, welcome to the podcast, those of you guys who are new. So for those who are new, the way this works is as I’m driving to the office and back I just share cool ideas and things we are working on and stuff that I think would be helpful for you. I’m heading home from the office right now. I had a webinar today with JLD, John Lee Dumas, which was fun and worked awesomely. We helped serve his people well. We sold a bunch of Clickfunnels, which is the key to happiness for me and for them as entrepreneurs, as you know, which is really cool.

And then afterwards we had a Dream 100 meeting. What is a Dream 100? As you listen and you guys catch up on my podcast, I talk about this a lot, but this is the foundation of promotion of business for me. So go back and find some of those calls where we go deeper. Basically Dream 100, who are the 100 people in your market that have your dream customers on their list right now, and how can you get them to promote you to their audience?

When we launched the Dotcom Secrets book, we built the dream 100 list, and we started sending people Dream 100 gifts in the mail. We sent them copies of the new book that was coming out, we sent Ferrari key chains because we were giving away a Ferrari.  We did all these cool things, we kept sending them out. And we did that to get people to promote. And it’s funny because from that Dream 100 campaign, we got a whole bunch of people promoting the book that I didn’t have relationships with at all.

We found who were all the top business podcasters that are out there. So I had a bunch of them and we started sending them the book and stuff. John Lee Dumas was one of them, I never met him at the time. A couple of days later I get an email saying, “Russell, your book is awesome. I want to promote it.” And now we’ve done 3 funnel hack webinars, he’s sold a few thousand copies of my book and we’ve made a bunch of money together. And it came from the Dream 100 concept. John was just one of the many people we did it with. But I built lists of 100 people, and honestly my Dream 100 list keeps growing and growing.

And that’s what today’s meeting was about, kind of trimming that down. Who’s our Dream 100 for my next book launch coming up in April? And we’re putting those things together and kind of mapping out a strategy. And a couple of things I want to know. One thing, the book launch is at the end of April, so we’re like almost 3 1/2 months away. And we’re doing this now. A big part of this is digging the well before you’re thirsty.

A lot of you will launch a product and then start going and bugging JV partners and stuff and it’s like no, do that work ahead of time. So we’re planning out now, we’ll be contacting everyone and getting people information so they can get it on the calendar,  and we’ll be sending copies of the book as soon as they come out.

We’re trying to prepare for that and get it ready and build a good relationship with everybody before that. Just to kind of get people excited for the book. But it’s the foundation. So what’s cool is we have our new reality show that’s close to done called Funnel Hacker TV as well. So we filmed the Dream 100 process today so you guys will be able to see it soon. You’ll see how this is the foundation for everything we do in our business, building that list of partners. And initially… biggest goal of the Dream 100, if I can get them to promote my book or whatever the thing is that we’re selling, that’s the best. If I can get them to promote on a podcast, or through their blog or email, that’s number one. So we try that initially, but a lot of people can’t or won’t.

So after that is done, we try the first phase, which is let’s get them to promote it, that’s a warm audience, excuse me that’s the hot. We got the hot and transition down to warm. The warm audience may not know me but I can market to Toni Robbins’ followers, or Tim Farris’ followers, or things like that on Facebook, so that’s a warm audience. People may know Toni and not me, but I can create a bridge page that bridges that gap between Toni and me, and then get them to buy the book or whatever the thing is, register for the webinar.

So we start building bridge pages to our warm audience to bring them from there over. So that’s the second thing, taking the Dream 100 list we have and then going after them as a warm audience. We’re advertising directly to them as opposed to Toni or someone directly marketing to his people. So that’s phase number two in our Dream 100.

And then phase number three is to go into cold traffic and stuff like that. So one cool thing we’re doing that’s not live yet, but may be live by the time you guys get this. Changing up So again, depending on when you go there. If you go there and see a picture of me standing there with a bunch of links around the sides of me, that’s the new one. I’m doing this blog and the blog I’m going to be documenting this journey of how we’re doing this whole thing from the dream 100 to the book launch and trying to take you on a journey from how we went from 0 to selling hopefully a million copies of my book. So that’s kind of cool.

So you’ll see the transitions we go from hot traffic, our own existing lists, then our partners lists, then shifting and transforming down to a warm audience. From there trying to saturate that, and from there transition down to a cold audience. And what’s the differences between going after warm traffic versus cold. Because it’s different. The way I position hot, if you’ve read the Dotcom Secrets book you know about hot traffic, warm traffic, cold traffic, but it’s different the way I sell to each of them.

