
Marketing Secrets

Welcome To Russell Brunson’s Marketing Secrets Podcast. So, the big question is this, “How are entrepreneurs like us, who didn’t cheat and take on venture capital, who are spending money from our own wallets, how do we market in a way that lets us get our products and services and things that we believe in out to the world… and yet still remain profitable?” That is the question, and this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Russell Brunson, and welcome to
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Now displaying: April, 2013
Apr 26, 2013

This is the #1 secret to breaking free from the fear that is keeping you from the success you want.


Hey everybody, this is Russell Brunson. I want to welcome you to the Marketing in Your Car podcast. Today, I actually just got my haircut and I'm driving back home. It was kind of fun, before my haircut, I had somebody call me and they're writing a book, and they want to interview me about success and about stuff like that for the book.

One of the questions that they asked me sparked a thought that I wanted to pass on this podcast. Any of you guys thinking about it as well, basically, the question had to do with why do most people not succeed. What's the reason behind it? Is it fear of success? Is it fear of failure? What is it that causes most people not to succeed? What do you do different that has made it possible for you to have great success?

I started thinking about that. It reminded me of one night, one of my close friends, he's a chiropractor. He just started his chiropractic clinic. It was kind of struggling. He called me one night and asked if I could talk, so we went over to his clinic and sat down and just started talking for a couple of hours.

I could see he was in a really bad place. He was just very concerned and freaking out, and all sorts of stuff. He was just very scared of all the stuff that could happen. Because of that, he didn't know what to do and he couldn't move. He was kind of stuck in this really bad spot. I remember I sat there and thought for a minute.

Then I asked him, I said, “For you to be successful, you got to do what I do. You need to look at what is the worst case scenario.” He said, “Worst case scenario, I go bankrupt.” I'm like, “What does that mean?” “If I go bankrupt, then this, this, this.”

I'm like, “You got to dig deeper. What are your real fears? If bankruptcy is the worst case scenario, what are your fears about that?” “Well, if that happened, that means I would probably lose my house, and if I did that, I would lose this, and this would happen.” I made him sit down and we actually mapped out what was the worst case scenario.

What was that thing? He listed it out. I said, “Look, if you're going to be successful in this venture, you have to be okay with the worst case scenario. Until you are completely okay with the worst case scenario,” I said, “you will be so scared, you won't be willing to gamble the dice and do what you need to do in order to be successful in this business.”

After awhile, he said, “You know what, you're right. I'm okay with that. If that's the worst case scenario, I can live with that. If that's what's going to happen, that's what's going to happen.” As soon as he was able to accept that, then he was able to start producing and start getting out there and actually doing what he needed to do to be successful in the game.

I think that that's a lesson for people in any area of life. In wrestling, I had the same thing. In business, I've had the same thing multiple times where if I don't know what the worst case scenario is, I can’t be successful. A little while ago, we had our merchant account shut down. We had 100 employees that had almost a million dollars a month in payroll, overhead, and expenses, and we lost our merchant accounts.

I remember I went to this paralyzing fear. I didn't know what to do and I didn't know how to move or how to react. I was just stuck. I remember sitting there thinking, “Man, I'm kind of in a bad spot.” It wasn't until I sat down and did this same exercise myself and I said, “What is the worst case scenario?” I said, “Worst case, I've got to shut down our company or I kick out people. I got to file for bankruptcy,” whatever it might be.

I listed those things out and I had to become okay with that. The second I was okay with that, saying, “Look, if that's the worst thing that's going to happen, I can deal with that,” suddenly, that paralyzing fear disappeared and I was able to step up and to produce and do what I needed to do to break through and create something better than the worst case scenario.

That's I think where leadership really comes from. As leaders, we have to have a vision of where we want to go, and then we have to be willing and able to guide ourselves and our team and get there, and be willing to act and move but if we're scared of the worst case scenario, and we keep pushing it to the back of our mind because we don't want to think about it, that will paralyze you and keep you from taking the action you need.

Step number one for any of you guys is list out what's the worst case scenario in the situation. Then become okay with that, and then build a vision to make something better than the worst case. Make something as great and amazing as you can but realize that the worst thing that could possibly happen is that, and if I'm okay with that, then I've got the ability to move and to really shine.

I look at my wrestling. When I was all the way through high school and all the way through college, I was the kind of wrestler I was good in practice but I was much better on the mat. I think part of it was because of my attitude where it was kind of like if I lost, I didn't really care because there's always the next match and the next tournament.

I just competed at a higher level than I think my skill set was. I would always, if you look back at high school and college, I always upset people that I shouldn't have beat because I stepped on the mat and I would just go out there. I think the reason is because a lot of times, people didn't want to lose so bad that I was able to beat them.

For me, my senior year in college was the first time I ever experienced that. I knew people had this problem but I never experienced it until my senior year. My senior year, my very first match, I wrestled a kid who ended up winning the NCAs and was a two-time NCA champ, three time or four time finalist.

I wrestled in this match. I lose to him by one point. I was frustrated but I was like, “Man, I'm at that level. I'm close enough that I should be in the All American this year.” That was my goals. After that match, everything started going downhill. I ended up losing insane amount of matches afterward.

It was so embarrassing to me. I realized later on in the season, luckily I was able to pull myself out of it about halfway through the season, but I realized that my fear of the worst case, because this was my last year, I had to prove it. Everything in my entire career was on the line for this and I had to prove that I could do it.

Because of that, I wasn't able to produce. I wasn't able to succeed and I didn't wrestle as well as I should. I think my senior year is probably my worst year because of that, because I was so afraid, “This is my last shot.” I just want you guys to think about that, if you're in athletics, if you're in business, and in your personal life, your marriage, your family.

Whatever it is, you've got to become okay with the worst case scenario because as soon as you do, it's the most freeing experience you will experience. It gives you the ability to step up and produce, and do what you need to do to get your job done. That is my words of wisdom for today. I hope you enjoyed it. I hope that you got some value out of it.

If you like this, if you like our podcast at all, please go to iTunes and rate us. I would love to see some feedback. It's kind of fun to see some of the reviews coming in. We appreciate you guys. I hope that you get a lot of value out of this, and I will talk to you all tomorrow on our next podcast. Thanks, everybody.

Apr 25, 2013

Learn a few strategies for making a ton of $$$ by using Google hangouts. This will work for any business to double your sales immediately and increase long term sales.


Hey everyone, this is Russell Brunson again from and this is the Marketing in Your Car podcast. Today, I'm going to talk about a tool that we've been using like crazy. I would say this year, I bet you this tool makes me more money than anything else that we've had. That tool is called Google Hangouts.

