
Marketing Secrets

Welcome To Russell Brunson’s Marketing Secrets Podcast. So, the big question is this, “How are entrepreneurs like us, who didn’t cheat and take on venture capital, who are spending money from our own wallets, how do we market in a way that lets us get our products and services and things that we believe in out to the world… and yet still remain profitable?” That is the question, and this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Russell Brunson, and welcome to
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Marketing Secrets







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Sep 7, 2017

On this episode Russell goes over the third step in the new Clickfunnels onboarding process, which is creating an offer. Here are the amazing things you will hear in today’s episode:

  • Why creating an offer is one of the most important, yet least understood parts of the process.
  • What the difference between having a product and having an offer is.
  • And how to create an offer that is sexy and attractive to a customer.

So listen here to find out why creating an offer is so important.


What’s up everybody, this is Russell again. Welcome to the third of our onboarding videos here in the funnel hacking series. This one is obviously in the Marketing Secrets podcast so this, if you’ve been watching the last two days these are clips from the new Clickfunnels onboarding process to help you understand the core concepts of how to get your business, idea, product, service off the ground inside of Clickfunnels.

If you missed 1 and 2 go back, these are part of a sequence, there’s a series of four. The titles inside of Marketing Secrets will be the Funnel Hacker Onboarding 1, 2, 3, and 4. So go and watch 1 and 2 first and come back here for number 3. Number 3 we’re talking about creating an offer.

Alright, so this is probably one of the most important, yet least understood parts of this whole game, it’s how you actually create an offer. It’s one of those things that I think I have done so often over the last few years, I forget what goes into it. It’s been interesting as we’ve launched Two Comma Club Coaching, Steven’s been working with all these people going through it and one of the biggest questions people have, and I don’t think people say it like, “I don’t know how to create an offer.” But they’re struggling, their offers are really bad. So they’re stuck at that point, so we’re like how do we fix the offers. And we’ve been going back and forth brainstorming how you explain this.

This video you’re going to watch is part of the new Clickfunnels onboarding process, it’s all about how to create an offer the right way. And hopefully this gets the wheels in your head spinning. More so you understand what an offer actually is. If you understand, and some of you think you know what an offer is but you’re still not doing it. If you understand it I think it’ll help. So let’s watch that video right now, it’ll help you guys actually craft your offer the right way.

Alright, welcome back. This is a concept that is one of the least understood, yet one of the most important. I’m hoping that I can do this justice so you understand. This is a concept that we call creating an offer. What is an offer? An offer is, if you were asking somebody for their money or their email address or their phone number or their attention, you’re trading it with them. It’s all about trading something for attention, money whatever.

And it comes down to an offer and why a lot of people struggle in this business is that they don’t understand the concept of making offers. Now, what I learned when I got started over a decade ago was that you have to create a lot of offers to find out what people actually like. What is an offer? An offer is not a product. I see a lot of people who move from selling things on Amazon and they come over to CLickfunnels and they’re used to on Amazon selling a product.

The problem with selling a product is that typically if you’re a product, you’re a commodity. When you’re a commodity what happens is that everybody races down to the bottom. For example, when I had my supplement company, I was selling my supplements as an offer and there were people selling the exact same supplement as me on Amazon and we were selling ours for $67 a bottle, and they were selling theirs for $19.95 a bottle. I was making way more money than them because I had created an offer.

So an offer is taking things and combining them together. If I’m just selling a supplement bottle, it’s only worth whatever that thing is. And then people are going to price shop and figure out what’s the cheapest and they’re going to go for it. If I sell, if someone’s selling a supplement bottle and I’m selling the same supplement, but instead of just the supplement mine comes with a weight loss guide, food calorie tracker or whatever, these are things I can bundle together into an offer and now this worth way more than the other thing over here.

If you look at companies like Groupon and Living Social, I’m not a big fan of people running their businesses into those things, but if you look at them, they’ve become really good at creating offers for local businesses. A lot of local businesses I saw prior to Groupon would run ads that were just like, “Hey we’ve been in business for 49 years, we’re family loved and locally owned.” That was what they were selling on their pages, but that’s not an offer.

An offer is like, “Hey, if you come to us we will give you this thing.” Now most of Groupon and Living Social offers, they are big discounts. Come in and normally it’s this much money and you’re going to get this much. And that is one way to do offers, by giving it a really good offer, a special offer discount price. But then a lot of you guys don’t want discount prices, which I understand as well. So an offer doesn’t just have to be discounting prices. It can be bundling things together.

If you think about this from a, if you’re a doctor or something like that, an offer, a product is like, “Hey we do adjustments.” Or “Hey we fix eyes.” An offer is like a treatment plan. “Hey when you come in you’re going to get this and get this and we’re going to put together this cool thing.” So your ability to have success with funnels and any kind of business is your ability to create really good, irresistible offers. What’s an offer that people have to have so bad that they’re like, “Oh, I have to give this person my email address because I need that thing.”

What’s the offer that you have? We talked about before the value ladder, we’re taking people through the steps of the value ladder, so I’m trying to give value to people, but with that, the way that I get that value is that I create an offer for them. Sometimes offers are free, sometimes they’re paid. Let’s say for example somebody comes to, in fact, the offers starts clear back on the ad. The ad is not going to say, “Hey, we’ve been family owned and operated for 49 years. Click here to find out more.” That’s a horrible offer. That’s the worst offer ever.