So we start with the hot, it’s funny in my Inner Circle, everyone’s trying to convert cold traffic. I’m like, “Wait, there’s a huge pile of cash sitting right in front of you. Grab the big pile of cash first. That’s your warm market, grab them first. That’s the hot market, excuse me. Then there’s the warm market, which is one step back, that’s the next big pile of cash, so grab that before you go for the cold.” Make all the money you can out of the hot market, then go to the warm market, then you go to the cold. And each level of that process, moving from hot to warm to cold, the sales process, the funnels, the messaging, the language patterns, all those things change.

I’ll be sharing those and documenting them on the new Russell Brunson blog. How we went from 0 to a million copies of my book here over the next, I mean who knows how long it takes to get me a million bucks, probably a couple of years, which will be kind of cool.

We’re going to be doing all sorts of stuff. We already have in the works, plans to do infomercial, radio campaigns, mass market, PR. It’s going to be a ride. It’s going to be a fun journey. So hopefully you guys will come along on the journey with me. But just know that that’s kind of what we’re doing. The goal is to show the strategy. How we roll out a book and how we take that book and help it to, the Dotcom Secrets book, when we launched that, it was the foundation that got us, to now we’re almost 30 thousand active customers inside of Clickfunnels. So that’s the goal, how do we do that and how do we leverage a book or any kind of front end product, to build the back end of your company.

So that’s the journey that I’ll be taking you guys on. I hope you can join me for the ride. With that said, I’m home. In a day or two or whatever check out, check out the blog and we’ll start the first post. I already wrote the first post, and we’re going to start doing that once a week. Sharing the journey and showing you how many books we sold from each of the things and that’ll be the game plan. With that said, I’m home. Appreciate you guys, thanks for listening, thanks for subscribing. Please come comment and share, let me know what you’re thinking. I’m excited to be on this journey with you guys. Talk to you all again soon. Bye.

Jan 3, 2017

Something I'm testing to stimulate and increase the quality of our customers.

*****SPOILER ALERT****** In this episode of Marketing In Your Car, Russell spills the beans on the ending of Star Wars: Rogue One, so if you haven't seen it, skip ahead to 1:20. After that, he also talks about learning all about RFM (Recency, Frequency, and Monetary Value) from some old school guys and why he will be spending 2017 focusing on the frequency that his customers buy.

Here are some other cool things in this episode:

  • What Russell plans to do to increase the frequency at which his customers are purchasing.
  • Why it's important to keep your customers "Warm".
  • And find out what some of the cool things are that will be happening this year.

So listen below to learn what RFM is and why it's important for your business.


Good morning everybody! I hope you guys are doing awesome, it is New Year’s Eve morning. It’s the morning of the eve. I don’t know if that makes any sense. But I’m heading to the grocery store real quick to get some stuff for the party tonight. I’m really, really excited for it. Some cool things happening, just real quick.

For those of you guys who want a timeline for when, if you’re listening to this in the future, last night Rhonda Rousey fought what’s her name Nunez. The fight lasted less than 48 seconds, it was insane. I got home last night and seriously tried to find a pirated copy online because I had a hot date with my beautiful wife last night. It was crazy. I can’t even…I felt so bad for her. So that happened last night.

And last night I went and saw Star Wars Rouge One. I gotta tell you what, people are like, “Star Wars sucks. The new Star Wars is lame.” All these things, right.  It was amazing. I don’t know. The fact that, I don’t want to spoil it for you, but the fact that everybody dies at the end was amazing. That was actually, I mean it’s sad, but that was so cool for the story line. And then the fact that the very end that Darth Vader has his fight scene and going through thrashing everyone. How could someone not think that movie was not amazing? I don’t know, anyway, it was amazing.

It’s funny because I get done, and not that I’m easily amused, but if you listened to my podcast a while ago, I don’t know how much money they invested in that, but I paid $12 for the ticket. Insane, they entertained me for that long and it was amazing.  I loved it, it was really fun.

But I digress, because today I’ve been wanting to do a podcast because I have something that I’ve wanted to talk about for three days and I keep forgetting to talk to you guys about it. So I’m stopping everything, I almost did it last night at like two in the morning because I’m so excited but I was kind of tired. So I’m talking about it now. This is a cool thing I wanted to share with you guys because it was a big epiphany for me. In fact, let me catch up the last podcast. We told you about my goal, what we’re doing, trying to 3x the company. In one night we had three hundred thousand dollars in new money we had to make, it was insane. So we launched, some of you saw that. Plus we went and hit all of our other Hail Mary passes. Of the five Hail Mary passes we threw up, almost all of them hit.