Google Hangouts are like this cool new thing. They're awesome for a lot of reasons. If you haven't been on one yet, Google Hangout is basically, you jump on your webcam and you can have four or five, I think you can have up to ten other people jump on as well. You see all their little webcams. Whoever talks, it shows their video up top and little head shots of the people down below. Then when they talk, it jumps them up. It's pretty cool.

Last night, I was actually interviewed by the Huffington Post through a live Google Hangout. It was me and three other experts who are on there, along with a host. It was a really fun experience because it was just like I was in the studio getting interviewed for the news, except for I was sitting in my bedroom with my laptop, and it was really cool. I saw how they were using it.

They're using it on a big scale. They're actually publishing a live 24 hour a day news show using Google Hangouts. They had a producer and people. It was really exciting, really cool actually. First of all, I want to say anyone who wants to start your own news channel, you can do it with Google Hangouts. These guys, obviously Huffington Post is a huge company but they were able to do it.

They have the same technology we all have. Google Hangouts is completely free so it was pretty cool, but then we're using it in our business in a lot of other ways. Right now, some of you guys know with Rippln we're going to be rolling out, we've been doing tons of Google Hangouts. Everyday, I do a Google Hangout and have everyone on our team bring their teams to the Google Hangout, kind of like back in the day with network marketing companies, they were grown through hotel meetings.

This is kind of like a hotel meeting that we do every single day at noon for 30 minutes. We get people on, get excited, we sign them up, and then the next day, they bring back their friends. We just keep doing this process over and over again. Our team is growing. We're at 26,000 plus this morning and growing like wildfire. It's pretty exciting.

Now, some of the other interesting things, we've been using Google Hangouts also to sell product, a lot of product. In fact, we had this friend and they did a webinar. They put it on for a week ahead of time. They did the webinar, and then on the webinar, they sold $70,000 worth of product. They did pretty well.

Then the next day, they did a Google Hangout. The Hangout was basically just with everybody who had been on the webinar, and it was to answer questions. They sat on there for three or four hours just answering questions, talking to people about it, getting them excited, and ended up almost doubling the sales during the Google Hangout which is pretty amazing.

Then the other exciting thing is Google Hangouts are run like they stream live on YouTube so as soon as the Hangout was over, it was kind of cool because people during the Hangout can ask questions and all that kind of stuff. People were asking questions and they were responding. As soon as they're done, all those questions, all those comments instantly turn into YouTube comments.

The second the video was live, there's 1000 comments that pop in there. It's just amazing that because of the comments, because it's YouTube and because Google wants to award people for doing Google Hangouts right now, they're ranking those videos very, very high. This guy, he had done $70,000 on the live webinar. I think he did a $60,000 on the Google Hangout but that Google Hangout was archived on Google and he was ranked number one for the product name, for what he was selling.

For the next three or four months, people kept searching for that product name and he told me he sold over $50,000 more in stuff from people who would just stumble upon his Google Hangout that is now there and archived for the rest of time and all eternity. It's kind of interesting because he did that work once, and that sales presentation he made will continue to sell for him forever.

Really, that's one of the magical, powerful things about Google Hangouts. After you're done, those things are archived forever and they'll keep closing sales for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week for forever. When you're dead and when your kids are dead, and your grandkids are dead, those things will still be closing sales for you.

It's exciting. For those who have not tried Google Hangouts yet, they're completely free. Just go into your Google Plus account. On the right-hand side, there's a big button that says Hangout. You click on it, boom, you invite some friends to it, you name it, you stream it live, and you can do it. I just recommend jumping in and doing one.

Just do one for fun. I'm going to do one today with just myself on it just to create the video that I can then use in a promotional video. That's the other thing is you make quick promotional videos by making Hangouts. There are a lot of really cool ways to use it but it's by far one of the most powerful tools we've ever used for converting customers, for driving traffic, for sustaining your sales message, and it's a super powerful tool.

If you haven't done a Google Hangout yet, go and do it. I'm at the office right now. I'm going to be doing three or four Hangouts on queue for myself to do today so I'm going to go jump on one right now, and make some money. You guys should be doing it as well. Thanks everybody.

Apr 23, 2013

I hate when people give their opinion on what is good and bad.  The only thing that matters is what works in an actual test.  The writers at TechCrunch need to understand that the only thing that matters in a new company is results… Not what they think is cool.


Hey, everyone. This is Russell Brunson with, and this is the “Marketing in Your Car” podcast. This is the first podcast where I haven’t actually been in my car. I’m actually at my office right now, because today I’m going to go on a little bit of a rant. The title of this rant is “Your Opinion is Irrelevant” [laughs]. The reason why I’m doing this, and you may think I’m upset, but I’m actually really, really excited.

Rippln got written up in “TechCrunch”. TechCrunch is a huge tech blog, and most people dream about having their company, their startup, talked about in TechCrunch. So that was an exciting thing, except for the fact that the TechCrunch articles says, “What Not to Do in Your Startup Promo Video”. Now this made me smile, because I was the one who created the startup promo video. I wrote the copy for it. We got it animated, and we’ve used it to roll out. Now I’m going to read you this article first. I’m going to bleep out the curse words, because he uses a lot of them, but this is what it says.

It says,

“Thanks to my job, I get to see a lot of stupid B.S., most gets filtered out, but every now and then, something just rises up that’s so ridiculously stupid, it’s just begging to be called out. That’s the case with this promotional video from the kind folks at Rippln , which is more or less a two-minute case study for how not to pitch your soon to be ultra-viral app to the general public, or to the press, or to potential employees, or investors.

So, here’s the step-by-step of what not to do in your video. First, don’t tell us your app is going to be viral before it’s even friggin’ released. Second, don’t expect the press to cover your stupid app before it’s been released, except for maybe in posts parodying it. Number three, don’t assume your friends or family members will be talking about it. Likewise, don’t assume strangers will be coming up to you on the friggin’ streets to talk about it. Number four, don’t say your stupid app is going to change the way we communicate, or call it “the biggest breakthrough since e-mail”. Next, don’t promise that your app will change how commerce, either online or off line, is happening – definitely not both. Don’t promise again that your stupid app is going to go viral. Don’t compare its growth to Facebook or Twitter. Don’t pretend to know how people were talking to Mark Zuckerberg in the cafeteria at Harvard or how he would respond. Please don’t bring Adam D’Angelo into this. Also, if you must, don’t say he looks like a thirteen-year old. Don’t try to impress me with Adam D’Angelo’s net worth. Wait, why are we talking about Adam D’Angelo again? Don’t make your stupid app sound like some sort of exclusive club with an inner circle, and talk about how lucky we are to be able to be invited in and “curse word”. VELVET ROPE? INNER CIRCLE? F*, NO. INVITE FIVE LEADERS? WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU? Don’t say there’s a brief window for me to join, but please, if there is, let’s hope this abominable window closes soon, because this startup sucks. Don’t pretend to have trade secrets. Trade secrets? Don’t refer to an NDA when you really mean personal information collecting form to use in our B.S. marketing. Also, who signs an NDA on YouTube? And don’t participate in the general douchebaggery which pretty much describes this entire video.”