But if it’s like, “Hey are you struggling with whatever, this kind of pain or whatever? If so, find out how we can get rid of your pain in the next three weeks.” Boom, that’s an offer. They’re like, “What is that?” so they click on the page, they come to the next step in the funnel, the very first page they land on and there I’m making them this offer. “Hey, so if you want to figure out your pain, I wrote a report, it’s a 6 page report, and it’s going to walk you through the fastest ways to get out of pain. If you give me your email address, I will trade you this thing.” Okay, I just made them an offer.  That was an offer.

So then they trade it and on the next page, I’m like, “Cool, we just sent you the thing, but if you’re still in pain, we’re a local client here, we’ve been doing this for 50 years…” and what most people would do on this page is be like, “Hey we sent you the guide, we’ve been family owned and operated for the last 29 years. Blah blah blah, you should come into our clinic.” The problem with that is there’s not an offer, you’re just bragging about yourself and nobody cares about you.

What do they care about? Them. We used to have a saying, WIIFM, what’s in it for me. So what’s in it for them? So instead of saying, “Family owned and operated.” The offer’s like, “Hey, thanks so much we just you the pdf in your email and it’s got your 6 ways to get out of pain. But right now, I’m sure you’re hurting and I want to make you a very special offer. What we’re going to do is if you call the phone number right now, I want to get you out of pain immediately, so call this number or buy this thing, and when you do that we’re going to give you this, this, and….” And you create an offer for them.

Come into our clinic and we’re going to give you natural headache medicine, we’re going to give you an adjustment, we’re going to give you a free massage, or whatever that thing is, you create an actual offer for them. They buy that, the upsell then is to give them another offer. But every single one of these steps in your funnel, from the ad to the landing page to the upsells, the downsells, to the registration, anything you’re doing in any kind of funnel, it doesn’t matter which one it is. It’s all about creating really, really good offers. And that’s how you provide value for people as you’re moving them through the value ladder.

A lot of people they think about offers from a standpoint of this is the product I’m actually selling, but again it’s not just the selling of the product, it’s every single step. The offers on the ad, the offers on the landing page, and the offers are shifting as you’re providing more value through the value ladder.

Now one way to do this, there’s a concept we talk about a lot here in Clickfunnels, our internal community we call this funnel hacking. What funnel hacking is all about it going out there and seeing what other people are doing and getting ideas for other offers. And sometimes you’re looking for offer ideas from people that are in your same industry, so say you’re a dentist, let’s say you’re selling information products or whatever, you can look, how are other people creating offers that irresistible, sexy offers. We’re looking at those type of things and funnel hacking other people and saying, “On their landing page they offered me this and then on the upsell they offered me this.” And just getting ideas of different ways to structure offers.

Now if your funnel’s not working, there’s usually a few reasons why one might not work. One is the traffic might be bad, but if the traffic is good and they’re coming to your funnel, one of the biggest things to look at if it’s not working is, nobody’s opting in because your offer sucks. We gotta talk about this internally. If your offer sucks, you need to crank it up and make it more sexy. “My offer right now is to come into my clinic and you get three visits for the price of one.” And if nobody’s coming in, it means your offer’s lame. Nobody wants it. You gotta change the offer, make it better and make it better.

A lot of times I might make 4, 5, or 6 different offers before I find the one that people resonate with, that’s the one they’re excited for. Now they start coming in. You figure out the right offer, everything else is taking care of itself. So that’s what I want you guys kind of thinking through. Again, it’s something that’s kind of counter intuitive because most people in business are used to going to Amazon and seeing a picture of the bottle and the five bullet points of why it’s awesome and here’s how you can get it super cheap and we got two day delivery.

That’s not an offer. People that compete like that, people like me come in and we destroy them because it’s like, let’s create a sexy offer that makes it so this product is worth way more, even though it can be a similar product, but I have these other things that I bundled together and made it an actual offer, it’s worth more money.

I can charge more money, and if I can charge more money, what do we know? Whoever can spend the most money to acquire a customer wins. The reason why my supplement companies blew up, again because these guys I was competing against on Amazon, they were able to spend up to $20 to sell a product, where my bottles were $67 and we upsold them bigger bundles, we had other things, so I could spend 2 or 300 dollars to get a customer, where they could spend $19. It’s all about creating offers and understanding that.

So I want you guys thinking through that. How can you create an offer, what could the offer be on each of the steps inside of your funnel? This is your homework. Take the funnel you created from the funnel cookbook walk through, look at all the different pages, on the last video you kind of looked at value ladder. What’s the value I’m trying to give them here and here and here? And now you’re figuring out what’s the offer I’m going to give them in each step in this process? What is the thing that we’re trading here? I’m giving them value, they’re giving me something and I’m giving them an offer and they’re giving me something, email or credit card, or registration or whatever it is for your funnel and then think about the next page. Now that they’re on the webinar, what’s the value I’m going to provide and what’s the offer? And then the next phase.

And so, hopefully you see how these things are tying together, you have the value ladder, how you are giving value at each level in the process and then what’s the offer that we’re wrapping that around to actually give them the value and then that’s the next step.

And then the next video we’re going to go through is actually going to talk about, what are the words, we call this copy. What’s the copy on each of the pages in this process to actually sell that and get them excited about giving you their money, or their email address, or whatever the thing might be. So that’s the next step. That’s your assignment for right now, so go do that you guys. We’ll see you on the next training.

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