It was crazy, within 24 hours of me doing that podcast, we made over 500 thousand dollars and smashed our goal. It’s crazy. The last two days we didn’t even need to do anything. But then the next two days, because of the momentum of that first initial push, it was insane. So we did, well we’ll see what happens today, in the last 3 days we needed an extra 300 thousand dollars in money, and we made almost a million.

In fact, it’s crazy, for us to triple the company, and I didn’t know this until after we did it. I’m glad our accountant didn’t tell me, because I would have thought it was impossible if he would have told me. I’m so glad that sometimes people don’t tell you stuff. Belief is such a funny thing. But he told me after we had smashed the record he was like, “Just to put this in perspective, for you guys to beat your record, in December, the worst month in the industry, you would have had to make 40% of the money that you had actually made all of the last year.” I was like, “What?” It’s just crazy. We ended up doing, we made, actually hit 50% of last year’s revenue in December, which is crazy because last year was an 8 figure year. So 50% of our revenue. We basically got half of our money last year, in December. And way more than 3x’d our company from the year before, which is crazy.

So I feel bad for the morons in 2017 who are running this company, because they gotta 3x that again. Oh crap, that’s me. Dangit. I was like, “The more we do now, the more we have to do next year.” So it’ll just keep raising the bar.

Alright, so I’m going to step back. There’s so many other cool things I want to share with you guys. Funnel Hacker TV episode one is finished and it’s amazing. All the other ones are in production. The two comma club video and award thing is in process and almost done. There’s so many, I can’t even tell you guys how many cool things are happening right now. The new Marketing In Your Car mp3/funnel/element in the editor are all going to be live next week, next Thursday. I’ve been going for four and a half minutes and I didn’t talk about what I’m talking about because I’m so excited. There’s so many cool things happening

you guys. It’s just blowing my mind.

With all that kind of cool stuff happening. I want to share with you guys the gold nugget that I think is huge. That I can’t even, it’s going to be exciting. So here it is. For those of you guys, I feel fortunate that I got started, learning this game, back when the internet was just kind of getting new. So the only people to learn from, Corey Riddle was there. He was the pioneer, Corey Riddle. And then outside of him there was nobody that, there wasn’t a lot of people teaching. Then Armand Morin, there was a couple guys that came out, but there wasn’t a lot of stuff.

For me to learn this whole marketing game I had to go back to the old school. There’s no school like the old school. So I was learning from Gary Halpert and Dan Kennedy and Jay Abraham. So most of my foundation actually came from those guys. And then how do you actually apply it to internet marketing? And I feel bad because most of you guys who are listening now came in a day and age where there’s a million internet coaches and you miss a lot of this cool foundational stuff that I was blessed enough to get by studying these old legends.

So when I was learning from those guys, it was back, everything they were doing was direct mail. And I was always trying to figure out how to relate that back to what we’re doing. One of the big things, the way that direct mail would work is that you’d have an offer, you’d write a sales letter and you’d rent a list of people that are likely to buy your product. When you buy a list, how do you know if I’m getting a good list or a bad list. So these guys, I don’t know who it was that came up with it. But they came up a form to find out how good a list it actually is. So the formula was based on three letters. RFM. So RFM is like if you’re direct person this is second nature to you, if you’re not let me talk about what it is.

So RFM stands for Recency, Frequency, and then Monetary value. So RFM. So if I’m running a list, I want a list of people that have bought a business opportunity product. Let’s say I’m selling supplements, I want a list of people who have bought health supplements, or nerve supplements, whatever it is. So the first thing I want is Recency. Somebody who has purchased something recently. You might think that if someone bought something recently they’re not going to want my thing. No, it’s not true. One thing we know about buyers in heat, when somebody buys something, they buy a lot of things right around that period of time.

So if I’m selling a business opportunity, I want to sell somebody who’s recently bought a business opportunity. It kind of doesn’t make logical sense, but it makes perfect sense when you understand how buyers work. Think about when you first got into this business and you started learning about how to make money online, or whatever that thing was for you. You didn’t buy one thing. You were a buyer in heat and you bought a lot. So I want to sell to people who have bought things recently.

Second thing, is frequency. I want people who are buying things frequently. They didn’t just buy something once and you never hear from them again. I want someone who has bought five business opportunities in the last year. They’re frequently buying.