When I read that, at first I was kind of upset about it. Then I started thinking about it. I want to show you guys some of the stats, because if you haven’t seen what’s been happening behind the scenes in Rippln, it’s going crazy.

In the first seven days, we had over 150,000 people register for this site by filling out an NDA. Now this is through a manual process. No one has been able to mass-promote it, so it’s kind of cumbersome to even have happen, yet, holy cow, it’s working. Right now, it is growing faster than Facebook or Twitter. Right now, it is going viral. The press is covering it, including TechCrunch [laughs], whether they like it or not. Most people’s friends or family members have talked to them about it, and total strangers have been contacting us about it, as well. Right now, the app is changing how we communicate, so it’s kind of funny that all of these things that he’s angry about have all been prophetic. Every one of these things is happening and has happened.

The fact that there’s this huge divide means that the copy on the video worked perfectly. The goal with copy and with a video is never to unite everyone into your cause. It’s to split people in half. When you split people in half, there is polarity, and polarity is a good thing. It creates an “us versus them” situation, and it’s good, so when all is said and done, he’s giving his opinions about why he does not like the video, yet the video is working. It’s working like crazy. It’s helping this grow out faster than any other tech company, any other startup that I’ve ever seen. Based on our current numbers, projections for month number one, when Rippln goes live, are $100,000,000 in month number one, which is interesting, considering most startups that are featured on TechCrunch don’t make any money. In fact, there’s one guy’s comment down here that I really appreciated, and so I’m going to read them to you guys, too.

He says,

“One of the biggest problems you have in the tech scene is lack of marketing ability. You have people who have amazing products, apps, software, et cetera, but nobody ever hears about them. One of the big reasons behind it is the aversion that people in the Valley seem to have to effective direct marketing. People see that firms like Google and Apple hate direct marketing, so they figure they should, too. Well, Google and Apple both have billions of dollars at hand. They can afford to hate the most cost-effective form of advertising in the world. People are afraid to sell, because they don’t want to look like jerks or douchebags. Well, personally, I feel like more of a douchebag if I couldn’t make the mortgage than I would by aggressively selling to people. Amazing products go undiscovered and companies go broke in the Valley every single year because people are afraid to push the envelope a little bit with marketing. There are billions-of-dollars companies in the Valley that could have an amazing impact on people’s lives, but they will never get the chance, because people in the Valley are afraid to sell.

Anyway, back to my starting point here. In my original post, I acted like a jerk towards the author, and I apologize for that.”

And he goes on about how he’s not a part of Rippln, and blah, blah, blah. Again, I want to come back to how someone can write an article about why something doesn’t work, which this guy’s trying to do, but it’s working. He says, “What Not to Do in Your Startup Promo Video”, and this happens to be the most successful startup promo video in the history of the Internet, and he’s telling us that it’s a bad case study. Yet it’s working perfectly, so I think it’s ironic, and it makes me smile and makes me laugh.

I just want everyone to understand that your opinion does not matter. Right now we’re finishing up our first issue of the new “Dot Com Secrets” lab’s newsletter, which has been all about the split test we ran. In ninety percent of the split tests we ran, I assumed that the other version would win, and I was wrong. Our opinions do not matter. The only thing that matters in the marketing world is what works, and this obviously is working. Today we should pass 200,000 people in Rippln, and again, we are eight days into this thing, so I’d like to see TechCrunch or any of the other companies featured in TechCrunch do something that’s even close to that with their startup videos. Yeah, it’s not going to happen.

So if you want an example of good copy and what’s working, and you don’t care about your opinion, you just care about what actually works in this world, check out the Rippln NDA video, or just go to TechCrunch and read their article, and tell them your opinion about the fact that, “Your opinion doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is results, and, holy crap, this is getting results.”

So there’s my rant, you guys. Don’t be shy about your marketing. You’re right. They’re wrong. Do whatever works. That’s how you’re going to change the world. You don’t change the world by being scared of selling and by hiding behind fancy company names and a bunch of other crap like that. There’s my opinion. I hope you agree with it. If not, I don’t really care, because, again, your opinion doesn’t matter in this situation. The only thing that matters is what works, and this is working like crazy.

I appreciate you guys. If you liked this podcast, please tell your friends about it, and also, I’d love if you would leave any feedback on our channel. We’re trying to get some more feedback, because we’re a brand-new podcast, but we’re having fun so far, and we’ll talk soon. Thanks, everybody.

Apr 19, 2013

Want an idea for a business reality show that would actually be worth watching?


Hello, everyone. This is Russell Brunson from, and this is the “Marketing from Your Car” podcast. I’m on my way to the office right now, and I wanted to make you guys a podcast. I guess this is a bit of a rant, a little bit.

Recently I’ve been watching TIVO’d episodes of my favorite shows [laughs], and I’m sure you guys know how it is. You record them all, and when you actually have the time then you watch one and knock it out. I just watched one of the most recent “Celebrity Apprentice” episodes. My first rant is that I wish they’d get rid of Celebrity Apprentice and go back to the real “Apprentice”, because that show was a lot better.

But even with that, this is my real frustration with that show. If you guys ever watch it, each week they have two different teams. The teams get different tasks, and what’s interesting is that the way they choose the winners is, basically Donald Trump – or they’ll get a company, like they had Australian Gold Suntan Lotion on this the last one I was watching. They each get to make a commercial for the company, and then they pick the winner based on whose commercial they like more. As a direct response marketer, that drives me crazy, because it’s not based on what converts more, or what makes you more money, it’s based on one person’s opinion.

It makes me laugh, because we’ve been doing a lot of testing lately in our company, and most of the times, the test that I think is going to win, loses. It’s really interesting. In fact, there’s a site called It’s really a fascinating site. Every day they give out different tests, and they show the “A” and the “B” – the split tests, and you get to vote on which one you think is going to win. Ninety percent of the time, we pick the wrong one. I’m somebody who’s been in this business for a long time. I’ve had my head in this more than most people, and we still don’t pick it right. What drives me crazy is that they base those tasks not on performance or on anything, it’s based on which one we like better.