And the last one is M, Monetary value, people who are spending a lot of money. The more money they spend, the more they are likely to spend. People like me, I buy things recently, I buy things frequently, and I spend a lot of money. I’m like the dream buyer in the markets that I’m interested in. So RFM, that was the thing. So when I’m getting direct mail lists, the higher the RFM score is the more, the better that list is for me. What’s cool is in Clickfunnels, in Actionetics, those of you guys who’ve used the Actionetics, we haven’t started training hard core on this yet. That’ll be one of the big things for next year. But  we have an RFM score. In fact, we have an RFMS score.

So if you look at the action score in contacts. So if you’re in Actionetics, click on contact, and you’ll see a little circle in the top right hand corner, it looks really cool and it’s their RFMS score, it stands for Recency, Frequency, Monetary Value, and then the S stands for Social. Because one cool thing that the internet has brought to us is the ability to watch people socially and stuff like that. One of my buddies, Jeremy Shoemoney, he found out, he did some tests and he said that….he owned an auto-responder company for a while so he was doing all sorts of cool tests and monetizations and stuff. And one of the magic things he brought to my world, he found out that somebody who joined his list who used their actual Facebook email address, or social media email address that’s hooked to a real social account, is worth 80 times more money than somebody who uses a throw-away email address. 80 times.

In fact, if people opted in and they didn’t use their Facebook email address, he would just delete them as a record. He wouldn’t even use them because it was such a waste of energy to market to them. For us, we have social as well, so RFMS. So you get the score on each of your clients that comes and you say, “Oh wow. RFMS.” How valuable is this person to you.

So you’ll see in Actionetics in the future, RFMS is going to be a big thing we’ll be talking more about. But I digress, let me come back to what I’m talking about. So for me, I had this big epiphany this weekend. As we were doing this launch and people were buying stuff and getting in. There’s something about people buying and new excitement and new energy. We’re doing this Funnel Immersion sale, and we sold a lot of them and people were going crazy. And everyone on the Facebook group was trying to convince everyone else to buy. I felt bad, some people in the Facebook group were like, “So what’s actually in this? Russell never mentioned it. So why am I giving Russell money?” and they’re like, “Who cares? Just do it. Russell says buy it, just buy it.” And everybody in our group is just jumping in, it was awesome. It was the coolest thing ever.

So anyway, I started thinking about this. And this is the pro and the con of what we’ve been doing over the last two years. My audience, especially my inner circle members and hopefully you guys listening as well. We’ve gotten really good at doing a webinar a week and bringing new blood into your business. Everybody’s doing that. So they’re getting people to purchase but then it’s kind of stopping there. We’re not getting people to purchase more often and that’s why a lot of people’s businesses are struggling. They’re getting really good at selling the first product, but then they have nothing else to offer to our audience to monetize the list that we’ve built.

So I started thinking about this and I was like, so next week on actually, it’s funny, you guys have been hearing this in the intro and the outro for a while. But we’re finally launching the mp3 player, and it’s amazing. So next Thursday we’re going to have a big launch around it, and we’re going to try to sell, I think I bought 7500 mp3 players. I think we’ll sell those in a week or so and then just go from there. I’m going to do a free plus shipping thing. And there’s not really, people are going to look at me like, “Russell this funnel is no good. You didn’t really monetize that well.” And it will, there’s actually, I think it’s a really cool funnel.

But you’re going to notice from me, I’m going to be putting out a lot of things, there just little front ends that are cool. T-shirts, just a lot of front end things, and the reason why, and I had this thing, if what we want our people doing. If someone wanted to rent a list and they’re looking for Recency, Frequency, and Monetary value, how do we stimulate those in our own lists? How do we stimulate?

So there’s different things, but I was looking at frequency. How do we stimulate frequency? No one’s ever talked about that, I’ve never thought about that before. The health of my customer list is going to be based on how frequently they’ve purchased from me. So if I don’t have very many opportunities for them to buy from me, they’re less likely to buy from me. And it’s hard to keep selling new info products. You’ve got to have a new hook, new angle. But I want people to keep buying from me. Because the act of buying is going to keep them warm.

In fact, I remember TJ Rohleder, he’s a bus op direct mail guy. I was talking to him one day and he was like, “Hey, you want to rent my list of buyers?” I was like, “What? Why would you do that?” and he was like, “The more they buy from you, the more they’re going to buy from me. I need to keep these guys frequently buying.” I was like, wow. How interesting. I never thought, it’s just such a different mindset from what I’ve always thought. Only sell them things every once in a while and build up the hype and make it this big thing. So for me, I think one of my big focuses for this year, I want to create frequency in my buying, in my customers buying habits. In your guys’. So I’m talking about you.