If we were going to make a show that was actually legit and actually was a good show, they should do it like “Pitchman”. I don’t know if anybody’s ever seen Pitchman before. I believe Billy Mays passed away. That show was awesome. What they would do at the beginning of the show would be to pick five or six different products that they wanted to make infomercials for, and they’d narrow it down to two or three. They would show the process of making an infomercial and filming it and all that kind of stuff.

Then what they did, and this is the cool part, is they’d actually take that infomercial, and they’d air it live. They’d air all of them. They’d give them a $20,000 test budget, and they’d test all three of them. Then they’d come back afterwards, and they would show the results. They would call each person. It was cool. They would call each person up on the phone and say, “Hey, we ran your show and [pauses] unfortunately the numbers didn’t back it up. It’s not going to be a winner,” or they’d call them up and say, “Hey, just so you know, we went three times over on the front end. You’ve got a winner. Congratulations, you’ll be a millionaire within six months,” that kind of thing. It was, “That’s awesome. That’s exciting.”

That’s something to get motivated by versus, “Hey, Gary Busey made a commercial and he didn’t have a hero shot in it, so he lost.” –“Seriously? Who says a hero shot is going to get anything to convert better or make more money at all?” It just fascinates me, and so I just want all of us to be thinking about that.

I don’t know about you guys, but I’m addicted to ads. I’m addicted to watching what’s happening on TV and on the radio. It’s fun for me to watch, not because I care about the creative part of it, but because I care about what’s going to work. What can I pull from that and use in my own advertising? We need to become accountable to our ads. If we’re not, and we want to pull them and make a Donald Trump and just throw crap out there, we have no idea what’s actually going to happen.

I had a chance to go to a Super Conference, one of Dan Kennedy’s Super Conferences, and they had a guy named – I think his name was Lenny Liebermann. He’s one of the owners or the founders or partners – I’m not sure which, in – what’s that company? They have the skincare stuff for night. That’s funny. I’m going to blank out right now. It’s a billion dollar brand. I can't remember what it is now. Anyway, it's all of this skincare. You can wash your face, and you get rid of acne and zits, and all of that kind of stuff, and I respect that company so much. But what's interesting about that is they are $1 billion brand, and he said, “We never will run any type of advertising where we can't track the ROI. Believe me, it's been so tempting at times, where in the playoffs they want you to rent the backboard and things like that, or they want you to buy an ad here and there. If we can't track the results, we will not spend money on it,” and that's why they've grown to a billion-dollar brand.

They're one of the few brands that I actually respect, because they're doing it the right way. They are not like a lot of the brands out there that you see that have, "Here're our advertising budgets. We have $4 million for the year. Blow it on whatever you want," which is how most of these guys’ budgets work. That's how Burger King, McDonald's, all of those are. There's no accountability whatsoever. It's just, "Hey, let's spend some money on ads," and that's just fascinating to me.

I just want us all to realize that as direct response marketers, that's what matters – what converts better or not. It’s not, “What do you like better, or what's prettier, or what does your mom or dad think is cool, or what Donald Trump thinks looks the best?” It's what actually is going to convert better when you put it out there in the marketplace.

I think it would be a lot better show if that's how it ran – where everyone makes their ad. They run it, see who wins, and go from there. In fact, that's a good idea for a reality show. If any of you guys want to do that, that's the game plan – basically make an infomercial. Do the whole concept of getting two teams and having them each build an infomercial, run some media, and see which one wins. That would actually be a fascinating show. It would be fun to watch, because then you could dissect it. –“Why did this one win? Why is this one better?” As opposed to, "Oh, the executives thought this was cooler [laughs].”

Anyway, that's my thoughts on it. If anyone wants to make that reality show, let me know. I'll be part of it. It would be awesome. It would be a lot of fun.

That's it for today, guys. I'm at the office. I hope you guys enjoyed this, and please leave comments down below. We'd love to hear back if you like the show, or if you have any ideas or topics you want me to discuss on my drive in. We'll talk to you all soon.

Apr 18, 2013

On this episode, Russell talks about his 8 hour marathon hangout and the ONLY thing you need to get your business to 7 figures a year.


Hey, everybody. This is Russell Brunson from the “Marketing in Your Car” podcast at Right now, I’m actually headed to the gym, because I don’t want to go the gym this afternoon, so I’m going this morning [laughs]. This is actually the “Marketing on Your Way to the Gym” podcast this morning. It’s been a couple of day since I did a podcast, mostly – oh, I just hit a squirrel. Oh, he survived. Good, he missed me [laughs]. That was close.

I’ve been gone. I was out of town, in Dallas, because there’s a new network marketing company launching. I’ve spent the last seven months or so building out all of their sales processes, and scripting their videos, and all of that kind of fun stuff with it. They actually went live on Saturday, so it’s been kind of a whirlwind nightmare and exciting all at the same time. I’m sure that if you were on Facebook or on Twitter that you have been pounded by it, which is probably kind of annoying to some people, but it’s a good thing from my standpoint, because the word is out, it’s growing fast. It’s on the first leg. This is Tuesday morning, so it’s been live basically two and a half days. We’ve had over 35,000 people sign the NDA to find out what it is, and it's been exciting watching it. It's just growing like wildfire. I’ve had messages from people trying to get close to me. My voice is on all of the videos, so it kind of makes me laugh.

What was interesting, and what I want to talk about today is that there is a really good book written by Michael Masterson called “Ready, Fire, Aim”. In that book he talks about the skill sets and the things that you need for a business going from zero to a million dollars in a year, from a million to ten, from ten to fifty, and from fifty to a hundred. For most of us, we are not going to get past the ten million dollar mark. You might, but for me, I don't even want to. We got to ten million dollars once, and it was kind of a nightmare to manage.

But anyway, it was interesting – the skill set to go from zero to a million dollars – the whole book is funny. Most people will be focusing on getting the website perfect, getting their office set up, hiring the right staff and all of this stuff. He’s like, “The only thing that matters, if you want to go from zero to a million dollars, is sales. Sales are the only thing that matters. Getting in there, and cutting your teeth, and just selling, selling, selling, selling.” If you're going to read that book, it brings you back to that, because in all of our businesses, we make money when we sell. Most of us, when we start our businesses, if we’re entrepreneurs, that's how we get our start. It’s us out there selling and doing our best, and then somewhere when we start growing, we get away from that. I know for me, we always come back to that. When everything starts getting going down a little bit, you can come back and sell, and, “Boom,” it brings it back up.

Selling obviously is happening in a lot of different formats. You’ve sales letters, webinars, tele-seminars, videos. There are so many fun ways to sell online. Yesterday I did a kind of a fun experiment. Because this whole new company is launching, and we want to get a bunch of market share as quickly as we can to get a lot of people on our team, we decided to do a big huge Google hangout yesterday. We ended up doing Google Hangout for six or seven hours long. I can't remember. I was beat up by the end of it, but basically we got me and four or five other people on it, and we put it out to our list. For six or seven hours, we did this huge long hangout, closing people one at a time on why they should sign the NDA. It was actually really fun. It felt almost like we were on PBS – one of those telethons, because we'd be on there and get people to text us their information. We'd go and we'd fill out the form, and say, "congratulations, Mike. You just made it in. Go sign the NDA. Okay, so and so, I just got your text. We're doing you next."

Everyone was going back and forth, and there was a lot of energy in our office. It was really fun. But it reminded me about getting back to the roots of selling. We put everything else on hold the entire day, and did nothing but have our entire team all selling for the entire day. I look at – you know most days in the office, I'm working on a project. They're working on their little thing, and things slowly move forward, but the times we make huge jumps is when everybody’s selling. The energy in the room is from when all of that stuff is happening at once.

I think that in my company, we're going to do another telethon today, which is going to be fun. I would really set it up at least once a month where you get everyone on your team selling – something in place where that's the mindset and the culture of everyone – that selling is the most important thing. It's the lifeblood of our team. Whether it is, if you have an e-mail list, you sending an e-mail out to your list and having people calling in, or something that causes that to happen. You can get everyone on your team doing that. When you do it, it brings your team closer. Everyone understands that the way that they make money and get paid is by selling, and it just changes the culture a little bit.

Yesterday was such a neat, magical day. By the end of it, we were all tired and beat up, and we all just wanted to go home and crash, but that experience bonded us altogether, and I think it was really neat. That's what I recommend.

Again, first off, I'd go read Michael Masterson's book, "Ready, Fire, Aim", and even if you just read the chapters, the beginning two or three chapters, where it talks about going from zero to million dollars a year, that stuff is powerful, and it will get you back into the mindset of selling, selling, selling. Then do that with your team. Do that if it's just you. If you're a one person team, figure out a way you can just sit down and sell all day long, because when you start selling, you’re going to see what works, what doesn't work and it's by far the best way to start growing. If you have an existing business relationship, it will really expand if you just get back into the sales mindset.

That's about it for today. I just wanted to mention all of that stuff. That's what's going on in my life and at the top of my mind right now. I'm at my gym now, so I'm going to go. I appreciate you guys. If you enjoyed this podcast at all, please comment on it. I think I need a couple of more comments, and then I can actually get some stars showing on this thing which would be exciting. All right, talk to ya soon guys.

Apr 10, 2013

“If you haven’t offended someone by noon each day, then you aren’t marketing hard enough…” -Dan Kennedy


Hey, everyone. This is Russell Brunson from, and this is the “Marketing in Your Car” podcast. I’m actually heading to the office right now. It’s a little early today, because I’ve got a fun project I’m working on, and I wanted to get started before anyone else showed up.

Today I wanted to talk about something that hit me last night. The title of this podcast would be what we call “Dealing with the Haters.” If you guys watch “The Office,” which is wrapping up its last season, this week they had an episode where, they’ve been filming The Office for the last ten years as a being kind of like a reality show, and they released the trailer of that reality show on YouTube.

It was funny, because after they released it, all of these comments started coming in. One of the people mentions Andy Bernard and says, “Andy, are you the guy playing the banjo at minute 6:31? That guy is awesome.” He gets all excited and starts commenting back to people, and then when he does, someone comes back and says, “No, he’s not. He’s not cool. He’s stupid. We hate him,” and Andy takes this so personally. He’s like, “Arg!” and he starts responding back, and then the guy’s responding back to him, and there’s a big huge fight that’s going back and forth. Andy makes all of these personal response videos, and the people that hate him are going back and forth with him. It’s just the funniest thing how he deals with all of the people that hate him [laughs] and how it affected him so much.

I know what he’s talking about, because I had something like that happen last night, at the end of my day, and it just kind of put me in the wrong mood for a while. Now it actually got me into an even better mood today, because I had someone that sent me – and I get stuff like that. Anyone who’s out there, you’re going to get hate mail every once in a while, and I got some yesterday. Usually I don’t see that kind of stuff, but somehow they got to my personal e-mail inbox and so it really frustrated me.

Anyway, it was interesting because stuff like that used to really, really be hard for me. In fact, I used to do all of my own customer support, and there was a time when I was ready to just quit because I’m like, “I’m out here serving, and doing my best, and trying to help people as much as I can, and people are sending me hate mail. I don’t get it.”

I remember I had a mentor named Dan Kennedy, and I heard him say something once that really helped me a lot, so I’m putting this out here for you guys. If you’re in the limelight at all with your business, you’re going to get some of this. Dan Kennedy said that if you haven’t offended somebody by noon every day, then you’re not marketing hard enough. When he said that, it really gave me permission to blow those people off, and I want to give you guys that same permission.

When I was working with Tony Robbins, one thing he said to me was really interesting He said that there’s two ways to build the tallest building in town. The first way is to go out there and put a lot of sweat and effort and all of this stuff into something, and build the tallest building in town. The second way is to go around to everybody else’s buildings and knock them down, and that way you’re the tallest one.

That’s really the way that people are. Most people do not want to go out there and work their butts off to build the tallest building. They want to go and tear everybody else’s down because it makes them feel bigger, and that’s kind of how I felt with this thing yesterday. It was funny. They guy sent a nasty e-mail, “F-bomb this,” and what a horrible scumbag I am and all sorts of stuff. At first I couldn’t figure it out, like, “Who in the world is this guy?” I couldn’t figure out what he was talking about. Finally I realized that he was commenting on a promotion we did.

For those who are on some of our lists, we did this really cool local marketing webinar series where we had seven of the top local marketing experts in the world come on and basically show you exactly what they did in their business, and reveal the behind the scenes and show everything. They did each one of them like a two- or a three-hour webinar, so in all we had twenty hours of webinars. People could get on the webinars for free when they were live, and then at the end of the webinar, some of the speakers sold stuff, which is obviously how we monetized it.

What we did is we offered replays. –“We’re not showing anybody the replays, so if you want the replay, you’ve got to pay for it. It’s $97. You get the replay of all seven events, then you can go back and you can rewind it, you can listen to it, and learn all kinds of stuff. Plus as an extra bonus, I’m going to transcribe all seven of these events, so if you’re the kind of person that likes to read along, you can have the transcripts with it.”