I want you buying from me often. In fact, I told my team that I want our customers buying something from us at least once a week minimum. I want that frequency up, because if they are buying once a week, they’re going to stay customers and they’re going to keep…..that’s the health of our list. If we want to increase the health of our list, we want to get them buying often. And I think my goal is at least once a week. So what I’m going to be doing, I’m going to try to create something cool once a week. Not like a new training program, or info product, those things are hard. But just a new thing, once a week, that you guys can buy from me.

So you’re going to see a couple of things. One, It’s going to be pulling out little pieces of like funnel Immersion. Funnel Immersion ended up with over a hundred hours of content, which is awesome. So I’m going to be pulling out little pieces of that, low ticket things, just to get people like, “Go buy this training on Tripwire.” Just pulling out little pieces. You’re going to see a lot more physical products, free plus shipping t-shirts. Free plus shipping shoes. Free plus shipping Clickfunnels bottles. Tons of little swag things that aren’t, I’m not going to make any money on them. But I’m just going to be stimulating frequency in my customers. Frequency in purchasing from my customers to increase the health of my list.

These aren’t going to become front end offers, we’re driving big Facebook ads to it, trying to optimize the campaign and all that stuff. No. I’m talking about the only goal of these things, is to increase the frequency of the buying patterns of my customers and then build a cult-ture. Because they’re going to have all these cool t-shirts and socks and shoes, and playing cards, and stickers. As many cool things as I can come up with. But that’s the thought.

Anyway, I want to throw it to you guys. I know I went really long winded on this one because I’m so excited. But think about that. How can you increase the frequency your customers are buying from you? Because that’s how we judge how good the health of a list is. It’s probably how we should judge how good the health of our customer base is. How often are they buying from you? And how do you now, now that you know that’s something that’s important, how do you stimulate that? How do you create cool crap that they’re going to want to buy?

It’s not going to be like, because it’s hard if you’re selling thousand dollar courses, you can’t do that every single week. People aren’t going to keep buying it. That’s not sustainable. So if you have a whole bunch of super low ticket things that you’re going to get from me. I’m not going to make any money on my free plus shipping things, but it stimulates the frequency of buying in my customers, which makes them better customers when I do come out with the big things. They’re used to buying weekly from me, they’re enjoying it. There’s an addiction that comes with that. I don’t know about you, but I’m addicted to buying things. I love buying things. I want to feed that addiction through frequency.

So that’s my thought for you, just think about that. How do you stimulate frequency in your customers? Doesn’t have to be weekly like me, because that’s going to be kind of crazy for most people, even for me. I don’t know how I’m going to keep up with that. But for you, think about that. Maybe it’s once a month, how do you get them, how do you increase frequency of buying?

So anyway, there you go. And I’m going to leave it there for today, but hopefully this stimulates some thoughts in your mind. How do you know this? How do you increase the R, the F, the M? How do you increase all those across the board? So if you start thinking about that and stimulating it. I need people who buy recently so, that comes back to frequency too. If I’m going to get people to buy something each week, they’re recent, and they’re frequent. So I kind of kill two birds with one stone. Two things are increased in my list of customer health. Next is monetary value, obviously free plus shipping is not, but if you sprinkle it every six weeks or every quarter with a high ticket thing, boom, it increases monetary value and keeps this thing going. And it increases the health base of your customer list.

So that’s what I’m thinking about this New Year’s.  Hope it gives you guys some ideas as well. There’s some magic to this you guys. I looking right now at our, in fact I got a video from John on our team the other day. He’s like, “Look, our cult is way better than their cult.” I’m like, “What?” and I look at this video and he’s showing our social stuff versus Lead Pages, versus InfusionSoft, and if you look at it, our social profile is like, boom, trending up. People talking about us, trending up. All these things are trending up. Then you look at  Lead Pages, trending down. Then you look at InfusionSoft, trending down. No one’s talking about them. Nobody care about them. What’s the difference? Boom, we’re stimulating growth, stimulating conversations, making things exciting, building a culture. Now we’re going to start increasing the frequency of this stuff and it’s going to be insane. I’m so excited.

Anyway, appreciate you all. I gotta go get some groceries or my wife’s going to kill me. So I will talk to you guys all again soon. Have an amazing New Years. You’re probably going to hear this after New Years, so I hope you had an amazing New Years. If you’re listening to this after Thursday go get your free MP3 player at Thanks everybody, talk to you guys soon.

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