I thought it was a good offer. I think for someone like me, I’d be like, “Man, if I can hear twenty hours of people doing the business that I want to be doing or the business that I am doing – seven people, some of the best in the world, and then I can actually have replays. I can watch it over and over and over again, and I can read the transcripts. That’s valuable to me.”

And so we priced it at $97, which I thought was a steal, and that’s what this guy was so upset about, saying basically, “How in the world dare you sell something digital for $97 where people can just... It’s something that’s just streaming off of your website. You shouldn’t be doing that,” and on and on and on and on. I was just shocked, and again, it really offended me at first. Then last night and this morning as I was getting ready, I was like, “You know what? He’s coming in and trying to knock down the tallest building in town. Why doesn’t he go out and provide his own value? Why doesn’t he go out and do something, as opposed to coming in here and just yelling at me and other people?”

It made me feel a little bit better, so I wanted to give you guys permission, right now, that if you get hate mail, if you get people that are upset or frustrated, don’t pull an Andy Bernard. Don’t go and complain and fight back and comment back on YouTube videos and stuff like that. Just ignore it, and then give yourself permission, like I said, from Dan Kennedy, “If you haven’t offended somebody by noon each day, you’re not marketing hard enough.” Let me give you that permission to go out there and do what you need to do. Just stop focusing on the people that don’t like you, and focus on the people that you’re serving. Focus on people whose lives are changing because of the good, the value, and the things you’re putting out there in the world.

We had over 10,000 people register for that webinar series. We’ve got hundreds of people sending e-mails and thanking us and success stories and all sorts of stuff coming in from it, and then there’s one dude who’s upset because we’re selling the replays. Don’t focus on the one dude that’s going to make you upset. Be grateful that you upset him, because that means you’re working hard. Focus on the people who love you. Focus on providing value to them.

I hope that helps you guys, and that’s about it. I’m at the office. I’ve got a fun day ahead of me today, so I’m excited. I hope you guys do, as well. If not, find a new job. Find a new line of work. Do something that you’re so passionate about. Right now, at 6:25 in the morning – I woke up early today, because I’m so excited to come in and start working on this project. Find something you’re that passionate about, and if you’re not yet, just go out there and seek it. You don’t have to do whatever you’re doing right now.

I have a close friend of mine who I love and care about a lot. He told me flat out, “This is what I wish I could do with my life,” and I said, “Why don’t you do that?” He said, “Well, I can’t because this.” He always had an excuse for why he couldn’t do it. He said, “I used to envy you, Russell, because you go out there, and you just do whatever you want to do.” I’m like, “Why don’t you just do it? It’s just a choice. You just have to do it.”

Figure out what you want to do. I ask myself probably once a month, “What do I want to be when I grow up?” and then I go and I work towards that. That’s a good thing to do –“What do you want to be when you grow up?” If you’re not passionate and in love with whatever it is that you’re doing, figure out what you want to be when you grow up, and go and do it. Just quit everything else and focus on that. Well, don’t quit everything else – obviously you’ve got to pay the bills. If you’re doing something, you know you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do, but work your face off to get towards whatever it is you want to be doing when you grow up, because this life is way too short to not do that.

Anyway, I appreciate you guys. If you liked this podcast at all, please comment on it. We’re six or seven episodes into this thing. , I think, and trying to get iTunes to give us some love. They ranked us on the first page. This is really cool. I was on iTunes the other day, and I was scrolling through the home page, and our podcast was in there, so congratulations, you guys, the listeners. We’ve got people listening, which is exciting. I just need you to go and review it so that we can get some stars in there and people on iTunes can find us. I appreciate you guys, and I will talk to you all tomorrow.

Apr 9, 2013

Russell talks about how fast a new idea went viral when it was locked behind NDA’s…


Hey, this is Russell Brunson with the “Marketing in Your Car” podcast from I am actually driving home from work today. I’ve had a really fun experience, and I want to share, because I think there’s some value in it for everybody.

This is what I want to talk about –the power of secrets [laughs]. Our company name is “Dot Com Secrets”, and I remember at one of my events that I did, I was telling someone, “Find some secrets, and that’s what you should be selling.” Someone told me, “We hate the word ‘secrets’. We want to change it to ‘strategies’.” I’m like, “You can do that, but secrets works.”

So here’s some more proof that the whole secretive concept is awesome. I do webinars, and we’ll promote them to our list of half a million people. From that, I might get five thousand people to register for a webinar, which is great. We make a lot of money with 5,000 people on a webinar. Last night, or actually it was two nights ago, we did a webinar, and this one I didn’t promote. I personally texted a couple of people, and I said, “Hey, this is this thing I’m doing. We’re rolling out this new app. It’s going to be really cool, and you may want to be part of it. I’m doing a secret webinar. If you want to come to it, show up.” That was my text, and there was a link to register for the webinar. I only sent it out to maybe twenty people. I had two of my friends send it out. Between all three of us, we maybe sent it out to fifty people – maybe, but probably not even that many, and we specifically said, “Do not tell anybody else about this. This is just for you.”

That night, we had over a hundred people register for the webinar, and about eighty-five of them showed up. Almost everyone showed up, and it was interesting because I was like, “Man, I specifically told you not to invite anybody, but you invited five people.” Each of them did, and it was interesting. We’re doing another one tonight, and it’s been amazing to watch how fast something grows when they’re not supposed to tell anybody about it. And it’s funny.

There’s this new network marketing company rolling out, and they hired me to come and do the sales process and the scripts and stuff. It’s kind of fun. I’ve never been on the inside of a network marketing company to see how something like that rolls out, and how the whole process works, but they are some of the best at using this concept. They’re rolling it out in about two weeks from now, and they’ve been telling people, “Don’t tell anyone about it. Don’t tell anyone about that,” and so specifically nobody’s been able to tell anyone. To learn anything about it, you have to sign an NDA to find out about it.

They’re doing this event in a week from now. Nobody knows what it is still, but they have to pay to come to this event, and they’ve got twenty-five hundred paid people coming to this event without knowing what it is. All they know is they can’t tell anybody, so it’s this interesting...I almost just hit a squirrel. You guys who are listening in live while I’m driving, I barely just missed a squirrel [laughs]. Anyway, it’s interesting the power behind that.

I saw one guy do this with a webinar. It was Trey Smith, in the app industry. He does the same thing. –“I’m doing this webinar. It’s so secretive. If you want to know what it is, you’ve got to sign an NDA.” I don’t know his numbers, but I’m sure his turnout rate was amazing and the sales rates were amazing.

Figure out how you can use that in your business. Figure out if you want to do an event for whatever it is you’re doing – a new rollout of a new product, or a new project, or a new whatever. I promise you, if you tell people that it’s a secret and that they can’t tell anyone else, magically the word of mouth will start working, whereas if you ask somebody, and you bribe someone and you say, “Hey, I’ll pay you twenty bucks to tell your friends,” a lot of times the referral marketing stops there. They don’t tell their friends, but you tell them not to tell anybody and it’s amazing what happens, so that’s kind of an interesting concept.

I’m sure you guys can use that in a lot of different spots in your business. I’m seeing the power of it right now, and it’s fantastic and really exciting. In fact, with the rollout of this network marketing company, their goal is to get a hundred thousand people on NDAs before it ever goes live – a hundred thousand people to sign an NDA to find out about something that they can’t tell anyone else about. That’s the interesting. It’s a powerful strategy, so I hope you guys can use that. I’m going to be using it, and you will see it coming from me in my marketing in the very near future.

Thanks, everybody. Oh yeah, and to end with, I learned from somebody who actually does podcasts a lot that you should always tell people on your podcast to go and to rate your show, so if you’ve like anything you’ve learned so far, please go back to iTunes and rate it. I would appreciate it. This is still a kind of a new project for me, but I’ve noticed we’re in the top, I think, eighty-sixth new and hot podcasts, so we’re rising in the ranks, you guys, so if you’ve enjoyed this at all, or enjoyed any of them, please go and leave some feedback. It would be much appreciated, and I’ll talk to you guys again tomorrow. All right, ‘bye.

Apr 4, 2013

During this podcast you’ll learn the difference between a $100 a month client and a $50,000 a month client (and the funny thing is the work for both is the SAME!)


Hey, everyone. This is Russell Brunson again with the “Marketing in Your Car” podcast from Normally I do these podcasts when I’m driving to work in the morning, but I didn't this morning. Right now, I’m just out driving around actually. I had a cool experience happen today that I wanted to share, because I thought it would be a good lesson for everyone.

I had a chance to go to lunch today with a guy here locally in Boise who does local marketing on a really big scale. He’s a really neat guy. It’s funny, because he’s been in Boise for two years, and I've never even bumped into him or met him. It’s always unique and fun when you meet someone who’s in the same business as what we’re doing. I met with him, had lunch with him, and I had a great time.

I had one take-away at the very end of the conversation that really just jumped out to me. He said, “Russell, there’s no money in local marketing, going to businesses that are B2C. That’s what most people are focusing on. If they’re a local consultant, they’re going after chiropractors, dentists, and things like that. I focus, one hundred percent, on B2B companies. With those kinds of clients, what’s interesting is that basically – let’s say you have a client, and they sell a widget. Maybe for that widget they've got, they've got five or six customers total, but those five or six customers make them $5 million a year. I come in, and I start to work with those kinds of clients. I just have to get them one new client, and when I do, that’s worth a million dollars to them, and so for that, I take a percentage, so maybe $100,000 a year.”

He had one client. –“I have all year to focus on just getting them one client. In that kind of business, you don’t have to worry about SEO, PPC, social media, any of that kind of stuff. All you focus on is getting them another client through whatever means necessary,” and I thought, “Man, that’s interesting. Everyone’s going after these smaller businesses, and obviously people are making money with it, but that’s the hustle – going after smaller businesses, where this guy is doing the exact same business. He’s just focusing on a different market, and he’s got a lot less clients and making a lot more money.”

Anyway, just kind of a big “aha” for me, and it made me think about how in my own business, I’m always sharing stuff with small businesses. That’s been my passion – helping small businesses grow. Then I look at someone like Gary Vaynerchuk, who’s a mentor of mine, and a really neat guy. Gary teaches very similar stuff to what I do. I don’t think he teaches it as well, and I don’t think he executes it as well, to be honest. But one thing that Gary does is he focuses on bigger clients. His average client, I think, pays thirty to fifty thousand dollars a month, where my average clients – our high-end clients are like ten grand a month. It’s just interesting. He’s doing the exact same thing I’m doing. He’s probably not working as hard as I am, but he’s going after a bigger market and a bigger client, and I just thought it was really interesting.

For all of you guys out there, including myself, this was a wake-up call for me today. Just look at who you’re targeting. Who are the customers that you’re going after? Just by shifting who you go after – who else? Just think about this right now. Who else would your product or service help? Think about that. What if you targeted them, instead of just the people you’re currently targeting? Like Gary Vaynerchuk, go and land one client. –“Boom.” You’re making fifty grand a month. This guy I had lunch with today, his name’s Diego. Go out like him, and, “Boom.” Get a client, and get $100,000 contract to get one new client.

We’re all doing the same amount of work anyway. We might as well get paid what we deserve, and so target bigger customers, whatever business you are in. A lot of you guys are selling different things, but just think about that. Right now, if you’re not going after the customer you keep focusing on, who would that new customer be? Hopefully that will be some food for thought for all of you guys. I know it was for me today. It gave me a big wake-up call and got me excited to start looking at my business and start re-picking my target market. It’s going to be a lot of fun.

I hope you guys liked this, and I will talk to you guys again probably tomorrow morning. Have a great night.

Apr 1, 2013

You’ve heard the #1 reason you succeed or fail in real estate is “Location, Location, Location,” but what is the #1 reason when you’re online…?


Good morning, everyone. This is Russell Brunson again, from the “Marketing in Your Car” podcast. For me, the weekend just ended. I hope everyone had a great weekend. I’m rebounding from winter today, and I’m actually wearing shorts to work, so I’m excited.

I want to talk about something that’s on my mind a lot. We had Easter break this weekend, so my family and I went down to where my wife’s parents live. It’s interesting. We live in Boise, Idaho, which isn’t a huge town, but it’s a good-sized town. We drove down two and a half hours to a city called Burley, which is where my wife’s family is from. It’s a lot smaller town, and from there we drove out to a smaller city called Alpine, which has about five hundred people. From there we drove out to this city called Almo, which I think has about eight people in the whole city, and that’s not really exaggerating all that much – literally eight people.

I had some interesting thoughts along the way. First off, we were driving down to Burley, and on the side of the freeway, there’s this hill. I’ve seen this every time we drive by it, and I’ve always wondered what it is. It’s this huge hill, strangely huge, and it looks like something that just popped up out in the middle of nowhere. They have these two huge waterslides coming off of one side, and a zip line that comes off the other side. It’s on the side of the freeway, out in the middle of nowhere. There’s no city within fifteen miles of there – it’s just this random, weird thing. I keep thinking, “What is that?” I always want to stop and go water-sliding down it, but you’ve never see anyone there. It’s just this random thing.

That was the first thing we saw, and then we went out to Almo, which again, is this little podunk city, literally, with a population of eight or nine. We’re driving out there, and all of the sudden, there’s this huge hotel. That’s where we stayed. We called every night for an entire week before someone answered the phone. We were driving down there, literally, and someone finally answered the phone, and they go, “Oh yeah, we’ve got tons of rooms. Come stay.” We go and stay at this place. We’re the only people staying there. There’s nobody else. It’s just interesting.

My brother-in-law was down there with us. We were hanging out with him. His family owns one of the local banks, and he told me that both of those projects – the big huge hill on the side of the road – that the people had come in and tried to finance with them. They turned them down, because they said, “Look, nobody is going to go to a random water slide on the side of the freeway where there’re no exits close by [laughs]. There’s no city.” They turned the guy down. The guy was all excited. He was so passionate. He knew it would be huge, so he went and borrowed money from his friends and family, built this huge waterslide thing, and apparently it went bankrupt because nobody could even get to it. Literally, there’s not an exit close by. I don’t know how you’d even get to it.

The other one was this little hotel in the middle of the desert that the bank actually did finance. There’re probably twenty rooms or so. There’re more rooms in this hotel than there are people in the city, and it’s not like there’s a tourist spot close. It got me really thinking about how so many times, we get passionate about an idea, and we think it’s the greatest thing in the world, so we go and we dump all of this money and time and effort into something when there’s nobody around. In the real estate days, they used to always say that the most important thing about real estate is “location, location, location.” I remember hearing that from my dad when I was a kid. Now obviously for this, these guys built a waterslide hill on the side of the freeway – horrible location. Nobody shows up. Bankrupt. These other guys found this little city with a population of eight and decided it would be a great spot for a hotel. The spent probably a million bucks building this hotel, and guess what? Nobody shows up. Location, location, location.

So how does that relate to you guys? When we used to do our big high-end seminars – some of you guys probably came to them. We used to do seminars where we would charge between five and ten thousand dollars for people to come to our office in Boise. We’d spend three days working on their business, and I’d say half of the time, if not more, people would come to these businesses, that they weren’t businesses – there was no market. One guy I remember vividly. I felt bad for the guy. He spent ten grand to come. I tried to talk him out of it, but he kept telling me, “I want to create a product to sell to Boy Scout leaders, because there’re X amount of Boy Scout leaders across America, blah, blah, blah. Nobody else is tapping into this market,” and I said, “The reason no one taps into it is because there’s not a market there. Boy Scout leaders usually aren’t really getting paid for that. They’re volunteers. They’re not going to spend their own hard-earned money to go and buy more stuff to learn how to become a better Scout Master, unfortunately. I wish they would, but they just don’t. It doesn’t really go hand-in-hand.”

The way I look at this is, in the real estate world, its location, location, location. In our world, it’s, “You’ve got to find a hot market ahead of time.” I luckily learned this lesson early on when I bought a product from Frank Kern and Ed Dale called “The Underachiever Method”. In fact, two years ago I bought that whole company, and I bought that brand from them because I was so passionate about it. I still am. We’re going to be publishing it as a book and a bunch of other really cool stuff here in the near future.

One of the core things they taught in The Underachievers Method was that there’re basically three steps. Step number one is to find a hot market. Step number two is to ask them what they want. Step number three is to give it to them. So many of us go around and do it backwards, where we will have an idea for a product. We go and create the product. We spend time and energy and money and effort creating the product, and then we go and try to sell it, and ninety percent of the time, there’s no market there.

In my business, we’ve been really trying to reverse engineer it, and go the other way. Find the hot market first, find out what they want, and then create it. That’s how we found our diabetic supplement. We went out there – and I don’t know anything about diabetes. In fact, ours is a niche within diabetes. It’s neuropathy. I don’t know anything about neuropathy, but we were able to find out that there’s a market there. People are buying stuff, and so we went, and we found out what they wanted. They wanted a natural supplement, and so, “Boom,” we created it.

We did it the correct way. Find a hot market. Ask them what they want, and then give it to them, as opposed to what most of us do, which is have a product idea, create it, and then go try and shove it down people’s throats. For people that are doing that, you’re just like that dude on the side of the road with the huge waterslide, and nobody’s around. It’s important to sell stuff you’re passionate about, but that’s not the first step. The first step is to find that market. Find the group of rabid, hungry buyers first, and after you’ve found it, then, again, it’s not like you go and create something. Find out what they want. Ask them questions.

If you find that existing traffic stream, you can put up what we used to call fly catcher pages. We’d put up a little page, and say, “What’s your number one question about this topic? What’s the most important thing? What’s the number one thing you’re trying to do? The number one struggle with your diabetes?” or whatever it might be. You ask people that, and they let you know, and then you create the product. Just like in real estate, it’s location, location, location. In Internet marketing world, it’s find a hot market – the market, the market, the market.

So I just want to encourage you guys that wherever you are in your path right now, if you haven’t started yet, make sure that you’re doing it the right way. Find the hot market first. If you already have a business, and you’re trying to grow it, go out there and start looking for those markets. Go and find the place that there’re already people at and set up shop there.

Another thing – we were in Albion, and these guys were building this beautiful bed and breakfast, out in Albion, Idaho, population, again, three hundred or something like that. I was like, “Why? You’ve got to spend the same amount of money building a bed and breakfast in Albion as you would in Boise. Why wouldn’t you build in Boise where people are actually at, and people are visiting and traveling to?” I think the only visitors to Albion each year are my wife and I, because we have family there, but most people aren’t going to Albion. It’s going to be very difficult to keep that bed and breakfast busy all year round, but for whatever reason, people fall so in love with the idea, they fall in love with the location, that they do crazy things that just don’t make sense logically from a business standpoint.

For you, I want you guys to be thinking logically. I don’t want you to fall in love with a product. You can fall in love with a market, because you know that there’s so much traffic, there’s so much business, and so many people there, and if you do that, then you’re going to be fine, but if you go about it the other way around, and you spend all of your effort building the most perfect product in the world and hope that there’s a market later, you’re going to be sorely disappointed when you find out that you’ve spend a lot of time and a lot of energy.

That is my rant for today. I’m now at my office. I’m planning to have a really exciting day today, so I hope you guys enjoyed this and I hope that you got some value out of it, and we will talk to you guys all soon.